
  • Rank: Political puppet (1,000 D)
  • Position: 3671/3862 (top 96%)
  • Available points: 100 D
  • Points in play: 0 D
  • Total points: 100 D
  • Game messages: 0

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  • Reliability rating: 1%

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  • Joined: Wed 04 Sep UTC
  • User ID#: 24324

AutumnBreeze's games

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1 total results.

Start: If full - Expires: 5 days, 3 hours (10 PM Sat 21 Sep UTC)
American Diplomacy
2 days /phase
Unrated - Spring, 2021, 14 players (of 50) missing.
Divided States, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 3 turn(s)
SteampunkShogun (1402 D), Tribn (1418 D), TheJamster757 (1069 D), Mr. Finkelmuiyer (1409 D), Zhezhel (1011 D), bigslaper (985 D), StormDoge16 (1000 D), AnitheLoner (1000 D), Vitulina (1000 D), EpicNoob (1000 D), jillzili (1000 D), AutumnBreeze (1000 D), peaktrr (1000 D), Mayor Mare (1037 D), JonasSycamore (1000 D), TimeStag (941 D), TelePort (894 D), JamesDiplomacy (965 D), diebloonsdie (909 D), ~abstruse (1119 D), miracle (1127 D), Hulkrock (1020 D), HR_Enigma (991 D), Aserthreto (1205 D), Joepie (1017 D), StarUnknown (1190 D), GevkoOverlord (777 D), Kandrenai (994 D), wrpen (938 D), bbg (1003 D), BlueDog4Peace (1377 D), thebeing (719 D), Vilsmeier (1000 D), wangshen2008 (851 D), Zebulon Zirbou (1040 D), Saladin_der_Weise (862 D)