A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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World War Two Diplomacy (Global Variant)
I was thinking about how a WW2 variant would look for Diplomacy if the game extended itself across the globe (involving Japan, China, Australia, Brazil and the US). Any ideas?
32 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Mar 13 UTC
Complaint about draws!!!
See Below:
12 replies
Synapse (814 D)
04 Mar 13 UTC
Pacific Theatre Variant
Hi all
22 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
"Cheat on and on Party", gameID=696969
To all players.
Could I please have a one-week-long pause, from 18 to 24 Mar?
16 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
08 Mar 13 UTC
WWII question
armies can go on the Copenhagen territory, dont they?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Yes Armies can cross from Denmark->Cop->Goth, and also from Alexandria->Suez
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
08 Mar 13 UTC
Ok I already thought so, just wanted to make sure, thx :)
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Might be good to put some of that in the rules section for the map, such as where canals are:
Red Sea to Cil Sea?
Aegean to Black or is movement to Istanbul required first?
and can a fleet in Kiel move either to Ska or Cop?

and where land bridges are:
Alexandria to Suez which you mentioned
but is Cairo to Suez allowed?
what about Sicily to Me?
I'm assuming GIB to Morocco is not allowed.

Cop (and maybe Istanbul?) look like special territories that are essentially treated both like land that armies can enter (but with no coasts on their respective sea sides for naval units) and sea territories. It does not appear that they are separate sea territories. What is unclear about istanbul though is whether you can move directly to the black sea from Aegean Sea or if you have to enter Istanbul first.

Also there are a couple territories that share corners for which the border status is unclear:
MUN/SWI and RI/(unlabeled south of Munich and west of Salzburg)
Bas/Tou and Ba/Bor in spain/france
Fi/Norrland and Na/Lapland

Also there are several that look more clear but which could stand to be explained as well (or the map redrawn slightly):
I'm assuming Prague to Cr (in poland) is allowed but Br to Bre is not?
Likewise Br-Lit to Kiev is allowed but Lwow to Min is not?
Same with Lwow-Tra but not Buch/Br?
And Smo - Nizhny Novgorod but not Moscow to Kharkov?
And Mun - Salzburg but not (unlabeled south of Munich to Vienna?)
Lastly Bremen to Kiel but not Skag to Ha?

Some further clarification questions as well..

Does palestine have a west coast and a south coast?
Does Jordan have a coast?
What about Milan to North Adriatic?
And Lapland has a north coast in addition to a south coast and borders both Barents and Norwegian Seas?

I'm guessing as well that the lakes depicted in Russia bordering Leningrad, Estonia and Moscow are not navigable by fleets?

Does Alexandria border the Red Sea and the Cil Sea?

Can Corsica, Crete, and Cyprus (or Faroe, Shetland, Orkney and other Scotish islands in Scapa Flow; the Baleric Islands south of Spain, and Gotland or the Islands of the West Estonian Archipeligo in the Baltic Sea) be occupied?

Map looks good, just asking the clarification questions a little late. (I didn't participate in the trials over on the lab.)
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Also Oli,

For issuing orders, having the abbreviations of the territories in addition to their full names would be tremendously helpful. If I remember correctly you recently added those for Imperial Dip II? Could you do it for this map as well?

Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Lastly I'm assuming this isn't build anywhere right?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Wow a lot of questions Lief! Let me just answer those:

Red Sea to Cil Sea? Crossable
Aegean to Black or is movement to Istanbul required first? Possible without moving to Istanbul
and can a fleet in Kiel move either to Ska or Cop? Yes
but is Cairo to Suez allowed? No
what about Sicily to Me? Yes
I'm assuming GIB to Morocco is not allowed. Gib-Morocco is allowed.
MUN/SWI and RI/(unlabeled south of Munich and west of Salzburg) No, see the large map, these territories do not connect.
Bas/Tou and Ba/Bor in spain/france Do not border each other to reflect the Pyrenees
Fi/Norrland and Na/Lapland Do not border each other.
I'm assuming Prague to Cr (in poland) is allowed but Br to Bre is not? Correct, please see the large map.
Likewise Br-Lit to Kiev is allowed but Lwow to Min is not? Correct, please see the large map.
Same with Lwow-Tra but not Buch/Br? This one I think is obvious they do not border.
And Smo - Nizhny Novgorod but not Moscow to Kharkov? Again they do not border.
And Mun - Salzburg but not (unlabeled south of Munich to Vienna?) See the large map, Innsbruck connects to Salzburg but not Vienna.
Lastly Bremen to Kiel but not Skag to Ha? Skag does not connect to Hannover.
Does palestine have a west coast and a south coast? Palestine has only a west coast.
Does Jordan have a coast? Yes with Red Sea.
What about Milan to North Adriatic? Milan connects with North Adriatic.
And Lapland has a north coast in addition to a south coast and borders both Barents and Norwegian Seas? Correct
I'm guessing as well that the lakes depicted in Russia bordering Leningrad, Estonia and Moscow are not navigable by fleets? Correct
Does Alexandria border the Red Sea and the Cil Sea? Correct.
Can Corsica, Crete, and Cyprus (or Faroe, Shetland, Orkney and other Scotish islands in Scapa Flow; the Baleric Islands south of Spain, and Gotland or the Islands of the West Estonian Archipeligo in the Baltic Sea) be occupied? Corsica, Crete and Cyprus can be occupied.

The large map does answer a lot of the questions you asked, I hope you appreciate that it was difficult to draw this in the small map and impossible to label Innsbruck and Luxembourg. Please see the large map for most clarifications, and if you have any issue with the decisions I made please let me know, I will probably revise this variant at a later date.

It is not build anywhere.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
08 Mar 13 UTC
@ Synapse : "Nizhny Novgorod" was called "Gorky" between 1932 and 1990. You should please change the name of that Land Zone.
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
08 Mar 13 UTC
No issues, map looks great. Thank you!

The large map does answer much of the questions.

I'm curious why there is no zoom on this map? I've not done a variant of my own before but it seems that zooming on the main window as some of the larger variants allow would be useful for this map.

A few clarification questions:
"Aegean to Black or is movement to Istanbul required first?
--- Possible without moving to Istanbul"
Does Istanbul have separate coasts then or does it simultaneously border both seas for coastal navies?

"I'm assuming GIB to Morocco is not allowed.
---Gib-Morocco is allowed."
Historically inaccurate, but imo makes the map interesting. (the game won't be played for historical replay as nations that were allied will fight each other, so not an issue in my mind).

"Fi/Norrland and Na/Lapland
---Do not border each other."
The large map seems to indicate Finnmark and Norrland do border each other, confirming that this is not the case.

"Lastly Bremen to Kiel but not Skag to Ha?
---Skag does not connect to Hannover."
But Bremen to Kiel is allowed?

"Does palestine have a west coast and a south coast?
--Palestine has only a west coast.
Does Jordan have a coast?
---Yes with Red Sea. "
So I would expect movement is not allowed as a result between Jordan and Suez, even though Palestine has no coast on the Red Sea.

Lastly a further clarification question on Copenhagan. It and it's surrounding sea are one single territory that includes both sea and island right? In otherwords, the sea cannot be occupied by a fleet while an army simultaneously occupies the island?

I do recognize the difficulties of drawing the small map to make these evident.
Further confusion can be eliminated by including some of this information in the variant description. My asking all these questions has hopefully provided you with much of the material that would simply need slight re-writing and formatting for inclusion in the variant description. If you want I could try to summarize which clarifications I think would be most important to include.

I look forward to playing this variant! Good work and thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Does Istanbul have separate coasts then or does it simultaneously border both seas for coastal navies? -It borders both North and South seas, and East and west land territories.

"Fi/Norrland and Na/Lapland
---Do not border each other."
The large map seems to indicate Finnmark and Norrland do border each other, confirming that this is not the case. -You’re right.

"Lastly Bremen to Kiel but not Skag to Ha?
---Skag does not connect to Hannover."
But Bremen to Kiel is allowed? Bremen and Kiel are touching each other on large map and Hannover is not connected to the sea

So I would expect movement is not allowed as a result between Jordan and Suez, even though Palestine has no coast on the Red Sea. -Jordan must move through Palestine to reach Suez.

Lastly a further clarification question on Copenhagan. It and it's surrounding sea are one single territory that includes both sea and island right? In otherwords, the sea cannot be occupied by a fleet while an army simultaneously occupies the island? Correct.
Further confusion can be eliminated by including some of this information in the variant description. My asking all these questions has hopefully provided you with much of the material that would simply need slight re-writing and formatting for inclusion in the variant description. If you want I could try to summarize which clarifications I think would be most important to include.

If you would like to write a variant description please do Leif. As well as this, I’m working on a Pacific Theatre variant at the moment and your input when I reach the lab stage would be very helpful.
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
08 Mar 13 UTC
"So I would expect movement is not allowed as a result between Jordan and Suez, even though Palestine has no coast on the Red Sea. -Jordan must move through Palestine to reach Suez. "

One final clarification...

If Palestine has only a west coast, but Jordan can move to Palestine, then effectively Palestine becomes a canal allowing fleet movement through Palestine to Cil Sea. (the map info link on the variant page confirms this). I don't think this was your intention was it?

Let me know when your pacific variant needs review, and/or play testing. If I've got some extra time, I'll join the play test this go around.

I will draft up some rules clarifications based on all these questions.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Mar 13 UTC
I think Palestine is a canal. I don't think it will impact the game however, as the usage of the Red Sea is going to be very minimal. In about 8 test games nobody even used the Red Sea.
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
08 Mar 13 UTC
This would probably be the one change I would recommend to the map.

Allow Jordan to Red Sea and Suez to Palestine/Red Sea but not Palestine to Jordan. This will effectively eliminate any canal features for Palestine as no canal has ever existed across Palestine, and also won't cause any west coast/south coast issues for Palestine.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Mar 13 UTC
OMG, a lot of things to be known! Synapse please fix the map and the variant information page ASAP, or I'll have to print this thread and play holding a paper in my hand! :D

Btw, what is "Me" in southern Italy for? None of the biggest 15 towns begins with a "M", down there....
Synapse (814 D)
08 Mar 13 UTC
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Mar 13 UTC
Uhmm. Messina is in Sicily. It would be like calling Scotland "Belfast".
How about "Bari", the biggest town in that area on Adriatic, or "Taranto", the biggest Italian Navy harbor in Med during WWII, on Ionian (Gulf of Taranto)?

Further, I've just noticed that this territory "Messina" has 2 coasts. I can't explain myself why. Or are those "EC" & "WC" labels just typos?
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
09 Mar 13 UTC
Ouch that Aeg-BS connection should stand in the variant description, if LS didnt have asked for that, that could have cost me the BS in a game...
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
09 Mar 13 UTC
Germany and Russia should start with more SCs. Historical accuracy and such.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
Ther schuld be arrows between Den, Cop and Got, because i thought that you could move from eg Stettin to Cop too...
Synapse (814 D)
11 Mar 13 UTC
A fleet can move from Stettin to Cop, but armies can only cross via Denmark
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
yeah, thats why arrows would be great...

20 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Jan 13 UTC
The Capitols EoG!
The game will be ending here in a few short hours. Congrats to Drano in the win of the first ever Capitols game. I would like to hear peoples thoughts on the game, both the concept and the play itself. Look forward to thoughts, comments, suggestions, and EoG statements. Thank you all for playing and look forward to seeing you all in The Capitols 2 and/or the Capitols Gunboat 1!
66 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
10 Mar 13 UTC
Anyone up for a live 1v1 game?
Anyone up for one?
3 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
02 Mar 13 UTC
Modern Love-2: EoG thread
20 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
09 Mar 13 UTC
Let's do a WW2 Live!

New WW2 variant live game.
1 reply
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
09 Mar 13 UTC
17-player World variant

7 more players wanted, only 3 days left! Perfect for those who want a world variant but not too crowded like 35 people ~
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Mar 13 UTC
Limited Message SRG - DO NOT REPLY
More details to follow:
1 reply
Strider (1604 D)
08 Mar 13 UTC
can you follow a forum post?
I often get interested in a post and would like to come back to it.
Is there a way to follow them...
0 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
07 Mar 13 UTC
WW2 Game - First GO!
5 replies
georgekatkins (1107 D)
07 Mar 13 UTC
German Holy War EOG (id 11741)
This was the Hussite Wars variant and my first time on this map. Here is my EOG, playing as the Praguers.
3 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
01 Oct 12 UTC
Tour of VDip Tournament
Yep. We're just gonna head through EVERY MAP ON VDIP! So pack your bags...we're going on the trip of a life time! (You'll hardly miss anything if you choose not to join us.) But Join us, for an all inclusive tour of For a limited time offer, total fees include a 25 point entry fee, and various 5 D fees from other expenditures.
62 replies
pjman (661 D)
02 Mar 13 UTC
Need a mod for this game ASAP please
gameID=12888 in this game orders have been messed up when we are positive we made the right move. I double check my moves and it destroyed a unit in the wrong place. It moves Persian fleet to the wrong place. If this weren't to happen I can see a different game
4 replies
Strauss (863 D)
02 Mar 13 UTC
Loading order...
I can't type commands sience for half a day in any my games, the input fields remain on "loading order ..." and nothing happens. What can that be, actually, I have not changed anything and in a half of hour I musst enter my orders.

Who can help?
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
27 Feb 13 UTC
R.I.P Allan B Calhamer
I know a lot of people here check the Webdiplomacy forum as well, but for those who don't I thought I'd pass the message to here.
6 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
22 Feb 13 UTC
Team Game
I'd like to start up new a team game. We can select a variant based on number of players, but I would like it to be at least 10 players. Anyone can join, but you must be prepared for this to take a while. All interested parties please pm me. Put any other comments here.
53 replies
Lord Skyblade (1886 D)
27 Feb 13 UTC
Is there supposed to be a land bridge between Shima and Mikawa? I don't think there is but someone support moved to one of them using the other. I don't know if that is supposed to happen or not.
1 reply
Developer forum
One question: do I have to create a new account just to log into the developer's forum?
5 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
24 Feb 13 UTC
EoG - Who Knows What Evil Lurks...
5 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
25 Feb 13 UTC
If you transform a unit into a fleet or army....
In a variant that lets you, and it gets dislodged, does the transformation still happen?
3 replies
Ben_Cretsinger (549 D X)
24 Feb 13 UTC
Undefinded orders error
In the game gameID=12741 we cannot issue orders to our units outside of undefined Retreat or disband Mods help?
12 replies
Aeon (955 D)
20 Feb 13 UTC
1000/1200px Layout?
I think it would be a good idea to increase the width of the layout from 800px to 1000px or 1200px. The reason for this is to make more space for variant maps which are too large to be <750px. Thoughts?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 Feb 13 UTC
Come on people, please help me play this variant
0 replies
pjman (661 D)
23 Feb 13 UTC
Ancient med
Please join here ☺gameID=12732
5 replies
pjman (661 D)
22 Feb 13 UTC
Anybody up for a classic game of diplomacy (5 minute phases)?
2 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
23 Feb 13 UTC
Do you hate CD-ers? Join this wwIV game!
0 replies
korn (949 D)
20 Feb 13 UTC
Please fill out if you have the time

As part of a school project, I am taking data on the territories in diplomacy to create a thematic map (possibly). Please fill out if you have the time (no trolling please).
34 replies
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