A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Halt (2077 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Live games
Why are Lives games (not counting 1 v 1) almost non-existent in VDip?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Live Games

2 player quick game
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
That one reinstatement thread
Anyone see that webdip thread... Promising maybe? No chance get back there?
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yaaks (1157 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
I saw it... although you were kinda specifically mentioned in it as an extension of this that the mods wouldnt allow...
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Yea j read that. But if they're so confident in their tools why not let me back since there's no point to cheating and I've said that. Besides, wanna talk to my old friends there on the forum cuz I'm getting married another from now. I just live a damn lonely life..... *sigh* I miss the forum, I could live without games since I can play games on here anyways. I like nigeebaby's thought. And now that I've had a solid job I don't mind smackin down 50 bucks to Kestas to just be a forum participant.
yaaks (1157 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
well yeah, if they agree on letting him come back for games, you could make a case just to be allowed back for the forum. Then again i have no ideas what the mods reasoning is and i wasnt really paying attention to your whole banning thing as i was relatively new while it happened.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
So was I lol
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Maybe someone else on the main webdip might be able to check this out. :)
huh what happened ...
King Atom (1186 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
I got you, Sandgoose...Check out my latest thread...
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Lol ka you're too much :P
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Thanks for the mention @brian hickey.... Whoever you are lol. While your points do carry weight it's one thing to play the game, but other sites a. Suck and b. don't have nearly the quality of play
It's me :)

I do understand your point, as my experience on playdiplomacy was abysmal. I also think that the standards that webDip tries to adhere to are a major contributing factor to its overall quality. Ultimately, I'm glad that I don't have to make decisions like the one being discussed. It seems highly likely that if cases are considered for reinstatement there will be some inherent arbitrariness and unfairness to some that get denied. In your case, I certainly don't know enough to have an opinion, though it's clear that you are persistent and have been consistently trying to earn another chance, and you have some support from webDip members who continue to plead your case.

I was joking, obviously, about my multi-accounts, but 3-2 is an accurate read on my view of the situation. I think there are fair points on both sides of the issue. I'm glad that the community and admin care enough about the quality of the site and the wishes of membership to hold such discussions, rather than be completely rigid. Whatever the outcome, it won't change my enjoyment of the site and if Agent K - or yourself - is reinstated, it's a blank slate as far as I'm concerned. I will let my own direct experience inform my opinions from there.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
"No, making a new account account after being banned without permission would automatically disqualify someone from this type of reinstatement, ruling sandgoose out about 12 times over"

I'm fairly certain Jmo's post says you're not going to be allowed back...
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Thanks cap! But jmo and I have a love hate relationship.... More hate than love since...well, he's got his one close minded narrow opinion to all the accounts made, last 4 being created one at a time to get back onto webdip with a clean slate, notice how I didn't make multiples to play in games together etc
Octavious (0 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
From my understanding of the whole mess you were caught cheating and allowed back, then caught cheating again and allowed back, and then caught cheating again... The impression you give is of a chap who enjoys the challenge of getting one past the mods somewhat more than the game itself, which is a tad off putting.

Whilst it seems clear enough that you can play a clean and good game when you want to, and I dare say do it here on a permanent basis, I'm not convinced you'd be able to resist trying to outsmart the WebDip system if you got back in.

Besides, there's nothing to stop you chatting to Nigeebaby outside of the game. Google him... he is all over the bloody place. I'm sure the other people you get on well with are easy enough to get in touch with.
butterhead (1272 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
@Goose- don't get your hopes up. lol
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
You octomom, I didn't cheat with sand goose T____T but I was banned because of games I was in with my brother... Which... Well sucks since he even said to the mods about it all
Octavious (0 D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
So the Webdip mods looked at your history of games with your brother, and concluded that you were working with him in an unfair way, and dished out some kind of warning? After which the blatently obvious thing to do would be to either avoid playing with your brother like the plague or to make it perfectly clear to everyone else in a game you happen to start with your brother that he happens to be playing it too?

It's not the original incident that confuses me. I could easily understand someone either working with a brother or friend and not realising it was a shitty thing to do. I could understand someone being in a game with a friend and just not knowing it. But it's the getting caught and warned off, and then doing it again and getting caught... and then doing it again... The hell was that all about?
Sandgoose - if you look at the steps I outlined, there are several reasons why you won't be let back. For one, you've tried to sneak back on, which is unacceptable. But more importantly, read Agent K's response and compare it to what you sent us. Agent K placed the blame squarely upon himself and repented. Even with him doing all the right things, he doesn't have all the mods convinced. Its either 3-2 or 4-1 right now. Your score is 1-4 I believe. And after that you'd have to do a trial by the community as well.

No matter what, SG, it's not gonna happen in 2013 for you.
^^Even now you won't admit what you did was wrong, so there's no hope really.
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
People really crave being on this site.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Maybe the mods should publish the case so you can all read everything yet again. I didn't need to cheat with my account. I never even knew who my brother was
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
08 Apr 13 UTC
For the record, sand goose was NEVER a fuckig multi
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
11 Apr 13 UTC
"No matter what, SG, it's not gonna happen in 2013 for you."

let me clarify that as never, not just 2013.
What the fuck? You idiots bring this argument over here? Keep it on WebDiplomacy where it belongs!
Mapu (2086 D (B))
11 Apr 13 UTC
Oh webdip is down so they are coming over here to stir things up again. 2WL did this last week.

SG has been a really good member of vdip so there's no need to resurrect this thread just to piss on him.
JMO resurrected it. I just asked (rather rudely as that *was* called for in JMO's case) that it stay over there.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
11 Apr 13 UTC
YCHTT - we cross-posted. I was replying to jmo. Apologies if it appeared otherwise.
No problem, Mapu.
fasces349 (1007 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
"Oh webdip is down so they are coming over here to stir things up again. 2WL did this last week."
I was really made about the timing of the site going down. I had spent 2 hours making a really long post, hit send and it told me the site was down.

Now I'm going to have to retype the bloody thing. Hopefully it wont take as long a second time.
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
11 Apr 13 UTC
I came over to check out the forum here because webdip is currently down and find an entire thread based on post I made on webdip...but I'm not allowed to answer the question it asks?
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
11 Apr 13 UTC
@fasces, I feel you there, I'd spent the last hour entering 39 orders for a world game I'm sitting and lost them all

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AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Feature suggestion
I wonder what folks think about, or if it's even possible, to put in a private group chat option? In short, it would let you send an identical message to a group of nations that you'd like to keep secret from the others for the purposes of coordinating group assaults. I think it'd be especially useful for a cabal of smaller, shrinking powers to coordinate moves against a globally powerful threat.

What do you all think?
40 replies
Vargh (1159 D (B))
05 Apr 13 UTC
Is it just my imagination or has the number of multis drastically increased? Does anybody know why?
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Firehawk (1231 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Colonial 1885 test game.
Hey guys, please join my test game on the lab. It's called Colonial1885Test, we need 10 players so please join!
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SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 Apr 13 UTC
Speaking of such, Oli, how is your baby?! O___o
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Dejan0707 (1986 D)
05 Apr 13 UTC
Game of thrones
Game of thrones board game is based on diplomacy game it seems. That could implicate that diplomacy variant made on Game of thrones stage could be very interesting playing experience. Who would not like to beet evil Lannisters with grey Starks little armies. One problem could be that in Game of thrones navies did not play important role, while in diplomacy navies are crucial for victory.
38 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Apr 13 UTC
I will upgrade the codebase to the new V1.32 now
This might cause some trouble as nearly every file got changed...

Luckily all changes are just translation-related, so it's unlikely that we get a real problem.
I did some local tests on my server and it looks like everything is working fine, but you never know how if I missed some problems.
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Anon (?? D)
06 Apr 13 UTC
Bizarre Bug?
Something appears to have gone terribly wrong in gameID=13176 ... Any ideas? It appears almost everyone has 0 SCs suddenly.
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Jonnikhan (1554 D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Oli, this game is experiencing a glitch: gameID=12693
The game changed the build locations from any held SC, to only the home SCs. Can you fix this?
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
WWII Glitch
A major glitch has occured with the WWII variant. I have paused all affected games until Oli can check it and hopefully fix it. If your game becomes affected, please report it in this thread, and a moderator will pause the game ASAP.
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy II, 20 SC Holland needs replacement

Holland just NMR'd. Still has a great position and 20 SCs. A replacement would really help.
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Anon (?? D)
07 Apr 13 UTC
Spring 1897 (first turn), need replacement Italy

Please consider joining. You won't be behind. All we're doing this turn is placing our first build, and you still have nearly a day and a half to negotiate that.
0 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
NMR: serious
I thought that with this setting, players who are about to NMR, are sent CD and the gamephase gets extended...that did not happen in one of my games though...why?
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Apr 13 UTC
Reasonably High Point Game
Anyone up for a high-point non-anon Classic game?

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Imagonnalose (992 D)
24 Mar 13 UTC
New Game Concept
This might have been tried before but here it is. More below
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butterhead (1272 D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
Classic Anniversary!
More to follow...
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Choice of Country
Being new to vDiplomacy, I'm curious to see what people choose for their country when the option in a game is given. For example, which nation would you choose for World War IV? Feel free to give preferences for other variants.
8 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
Anon WWIV games. Rare?
I have not seen many anonymous (specifically WWIV) games, does noone like these types of games? what is the general consensus? I feel as if they are a more fair, unbiased game. (because I believe people hold grudges, trust certain players more, recognize player tags and play according to their names, not their diplomacy, etc. )
17 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Feb 13 UTC
Revolution Game
Bear with me...this is a long one!
66 replies
Need one player for Russia. New Game:
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 13 UTC
New Feature - Bonuses
Hi all,
As you may notice from my profile, I am now a Moderator :)
I have now been given my first task as Mod; to announce the new bonuses feature. Explanation to follow (apologies that it's in a letter format - it was originally intended to be PM'd to every account, but it ended up being too long.) :
18 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
classic live game
I know its late but im starting a claasic live game called the return of scot
Because im returning after a break from diplomacy
7 replies
Tyran (1361 D)
03 Apr 13 UTC
Webdip down
Anyone else unable to access webdip at all? I keep getting some error message
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Anon (?? D)
02 Apr 13 UTC
Planet Haven
gameID=13370 need another 10 ppl or so for a 10 pt buy-in Haven game!
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RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
30 Mar 13 UTC
Stalemate Line Are Crap!
10 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
30 Mar 13 UTC
Lying with stats
Do games with banished ( red 'X' ) violators playing at the conclusion of a game, draw or win, count in the Hall of Fame statistics?
Should they?
3 replies
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
29 Mar 13 UTC
Game sitting.
i need someone to watch over my games for a week. Starting tomorrow.
4 replies
League of Legends
Just out of curiosity, and some small bias that I'm likely to find some gamers here rather than elsewhere...does anybody here play Leagues?
33 replies
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