A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
30 Jun 11 UTC
Crowded, but room for one more...
Let's get it on, haters!
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Variants that have caught my eye recently
the first set is...
27 replies
poppyseed (1080 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
3rd ever game of CHACTOPUS!
Everyone join and play the 3rd ever on this website game of CHACTOPUS!
Just 10 bet to play a unique game!
On a side note join my WWIV game too!
17 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
05 Jun 11 UTC
Deutschsprachiges Spiel
Sind auf dieser Website deutsche Spieler ?
Ich würde gern eine deutschsprachiges Spiel spielen, was für mich erheblich einfacher sein würde, da ich auf dieser Sprache besser argumentieren kann.
52 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Color Error
an error thats happened before, all the colors in this game are messed up
8 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Oli: Colors Gone Wild!
Oli, in the New World Order II game (gameID=1623) the main map has gone totally bizarre with the colors. None of the countries can be distinguished. Help!
11 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Error? gameID=2385
gameID=2385 Quebec did not gain Halifax as an SC this turn. I think we have seen this error before?
1 reply
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
I have made a ww2 map
can anyone take a look and tell me their thoughts and comments?
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Stukus (909 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
I think France's position is a bit unbalanced. He only has one neutral to go for, Milan or Savoy or Piedmont, before he starts getting into others' faces, and it'd be laughably easy for Germany alone to stop him from getting any other neutral builds, unless Brest is a fleet and he goes for Ireland, which I doubt England would ever allow.

Norway's also a bit of a land bottleneck. Does the bottom have to be detached from the top? It's still be a bottleneck, but less of one.

Also, Germany should have Ducal Prussia still, the region around Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg.
The layout of countries and their balance of forces looks good. Doesn't look very historically accurate though (ie Germany is too weak, France too strong, USSR too weak, Yugoslavia shouldn't exist, Spain stayed neutral and like Sweden and Switzerland shouldn't be able to be invaded, I think its odd that Italy doesn't control Piedmont, Sicily or Venice, but think there's too many SCs for it there.)

My personal thoughts on the matter is there should probably be two WW2 variants made, a European theatre pre invasion of Poland (at least give Germany the SC of Vienna as they'd already annexed it and throw USSR an extra SC, break up the Balkans into individual states, rejig Italy etc).

I think another excellent variant would be set around 1942 or 43 as a global map. This would reflect the maximum extent of Axis powers (I guess not too dissimilar to the starting positions in the game "Axis and Allies"), although being Dip there'd be opportunities for horse trading and switching of alliances.

That's my two cents.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
Tunisia should be French, Libya Italian too.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
It's ok, but I don't really think it will be balanced in a fair (not set alliance) game, as France would be eaten alive.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
01 Jun 11 UTC
Yeah, lack of history accuracy makes it less funny.
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
perhaps a move of one of France's SC to the East would allow him a better chance.
Norway, i think should be a bottleneck because the amount of battles fought in that region should be low due to the isolated nature of the region during the war.
so you think Germany should have the SC directly to its East bordering the baltic?

as for Spain, i think Spain remained neutral, but it was out of self preservation and i think if the opportunity had presented itself, Spain would have tried to expand wherever it could.
as for Italy, i think a fully unified Italy with Tunis would be too strong, while a unified Italy without Tunis would hinder Italy's invasion of Africa and would allow the current neutral SCs to be claimed by Spain and or England.
and the Balkans, I think the Balkans would be a huge void without a power in the region, considering Austria is gone and there isn't anyone to take its place, i could see a group of neutral units starting in some SCs to slow growth in the region as a possiblity.

ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
thank you guaroz, you are very helpful
gman314 (1016 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
@Ambassador: Why shouldn't yugoslavia exist? It was created after WW1 and was a major part of the war in its area, despite being conquered.
@ezpickens: Turkey did participate briefly but only at the end of the war and didn't actually do much. However, it seems that its presence makes that corner of the map much more interesting.
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
@Gman: Turkey had some power during the time, so i thought it was important to include it. and i didn't think Britain should be supreme in both corners
gman314 (1016 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
That's what I figured.
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
Does anyone have thoughts on where a French Continental SC should be besides the Southwest border with Spain?
Stukus (909 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
well, maybe the current set up makes the Blitz more likely and makes France practice good diplomacy with its neighbors
gman314 (1016 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
You could make the Maginot Line an SC or at least give them a unit there.
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
ok, so how about keep the SCs and move the unit from SW France to the border of Germany?
gman314 (1016 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
That could work. Or you could give one more unit than SCs like France and Indonesia in Hundred and Mate Against Mate respectively.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
Noooo! France should be super weak; it fell in 6 weeks remember? That's not even one turn!
And Deutscheland should start with 5 armies, and Russia 6 but all not at the front line.
gman314 (1016 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
But France was prepared for a defensive war. They fell so quickly because they didn't think that tanks could make it through the forests to the north.
ezpickins (1717 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
updated map
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
I think it would be a good idea to have a 1942 world game as well, actually you could probably get 3 variants out of WW 2, Europe, World, and Asia-Pacific
ezpickins (1717 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
yeah, i might work on those if i get some time. i'm kinda slammed but after i get this map perfected, i shall try for a global.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Global's are a massive headache to make (especially if you use a template, the blurring when you need to scale it up is horrible.) Unless anyone knows how to stop the different coloured pixels appearing when you make a map bigger? :l
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Yeah I tried to make a regular size map with a template and it was a headache, Im trying to work on one now by handing drawing the initial map, but im having trouble figuring out how to layout the centers and spaces
ezpickins (1717 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Check out this take on doing a global map, the world war map: i think it is a pretty good idea because it maximizes the space and removes places that weren't fought over much
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
My drawing skills are...awful. I've had to zoom in and change it pixel by pixel. In a map thats something like 3000 x 2000.
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
The main thing I would have done different on World at war would be to give North America a Pacific coast and add more of India
ezpickins (1717 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
yeah, thats not my map, but i would have done the same.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Amazing what Google can do...

If anyone wants to do a world map variant, that's a great template. I've just checked it over and I can find any blurred pixels on it at all. I'm just going to restart mine entirely and base it off that. :D
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
*I can't find.
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
hey that is handy, I might have to lop off part of North America for my project

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ezpickins (1717 D)
26 Jun 11 UTC
IS there anyone working on non-european and non-global maps?
yeah. that is my question
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Shep315 (1435 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
9 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
27 Jun 11 UTC
No more Fog of War for me...
Goddammit. Lame.
3 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
26 Jun 11 UTC
Uh... what the fuck is going on here?
Details inside. Pardon the vague title but I am confused as all hell.
15 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
25 Jun 11 UTC
Colonial Game gameID=2542
Time is running out! gameID=2542
0 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
VS mode
Guys what do you think about enabling a VS mode in every variant map just like the ClassicVS one? Basically we simply have to put initials in brackets in the names of the games with other variants ~
4 replies
Catch23 (884 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
Sitter needed
I will be away for the next week, and will need a sitter(s) for 5 games.
1 reply
nuclearICBM (923 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Web diplomacy iPod application
Oli is there any way you can make an itouch app for vdip It would be much appreciated because I don't always have my pc and the web browser in my iPod is slow and makes to many mistakes when fruit to put in orders i know it's alot to ask but it's a good idea
15 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
How to not die as France in Rinascimento
From what I see, it's a hopeless cause.
Anyone have any tips?
14 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
we are spartaaaaaaaaaaaans! gameID=2301 :D
37 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
is this an error?
when supporting a move to Barents sea with my fleet in STP NC, one of the options for the "where" category is StP. is that wrong?
3 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
23 Jun 11 UTC
What's that empty right hand column on the Home page about?
Seeing I'm about to go on holiday for a while I managed to wind all my games up successfully with 48 hours to spare. BUT.... I'm perplexed. What's that big blank right hand column about? Who else has been in the unusual situation to have no games playing. Looks weird!!!
3 replies
guak (1262 D X)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Sitter or Pause needed
Hello, I am Venezuela and am going away on an unannounced job trip tomorrow night to a place where I will have no internet access at all and won't be able to return until late Sunday night or early morning.
14 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
First ever game of Chaoctoboat!
Totally random! It's 5 credits each, a bit like a scratch and win ticket honestly, but I'm willing to give it a try unlike real lotto draws :D Let's see if we can get one going, just to say we did!
2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Jun 11 UTC
The vDip GuestMap
Please read some guidelines inside, they are important.
(disregard the previous post)
5 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Gonna try this again: a small-pot Mat Against Mate game ~

1 reply
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Mate against Mate
Guys here's a small-pot Mate against Mate ~ Feel free to join ~
3 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
Random 1v1. Are you lucky enough? xD
2 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
The Big Map is Back!
5 replies
twid (952 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Bet size 1
Whenever I create a game, and no matter what bet size I specify, I end up with a bet size of 1. Has anybody else experienced this problem?
5 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Help! I can't put in some orders... In gameID=1582
2 replies
AdamNTM (965 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
For a MOD: Game "Quest for the Golden Fleece" CRASHED???
Please help!
0 replies
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