A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Chaos: winning one year anniversary
Public Press only, 34 sc win condition, minimum reliability rating of 85%, join up!
4 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Never trust "experts" or "professionals"
The more you learn the more you realize that it is all smoke and mirrors.....and laziness.
9 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Question on variant page
In the variant description it speaks of turn length. is this years? movement turns? I would like to propose that it be changed to __ game years, to avoid Dip33 asking "it takes 14 years to finish this game?0.o"
14 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
13 Mar 12 UTC
one more player!
0 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
A Quick Question About Viking Dip
I was just wondering something about the viking map after observing it, why does it only take 26 supply centers, when there are 85 total on the map?
24 replies
Neil (957 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
So anyone want to play...
World War IV with 123 SCs to win? :) (50% +1)
7 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
Just Some Ideas I had....
Hey guys, I'd like to get your opinions on some ideas I've had since there has been a lot of variant ideas floating around. I've been wanting to get into design, but I'm not sure how far I will get or how much time I'm going to have available (busy time this year, College starts in the fall) anyway I'd just like to get all your take on some ideas I've had.

35 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Statistics and usefulness
I find stats really useful. However they do not represent real games. And this is important for a variant map designer. That is if France wins a lot in my variant then some changes ought to be made. but stats here should not represent games with NMR's and changed VCs
1 reply
cypeg (2619 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
colonial rule?
Is there a game or way to implement the colonial rule?

That is you assign the build you want to take place next year in a non-home supply center if that center is open and in your ownership.
Alternatively, builds are only valid for home supply centers
0 replies
Myself538 (1018 D)
14 Feb 12 UTC
New Variant Ideas
Post ideas for new/better/improvements to make on existing variants, or ones yet to be created here. I would do it Myself (no pun intended) but I don't have the time. If your a variant creator/inventor, you might want to check here for good ideas.
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King Atom (1186 D)
16 Feb 12 UTC
The convoying of fleets would also be near impossible in real life, simply because you would have to take apart several ships piece by piece, ship them to another location, and reassemble nearly 200 tons of metal into what you hope will still float. Yes, we could do it if we really wanted to, but doesn't seem like a good idea......
NikeFlash (979 D)
16 Feb 12 UTC
Really KA, a lot of these variants are not possible in the real world, even the maps that you make are not all based in reality. When would England and Turkey ever square off without encountering a third party? Like most of the classic variants it would make for a more interesting game.
EightfoldWay (1027 D)
16 Feb 12 UTC
There's a difference between something not following a geopolitical or economic reality (for instance, Elsaß-Lothringen is French even in the standard board) and something not following the laws of physics. The latter is a far more egregious error.

The Korean War (either 1950s or present-day) board is interesting. I'd also be interested in seeing a Cold War European map or especially a global Cold War map. The former would naturally be two-player, whereas the latter could be two-player (capitalist vs. communist nations), three-player (add the Non-Aligned Movement), or even four-player (capitalist states, Soviet bloc, Chinese bloc, and NAM).
Myself538 (1018 D)
17 Feb 12 UTC
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
@KA: cool SA map, but without Germany?
Convoying fleets across land via armies only works on very very old school maps (like Ancient Egypt/Near East old school), back when a "navy" consisted of a bunch of dudes on wooden boats shooting bows and arrows at each other and boarding one another. For an industrialized state like all the states we see in Diplomacy games, that's just not feasible.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
Why not?
industrialised sates have railways and like the fleets also put the army into smaller pieces and convoy them part by part, the sips can also be madeinto smaller parts and tsansported on the railway...
(really bad english, but i gave my best)

Aside from the fact that one can't just disassemble and reassemble ships like that, even if one could, this would necessitate railways being built on each province in question. It's just not practical to include modern fleets being convoyed over land.

Like I said, if you want this kind of feature, your best bet is some kind of Ancient Egyptian/Ancient Near East variant.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
Of course you can?
They even set whole HOUSES like that from one place to another...
^.^ didn't seriously just compare transporting a house across a highway to transporting a battleship across a railroad...
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
The statue of Liberty was transported too!
...that still doesn't mean you can disassemble battleships, transport them hundreds of miles, and rebuild them with a single army regiment in a few months' time.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Feb 12 UTC
Let's use history as a guide somewhat:

The USS Iowa was laid down on the 27th of June, 1940. It was launched on August 27, 1942. That's 2 years and 2 months just to build a single battleship. The time required to disassemble a ship and transport it cross-country and then rebuild it? Surely much longer.

Analysis: President Eden is correct. If on any sort of a modern map (WWI included), this type of transport simply isn't anywhere close to realistic to perform in a single turn.

Now on the older map dating hundreds and thousands of years ago? This might be feasible. There is historical evidence for armies carrying small (and I mean like canoe small) boats across land. It's called portage. As for larger ships? I don't know if it's ever been done. That's not to say it's not feasible, but one turn might not have been. If there's a wish for it to be implemented, perhaps it's a year long project?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
New concept: someone makes a star wars map so you have big battleshps able to go everywhere...
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Feb 12 UTC
Now THAT, I can support! : )
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
so: who wants to make a star wars map?
any volunteers?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Feb 12 UTC
orathaic (952 D)
17 Feb 12 UTC
on the issue of convoying... just for completeness. I believe the idea is that you have actual transport ships in place to move the armies, which consist entirely of men (and maybe some horses) it is 1901 after all, the first tank has not yet been invented.

The fleets invovled in the convoy spend their time protecting it, and thus are unable to provide support for their neighbours nor attack neighbouring enemies.

There is no hoping from one fleet to the next for an entire army of men, and this also goes some way to explain why the convoyed units move so fast (but not why fleets can't move faster... the normal convoy ship was able to travel from barents sea to east med in under 4-6 months (assuming that's the amount of time a turn takes)

Marching men across enemy terrain would take much longer.
orathaic (952 D)
17 Feb 12 UTC
I'm thinking of developing a few 5 player unbalanced maps (based on the classic map, and with the same home center if i can swing it)

I was thinking of a 12 center russia, with 4 3/4 center opponents.

One idea is to create a game with automatic alliances/teams, which of course the players can feel free to ignore.

Alternatively (and this will take longer, and i'm less inclined to write the code) is to create scenarios where each player has different goals/missions.

For example, the 12 center player would be aiming for a solo, meanwhile the other major powers would be hoping for a draw, and at the bottom of the heap, the minor powers consider even a survival as a major miracle (and thus earn points from surviving)

differing victory conditions to match the unfairness of the setup.
King Atom (1186 D)
17 Feb 12 UTC
This has gotten out of hand.....

Now back to the original topic:
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
18 Feb 12 UTC
Not really KA, orathaic is most definitely talking about variant ideas.

On topic, I've always thought that a particularly interesting period to make a variant/map about would the the Collapse of the Khmer Empire in south-east Asia. Complete with impassable terrain, and quasi inland lakes/rivers/sea regions, it would provide quite a canvas for the intrepid designer...
Myself538 (1018 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
back to my statement, just tie a couple of ropes to the front of the ship, like Jack Sparrow, and pull! He made it over land. I understand, realisticly, it would be hard to dissassemble then reassemble a ship in a few months time, but, it might be posible to do so. Convoying a fleet from Venice to Rome would save lots of time. I understand your concerns that it wouldn't be posible. Also, so variant ideas, a better WWII map(not that i hate the new one, haven't played it yet) and posibly a space map, could or could not be a Star Wars theme, be like planetary battles, like small islands (planets) and then use space battleships to convoy armies from planet to planet? It would definatly emphasize the convoying section, but it could be like a world map scale w/ lots of players SC's and "planets".
ODaly (1080 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
I think if there's ever an outer space variant, it needs some way to represent a three-dimensional field.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
18 Feb 12 UTC
I have an interplanetary variant in the works, and if you would like to contribute (more hands the better & more likely it will be released later this year), please feel free to do so. I'm happy'ish with Mars, but any/all work on Venus, Pluto and Luna would be greatly appreciated.

(of course everyone who works on & assists in this project will be acknowledged)

here's the link:

steephie22 (933 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
way more randomness: you have a risk board and every players get's 3 or 4 territories randomly which would be his SCs, maybe some neutrals also randomly...
would make every game truly different...
and i've been thinking about this one:
every SC has a resource, either for normal units (no fleets, but army includes tanks so didn't want to say that...), tank divisions or missiles, so 3 resources, spread over the SCs and every turn you get one resource of the one displayed by the SCs you're in, when you ahve enough resources you could build the units, normal units 1 resource, tanks 5, missiles 10 (of their own resource of course), then, there's no supporting thing, and when 2 infantry divisions (just thought of that, instead of normal units) face eachother they both die, same counts for 2 tank divisions, for inf. vs tank tank wins, and missiles could be fired one time and kill all units on 1 territory...

all numbers i just made up and might not be balanced yet...

few extra rules not mentioned yet:
more units are allowed on the same territory
units that die obviously get disbanded, no retreating in this game...

taking all SCs seems perfectly fine to me since then you could change the tide near the end when you finally get that missile...

draws are still a possibility...

so, that was it, it's not diplomacy anymore really but it's a nice and diplomatic game to me and it shouldn't be extermely hard to change, the resources might be but then you could decide you can't stock them and/or there is only one resource...
or inf has to be placed immediatly...
or everything as soon as you get it, missiles being stand-by i guess...

i've made it for risk-board with random start but again don't know wether that's fair or anything...

other ideas: involve planes, they move faster, they are maybe stronger but can't take SCs, or they can only support, and of course they can fly above both land and sea... could be added to above or just this variant...

i think that was all, if it's too hard for this site or something then i would still like maps and additional/different rules, to play with friends...

if anyone knows another place to say this tell...
ezpickins (1717 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
Solar 3901 is a space Variant I have found, but have been unable to locate the rules. but it involves the motion of the planets through their orbits, and there are four moves per year to go with the seasons of Terra.
steephie22 (933 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
and i can't wait for the one with 4 planets...
steephie22 (933 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
though maybe it should be considered to make lots of more differences between the planets, pluto gets less countries, such things...
it's way to hard to make an account on that forum :)
butterhead (1272 D)
18 Feb 12 UTC
@steephie22- first of all, 3 units is not currently possible... second- don't you think that may take away from Diplomacy a little bit?

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gman314 (1016 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
Target SC count
Looks interesting. Although in Fubar, fatflap starts with 10 SCs and 18 are required for victory. So, the minimum number of SCs is greater than the default setting. Interesting.
6 replies
MarshallDavout (1049 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
Alright Will
Hi Mr Golightly, Sir.
0 replies
2 replies
nikat (987 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
Game stopped
England-Turkey duel appears as won in 1902, how can it be?
9 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
10 Mar 12 UTC
Is a "badass"?
9 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
The Variant With the Weird Boxes....
Is kind of messed up...

And yes, I am referring to the fact that their is a French fleet sitting in the corner of the map.
2 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
The Metagames
This was done on webdiplomacy way back when and some of us (myself and Kaner) tried to bring it over to here, that attempt was unsuccessful. However given that this site is a lot larger then it was a year ago, I think its time to try again.
For a list of rules see inside.
17 replies
I am having trouble getting the Holy Hand Grenade on Team Fortress 2
Can someone help me. I can't seem to manage to get it.
4 replies
American Civil War Live Game -- Join!

Don't know where to put this, I just joined from webDiplomacy.
4 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC

-Palermo (SC) will replace Sicily while Bari will become Apulia (Non-SC) again.
-Fleets in Palermo, Sevastopol, and Angora
3 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
this one will use 5mins per day of your time
come on reliable players, join gameID=6754
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
Glitch on youngstown

there seems to be a problem, Saigon was supposed to go into the Gulf of Thailand, but for some reason it ended up in the North Atlantic
7 replies
Rancher (1128 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
bug 1939?
Holland to Bel w/ a support did not work?

8 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
I can't submit orders.

I can't submit orders in this game. When I view my orders, it just says "loading order" for each one. What do I do?
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
First Game to 34 SCs on Classic
9 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
17-Player world game?
join if you fancy it
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Wanted Reliable Player:
the map: youngstown
originally an invitation only game, several who were invited could not commit and at this time. All players all ready joined are reliable and good players. If interested PM me for the password
2 replies
nikat (987 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Game crash
How do i contact admins to resolve this?
4 replies
Terijian (1041 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Parse error?
Anyone know if this will correct itself or what it is?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/vDiplomacy/gamemaster/game.php on line 326
0 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
10 Mar 12 UTC
8 SCs for win??? o.O
How can the end of game be 8 SCs, when Russia has 6 starting SCs???
1 reply
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