A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
07 May 12 UTC
"Left and Taken Over"
What does this mean? How can it exist in a two person game?
7 replies
Bad Jokes/memes thread.
I used to know better jokes... but then I took an arrow to the knee!
(essentially, trolls can troll here, people can mute it, and everyone is happy)
58 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Nmr solution?
I know this has been discussed a lot but is there a way where a game won't proceed until a replacement is found. Steps have been made where one can transfer his game to someone else and kudos for that. But not all playerds do so or know so.
It is just that Im tired of working my ass off to kill good players and some amateur who got lucky to be in a region surrounded with more amateurs and nmr states to win the game without a sweat.
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Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
05 May 12 UTC
Guaroz, I like your "comparison with Original Bet" option since bidding to TO CD's is infeasible.

@ cypeg, goldfinger: Thanks to one of the recent features Oli added (as he hinted at), you can now choose goldfinger's suggestion as a game option. (I must say though Oli, I am slightly at a loss for what the settings mean. Does 0,0 mean an NMR immediately becomes a CD and CD's are never replaced because there are no extends? And does 1,1 mean that one NMR is allowed, a second becomes a CD, and only on the first turn is the phase replayed to try to find a replacement? It seems some examples might be handy in the New Game menu to explain the function of each setting)

@ cypeg, all others interested: I'd be willing to help test drive Oli's new feature. We'll have to recruit some newbies and/or low RR players to the game too as I won't be NMRing to provide the test case though.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
05 May 12 UTC
Delays are far more damaging and confusing to a game than NMRs are. NMRs are a part of the game. If you really want to avoid them, the best way is compete amongst reliable players, and to asses harsh sactions for NMRs, particularly to perpetual offenders, and those that abandon games because they are suddenly doing poorly. By sticking a lasting label/stigma on the players fouling up the game for the rest us we can discourage this behavior, and more easily recognize players to be excluded form serious games.

Getting into complex systems of delays and replacments is overeaching at the real issue, and kills game dynamic and generates apathy. Basic accountability is the answer to policing and preventing NMRs.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
05 May 12 UTC
@ Leif. Yeah, your "bidding" idea was fantastic. Pity it isn't doable.

@ Ruffhaus. Preventing NMRs is what the RR is for. RR is the tool that asses sanctions to any "offender". From time to time, Oli releases a new, more effective, updated RR version and/or asks the community for new ideas, by opening a thread fot that purpose.
NMRs, and hence CDs, have been significantly reduced by the RR but, unluckily, they still exist.
So, how to make CD replacements easier and quicker, without delays, is exactly what we're discussing about, here, from 10 days ago on. Many causes have been found and several solutions have been proposed. Why don't you read them and tell us your opinion? C'mon! :)
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
05 May 12 UTC
@RUFFHAUS: That's why the default is 1/1. Means during the first turn you get one extend. Because these early NMRs usually get the other players to cancel the game. People can enter what other turns/extends they want, so everyone can experiment a bit with the different settings. In a few month we can discuss what combinations work and what not and change this in a dropdown-menue.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 May 12 UTC
If you want people to take on these CD positions, you have to address the steep cost of the bet to get into the games. Most of these abandonened positions are bleak enough on their own, but with some effort and care they can can be a lot of fun to play. However, when you have a points based system that virtually assures a player of losing points for taking on CD positions, why would anyone do it? I'm not sure if this has been suggested or not, but in my view if the buy in cost were cut in half, I would certainly be much more tempted to take up mercy replacement positions for the sheer challenge of survival. It's a great way to learn the game and practice your skills operating under duress and long odds. I once played for over a year taking on only abandoned positions. It's not great for your won/loss ratio if you are paying attention to that, but it makes you a better player, and it's an investment in the community that yields better games.

Yeah, I get the 1/1 extend feature, and in some cases it's okay. But the reality of online Diplomacy is that NMRs happen. The best way to manage them is to separate the occurences where a player simply misses a deadline from those who quit games after something goes wrong. I like the concept of the RR, and over time that should help to weed out the quitters.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 May 12 UTC
Yes, Ruffhaus, "half-bet" was one of the first solutions that has been suggested, for the reasons you said. About the reasons (causes) of people not Taking Over CD-positions, in my Sat 28 Apr post there's a small recap of all has been said about it. After finding enough causes and put them in 5 Groups, we started find solution for Group 1 (CDed position are not worth the buy-in.) and the obvious generic solution is "Making the TO-price smaller". The question now is...HOW?
Several solutions have been proposed. The best (a bidding auction) has been discarded because Oli said it's not doable. "Half bet" has been turned into "Half bet with threshold" to solve some issues with the lowest worth positions. So, at the moment, there are 3 solutions still "alive":

1. All TO-prices are 0 D;
2. "Half-bet with threshold"
3. "Comparison with original bet"

And this is a very small recap of what has been said about them (you'd better read previous posts):
1. Very simple and quite effective: most of CD-positions would be TOed in a while. But giving away a Country for free has some drawbacks, IE having one player in the game who has "nothing to lose" could encourage weird behaviours. Basically: if a position is not worthless, it shouldn't be totally costless. There's a reason why you pay points to play.
2. Simple and very effective in majority of cases. But it has faults as the pot of game raises, because a fixed thresold can be good for some group of games and bad for another. Basically: if you fix a low threshold it would be ineffective for high-stakes games and viceversa. Also, there are wide price- "steps" that create paradoxes.
3. You could call it also "60%-bet with a floating and progressive threshold". The threshold floats depending on how high was the original bet, so there can't be screwed positions that are expensive or good positions costless. Also, since it's progressive, there are no "steps" and no paradoxes. All TO-prices are always good and as much appealing as possible. So it's very effective in almost any case but.... it's rather complicated to explain how it works.
cypeg (2619 D)
14 May 12 UTC
I decided to play a new game. Spring turn goes well. then in fall one player failed to submit orders. Build face; still nmr. He is out. Year two: Someone takes over. He communicates with me. Spring turn..that someone fails to submit orders! retreats: few hours left but no order submitted!!

I wonder if we can have a feature where a game is automatically canceled if someone nmrs in the first two years.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 May 12 UTC
Sometimes I had your same feeling, cypeg, but this kind of solution might be the cause of even more discussion than the current solution: let the game going on and hope someone takes over.
cypeg (2619 D)
14 May 12 UTC
What are the odds of a player nmring and his replacement to nmr too? :)
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 May 12 UTC
I can't quantify that, but I remember it has happened in my games at least twice
ezpickins (1717 D)
14 May 12 UTC
Cypeg must be in a game with me.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
14 May 12 UTC
"a game is automatically canceled if someone nmrs in the first two years."

Say a player made a bad first turn or a bad first year (too little allies, too many players gangin up on him, misorders or mistakes etc..). What are the odds he will purposely NMR to have the game canceled? I bet all the Anons and all the WTAs. It's better have a game canceled than a "defeat" in your stats. Why continue playing a game you did poor the first turns? You even got your points back! :-)

They go CD now that they have a 'left' in stats and lose their points. Imagine what they could do if they can NMR without consequences. We should not encourage NMRs.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
15 May 12 UTC
My 2 cents worth,
Ruffhaus and Cypeg hit it on the head. I have looked over many games to pick up and the intro cost is just too expensive, you can't gain much and yet you are really doing a favor to keep the game going normally.It should be made in such a fashion that you have players begging to grab a pick up game, no matter what if you have a one sc country, nobody wants to pick it up, make it free, chances of a pick up will rise.
I have gained from NMR's I have lost due to NMR's, it can be a game changer, I hate them, make it easy for players to pick up CD countries.
Oli if you can do anything...............................

103 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
09 May 12 UTC
Prestige- Redux
Its going to be a little while before I start up the Prestige Series again (recently we canceled the first round) So I decided to get the discussion going now about how to best going about restarting it when the time comes.

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Nemesis17 (1709 D)
14 May 12 UTC
just another original game anyone want to join?
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 May 12 UTC
semi live 3 way game?
hi anyone online for a "live" 3 way (or bigger) game?
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
13 May 12 UTC
OMG... I was over at webdip recently...
and damned if they only had 3 variants to play... I feel positively spoiled for choice...
love it over here!
+ I don't have to listen to the craziness of the forums over there.
13 replies
titop1988 (1022 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
new game colombia needed for start
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titop1988 (1022 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
new game
please join
1 reply
ezpickins (1717 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Known Battle EOG
well played game by mr. L4P1D4
2 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Just wanted to say that the RR system is absolutely brilliant
There's an ongoing discussion on webDip on how to help solve NMR/CD issues, and it reminded me of the RR system here. Great system! Oli did a wonderful job implementing it and all of y'all who did the theorywork (not me, sad to say I wasn't involved) really did a good job. I'm hoping to see it implemented on webDiplomacy soon.
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 May 12 UTC
Home page thread
As a compromise solution among the need to keep a reasonable level of advertisement and visibility for standard games and the need to save the games from the issues coming from talking about pre-games and on-going games on forum I’m proposing a small “upgrading” of the current home page.
5 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Can't input a move
I'm trying to support myself into a territory, I'll give details if necessary, but it won't let me.
I input the support move, where to move to, but it won't let me pick where to support from. Any help?
8 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
06 May 12 UTC
Smoke Signal Diplomacy!
I came up with this while talking bullshit in the new variant...
So, the only way to communicate is with smoke signals: you send a message in a certain territory and everybody 1/2 territories away can read it...
What do you think people? Haven't really spent much time on this yet...
11 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Is Gopher the biggest A@@HOLE on this site?
So in my last game, which was anon, I was told that I was universally known to be the biggest A**H**E on this site. I can't express in words my sense of accomplishment. To have such a force of personality that people who have never played me can identify me in an anon game and to be so described on a site with RoxArt and Mythos on it........feel free to vote below.
35 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Is there such thing as a Featured Game
I've noticed a few mentions to "featured games" in a few posts, but I've never seen anything of the sort. Do they exist, and if they do, where would I find them?
8 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Banned multis count in stats?
Do multi's winning games after being banned count in Vdip statistics?
1 reply
joepo12 (679 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live game - starts in 30 minutes
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Strider (1604 D)
09 May 12 UTC
anon games
How to promote anon games? With out giving away id...
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The Czech (1921 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live Gunboat starts in 1 hour
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 May 12 UTC
'Winning!' EoG Thread
This space is reserved for EoGs from gameID=7006. I'll probably put mine up this afternoon.
7 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Convoy possibility lists
On some maps, the convoy list can get incredibly long to the point that it's really hard to find where you want to go. Would it be possible to alphabetize those lists to make it a little easier?
2 replies
12hr turn Europe game, one space left

Someone join pl0x?
Only 1hr30 left until it begins
0 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Winning (spiteful version)
This is the mean and nasty version of Third to Last Person to post Wins. Instead of winning, the third to last person to post loses! Be mean and vindictive to others! (In a fun, friendly way.)
19 replies
War is Hell
WW4 map, pick your own countries, EoG=200.
30 replies
My first 1v1 and my first 1v1 win.
Thanks, fuzzy, for the game. Of course, i might not have gotten it had fuzzy not missed Spring 01, but he still got 2 builds that turn and it was a successful dislodgment that got a fleet behind his line that did it for me.
7 replies
BosephJennett (1204 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Who knew I was such a baller?
Suddenly, all of my games are featured games with some of the highest stakes on the server. This is surprising to me, since they all range in value from 60-150 D.
6 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Help: Extend Please
Kind of an emergency, I don't want this game ruined because of it
Extend please, some people have already made orders but haven't extended.
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
07 May 12 UTC
Variant Idea?
I was playing a gunboat (not on here) the other day, and I've realised that, although it takes away a lot of the Diplomacy aspects of the game, there is still a lot present in the Support-Holds and Support-Moves of other nations.
Would it be possible to make a classic variant where you could not support move or support hold any unit but your own?
7 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Real Viking
3 players needed gameID=7402
VIKING Gunboat
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