A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
24 days left til I get married
Somebody, give me ideas to live out my manhood before I get married...that is all.
24 replies
Damian (1025 D Mod)
20 Apr 13 UTC
A WTA Challenge (Beginning May 1st)
Alright You liverwort loving cockatrices, I'm looking for a challenge. A WTA classic game for those brave enough to face this rugged seasoned professional.

So how about it, are ya lily livers up to it?
Only the best and brightest need apply. So if you think you have the balls for it, sit down and we'll wrangle out the timeframe and conditions.
3 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Diplomacy Etiquette
If someone makes a game and states in the title that it's "for noobs" why are people with 400 and 500 D, who have played that variant multiple times joining? Not going to name any names, but it happened recently and I don't understand it. Do these people just say "Well, this look like an easy way for me to get more points." Is there anything that can be done to stop it from happening? Maybe if there was a script that can tell if you've played that variant more than once in the past?
55 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
18 Apr 13 UTC
1066 V3 final suggestions
Last call for improvements. See post below.
11 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
18 Apr 13 UTC
Feature clarification request: Special NMR-CD-phase-extend
“This special rule sends a country into civil disorder (CD) if it does not enter an order (NMR) and extend the phase so a replacement can be found. This works on all phases of a turn (diplomacy, retreat, build). Be careful, this might lead to locked games, if players leave and no replacement is found.”
10 replies
plantimus (1460 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
HOF System
I like the new system but is anyone else seeing problems? I've got a game listed that I never played..
4 replies
Philcore (968 D)
17 Apr 13 UTC
Question about reliability rating
Are some games excluded? I finished a 1v1 game and there were 23 phase changes, but right now the only phases I'm getting "credit" for are in my standard game.

Also, how many phases before I'm no longer a rookie?
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
16 Apr 13 UTC
Feature: weekday games oppinions needed....
Hi all. I want to introduce a new games-setting but I'm unsure about the implementation.
We have the most CDs over the weekend, because people do not log in that regularly on the weekend.
24 replies
Ripping off Butterhead's Idea
So Butterhead decided to launch an anniversary game to mark 3 years as a Diplo-dican. I realized that my second anniversary was on March 17, so I've decided to do the same. It's classic WTA, but with a 66% win condition (23SCs), 36 hr turns but early finalizing is encouraged, especially for retreats and build/destroy phases, and 90%+RR and at least 100 phases under your belt to play.
25 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
14 Mar 13 UTC
Fast WWIV game,
I would like to play a rather fast WWIV game, preferably with a 12-hour Phase but it could be more, like 16 hours for example, if players prefer.
Who would please be interested in playing such a game ?
39 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
Fog of War orders page
See below
8 replies
Synapse (814 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
New cover picture
Which variant is the new cover picture for vdip?
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cypeg (2619 D)
15 Apr 13 UTC
Oli, can you make a WW4 fog of war variant?
Just an idea!
7 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
15 Apr 13 UTC
Boston terrorist attack
BOSTON, Massachusetts USA Patriots Day bombings at the annual multi-nation Marathon finish line killed 2, 50 + some critical, some amputations
MULTIPLE Large US Cities on high alert
2 replies
Halt (2077 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Tournaments. Tournaments everywhere.
Seems like there's a tournament craze starting, or is it just me?
2 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
biggest fog of war game!
need 6 others to join this gunboat, WTA game. ends in autumn 1910 (person with most SCs wins)
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Gen. Lee (997 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Webdiplomacy vs. Vdiplomacy
Tournament - discuss.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
At the moment its only 8 games, 4 classic, 2 modern, 2 American Empire games.

There will probably be more, depending on the number of people who sign up.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
hopefully more people sign up :D this sounds like a fun idea to me.
Halt (2077 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
I think more players would appreciate WWIV as opposed to Known World. But then again, why can't we play both?
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Hi, I'm new to the site and interested in playing some games ... What's all this controversy between this site and webdip?
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
There used to be a site called phpdiplomacy back on the day, what happened to that one?
spyman (1072 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
phpdiplomacy changed its name to webdiplomacy. Same site different name.
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Spyman, thanks for the clarification. What about this site though? It looks an awful like web diplomacy. Do oli and Kestas know each other?
spyman (1072 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
phpdiplomacy is open source. Anyone can build a site based on the code. webdiplomacy has quite a few sibling sites. For example there was/is a site on Facebook (not sure if it is still running as I quit Facebook ages ago), plus there are a few foreign language sites (Korean and Japanese sites for example).

This site is all about variants, whereas webdiplomacy is mainly about the standard game.
spyman (1072 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Yes Oli and Kestas know each other.
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Cool, thanks again spyman. I'm particularly interested in the build anywhere variant. That sounds fun.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
14 Apr 13 UTC
A lot of variants are designed with the build anywhere feature which can help gameplay significantly depending on the variant (like WWIV when you have a billion units and potentially a ton of builds). I hope you enjoy the site and get addicted like may of us :P
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Spartan, will you join my new build anywhere game?
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Spyman, will join my first game?
bozo (2302 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
If the details ever get worked out, I would be interested in playing for VDip.
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Sadly nobody on webdiplomacy is interested.
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
@faces - not true. We can drum up support for this.

Hell, ill play, I'm in the 80s GR for April!
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
@faces stop being an elitist banker and join my first game!
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
I was hoping posts referencing webdiplomacy trolls would stay on webdiplomacy :P
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
I guess that was a meta troll then?
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
lol, as to why I wont join the game, its because I'm not a big fan of the build anywhere variant, nor am I a fan of semi-anon games, so while I will look forward to playing with you in the future, it wont be in your first game of the site.
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Ok fair enough. Never having played a build anywhere, I'm looking forward to it.
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
I thought someone would be more interested in playing different maps, rather then playing a game with just a rule variation.
Halt (2077 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
TBH, the first time I got here, i wanted to try Grey Press and 7 islands the most. Variations of Classic look more appealing initially because there's some familiarity. Breaking into new territory is always a little intimidating.
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
@fasces, I need to start slowly, play something familiar, but with a twist to it. I'll work up to the other variants :-)
dk7 (1160 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
How do you join this?
achillies27 (1068 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Well, I posted interest about this on web diplomacy....
I'd like to play for webdip :)
my all time gr is I think around 200...
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
First ones I played were 1v1s, I created an account here during an argument on facebook over who was the better strategist and Butterhead recommended a 1v1. The next few games after that were Pure Silence games (Pure, Anon, GB. Everyone having one territory and a gunboat is hilarious)

Can't remember any other games in my early career, because after a few months the site got moved from olidip to vdip and the stats were cleared.

Team Webdip:
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
I just checked my all time GR and it's 255. So I'm in the top byte, barely.
Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
I've spent the last hour or so reading up on the variants ... Damn, you guys got it going on! I had no idea there were so many. I'm excited to try some more out. The fog of war sounds really cool. And the duos ... I feel like a kid in a candy store!
Anon (?? D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
You have the balls?

take over this gunboat France

By the way, since it's FoW, the current status is unknown...

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Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
philcore's first game
Who will grace me with their presence in my first ever vdip game?
Anon, full press, build anywhere 10 pts. Message me for password
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Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
Question about HoF
Early this evening I played a game of Dutch Revolt with a few others and we drew before anyone was eliminated. My HoF rating went up 2, but if you click the gameID on my HoF page, it says no ones rating changed. Is there something wrong with the page, or should my rating have not changed? (I'm now #16 for reference)
7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Utter Chaos : EOG thread
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Are you experienced?
Do you have what it takes to play against the greats over at web diplomacy at their own variants? Feel ready for the strong diplomacy and sweet words followed by a Stab in the back? Well, now is your chance to practice! Join the sandgoose classic!
6 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
04 Apr 13 UTC
Mobile Diplomacy Application
I know how there are plenty of apps out there, what are the odds a diplomacy app could be made? Thoughts?
11 replies
Halt (2077 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Live games
Why are Lives games (not counting 1 v 1) almost non-existent in VDip?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Live Games

2 player quick game
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
That one reinstatement thread
Anyone see that webdip thread... Promising maybe? No chance get back there?
52 replies
AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Feature suggestion
I wonder what folks think about, or if it's even possible, to put in a private group chat option? In short, it would let you send an identical message to a group of nations that you'd like to keep secret from the others for the purposes of coordinating group assaults. I think it'd be especially useful for a cabal of smaller, shrinking powers to coordinate moves against a globally powerful threat.

What do you all think?
40 replies
Vargh (1159 D (B))
05 Apr 13 UTC
Is it just my imagination or has the number of multis drastically increased? Does anybody know why?
17 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Colonial 1885 test game.
Hey guys, please join my test game on the lab. It's called Colonial1885Test, we need 10 players so please join!
48 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Speaking of such, Oli, how is your baby?! O___o
5 replies
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
05 Apr 13 UTC
Game of thrones
Game of thrones board game is based on diplomacy game it seems. That could implicate that diplomacy variant made on Game of thrones stage could be very interesting playing experience. Who would not like to beet evil Lannisters with grey Starks little armies. One problem could be that in Game of thrones navies did not play important role, while in diplomacy navies are crucial for victory.
38 replies
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