A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
01 Oct 12 UTC
EoG: Australia Gunboat-2
3 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
01 Oct 12 UTC
Sitter Needed (One Game Only)
I will need a sitter from the 22nd to the 24th. I will be getting extends for my other games, but i do need someone to sit the contract gunboat for me.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
01 Oct 12 UTC

Replacement needed for France... 2 hour window before moves go through
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 12 UTC
Haven!-2 EoG

Kinda knew that was coming, although I hoped it wouldn't. Still, it was a good game and well played to all involved!
I'll write up an EoG soon, and I'd be interested to hear all of yours!
5 replies
NigelFarage (1238 D)
28 Sep 12 UTC
FotAE: Civil War question
In Fall of the American Empire: Civil War, do Richmond and Washington count as SCs or not?
2 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
10 Sep 12 UTC
Needed! 5 Variant testers:
2 day phases
(remember to copy and paste)
see you there.
12 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
A Special Game
A special game with YouCan'tHandletheTruth. One of us will play Germany, the other Turkey. We will have an unbreakable alliance. who wants in :-)
23 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
27 Sep 12 UTC
Greek game
Is there anyone that might be interested in doing a greek dip gunboat? I think it needs 6 total correct?
4 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
Can't access new games
When I go to the games tag, it shows me the active games. However, if I try and go to any other part of the list (open, new, whatever) it says: (read rest of message below)
12 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
Modern 2

nice job. I got a lot of hash for being with TUrkey, but it was my best chance for survival
7 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
03 Sep 12 UTC
Extreme Personalities
I saw a thread that talked about the game and it sounds like so much fun. Is anyone interested in playing one?
68 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
23 Sep 12 UTC
Chaos Question
I have a question i am not entirely sure about...if i have eg a fleet in aeg and a army in smy, would i be able to move that army with the one convoy to Rome?
2 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Sep 12 UTC
Alas Texas must allow an auslander on the list
2 replies
Keyser Soze (968 D)
21 Sep 12 UTC
Anti-communit Needed
1 reply
ezpickins (1677 D)
21 Sep 12 UTC
What happened to Diplomat33?
Has he gone missing?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
25 Jun 12 UTC
Random Event Diplomacy
Information to follow...
41 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
19 Sep 12 UTC
You guys have finally done it
everybody at webdip is jealous of your features
6 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
31 Aug 12 UTC
.....I will be winning forever.
22 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Jul 12 UTC
Blind Diplomacy important notification!!!
Since the old blind diplomacy thread got knocked down... Important notice!
24 replies
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
About "Battle of the Sexes Variant"
Hi people, :) I've subscribed also here like I was advised:
There, my nick is: Odd Creator (that fits to me better)
50 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
14 Sep 12 UTC
Tactical Question
See below.
3 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
14 Sep 12 UTC
What happens when you order build Army and fleet to come out from the same supply center?
the answer is a fleet.
It may be the case that the system builds in line with the order box.
though i cant recall if i ordered first Fleet and then Army in the next order box
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
Honor & Prestige
Come here to see your rankings from both systems.
66 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
11 Sep 12 UTC
Issue entering orders
So I am having an issue when I attempt to enter a "Support Move" order in a game, I am able to select where to move is going to but not where the move is coming from. It ends up reading ____ support move to _____ from ...
Anyone experience this issue before?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
30 years is not long enough! Bet is 30.

If you are interested in something more than a quick 1v1, try this one.
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Sep 12 UTC
2 curious proposals about... TIME!
Before I ask Oli if they would be feasible and how hard to do, I'd like to hear if there are any suggestions or comments about them.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Sep 12 UTC
First is very simple. How about having on each user's Home Page a clock that gives the "Vdip Official Time"?
It could be useful each time you need to give an exact time-reference such an Online-date or something. Just say: "At next 03:20 AM VOT" or "next Bourse deadline will be at Sept 11, 11:27 PM VOT" and there can't be any misunderstanding.
Has someone ever told you "Sorry no time today, I'll give you an answer not before tomorrow."? Well... What's TOMORROW? I live in Europe, depending on if you live in New Zealand, Europe or California, Tomorrow can be 3 rather different things!

Second is harder. I've heard often people calling 1v1 games "games of Chess". Very well. I agree enough to wonder: why shouldn't we have time counted in a 1v1 as well as in a real game of chess?
It would be an option in game-creation. When you enable it, you're asked to insert a number of days each player has to think. Thinking-time starts as the phase starts and stops as you finalize. The game goes on normally, but if a player gets short of thinking-time, he loses the game. Like in Chess.
IE. You create a 24h/phase 1v1 and set Thinking-Time (TT) = 7 days. Now either players got 168 cumulative hours to finalize their orders. In the game panel, 2 (digital) clocks show that each player got 168:00 h:m left. After an hour, if you log in the game, it will show 167:00 left.
If now you finalize your orders, your clock stops and it will start again next phase (if you'll have orders to input). Or it will start again if you un-finalize to make some changes, until you re-finalize. So. If a player thinks too much... he loses!
This could be useful also when you don't want a game lasting too much. If you set TT = 14 days, there's no way the game can last more than 28 days. Even if you set the pace to 10days/phase, you'd have a day in which you're sure the game will be over. Actually you could purposely set the phase to 10 days to avoid handling pauses and extensions. You could suddenly go away for 6 days and no time to ask for extend. No NMRs, no CDs, it was YOUR Thinking-Time you spent. If you just wasted it then it's your problem.
Further, it would be a perfect feature for a 1v1 Tournament, if/when there will be another. Because in a Tournament you need all running games to end up and have a winner within a certain day.



(Obviousely there would be a difference between chess-clocks and 1v1-clocks.
In Chess, clocks never run at the same time. When you stop yours, your opponent's starts.
In 1v1, both clocks start as a phase start and when one is stopped the other goes on.)

Devonian (1887 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
I could see an advantage with a timed game for a tournament. I could also see an advantage for keeping games going. For example, I like 1 day phases to allow for real life to get in the way. But don't really like to have them take a full 24 hours. I would much prefer to see 2-3 phases per day on a +-7 player game, more if playing 1v1.

However, I think I would not enjoy timed games that have too short of a time frame. I don't like the pressure.

As for the Vdip official time, I don't really see it being necessary. I think people will still say "I'll get back to you tomorrow". On the other hand, I can see how it might have been useful in something like the Bourse, where there is moderation outside of a game.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Sep 12 UTC
I think Guaroz is asking for a clock counter as part of the vDip homepage, rather than a clock that resets itself according to you location.

Personally I think it would be a handy addition.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Sep 12 UTC
Well yes: the "Official Clock" on your HP wouldn't be a revolution. Just a handy addition, like kaner says.... It would worth the effort only if it was easy to implement. I proposed it because I think it is, but I'm not a programmer.

Devo, I believe that almost nobody likes to have pressure. But it could be nice to try, knowing that the other player would have the same pressure.
It would be optional and you could choose "how much pressure". So if you usually end your 1v1s in, say, 8 days then "TT=8days" would be basically no pressure, because you'd have surely more time avaliable then you usually spend. Instead "TT=8days" would be some pressure if you usually end your 1v1s in 16 days. You couldn't afford to save your orders midphase and "let the phase go to the deadline" each phase, because you'd just waste many hours of your TT.

That's why it would be useful any time you need to end a game within a certain days:
-a- "Devo, like to play a 24h/ph semi-live?" "Yes, but I'll leave in 10 days. Please let it be a REAL semi-live!" "No prob, let's set TT=5 days!"
-b- Imagine a 1v1 with 10days/phase and TT=10 days. No deadlines. No NMRs. No extensions requests. Only your TT to deal with. Wouldn't it be funny?
-c- Tournaments. You need to have all games finished in, say, 20 days. What do you do? Say to players who log in only once a day "Please don't sign up"? Say them "Please always finalize"? If you put TT=10 you'd be sure all games would end up in max 20 days. Incredibly slow players would surely remember to finalize. And maybe to check their tournament games more often or BEFORE their non-tournament games.

Devonian (1887 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
Kaner, sorry. I answered his 2 questions in reverse order. My last paragraph was regarding a clock on the homepage. Basically I thought it could have some usefulness, but not really necessary.
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
This is a great idea, both of them.

It would be nice to find out if the time one regarding tournaments is possible. Since that would be really useful for the second vDip Cup.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
10 Sep 12 UTC
I just reread this thread and I think I was not very clear about the TT proposal. Let me do a second attempt.

- - -

The timing in 1v1 is phase-based now. Both players have the same time avaliable FOR EACH PHASE to think and put their orders in. If you waste your time and don't save any order, this will make all your units hold and this will bring you to a defeat (unless your opponent really sucks!).

My proposal is basically to give (as an option) both players the same time avaliable FOR THE WHOLE GAME. You'd have your personal clock saying how much time you got left. When you finalize you stop your contdown on your clock, and it would restart if you un-finalize to make some changes or if a new phase starts. If you got no time left, you lose the game.

I called this global time "TT" (Thinking Time) and I said that we could express it in days. Actually in hours would be better.

The kind of variant I'm interested in, would be when you choose a long phase lenght like 10 days. Or even infinite, if it would be possible.

The first advantage would be that you wouldn't be pressed if that phase you don't have the time, because you'd have more time to manage.
The second, is that you could make a game whose you know exactly the maximum real-time lenght.

Let's see some example.

1. TT = 2 hrs, phase = 10 days or ∞
This is a LIVE-GAME. It won't last more than 4 hours under any circumstance, unless players decide to pause it.
One more advantage on putting phase = 5 or 10 min, is that sometimes you need more time to think or to put all your orders, expecially at the end of the game when you got a lot of units to be ordered.
You only got to wisely manage your time. Saving orders make sense only if you need to re-check them.

2. Have you ever agreed to play a semi-live with somebody? I did often. The agreement you do with another often-online-player is basically to have a 24 or 36 hrs/phase, but when you're both online you play it as if it was a live.
So the game is intended to last a few days but for some reason, after I make a good turn and I take advantage, my opponent starts to SAVE his orders and let the whole phase go. If you ask, he's claiming to be having a very busy week. He's probably hoping that I'll miss some turn.
Well, I do not miss turns, but the "Semi-Live" we agreed is now lasting a month or more. Grrrr. :(
With this feature, you could just set:
TT = 5 days, phase = 10 days or ∞
No way the game can last more than 10 days. This is the real SEMI-LIVE.

3. TT = 12 days, phase = 10 days or ∞
This would be a regular, maybe a bit fast, 1v1.
You could even think 3 or 4 days long on a crucial turn, if you spent your time wisely before it. Because the pressure the time puts on you is for the whole game, not for a single phase.
And if for some reason some RL issue keeps you away from your PC say... 8 hours and you didn't even got the chance to ask for a pause or extend, then:
- with TT = 12 days, you only lose 8 of your 240 hours;
- without it, if in those 8 hours there was the deadline and you didn't save anything yet, then you NMR, your units all hold, and you've basically lost the game.

- - -

So, aside the fact that it'd be fantastic for the starting tournament, wouldn't "TT" be a nice 1v1 Variant?

What do all the 1v1-lovers say?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
I like the TT option.
Summarizing, Guaroz correct me if I am wrong, my TT is the time I'm playing the 1vs1 game when my orders are NOT finalized.
Since my TT might run when I'm sleeping I feel like 12 days is a bit low, but the evidence of fact might prove this is just a wrong sensation
amisond (1280 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
As said earlier it depends how long a game would normally take you. If you normally take 14 days to finish a game then 12 wouldn't be so difficult but if it normally takes you 20 then it would be more of a challenge.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Sep 12 UTC
Well yes, experience will teach to all of us which is the good TT lenght for each one.
As well as I know that 15min phase is too fast for me and that's why I don't play live games. But someone do.
Or also, I really don't like 5days/phase games because they're too slow for my taste, nonetheless sometimes those kind of games find enough joiners.
Taste! Yes, I believe that in the end it'll be just a matter of taste.

And a matter of what your RL is.
DL: "Since my TT might run when I'm sleeping I feel like 12 days is a bit low"
You know...It depends on what you do when you're awake.
If you log in and finalize 5 times a day, when the game will be finished you may still have 150 hours left. But if you log in only once every 3 days, you may not see the 3rd year of the game.

And afer all, looking at all NMRs around now, there's a lot of players who don't know how to choose the right phase lenght for themselves. So I guess that even with experience, there will be always someone who mistakes the right TT lenght for himself.

Recap. It will be a matter of
- personal experience
- personal taste
- personal "log-in-the-site" pace
- personal smartness !!
the same things you use when you choose a phase lenght. ;-)

10 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
user stats
I remember this past discussion about improving the user stats page and I've found back the link:
is there still interest in the topic?
61 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Sep 12 UTC
Concede to a draw
Details to follow.
11 replies
Raro (1449 D)
06 Sep 12 UTC
Hi everybody
...and sorry
6 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
06 Sep 12 UTC
VDip Tablet Functionality
It appears I can do everything here at VDip on my iPad... except enter orders. Is this because of Flash, or is this functionality still in development?
10 replies
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