A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
23 Mar 13 UTC
Gunny Gun Gun: EoG thread
gameID= 12149
2 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
20 Mar 13 UTC
wwIV starts in 1 day, still not full
Please, join!
16 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Mar 13 UTC
Chaos Team Game anyone?!
I want to play a Chaos Team Game, but a special kind of team game... Details to follow...
35 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
21 Mar 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent Playtest!
My variant is nearly ready to be taken across to VDip, but needs a playtest before it comes.
8 replies
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
21 Mar 13 UTC
Tiger's Team Game
gameID=13116 find a partner and join! Countries are paired up on the forum, we need 5 more brave souls!
0 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
School of War?
They have this on webdip, might be fun to put in on vdip. Details inside
233 replies
Ben_Cretsinger (549 D X)
19 Mar 13 UTC
Need a replacement for Germany
still a good position gameID=13167
4 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
19 Mar 13 UTC
Half-full wwIV game starting in 2 days! Join please!
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Sep 12 UTC
vDip cup games and results
For the purpose of making it easy to monitor and record the results of games, please post games concerning the vDip cup both when they are created and when they are finished in this thread.
555 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
18 Mar 13 UTC
Want to meet other Diplomacy players?
Read on...
1 reply
Ben_Cretsinger (549 D X)
18 Mar 13 UTC
I am looking for anyone willing to watch my account for a few weeks (don't worry about trying to take all my games I hope to find several people)

PM me if interested
0 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
18 Mar 13 UTC
Any one up and down for a live game?
Let's do a live game! Who here has an itchin' for some real, live, quick diplomacy? Would like to get at least 3..
0 replies
Roga (894 D)
18 Mar 13 UTC
Classic - Octopus
Classic - Octopus, Gunboat, Anon, WTA, 1 days /phase

Still 4 more needed to start, 4 days left.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Mar 13 UTC
10 Point bet
Starts in 24hrs
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Mar 13 UTC

10 point buy in
starts in 24hrs.
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Mar 13 UTC

Apparently, Jim Carrey is now starring in the nonsensical sequels to Nick Cage movies. That seems somehow reversed.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Mar 13 UTC
I need to get in contact with the mods to report a game

Any chance someone can find out what's going on here?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Mar 13 UTC
WWII Game, two Openings, First Turn

We had two NMRs already, but the turn hasn't passed yet.
0 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
16 Mar 13 UTC
Someone join this game! (wwIV, Thailand, first turn)
The game hasn't progressed from the first builds phase since Thailand NMR'ed. Someone, just join it!
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
16 Mar 13 UTC
3 great spots open
Texas, Inca, and Thailand are open in what should be a great World game. These guys joined, but didn't submit builds, so now they are out and their loss is your gain!

1 reply
Halt (2077 D)
15 Mar 13 UTC
So, I was bored and decided to look at the Hall of Fame and I noticed that there were two ratings. One was points the other was by Win/Draw/Loss. With regards to the second method, is that anything like the Ghost Rating I keep hearing about?

4 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
15 Mar 13 UTC
Join this shit
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
19 Feb 13 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat VII
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
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diatarn_iv (1458 D)
21 Feb 13 UTC
Hi, I see the thread only now. If I'm late (and I guess I am), please consider me as a possible sitter if any of you runs into problems.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
Game just ended - GG all! I'll put up my EoG soonish :)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
same - gg all.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
LOL Captain, it's 10 minutes I'm looking for this thread in the previous pages... you found it much before me and bumped it! :D:D:D
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
Thanks everyone who partecipated this Contract Gunboat VII and congrats to the winners.
Actually, I feel like I have to congrat with all: this has been probably the best quality CG until now.

The game was regular, only 6 infractions (as usual, feel free to PM me if you want to know if there's something in your own record) and it was speedy enough to get close to the "target" of playing 1 year per day (0.92)

All details at:

So. I really hope you all are willing to add your EoG comments on this Thread, and I'd like to have you all in the next Contract Gunboat VIII.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
Epic ninja post :D
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
I am obviously very unlucky in the contract GBs but I will join the next one again! :D
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
Egypt EoG

I started with the intention of signifying an alliance to Turkey and going for Italy, and that's pretty much what I did for the entire game. I initially offered a support to Eastern Med to Turkey, hoping that he would just view it as an offer of an alliance rather than an invitation to move to a province that threatened me. It seemed to work out as he didn't move on me, although the support arrow didn't appear for some reason so I don't know if he actually knew I supported him. Still, the alliance gained was worth delaying an SC gain for a year.

I only encountered any form of resistance in year 2, when Spain bounced me in Algeria. This delayed my gain of Tunis for long enough that Spain had time to set up a decent defence around Morocco, so any gains in that area were impossible from that point on. To make it even worse, I'd supported Turkey to Naples, meaning I could not gain anything in Italy either - but I think that, because of France's number of units there, I would not have managed to gain much there anyhow.

Once Turkey lost Naples (why did you move it? I had a double support hold in for you!) I had some free fleets so I decided to convoy over to Albania and try to gain a few SCs on the mainland. It was only afterwards I noticed how agressive this looked toward Turkey, but thankfully he seemed to understand and I eventually managed to gain Serbia.

At this point Spain stopped attacking me so I thought my place in a draw was pretty much assured - the lack of gains in the Med meant I had no chance of soloing, so I was very happy with this. However, Spain attacked me again not long afterwards, and I found that it ended up being a guessing game. I seemed to get a lot of luck on those in the following turns though, and combined with some conflicting orders from France and Spain I managed to hold out for some time.

Meanwhile, I'd been helping Turkey to bounce France in Croatia for some time and realised that there was no way I'd be able to claim any more SCs there, either. My place in the draw now depended on Turkey not allying France/Spain and taking me out, and thankfully he stuck by me throughout the game.

So, nearing the endgame, I lost W. Sahara, and a loss of Tunis was inevitable after that. I flashed up a draw vote just before Poland went down to try to see if anyone else was willing to draw, but people only started voting draw once Germany built in Liverpool and Munich and went for the solo. To be honest, I'm immensly glad he did so, because otherwise I think I may not have survived this game.

I was a little confused, though, when Spain and France continued attacking me for the first turn after the stab, and then Spain continued after that. They had draw votes up at the time, so they can't have been wanting to eliminate me before the draw - Germany's stab had made that impossible. I would be interested to hear why it was that this occured.

Anyhow, apologies for the insanely long EoG. I have a tendancy to ramble on about things like this :) For those who want an abbreviated version:

1) Allied Turkey, tried to attack Italy.
2) Blocked by Spain, stalemated in Africa.
3) Blocked by France, stalemated in Italy.
4) Convoyed to Albania, hoped to get gains in Yugoslavia.
5) Blocked by France, Germany and (unintentionally) Turkey, stalemated in Yugoslavia.
6) Lost Algeria, on the defensive in Africa.
7) Lost Adriatic, on the defensive in Yugoslavia and the Med.
8) Germany positions for stab - my salvation has come!
9) ...But France and Spain still decide to take Tunis and Maltese from me.
10) France finally signals a friendship to me. My salvation is sealed!
BeauLemioux (1905 D)
06 Mar 13 UTC
Well it was fun trying a very fast paced game, I enjoyed that!

Such a boring game for me and Captainmeme though, oh god. I clearly wasn't going to make any decent long terms gains against France (I was too small and him too big) and at the end it simply would've gave the win to kaner (Germany), so I was stuck bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing and bouncing with captain, everyturn, hehe :P
BeauLemioux (1905 D)
06 Mar 13 UTC
oops, that was a Spain EoG.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
Agreed - it wasn't too varied. Ah well, at least it was a little more interesting than the last one was for me - in that I just ended up with 4 SCs in a corner for most of the game.

Why did you continue to attack me at the end though, when you knew the game was coming the a close and I couldn't be eliminated?
BeauLemioux (1905 D)
06 Mar 13 UTC
I felt like atleast trying :)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 13 UTC
I guess only getting Tunis after 10 years of fighting for Africa is a little disappointing... :D
bozo (2302 D)
07 Mar 13 UTC
Russia EOG

This game looked like it was going to be interesting near the beginning, with indications of three alliances: Egypt/Turkey, Germany/France/Spain, and Poland/Russia/Ukraine. However, Poland made the short sighted move of stabbing me, even though it was obvious that I was protecting him from Germany and Turkey. Poland's move effectively ended the game for me, Ukraine, and Poland, and resulted in the emergence of Germany and Turkey as the dominant powers.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Mar 13 UTC
Germany EoG.

To begin with I was unsure of where to go. I moved against France because I didn't want an out and out war against Poland - hoping for a German/Polish detente. As it turned out France had no intention to attack me, and so I decided to grab Belgium and happily France supported me there. At this point England decided to try and attack German occupied space, so my decision early on - given that England was my only aggressor was to move against him.

To do this I had to get fleets West, and the only way to do this was to move through Sweden. The only way to do this was to force my way and hope that Russia would understand when I moved to Skaggerack. Poland took this move (he was at this stage skittish of me) to mean that I wanted to attack Russia; I would have preferred Poland to have attacked Ukraine at this stage, but this wasn't going to happen. I signaled to the board my intention by convoying to London. I also showed trust to France by leaving Munich open in my builds.

Ukraine was doing nothing to my East, and I saw in alarm the Turkish threat - I've pulled Turkey enough times to know that in this variant, if Turkey gains momentum then there is little to stop his expansion. Poland grabbed Russian SCs, while France assisted me in against England. Spain was going nowhere fast, and Italy was the poor man in the middle, getting squashed on all sides. The convoy to London was the highlight of this year.

Seeing that Russia was in no shape to defend against Turkey I moved against him. I needed reassurances that the Turk would not overrun the continent, because it was clear at this stage that he had a firm alliance with Egypt (another power going nowhere fast). I also moved against Poland. Poland was doing his best to try and keep Ukraine alive, I don't know why, and ultimately his expansion would have butted heads against me. So taking matters into my hands I made the grab at his SCs.

Poland fights back, but it will ultimately be a loosing battle, Turkey chipping away at Russia, makes the Russian the next to fall. Happily working with France - a good ally.

Goodbye Russia, goodbye Ukraine

Goodbye England,

the beginning of the stalemate line in Eastern Europe. Egypt and Spain banging heads, gaining bruises but nothing happening in the Med. I'm desperately wanting for France to rotate his units around now for a couple of seasons to get a fleet into the Adriatic.

A sign that France doesn't trust me, but moves his units away anyway. I should have supported Poland into Volga at this stage - totally ruining Turkey's retreat from Russia. But I wasn't thinking clearly, and entered my orders before my first cup of coffee.

Stalemate lines everywhere. France and Spain had voted for a draw. I decided that since Turkey hadn't he might be open to whittling down the competition a little bit and perhaps stab Egypt. Also I was sick of not going anywhere. France had been a great ally, but I wanted to see what would happen if; just out of curiosities sake if nothing else.

an attack on France - Turkey didn't attack Egypt [WHY???] as I had hoped - I sent overtures to try and convince but he was having none of it, instead draw votes all around, and I was going nowhere against France.

bugger it, I may as well draw. I was hoping for a smaller draw pool, but am happy with the result. I enjoyed playing this match with everyone - especially France who I felt bad moving against in the end, but liked the silent camaraderie we shared for the majority of the game


Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Mar 13 UTC
EoG anyone else?
I hope I can make mine today.

Funny, at each CG end, those who ask for their infraction-record are those who made the least! :)

@kaner. Nahh, very bad karma, my friend!
You shouldn't even turn your PC on... you should do NOTHING... before your first cup of coffee !! :D :D :D
B-RICH94 (1859 D)
07 Mar 13 UTC
Italy EoG

Not much to say... As Germany put it, "Italy was the poor man in the middle, getting squashed on all sides." France and Germany had an alliance from the first year, and France built two units and came directly towards me. Meanwhile, Turkey and Egypt had an alliance and were expanding towards me as well, and I was left without an ally. I knew pretty early that I was doomed, so I just tried to group my remaining units in the Balkans and survive as long as possible, but it was just a matter of time before I collapsed.
butterhead (1272 D)
09 Mar 13 UTC
Ukraine EoG- As Russia said, right off I was shooting for a Poland-Ukraine-Russia alliance, and was also hoping to see Italy chime in against the Turk... well, the triple attack on Turkey was going to work. I was genuinely excited... then came the nail in all our coffins... Poland attacked Russia. Between my main ally Russia getting destroyed from behind, and Italy getting "squashed on all sides", I knew I was a dead man... basically for a few years I just support held my units and tried to support Italy to Bulgaria, but he never took it... In the end, Russia, Poland, Italy and I all fell to the Turk and Germans... Good play by Turkey facing down a triple-threat, and I'm upset with France and Poland :(
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Mar 13 UTC
Turkey EoG

My first concern was to avoid splitting my units between north and south. This means looking for either Egy alliance or BOTH Ukr & Rus. Egy was a double better chance and so I tried. Also, 2 enemies are easier to fight than one because (expecially in a gunboat) it's hard for them to coordinate their moves. After the first turn I was not able to interprete Alexandria holding, but it didn't look bad and Ukr was throwing all he had towards me and so I went on with my plan. IDK what Russia's intentions were before the start, but he was moving south as well.

Things with Egy went well, so I added Italy to my list of enemies (the more they are, the less they can coordinate!). While I was advancing around Caucasus and Fra was hitting Ita, I noticed that Rus was allied with Ukr Pol & Ger, Ger with Fra and Fra with Spa. A 6-way? It can't last... it must happen something at some point!

It did in Spring 1996, when Pol looked for luck in the east, making my job much easier.
Germany backstabbed Pol immediately and Rus a little later.
Taking Ukr, notwithstanding the butter's fierce resistance, was just a matter of time and my only concern became how to stop Ger in the north, with or without Polish units.

In my western front things didn't went so good, but considering the luck you need when you have to cooperate with an ally, I can't complain. Some mistake (Naples), some good job (Croatia).

In the end, my biggest mistake.
While happy for Ger's attack to France that could have meant a smaller draw, I was also concerned that he could go for a solo if I had not done anything to avoid it. Before going myself for French territories in Italy (that would have helped Ger more than me), or encourage Egypt to do so, I had to take a couple of key territories to protect my non-stalemated land around Croatia. Austria, Slovakia...
I knew it was easy to misunderstand, so WHY the hell didn't I withdraw my vote?!?

- - -

@GOD (Eng). No allies, up to 4 enemies. Nobody could survive.

@B-RICH94 (Ita). Sorry, I'm not used to attack someone who's been attacked from the other side (unless I'm sure I can grab more centers than the other), but I had to do something to help my ally and, after all, you were eating in my plate (Balkans)

@bozo (Rus). You're always a strong tactician and it's a pleausure fighting against you. Unfortunately this time you lacked in strategy, I believe. You had 5 neighbours and splitting your units to fight the most northern (Eng) and the most southern (Tur) leaving your middle open, didn't look a good idea (I know, it's easy to say now). How long you thought you could have 3 allies?
Btw, about tactics, did you like how I kept Rostov in Fall '96? :D

@butter (Ukr). I saw no strategical mistakes from you but, alas, sometimes that's not enough.

@ezpickins (Pol). Your courage deserved more luck. Unfortunately Ger was very quick to read what was happening and decide.

@BeauLemioux (Spa). Congrats for your result but, OMG!... what a boring game!
You took 3 years to kill a pink fleet and 7 more years to grab another SC...
However, your result says you're right. Probably you're more wise than you showed to us.

@nickbar1 (Fra). Congrats, well played. I really enjoyed your support for german convoy to London in Fall '96. Successful at first shot! It's a thing you don't see everyday in a gunboat! Probably you were just suggesting each other that move at the same time... Fortuna audaces iuvat!
Just please tell me... were you thinking to stab Spain after Spring '01? In case, why did you give up? Otherwise... why didn't you think about it? :D

@kaner406 (Ger). Great game my friend! I think I've answered all your questions until now (ask me in case) and I apologize for my mistake that prevented us to have a smaller draw.

@Captainmeme (Egy). GG, you've been a wonderful ally. Sorry for my mistakes with Naples, not moving to Apu in Spring '97 to prevent the french go there, and moving the next turn thinking Nap was gone anyway and you'd have gone for Tyrrenian. The truth is that coordinating in a gunboat against one it's very hard, so I should have never get to there. If I had moved to Adriatic in Spring '96 it would probably have been a different game for both us.

- - -

GG all & thanks everybody!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Mar 13 UTC
nickbar1? GOD? ezpickins?
C'mon! Let us have your thoughts!
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 Mar 13 UTC
Thanks Guaroz - nickbar1; I'd love to hear your thoughts! please EoG!
nickbar1 (1414 D)
10 Mar 13 UTC
Sorry, been busy, and I am off to sleep now. I will try and put up my EOG tomorrow.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
Anyone else? nickbar1? GOD? ezpickins?
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
i am in
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
lol, GOD, I was asking for more EoGs...
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 13 UTC
ops :D
I had my EoG somewhere above, it was quite short :P
nickbar1 (1414 D)
12 Mar 13 UTC
OK, France's EOG - better late than never.

First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Thanks to all the players, and especially to Guaroz for organizing it. I would definitely play future contract games.

I had played this map twice before, drawing eastern countries both times. The only thing I could remember about France in those games is that he fought with Spain both times and that he didn't last long in either game. So I went into this game with an initial plan to try and build an alliance with Spain and see how things progressed.

My goal for the first year was to take Monaco and Switzerland, and perhaps Belgium if it was uncontested, while making it clear that I had no ill intent against Spain. Germany's move into Alsace was very worrisome, and since it appeared he would be attacking me, I decided to avoid aggressive moves against Italy and Britain. I took a gamble that Germany would support himself into Belgium rather than risk a non-productive bounce in Paris or Lyon, and offered him support from Alsace to Belgium. Thankfully, he took Belgium, and this set the stage for a productive alliance.

With my borders with Germany and Spain looking secure, and with England looking to the north, I was able to move aggressively against Italy in year two. Italy's Tyr Sea fleet couldn't defend both Rome and Naples, and when it defended Naples from the Turk I was able to grab Rome in the fall. I also noted Germany's signal in the fall that he wanted to convoy to London.

In year three I continued the aggressive push into Italy and grab Venice. Responding to Germany's hint, I moved into the Channel to either convoy or support a German army to London. Germany took the North Sea in the spring, so I assume he will convoy and I support his successful convoy into London. I am concerned about the Egypt/Turkey alliance (an alliance I had great success with in a previous game), so I am hoping that our attack on England will allow Spain to finish off England's pesky southern fleet and move into Africa where he and I can work together against E/T. Successful year all around, and I am feeling pretty good.

Year 4 - No progress in the North as England held off my invasion attempts. The Spanish move into Gulf of Lyon forced me to pull back a bit to defend Marsellies, but thankfully it was not a sign that Spain is moving against me. I maneuvered forces to attack Naples, and I am happily surprised when I take it a year earlier than planned.

Year 5 - Continued pounding my head against Wales without success. Helped Germany take back Austria from Poland; I hoped that my helpfulness here and with London would encourage Germany to let me take Liverpool and Wales, despite my lack of progress there. I started positioning fleets to push into Egyptian line. Egypt's move into Adriatic meant that I'd need to swing my fleets around to get one of them into Venice in order to progress eastward.

Year 6 - Just when I gave up on invading Wales, England stopped defending it. It worked out ok though, as I slipped into the Irish Sea and grabbed Liverpool. This also let me leave an army to defend France - with Germany getting considerably bigger than I, best not to present to tempting a target. In the south I delay shifting my fleets for an attack on Adriatic so that I can (a) defend Italy against an Egyptian attack that never comes and (b) help Spain push eastward through Africa.

Years 7 & 8 - I grab Ireland, but otherwise not much happens. Egypt does a good job of guessing where Spain's attacks will come and my support doesn't help any. Had I foreseen this lack of progress, I would have shifted my fleets for the attack on Adriatic instead.

Year 9 - I finally shift my fleets in the spring, and take the Adriatic in the fall. It's pretty clear that Germany isn't going to advance much further against Turkey now, and he's big enough that I have to assume that he will then turn on me to try and get the solo. I am hoping that his goodwill will last long enough for me grab Croatia - we have worked together really well up to this point, so I am slightly optimistic that I have a couple of years before he tries anything.

Year 10 - Still no success against Croatia, although Spain finally is able to make some progress in Africa. I note the German build in Munich and suspect that it might signal the end of our partnership. I somehow completely missed the army he built in Edinburgh which would have removed any doubt that Germany was about to attack.

Year 11 - Germany attacks. I am disappointed, but I can hardly blame him for taking a shot at the solo here. I must have looked at the builds and entered my spring orders late at night, because I completely made them without noticing the new German army in Edinburgh, and so I wasn't 100% sure that he was about to attack. I moved to defend Switzerland, just in case, but otherwise my northern units held position. In the south I changed things up by going for Maltese Sea. This succeeds, as does Spain's attack against Tunisia. If Germany hadn't attacked, this might have been the start of some movement against Egypt. As it is, it marks the end of any aggressive action in the south for me - it's time to pull back and defend. Liverpool and Ireland are a lost cause (realistically, even if I had noticed Germany's Edinburgh build, my single fleet could never have defended them), but I think I have a good chance to put together a line to keep Germany from overrunning me.

Year 12 - My armies are able to hold back Germany's initial push, and Spain wisely moves some of fleets into the Atlantic to secure his northern shoreline. I expected Germany to continue the fight at least a year or two longer, but I breathe a sigh of relief when he concedes the draw.

A well played game by all five survivors. I tip my French cap to you all.

Kaner406 - I also enjoyed our silent partnership - it was quite effective there for a while. No need to feel bad about turning on me at the end, you had to give it a shot, and I would have done the same in your shoes.

Guaroz - I didn't plan to stab Spain after 2001 because I was pretty convinced that I was going to need his help against Egypt so that I could keep moving west.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
12 Mar 13 UTC
@nickbar1: Thanks for your EoG, for your reply (yeah, it makes sense) and yes, I didn't notice German signal for convoy in Fall '95: no luck in it, only 2 good gunboaters. Well done!
Also, I'm happy to hear that I was not the only one thinking Germany could go for a solo, in the end.

@GOD. I've found your "EoG" and yes, it was not one of the longest! :P

- - -

Ok, thanks everybody again!

CG-VIII will start very soon!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
15 Mar 13 UTC
Sorry all... very busy March for me. Also, Easter is coming.
I'll start CG-VIII on the very first days of April.

59 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
14 Mar 13 UTC
Only 7 more needed
Good countries still available and some of the best World players on the site are in the game. See if you can hang with the big boys -- join now!

13 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
13 Mar 13 UTC
Become a leading power with no work!
That's right, folks. For the low, one-time cost of 26 D, you can become a 15 center power on a board where the leaders all have 15 and 16 centers. See what it's like at the top of a leaderboard -- and see if you can keep yourself there! Join now -- this opportunity will be gone soon.

5 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Mar 13 UTC
Does anyone play Crusader Kings 2?
So some time in the next couple weeks me and a few players over at webdiplomacy where going to play a multiple game of CK2. If anyone is interested your welcome to sign up, either here or over at webdip.
2 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
14 Mar 13 UTC
Hate NMR's? Check out this wwIV game.

There's a strict policy against NMR's (the game won't wait to progress without having orders.)
Join up!
1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
13 Mar 13 UTC
question about drawing
so you know how there is a "worth" by everyones name (on a given game board, being currently played). in the draw situation, would we split the pot evenly amongst the drawers, regardless of each players worth? but if someone were to solo win, would we all get our worth? thank you for your time and consideration
5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Feb 13 UTC
America, land of I don't know what......discuss

The Federal Reserve has just posted the largest profit ever recorded by any corporation in US History. Presumably, there are a handful of Global Corporations which routinely post higher profits. Firms with names like NIOC, INOC, PDVSA and Aramco.
31 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Mar 13 UTC
Classic Game
Sand in the @$$ || gameID=13139 || 1 day phase || 20pt buy in WTA || global chat - to keep it interesting ||

Yes yes, standard webdip game, would play there but errrm...not possible ^___^ ......SOOOOOO, who wants to play eh?
1 reply
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