
  • Rank: Political puppet (1,000 D)
  • Position: 3672/3862 (top 96%)
  • Available points: 92 D
  • Points in play: 2 D
  • Total points: 100 D
  • Game messages: 0

  • Reliability:
  • Reliability rating: 96%

"Understanding the game makes you a good player; understanding the players makes you a great one.

Bud-Rum enthusiast

Fav countries: Germany>Russia>Italy>England>France>Austria>Turkey"

  • Visited in last 24 hours
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  • Joined: 02 Jun 24 UTC
  • User ID#: 23735

StraightFlush's games

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1 total results.

Start: If full - Expires: 2 days, 5 hours (Sun 02 AM UTC)
Modern Diplomacy 2 Club
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 14 D - Spring, 1994, 3 players (of 10) missing.
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 1 turn(s)
ibuprofen (2128 D), StraightFlush (1000 D), benjamin.tyson (857 D), Udvarid (1491 D), JohnnyTHCeed (974 D), Kormagog (904 D), Saladin_der_Weise (862 D)