Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for rannjohnson (1524 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
25130 Return of Diplomacy SouthAmerica4 Survived 17 1017
25529 Silent Warfare Empire1on1 Won 0 1017
25463 (FT)-19 ClassicVS Won 8 1025
25548 game-18 ClassicGvR Survived -8 1017
25137 Chans Slice of Pie YoungstownWWII Survived -22 995
25623 Silent Warfare-2 ClassicEvT Won 7 1002
25625 Silent Warfare 3 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -4 998
25624 Silent Warfare 2 ColdWar Won 7 1005
25444 Unrated ClassicEconomic Survived 0 1005
25779 Silent Warfare 4 ColdWar Won 7 1012
25454 Atlantic Shenanigans AtlanticColonies Survived -12 1000
25417 We all suck-2 TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -15 985
25439 Europe 1939-2 Europe1939 Defeated 0 985
25713 This Won't Happen AncMed Won 112 1097
26095 Silent Warfare 4-2 ColdWar Won 3 1100
25410 Cute plushy bear with chocolate eyes. FantasyWorld Drawn 97 1197
26091 4 player SA SouthAmerica4 Survived 10 1207
25508 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island ClassicChaos Defeated 0 1207
25538 Africa-13 Africa Defeated -25 1182
25419 No Jack Sparrow Pirates Defeated -22 1160
25793 Fall of the American Empire4 Won 218 1378
25789 drowsy strum Pirates Defeated -24 1354
27234 'Turkey joke here' FirstCrusade Drawn 24 1378
27698 machiavellian Rinascimento Defeated 0 1378
27726 Nakasendo KnownWorld_901 Defeated -20 1358
32105 Illuminati Confirmed WhoControlsAmerica Won 109 1467
32138 Tricky one! Europe1600 Survived -17 1450
31977 old faithfull YoungstownRedux Drawn 11 1461
31673 War is never fair III Colonial1885 Defeated -36 1425
32216 WWII... Interesting time to play this one WWII Defeated -28 1397
31675 Honey, have you seen the news today? Imperial2 Drawn 40 1437
32933 For the Shotgun! Sengoku5 Defeated -25 1412
32985 The Spoils of War Napoleonic Defeated -38 1374
32139 How different would your world be? Colonial1885 Defeated -38 1336
32659 °Schwifty in Here° AberrationV Survived -36 1300
33267 One Rat Two Rat Red Rat Blue Rat RatWars Survived -15 1285
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1285
33283 Something Different - 5 Sengoku6 Defeated -25 1260
32797 Classic - 1897 Classic1897 Drawn 23 1283
33475 The Great Debate ColdWar Won 9 1292
33239 Andes and Amazon SouthAmerica8 Defeated -32 1260
33244 Fast-3 WWII Drawn 29 1289
33294 Something Different - 2 Africa Defeated -32 1257
33462 Ummmmm DarkAges Won 186 1443
33243 North America AmericanConflict Defeated -27 1416
33388 Modern Diplomacy Means War Modern2 Defeated -55 1361
33378 Spirit of '97 Classic1897 Defeated -28 1333
33890 EvT-27 ClassicEvT Survived -11 1322
33891 GvI-70 ClassicGvI Survived -10 1312
33297 Something Different - 6 AberrationV Drawn 34 1346
33944 England vs Turkey 03022018 ClassicEvT Won 6 1352
33780 United States of Insanity Divided_States Drawn 1 1353
34004 (IEGA) ClassicVS Survived -14 1339
33824 India wars Maharajah Won 207 1546
33950 Something Different - 9 Europe1600 Won 244 1790
33912 Kanonenboot! Germany1648 Drawn 14 1804
34009 1913 gunboat Classic1913 Survived -40 1764
34045 Greater Lakes GreatLakes Defeated -61 1703
34254 Renaissance-3 Renaissance1453 Drawn 6 1709
33459 Please help new players grow 3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -47 1662
34460 No chat just fun 19 Classic1913 Defeated -51 1611
34974 You Have Died of Dysentry ManifestDestiny Survived -21 1590
34415 JUST FOR FUN-5 Colonial1885 Survived -19 1571
35014 Colonial Diplomacy-4 AtlanticColonies Drawn 9 1580
35017 Fog of War I ClassicFog Survived 9 1589
34936 No chat just fun 23 BalkanWarsVI Defeated -42 1547
34957 Edwardian Edwardian Defeated -36 1511
35019 Gunboat South America SouthAmerica8 Survived -19 1492
35310 Duomed to fight forever Duo Survived -11 1481
35018 back to 1600 - Gunboat Europe1600 Won 193 1674
35324 FrankenJugg-2 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -13 1661
35393 Duel-55 ColdWar Won 5 1666
35392 Duel-54 ClassicIER Drawn 0 1666
35267 (Listen to the) Flower People WWII Won 51 1717
33046 Public WWIV WWIV Drawn 75 1792
35548 Game-32 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -28 1764
35496 Don't turn around - 3 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -56 1708
35215 Dawn of the Century Baron1900 Drawn 1 1709
35447 Econ 101 ClassicEconomic Drawn 5 1714
35374 E + C Gunboat-2 EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -54 1660
35766 Live Action ColdWar Survived -13 1647
35731 ArDUOus Battling Duo Defeated -9 1638
35211 1900 can be a lot of fun Baron1900 Drawn 26 1664
35669 Foooog ClassicFog Won 128 1792
35873 Cold Duel ColdWar Won 6 1798
35914 Germ rush ClassicGvR Won 2 1800
35926 Cold Duel-2 ColdWar Won 2 1802
35442 xyz Colonial1885 Defeated -42 1760
35967 Cold Duel-3 ColdWar Won 2 1762
35386 Der Krieg ist nicht forbei FirstCrusade Defeated -37 1725
35993 Cold Duel-4 ColdWar Won 3 1728
35502 Modern World War Modern2 Defeated -49 1679
36033 Live Action-2 Empire1on1 Defeated -13 1666
35998 Rebellious Yankee Doodle Empire1on1 Won 3 1669
35733 Country-spirit! Baron1900 Defeated -53 1616
35671 Ojyucr5uohfswe Enlightenment Defeated -58 1558
35472 Guadal KnownWorld_901 Defeated -32 1526
35999 Mayhem Imperium Defeated -36 1490
35869 Let's play WWII WWII Drawn 17 1507
36180 Live Action-3 ColdWar Won 4 1511
35854 It's time to party like it's 1900 Baron1900 Survived -49 1462
35744 What If AberrationV Defeated -42 1420
35633 Don't turn around - 4 ClassicCrowded Defeated -42 1378
35652 Probabilities... Colonial1885 Drawn 43 1421
36231 Live Action-4 Empire1on1 Won 6 1427
35890 Don't turn around - 7 (but it's the 4th Crusade) Crusades1201 Won 256 1683
35970 Fogtown ClassicFog Defeated -51 1632
36028 World War 2 Blues WWII Drawn 11 1643
36048 Operation Torch WWII Drawn 7 1650
35917 Classic Gunboat-6 Classic Survived -37 1613
35859 Fight for Fantasyland FantasyWorld Drawn 46 1659
35996 Colonial Dreams Colonial Drawn 7 1666
35919 No chat just fun 28 Modern2 Defeated -41 1625
35751 foggy 85 ClassicFog Won 65 1690
36228 Talkin' 2 Myself Napoleonic Drawn 43 1733
36037 Hello there mate MateAgainstMate Drawn 31 1764
35897 Gods and Heros AgeOfPericles Survived -18 1746
36204 Youngstown WWII-2 YoungstownWWII Survived 2 1748
36320 Mucho nachos SouthAmerica8 Drawn 6 1754
36194 World At War-2 WWII Survived -11 1743
36237 No chat just fun 31 Classic1880 Defeated -42 1701
36153 No chat just fun 30 - WTA ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -35 1666
36010 A Bridge too Far DutchRevolt Defeated -19 1647
35911 FallAmerican Empire4 Drawn 56 1703
36307 foggy 92 ClassicFog Defeated -55 1648
36155 Morning to you Karibik Won 40 1688
36294 The Great Game (not really) Colonial Drawn 7 1695
36558 Foggy Gunboat I ClassicFog Defeated -55 1640
36196 Diplodocus FirstCrusade Drawn 11 1651
35920 No chat just fun 29 ClassicCrowded Defeated -42 1609
36331 A thing I did WWII Survived -44 1565
35916 Africa-16 Africa Survived -24 1541
35182 Darwin's Dilemma WWIV_V6 Defeated -28 1513
36301 Mars - Final Crusade Mars Defeated -26 1487
36573 Setec Astronomy-3 ClassicFog Defeated -44 1443
36186 Brave New World-4 Colonial1885 Survived -35 1408
35927 Brave New World-3 Colonial1885 Defeated -42 1366
36540 Setec Astronomy-2 ClassicFog Drawn 19 1385
36222 Covfefe is a drinking game KnownWorld_901 Defeated -59 1326
36255 Colonial 1885-5 Colonial1885 Won 124 1450
36304 Teepee Trouble GreatLakes Survived 72 1522
37116 Beep boop Duo Won 2 1524
36597 foggy 94 ClassicFog Defeated -47 1477
36737 Lisica Classic Won 59 1536
36765 foggy 96 ClassicFog Defeated -36 1500
35962 Known World Order KnownWorld_901 Drawn 132 1632
37078 Interesting Viking Survived -39 1593
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Defeated -45 1548
33788 Divided States Gunboat Divided_States Defeated -30 1518
36970 A New Century Baron1900 Won 22 1540
36313 Gobble-Earth-2 GobbleEarth Drawn 23 1563
37504 Do the Lols ColdWar Won 8 1571
37124 Opportunity is bald behind. AncMed Drawn 9 1580
36609 Rinascimento-3 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1580
37338 Come One, Come All Canton Drawn 23 1603
36338 The Quest for the Holy Grail Haven Drawn 68 1671
37063 Something Different -2 Habelya Defeated -47 1624
36984 Revolting People DutchRevolt Drawn 10 1634
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States Defeated -38 1596
37006 Economic-5 ClassicEconomic Survived -18 1578
37415 No chat just fun 36 Classic Defeated -54 1524
36192 Imperial-3 Imperial2 Defeated -39 1485
36771 Big Guns YoungstownRedux Drawn 7 1492
37277 Beep Beep I'm a Jeep GobbleEarth Drawn 33 1525
37495 Global War YoungstownWWII Won 112 1637
37007 Imperial World-2 Imperial2 Drawn 19 1656
37067 something different-4 Modern2 Defeated -50 1606
37659 GB Florence ClassicFlorence Survived -53 1553
37720 Censorship ClassicGreyPress Drawn 8 1561
37436 Classic Spin Baron1900 Won 175 1736
37891 Foggy Days I ClassicFog Survived -35 1701
37674 Great deeds for a small man EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 25 1726
37948 foggy 107 ClassicFog Won 44 1770
37008 Western World WesternWorld_901 Defeated -45 1725
36688 Let’s do this KnownWorld_901 Drawn 37 1762
38044 War in the Caucasus Caucasia Won 14 1776
37073 Joybe KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1737
37452 Colonial Diplomacy-5 Colonial Defeated -36 1701
37315 George Washington Empire4 Won 174 1875
37066 something different-3 Empire4 Defeated -66 1809
38035 Gogogo-4 ClassicFog Survived -31 1778
37938 Austria's Freedom AustrianSuccession Drawn 9 1787
37500 foggy 104 ClassicFog Won 57 1844
37920 Tribal! GreatLakes Drawn 4 1848
37033 World-2 World Drawn 76 1924
37927 Crusader Crusades1201 Won 80 2004
37951 No chat just fun 38 Classic Defeated -46 1958
38034 No chat just fun 41 Classic1880 Drawn 2 1960
38002 No chat just fun 40 WTA Classic Drawn 3 1963
38033 Edwardian -2 Edwardian Survived -37 1926
38187 Foggy Days II ClassicFog Won 27 1953
37418 The Escape KnownWorld_901 Drawn 29 1982
38452 Darkages DarkAges Survived -50 1932
37876 Casus Belli-2 Colonial1885 Drawn 13 1945
38185 foggy 108 ClassicFog Defeated -49 1896
38301 foggy 111 ClassicFog Won 80 1976
37680 World X Gunboat World10 Defeated -63 1913
38530 Manifest Destiny ManifestDestiny Won 74 1987
38677 Cold War (Lilgreenturtle) ColdWar Won 1 1988
38585 Foggy Gunboat V ClassicFog Defeated -59 1929
38184 the longest day WWII Defeated -34 1895
38565 foggy 113 ClassicFog Won 58 1953
38130 Fair Fight Colonial1885 Drawn 9 1962
38468 Heptagonal Earth Zeus5 Defeated -48 1914
38629 Something Different - 20 Caucasia Defeated -43 1871
38180 Instadip KnownWorld_901 Won 254 2125
38929 Fun-9 ClassicEvT Survived -14 2111
38930 Win ClassicGvR Won 1 2112
38872 War (EIA) ClassicVS Survived -11 2101
38408 Breath Mint KnownWorld_901 Defeated -68 2033
38581 HeptarchyIV HeptarchyIV Won 25 2058
38687 No chat just fun 47 Classic1913 Survived -29 2029
38731 Foggy Days III ClassicFog Won 78 2107
38665 No missed moves please!!! Gunboat Zeus5 Defeated -51 2056
38723 Something Different - 21 Karibik Survived -41 2015
37932 Amsterdamned KnownWorld_901 Defeated -53 1962
38704 War of fog ClassicFog Survived -57 1905
38580 Dark Ages-3 DarkAges Drawn 18 1923
38662 Immanuel Kanton Canton Drawn 11 1934
38766 Italy and France now Hate Each other Baron1900 Drawn 1 1935
38333 AWAW1937 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -63 1872
38676 foggy 116 ClassicFog Defeated -51 1821
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -61 1760
38324 A World At War WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 23 1783
38686 No chat just fun 46 Classic1897 Defeated -42 1741
38882 Europian Conquest II AberrationV Survived -53 1688
38685 No chat just fun 45 WTA Classic1880 Defeated -48 1640
38306 The War to End All Wars 2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -38 1602
38688 Fast and serious ClassicFog Drawn 22 1624
38874 Borissimo KnownWorld_901 Defeated -60 1564
39715 France vs Austria 09112019 ClassicFvA Survived -10 1554
39746 War (FGRA) ClassicVS Survived -12 1542
39738 Foggy 1898-4 Classic1898Fog Drawn 15 1557
39706 Not this daisho Sengoku5 Defeated -2 1555
39745 War (EFRT) ClassicVS Survived -6 1549
39617 domination Xl WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 33 1582
39485 Homer J. Simpson Enlightenment Survived 4 1586
39747 War (EIRAT) ClassicVS Won 24 1610
39812 U want this Gunboat WWII Drawn 8 1618
40105 Civil War 10142019 Empire1on1 Defeated -7 1611
39693 WWII gunboat-2 WWII Drawn 4 1615
39279 Foggy 1898 Classic1898Fog Defeated -17 1598
39696 Fog Ahead! ClassicFog Defeated -45 1553
40228 Bruhone-8 ClassicFvA Won 0 1553
40061 100-3 Hundred Drawn 0 1553
40220 EvT-40 ClassicEvT Defeated -10 1543
40218 EvT-38 ClassicEvT Survived -11 1532
40109 South American Foursome SouthAmerica4 Survived -21 1511
39986 No Neutrals!! ClassicNoNeutrals Defeated -31 1480
39819 Fog of War-24 ClassicFog Won 53 1533
39641 Mike Hunt Smells ManifestDestiny Won 20 1553
39944 Classic 1898-3 Classic1898 Drawn 5 1558
40232 Civil War 10232019 unranked Empire1on1 Won 0 1558
39923 The weekly random-4 ClassicAnkaraCrescent Drawn 0 1558
39669 Herb Eaversmells Habelya Won 79 1637
39830 Bring the rain Colonial1885 Defeated -50 1587
40096 The weekly random-6 YoungstownRedux Won 0 1587
39644 Napoleon-2 EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -56 1531
40266 Blind Classic1898Fog Defeated -41 1490
39656 Classic Gunboat-7 Classic Defeated -19 1471
40101 African Gunboat-2 Africa Drawn 41 1512
39692 WWII-22 WWII Drawn 16 1528
40448 1v1v1 no alliances ClassicFGA Won 17 1545
40368 Gunboats in the Fog I ClassicFog Survived -45 1500
40004 foggy 123 ClassicFog Defeated -42 1458
40264 Foggy 1898-9 Classic1898Fog Defeated -38 1420
39820 Foggy 1898-5 Classic1898Fog Defeated -24 1396
40281 Foggy Days IV ClassicFog Defeated -45 1351
39932 Foggy 1898-7 Classic1898Fog Defeated -26 1325
40334 Classic-1898 Fog of War-Gunboat Classic1898Fog Won 197 1522
39743 Slow boat to Memphis, Egypt AncMed Defeated -34 1488
40106 Spongebong and Hashbrick ManifestDestiny Drawn 22 1510
40466 Gunboat- Egypt ClassicEgypt Won 126 1636
39901 No chat just fun 56 Classic Survived 4 1640
40644 Cold War 12052019 ColdWar Won 5 1645
40199 Dough Boys USofA Won 108 1753
40527 More Coffee and More More Africa Drawn 14 1767
40757 Cold War 12192019 ColdWar Defeated -9 1758
40493 Classic 1898-6 Classic1898 Won 35 1793
40638 Foggy Days V ClassicFog Survived -52 1741
40000 Colonies in 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 16 1757
40471 Classic-1898 FoW-Gunboat Classic1898Fog Survived -45 1712
40515 Classic Gunboat-8 Classic Survived -56 1656
39626 Victoria Imperial2 Drawn 27 1683
40235 For Opium! Imperial2 Drawn 19 1702
40287 Tai-Pan! Canton Drawn 14 1716
39664 JoJo KnownWorld_901 Won 376 2092
40500 Teams without chatting Classic Survived -7 2085
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio Drawn 70 2155
40480 Small World! Colonial1885 Drawn 12 2167
40654 Gunboats in the Fog II ClassicFog Defeated -57 2110
40472 another Classic-1898 FoW-Gunboat Classic1898Fog Defeated -59 2051
40728 Foggy 1898 - 14 WTA Classic1898Fog Defeated -61 1990
40725 Classic 1898-8 Classic1898 Drawn 11 2001
40438 Foggy 1898-10 Classic1898Fog Defeated -53 1948
40491 No chat just fun 58 Classic1913 Defeated -55 1893
40333 Classic-Egypt ClassicEgypt Defeated -50 1843
40892 Greek-3 GreekDip Survived -42 1801
40726 Classic 1897 - WTA Classic1897 Survived -51 1750
40663 foggy 125 ClassicFog Survived 2 1752
40889 More Coffee and More... Diamonds! Africa Defeated -43 1709
40492 Foggy 1898-11 WTA Classic1898Fog Drawn 24 1733
40437 Classic 1898-5 Classic1898 Drawn 9 1742
40487 Divided America ManifestDestiny Won 46 1788
40741 No chat just fun 61 Classic1897 Won 51 1839
40279 Baritone KnownWorld_901 Won 272 2111
40841 Черт с ними! AustrianSuccession Defeated -68 2043
40665 Classic 1898-7 Classic1898 Survived -37 2006
40934 Teapots and Tambourines Colonial1885 Won 107 2113
40918 Foggy 1898 - 17 Classic1898Fog Drawn 16 2129
40985 libertas quæ sera tamen Classic1898Fog Defeated -62 2067
40202 Plastic Beach GobbleEarth Defeated -65 2002
41008 Guns, Boats, and Headaches Migraine Drawn 15 2017
40513 Otto Enlightenment Defeated -58 1959
40664 Foggy 1898 - 12 Classic1898 Defeated -39 1920
40743 No chat just fun 63 Classic1913 Survived -10 1910
40397 Westward Ho! AtlanticColonies Survived -38 1872
40241 Brexit-4 Modern2 Drawn 38 1910
40730 Foggy 126 ClassicFog Survived -2 1908
40727 Foggy 1898 - 13 Classic1898Fog Drawn 4 1912
41149 Niebla Classic1898Fog Survived -56 1856
40915 Classic 1898 - 10 WTA Classic1898 Defeated -49 1807
40657 Brexited Out KnownWorld_901 Defeated -58 1749
40917 foggy 129 ClassicFog Survived -29 1720
40933 New Openings pls Classic Survived -45 1675
40960 January Fog ClassicFog Survived 14 1689
40891 AC-3 AmericanConflict Defeated -41 1648
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Survived -11 1637
41146 More Coffee and More... Ivory! Africa Drawn 13 1650
41150 La bruma Classic1898Fog Defeated -36 1614
41038 Classic 1898 - 11 Classic1898 Defeated -44 1570
40793 Inherency KnownWorld_901 Defeated -51 1519
40988 Classic Gunboat-9 Classic Defeated -33 1486
40440 foggy 124 ClassicFog Won 90 1576
40877 Foggy 1898 15 Classic1898Fog Defeated -24 1552
40878 foggy 128 ClassicFog Survived 0 1552
41232 libertas quæ sera tamen-2 Classic1898Fog Survived -35 1517
41203 European Noticebaord ClassicFog Survived 9 1526
41177 Foggy communications ClassicFog Survived -39 1487
41115 A boat to the holy land FirstCrusade Drawn 13 1500
41040 No chat just fun 64 Classic Drawn 10 1510
40617 European Disunion-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -38 1472
41354 The Exception MongolianEmpire Survived -59 1413
41059 Thanks giving game Empire4 Defeated -35 1378
41384 Good Ol' Edwardian Gunboat Edwardian Defeated -39 1339
42446 Nagashino Sengoku6 Survived -30 1309
41037 Foggy 1898 - 18 Classic1898Fog Survived -6 1303
41793 Hard Times-2 Edwardian3 Survived -16 1287
40679 Colonial Days! Colonial1885 Drawn 44 1331
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated -11 1320
41237 Herb Eavereally Smells ManifestDestiny Survived -33 1287
41199 1900 Baron1900 Drawn 14 1301
42045 The world is not enough-2 ClassicLayered Drawn 20 1321
41742 Just in Time V - WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -44 1277
41713 1937 Gunboat - stab away! WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 68 1345
41803 Easy....... Classic Survived -29 1316
41949 The Silent Continent Africa Survived -15 1301
41340 1937 Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 72 1373
43104 No chat just fun 74 Classic1898 Drawn 4 1377
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio Defeated -33 1344
43054 Tipples and nits ManifestDestiny Defeated -15 1329
40911 Imperalismo Imperial2 Drawn 48 1377
43098 A Modest, Modern Gunboat Modern2 Drawn 38 1415
42948 Foggy Gunboat IX ClassicFog Defeated -43 1372
43070 1913-2 Classic1913 Drawn 8 1380
41948 Keep It Dark, Italy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1380
41744 Just in Time VII Classic1898 Defeated -27 1353
42437 AC-4 AmericanConflict Defeated -24 1329
43100 Modern American Gunboat Empire4 Defeated -17 1312
43105 No chat just fun 75 Classic1913 Survived -18 1294
42441 1898Fog Classic1898Fog Survived -24 1270
43106 No chat just fun 76 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 31 1301
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1301
43067 1800 EmpiresCoalitions Survived -27 1274
41125 So long, my son KnownWorld_901 Defeated -40 1234
43107 Classic 1898 - 13 Classic1898 Defeated -33 1201
42445 1453-3 Renaissance1453 Survived -41 1160
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -37 1123
43257 Scottish Clanboat Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived -4 1119
43103 No chat just fun 73 Classic1897 Won 113 1232
44071 Classic Gunboat Series - Brazilian ClassicBrazilian Survived -14 1218
43108 Easy.... Classic Drawn 46 1264
44066 Classic Gunboat Series - 1913 Classic1913 Drawn 25 1289
42527 Colonial 1885-6 Colonial1885 Survived -33 1256
44673 1v1-334 ColdWar Survived -7 1249
44676 1v1-337 ClassicFvA Survived -7 1242
41481 Walk the line KnownWorld_901 Defeated -34 1208
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -11 1197
44012 foggy 135 ClassicFog Defeated -23 1174
43852 Mount Olympus Zeus5 Won 80 1254
42436 WWII WWII Drawn 28 1282
43879 1937 Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -31 1251
43855 Alacavre gunboat-2 Alacavre Survived 51 1302
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Defeated -10 1292
44083 Phileas Fogg IV ClassicFog Defeated -25 1267
44065 Classic Gunboat Series - 1880 Classic1880 Defeated -17 1250
44895 Symmetry-2 Chromatic Survived -31 1219
44072 Classic Gunboat Series - Croatia ClassicCroatia Drawn 30 1249
44988 Wading in the Pond AtlanticColonies Survived -20 1229
44637 Time....... Balkans1860 Drawn 45 1274
44987 Come back with your shield or on it AncMed Won 42 1316
44701 Gunboat Colonial Diplomacy 101 Colonial Drawn 0 1316
44567 No chat just fun 83 Classic1913 Won 72 1388
43097 A Modern Gunboat A_Modern_Europe Defeated -2 1386
41953 1937 Gunboat!-2 WorldAtWar1937 Won 435 1821
44639 Time........ Classic1897 Survived -20 1801
44526 Antecolumbia KnownWorld_901 Drawn 48 1849
44573 As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods Zeus5 Drawn 18 1867
44749 VBrit meltdown AnarchyInTheUK Survived -39 1828
44783 More Coffee and More... Fate! Africa Defeated -26 1802
44591 Huckfeads Gunboat Habelya Survived -53 1749
44959 Celtic Dream CelticBritain Survived 0 1749
44640 Time.......... Classic1898 Drawn 27 1776
42627 Terra Imperium Imperial2 Defeated -47 1729
44961 Old World/New World AtlanticColonies Won 19 1748
41202 Modern Love-4 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -45 1703
44642 Time............ Classic1913 Survived -3 1700
45378 AC-5 AmericanConflict Defeated -35 1665
44641 Time........... Classic1898Fog Survived -32 1633
45372 Cabombaceae Colonial1885 Drawn 23 1656
45405 Wonderland Gunboat Habelya Defeated -49 1607
45543 Civilisation Excoriation WesternWorld_901 Defeated -31 1576
46425 Three Kingdoms in Western Europe TenSixtySix Survived -11 1565
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Defeated -33 1532
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated -39 1493
44566 Die happy ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -27 1466
46273 Gunboats in India! Maharajah Drawn 23 1489
46346 Trans Siberia Colonial Gunboat Colonial Drawn 47 1536
46230 Das G-Boat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived 20 1556
46373 Viking G-Boat Viking Survived -37 1519
46280 Denmark is OP (Gunboat) Europe1600 Survived -36 1483
46303 No chat just fun 92-2 Classic1880 Survived -21 1462
46222 Even Flow ClassicFog Drawn 18 1480
46345 Das G-Boat Aberration AberrationV Defeated -20 1460
46442 Libertas quæ sera tamen-7 AtlanticColonies Drawn 3 1463
46439 practice needed Classic1898 Survived 55 1518
46307 foggy 1898 - 30 WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -30 1488
46424 Gunboat Means Anonymous, not No Press. However thi Classic1880 Won 166 1654
46368 Das U-boat YoungstownWWII Drawn 15 1669
46431 Easy....-2 Classic1880 Defeated -38 1631
46435 Easy.....,......-2 Classic1913 Defeated -33 1598
46367 Das Youngstown G-Boat YoungstownRedux Defeated -28 1570
46067 Edith Puthie Habelya Won 125 1695
46432 Easy....,. Classic1897 Defeated -37 1658
46799 Fog of War 1898-2 Classic1898Fog Survived -2 1656
46514 It is better to be feared than loved Machiavelli Survived 10 1666
46433 Easy......,. Classic1898 Defeated -36 1630
46374 Easy........,....... Modern2 Survived 6 1636
46436 Easy........,... ClassicSevenIslands Survived 22 1658
46408 What is Known / What is Unknown KnownWorld_901 Defeated -37 1621
46802 Something Different - 22 MongolianEmpire Drawn 47 1668
44638 Time.......-2 Classic1880 Survived 5 1673
46743 No chat just fun 100 - WTA Classic1898 Drawn 18 1691
46371 Colonial 1885 G-Boat Colonial1885 Won 74 1765
47091 foggy 145 ClassicFog Survived -5 1760
46836 Die happy 16 WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -15 1745
46800 Colonial Gunboat 724,2 Colonial Drawn 13 1758
47093 Classic 1898 gumboat Classic1898 Defeated -43 1715
46321 Das Imperial G-Boat Imperial2 Defeated -43 1672
46194 Salut Modern Europa Modern2 Defeated -17 1655
46837 Die happy 17 WTA Classic1913 Won 190 1845
46833 Die happy 13 WTA Classic1880 Defeated -41 1804
47438 Indians Gunboat 2021 GreatLakes Survived -5 1799
46284 time..,.. Classic Defeated -36 1763
47895 Cold War 03042021 ColdWar Defeated -8 1755
46832 Die happy 12 WTA Classic Drawn 46 1801
46834 Die happy 14 WTA Classic1898 Survived -30 1771
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Defeated -45 1726
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio Defeated -31 1695
47433 1898 gunboat WTA Classic1898 Defeated -37 1658
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Defeated -31 1627
47533 Le Monde ClassicBrazilian Defeated -39 1588
47417 Fall of America Gunboat 2021 Empire4 Defeated -41 1547
47000 For the Empire Imperial2 Defeated -33 1514
46838 Die happy 17 WTA-2 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -21 1493
47724 Time..,..,... ClassicEgypt Drawn 18 1511
47507 Colonial 1885 GunbOat -2 Colonial1885 Defeated -32 1479
47532 Tahir - WTA ClassicEgypt Drawn 28 1507
47837 Crossbowboat Diplomacy FirstCrusade Drawn 26 1533
45393 Imperial II Imperial2 Drawn 62 1595
48110 Fog of War 1898 ! Classic1898Fog Survived -27 1568
47885 Gunboat gunboat I ClassicBrazilian Defeated -35 1533
44413 ME-2 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 77 1610
46835 Die happy 15 WTA Classic1898 Defeated -30 1580
47884 Gunboat gunboat Classic1898 Defeated -26 1554
48584 I Wonder why only Five of these have been Played MachiavelliTTR Defeated -38 1516
46359 WWWoww WWIV Defeated -39 1477
47886 Gunboat gunboat II ClassicEgypt Defeated -25 1452
48500 The Midas Touch GreekDip Drawn 34 1486
48928 Say what? AncMed Drawn 19 1505
49070 In Space, No One Can Hear You Message Mars Defeated -29 1476
48200 funGoat 16 YoungstownRedux Survived -3 1473
48133 funGoat 3 Classic1898 Drawn 20 1493
48929 Another Game Modern2 Drawn 46 1539
49057 Hidden Indian GreatLakes Survived -43 1496
48134 funGoat 4 Balkans1860 Defeated -32 1464
48489 World Dominion World10 Drawn 104 1568
49062 Karibu 2 Africa Defeated -25 1543
47535 Marca - WTA YoungstownWWII Drawn 7 1550
48820 Conquerers in the Colonies in Covid-Times Colonial1885 Drawn 50 1600
49358 WW2-22 YoungstownRedux Survived -55 1545
48933 Moderna gunnboat Modern2 Defeated -25 1520
48932 Karibu Africa Defeated -25 1495
49265 Hoynanina ClassicFog Survived 24 1519
48828 GB 1 World Won 242 1761
49463 KSFM Modern2 Defeated -46 1715
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio Defeated -42 1673
49413 European Rumble!!! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -22 1651
50419 Cold War-184 ColdWar Won 3 1654
50418 Cold War-183 ColdWar Won 2 1656
49897 Epic Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -56 1600
49852 [GUNBOAT] Balkans 1860 Balkans1860 Defeated -52 1548
50216 Final Norm-3 Classic Drawn 42 1590
49850 Deus non constristatur FirstCrusade Drawn 14 1604
49885 Odin: does he blink or wink? Colonial1885 Survived 29 1633
50629 Quicky(join for a fast game) ClassicEvT Won 3 1636
50628 Mutually Assured Destruction XXIII ColdWar Defeated -8 1628
49006 Rise of an Empire KnownWorld_901 Defeated -40 1588
47431 Gunboat - World diplomacy World Drawn 84 1672
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Drawn 61 1733
49434 The day and a half blitz #2 Colonial1885 Defeated -47 1686
48915 Canton A Hont Tin Roof Canton Won 223 1909
50307 ‘98Fog21-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -53 1856
50207 Silent Iron age KnownWorld_901 Defeated -31 1825
50305 AC-7 AmericanConflict Won 64 1889
51107 Climb to Glory 2 ColdWar Won 1 1890
50463 MEGA GUNBOAT NAPOLEONIC Napoleonic Defeated -62 1828
50306 Fog21-2 ClassicFog Drawn 27 1855
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated -45 1810
50717 Why does Axum never win? KnownWorld_901 Drawn 54 1864
50552 Youngstown Gunboat-7 YoungstownRedux Drawn 23 1887
49311 Diplomacy Beyond Europe Colonial1885 Defeated -36 1851
51184 Gunboat-16 YoungstownRedux Defeated -17 1834
51190 Gunboat -6 Classic Survived -46 1788
50491 The Smyler With the Knyfe Rinascimento Defeated 0 1788
50876 Mega Gunboat McNapoleone Napoleonic Drawn 43 1831
50215 Knives Out Modern2 Defeated -39 1792
51462 Foggy Gunboat-6 Classic1898Fog Survived -42 1750
50691 Just a gunboat Modern2 Defeated -56 1694
51457 Youngstown Gunboat -2 YoungstownRedux Survived 1 1695
50168 Lsß A_Modern_Europe Defeated -51 1644
51637 Das Gunboat-10 WWII Survived -27 1617
51603 Here I go again on my own-2 WWII Drawn 0 1617
51458 Caribbean Gunboat-2 Karibik Drawn 45 1662
49948 X-3 World10 Defeated -39 1623
51456 1885 Gunboat-6 Colonial1885 Survived -10 1613
51711 Caribbean Gunboat-3 Karibik Defeated -42 1571
51790 FUNBOAT FUNBOAT Classic Defeated -35 1536
51356 Home of the Brave II Empire4 Survived -25 1511
51628 Youngstown Gunboat -3 YoungstownRedux Won 69 1580
51709 Youngstown WWII Gunboat YoungstownWWII Defeated -37 1543
51463 Imperial Gunboat-4 Imperial2 Defeated -26 1517
51639 More Coffee and more Cocoa Africa Defeated -31 1486
52072 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 17 1503
51809 Fogettaboudit Classic1898Fog Drawn 71 1574
51768 Maddern Gunboat Modern2 Drawn 50 1624
51689 Gunboat Crusade-2 FirstCrusade Defeated -29 1595
52262 Martian Gunships Mars Drawn 18 1613
52295 Classic Fogboat-3 Classic1898Fog Survived -41 1572
52070 Das Gunboat-14 WWII Defeated -19 1553
51406 Free for all Colonial1885 Drawn 49 1602
52241 Youngstown Gunboat -5 YoungstownRedux Defeated -48 1554
52117 gunboat-17 YoungstownWWII Defeated -41 1513
52071 Youngstown Gunboat -4 YoungstownRedux Survived -62 1451
52459 Canton Boat Canton Drawn 8 1459
51941 1885 Gunboat-8 Colonial1885 Drawn 54 1513
52283 balkandip Balkans1860 Won 64 1577
49950 Serial Imperial II Imperial2 Drawn 63 1640
52073 1885 Gunboat-9 Colonial1885 Defeated -44 1596
52184 Foggy Highroller II ClassicFog Survived -36 1560
49949 Serial Imperial I Imperial2 Drawn 76 1636
52690 Silent Sailing SailHo2 Survived -29 1607
52463 2 Maps, 1 War ClassicLayered Survived -31 1576
52509 Reinheitsgebot Germany1648 Defeated -29 1547
52431 Home of the Brave III Empire4 Defeated -33 1514
51776 Winter Olympics MongolianEmpire Survived -25 1489
52392 1937gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -52 1437
52529 Martian Gunships-2 Mars Survived -1 1436
52233 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -34 1402
52187 World at War 1937 - Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -5 1397
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio Drawn 391 1788
52232 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-2 WorldAtWar1937 -37 1751
52623 Youngstown Gunboat -6 YoungstownRedux Survived -10 1741
52680 Anishinaabeg GreatLakes Drawn 20 1761
52678 Squirm in the Dark Classic1898Fog Survived -22 1739
52526 Africa Gunboat-4 Africa Survived 31 1770
52992 Old UK Fun TenSixtySix_V3 Won 17 1787
52074 Imperial Gunboat-5 Imperial2 Defeated -43 1744
53007 Old England TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -23 1721
53008 FA-31 ClassicFvA Defeated -7 1714
52624 1885 Gunboat-10 Colonial1885 Survived -27 1687
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -38 1649
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Defeated -17 1632
52986 Classic Fogboat-5 Classic1898Fog Won 73 1705
53029 Sun Tzu's The Art of War Duo Won 2 1707
52723 WTA modern gunboat Modern2 Defeated -29 1678
52995 Viking Horsefly Granular Peanuts TenSixtySix Won 42 1720
52993 Fast Mini-Chaos ClassicCrowded Won 262 1982
52510 Papacy and Pasta Rinascimento Defeated 0 1982
51802 Colonization-2 Imperial2 Drawn 40 2022
52889 boat of guns FantasyWorld Defeated -66 1956
52670 ¡Viva la Yijada! AberrationV Defeated -36 1920
53095 Help me play all the variants-3 Edwardian3 Survived -33 1887
53340 So Cold-7 ColdWar Defeated -7 1880
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -38 1842
52625 Imperial Gunboat-6 Imperial2 Defeated -36 1806
53100 Modern Gunboat-8 Modern2 Defeated -46 1760
52782 Known World Gunboat-5 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 53 1813
52953 fantasia-2 FantasyWorld Drawn 36 1849
52562 World at War 1937 Gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 25 1874
52978 Youngstown Gunboat -7 YoungstownRedux Survived -34 1840
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe Drawn 73 1913
52977 1885 Gunboat-11 Colonial1885 Survived -28 1885
53105 Summer Game GreatLakes Survived -14 1871
52886 colonial-gunboat Colonial1885 Defeated -49 1822
52984 Colonial Gunboat!-4 Colonial1885 Drawn 9 1831
53031 1885 Gunboat - stab while you can! Colonial1885 Defeated -41 1790
53370 Heptarchy Gunboat 5 HeptarchyIV Survived -48 1742
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 118 1860
53482 Caribbean Gunboat-4 Karibik Drawn 15 1875
53508 Classic Gunboat-40 Classic Defeated -47 1828
53140 Colonial Chaos IIII Colonial1885 Won 77 1905
53541 LUCKY SEVENS GUNBOAT EX Classic Defeated -47 1858
53088 Colonial Chaos II Colonial1885 Defeated -50 1808
53394 Jupiter V Zeus5 Defeated -39 1769
53480 African Gunboat-7 Africa Drawn 28 1797
52785 Gobble gobble -2 GobbleEarth Defeated -42 1755
53194 Colonial Chaos IIIII Colonial1885 Defeated -4 1751
53308 world gunboat World10 Defeated -36 1715
53484 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -3 YoungstownWWII Drawn 23 1738
53539 Gunboat 20h: Fall of America Empire4 Drawn 18 1756
53475 Maddern Gunboat II Modern2 Survived -63 1693
53756 98FOW-GB-PPSC #02 Classic1898Fog Drawn 25 1718
53752 98FOW-GB-WTA #02 Classic1898Fog Drawn 19 1737
54067 98FOW-GB-WTA #08: Kiel! Classic1898Fog Drawn 26 1763
54097 98FOW-GB-WTA #10: St.Petersburg! Classic1898Fog Survived -43 1720
54081 Europe10 GB #01 Modern2 Drawn 36 1756
54140 98FOW-GB-WTA #14: Munich! Classic1898Fog -39 1717
54089 The Quiet Game Classic Defeated -25 1692
53997 Classic Gunboat (1 Day Phases, No Weekends) Classic Defeated -39 1653
54074 Youngstown Gunboat -9 YoungstownRedux Survived -42 1611
54141 98FOW-GB-WTA #15: Smyrna! Classic1898Fog Defeated -47 1564
54229 [98FOW]Decade 3: Clyde! Classic1898Fog Defeated -35 1529
54076 Caribbean Gunboat-6 Karibik Drawn 46 1575
54196 Canton Gunboat-2 Canton Drawn 22 1597
52719 How much of the world can you know? KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 1572
54226 98FOW-GB-WTA #21: Rome! Classic1898Fog Survived -58 1514
54227 98FOW-GB-PPSC #07: Baltic Sea! Classic1898Fog Survived 20 1534
54254 98FOW-GB-WTA #22: Berlin! Classic1898Fog Drawn 26 1560
54261 [98FOW]Decade 5: Ruhr! Classic1898Fog Survived -21 1539
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Drawn 281 1820
54198 Viking Gunboat-4 Viking Survived -52 1768
53151 ÖREBRO A_Modern_Europe Drawn 48 1816
53824 celtic britain -2 CelticBritain Defeated 0 1816
54264 Heptarchy Gunboat-2 HeptarchyIV Drawn 8 1824
54274 Celtic Gunboat-4 CelticBritain Drawn 22 1846
54382 Mediterranean Gunboat-2 AncMed Survived -42 1804
54221 Europe10 GB #05: Lisbon! Modern2 Drawn 35 1839
54195 African Gunboat-9 Africa Defeated -55 1784
54149 Europe10 GB #03: Belgrade! Modern2 Defeated -35 1749
54368 Atlantic Gunboat-9 AtlanticColonies Won 29 1778
54364 Africa now Africa Survived 10 1788
54781 Fuck Colonialism AtlanticColonies Survived -17 1771
53847 WTA Gunboat Cutthroat Habelya Drawn 17 1788
54397 African Gunboat-10 Africa Survived -7 1781
54673 Mediterranean Gunboat-3 AncMed Drawn 10 1791
54753 Atlantic Gunboat-10 AtlanticColonies Won 24 1815
54211 GB-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 23 1838
53481 Imperial Gunboat-7 Imperial2 Drawn 83 1921
54077 Imperial Gunboat-9 Imperial2 Defeated -54 1867
54388 Caribbean Gunboat-7 Karibik Defeated -59 1808
54375 Crowded Diplomacy ClassicCrowded Won 228 2036
54638 You better loose yourself Classic1898 Defeated -36 2000
54266 Modern Europe Gunboat A_Modern_Europe Defeated -64 1936
54370 Youngstown Gunboat -10 YoungstownRedux Survived 8 1944
54815 Viking Gunboat-7 Viking Won 28 1972
54667 ArdzdfundusaWTA ClassicMilan Drawn 4 1976
54371 1885 Gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Drawn 28 2004
54706 BIood for Luxury ClassicEconomic Survived -25 1979
54720 Youngstown Gunboat -11 YoungstownRedux Defeated -56 1923
55134 Cold War Redux-2 ColdWarRedux Defeated -37 1886
54721 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -6 YoungstownWWII Won 19 1905
54664 Gunboat 1487 -1880 year WTA Classic1880 Drawn 19 1924
53699 Imperial Gunboat-8 Imperial2 Survived -34 1890
54683 Gunboat 1491 Abstraction3 Drawn 5 1895
54813 African Gunboat-11 Africa Survived -19 1876
54637 Gunboat 1485 - fow 1898 Classic1898Fog Defeated -35 1841
54865 Gunboat 1898 fow WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -51 1790
54666 Gunboat 1489 Classic1897 Won 69 1859
55277 Das Gunboat-22 WWII Survived -26 1833
54665 Gunboat 1488 ClassicFlorence Won 38 1871
54770 Caribbean Gunboat-8 Karibik Defeated -50 1821
55099 Gunboat 1499 Classic1898 Drawn 7 1828
54784 Gunboat 1489-2 Abstraction3 Defeated -36 1792
55260 join-11 Viking Won 120 1912
55143 Matilda ClassicBritain Drawn 29 1941
54771 Imperial Gunboat-10 Imperial2 Survived 4 1945
54999 Home of the Brave VI Empire4 Defeated -43 1902
53898 1937 Gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -36 1866
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio Defeated -45 1821
55391 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -8 YoungstownWWII Won 69 1890
54644 Gunboat - USA USofA Defeated -39 1851
55418 African Gunboat-12 Africa Survived -55 1796
55386 ready when ready Edwardian3 Defeated -28 1768
55415 Wakanda wars Africa Survived -30 1738
54900 Gunboat 1496 Abstraction3 Defeated -38 1700
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -37 1663
55918 Finkelboat-38 SailHo2 Survived -19 1644
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Defeated -8 1636
55914 Finkelboat-34 SailHo2 Survived -36 1600
54681 Gunboat 1490 WTA AberrationV Drawn 65 1665
55915 Finkelboat-35 SailHo2 Survived -18 1647
55916 Finkelboat-36 SailHo2 Survived -34 1613
55278 Viking Gunboat-6 Viking Drawn 55 1668
55917 Finkelboat-37 SailHo2 Survived -19 1649
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated -31 1618
55913 Finkelboat-33 SailHo2 Survived -32 1586
55395 Youngstown Gunboat -13 YoungstownRedux Survived -64 1522
55142 Leandro Barbossa - WTA ClassicBrazilian Defeated -29 1493
54812 1885 Gunboat-15 Colonial1885 Defeated -10 1483
54786 FOG OF WAR - WTA ClassicFog Survived -29 1454
55394 1885 Gunboat-16 Colonial1885 Survived -15 1439
54682 Choose to loose AberrationV Defeated -25 1414
55948 Slinkygame 3 EmpiresCoalitions Survived 30 1444
55067 press ready when ready-2 Colonial1885 Defeated -35 1409
55776 Press ready when ready -2 Colonial1885 Drawn 27 1436
55949 Slinkygame 4 Baron1900 Won 219 1655
55005 Moderno Gunboat Modern2 Won 144 1799
55950 Slinkygame 5 Abstraction3 Defeated -7 1792
54785 Gunboat 1494 AberrationV Drawn 55 1847
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -42 1805
56098 The enemy of my enemy is my enemy-3 Classic Drawn 29 1834
55825 fantasy-3 Habelya Defeated -30 1804
56105 Misc. Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Survived -60 1744
56182 ready when ready-2 AgeOfPericles Defeated -57 1687
56137 Misc. Gunboat-2 Machiavelli Defeated -40 1647
56117 Das Gunboat-33 WWII Survived -29 1618
56467 Finkelboat-53 Chesspolitik Survived -31 1587
56469 Finkelboat-55 Chesspolitik Survived -21 1566
56468 Finkelboat-54 Chesspolitik Won 74 1640
56470 Finkelboat-56 Chesspolitik Survived -24 1616
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -4 1612
55313 America's silent war Empire4 Defeated -49 1563
56457 Ready Up When Ready Classic Survived -28 1535
56160 Colonial 1885 Gunboat -4 Colonial1885 Drawn 25 1560
55727 Aberration V GUNBOAT AberrationV Won 95 1655
56398 WSTSL -2 Classic Defeated -24 1631
55809 Choose a World to Know a World KnownWorld_901 Survived 30 1661
56465 Finkelboat-51 Chesspolitik Drawn 23 1684
56466 Finkelboat-52 Chesspolitik Drawn 0 1684
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Drawn 104 1788
56319 Gunboat Headache Migraine Drawn 37 1825
56345 Western World 901 Gunboat -3 WesternWorld_901 Defeated -33 1792
55944 A modern Europe gunboat 4 - join! A_Modern_Europe Drawn 71 1863
56328 Hail Zanthia Haven Defeated -45 1818
57711 MEN FROM THE NORTH Viking Survived -42 1776
57518 This one is better Colonial1885 Survived -41 1735
57858 Maddern Gunboat IV Modern2 Drawn 24 1759
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Drawn 256 2015
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Defeated 0 2015
58509 A third world war to end all wars ColdWar Defeated -7 2008
57706 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-12 Colonial1885 Drawn 33 2041
58455 nphxd ClassicFog Survived -37 2004
58476 1898 Fog of War-5 Classic1898Fog Won 96 2100
58470 Bronze Age gunboat-1 BronzeAgeDiplomacy Survived 0 2100
58503 Austrian Succession Gunboat-2 AustrianSuccession Drawn 12 2112
58726 Viking Gunboat-12 Viking Defeated -58 2054
58773 Lucky Day ClassicFog Defeated -47 2007
58863 hello there-2 Canton Defeated -58 1949
58731 Atlantic Gunboat-25 AtlanticColonies Defeated -35 1914
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated -70 1844
58764 1885 Gunboat-19 Colonial1885 Defeated -51 1793
58833 Viking Gunboat-13 Viking Defeated -30 1763
58725 Das Gunboat-47 WWII Drawn 9 1772
57875 European Union-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -54 1718
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Drawn 144 1862
56279 Splinter in a moshpit Europa_Renovatio Defeated -32 1830
59536 Colonies-7 AtlanticColonies Survived -18 1812
59601 1066 v1 TenSixtySix Defeated -18 1794
58525 Is this world any better? World10 Defeated -60 1734
59613 Austrian Succession Gunboat, plz ready your orders AustrianSuccession Defeated -36 1698
58613 Day Day Up Europa_Renovatio Defeated -41 1657
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe Defeated -1 1656
59592 Fog of War Classic Gunboat Classic1898Fog Survived -41 1615
59448 Quiet Euro A_Modern_Europe Defeated -35 1580
59853 The new era A_Modern_Europe Defeated -47 1533
58498 Terra-3 WWIVsealanes Defeated -31 1502
61146 Atlantic Gunboat-45 AtlanticColonies Drawn 7 1509
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio Survived -11 1498
57451 Gumby the gloomy guillotine Europa_Renovatio Defeated -3 1495
61160 Economy-2 ClassicEconomic Defeated -42 1453
61393 Heptagon HeptarchyIV Drawn 47 1500
61389 Das Gunboat-74 WWII Won 46 1546
61148 1885 Gunboat-22 Colonial1885 Drawn 32 1578
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Defeated -30 1548
61379 Viking Gunboat-16 Viking -24 1524