Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Dangerford (1293 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
24072 Youngstown-5 YoungstownRedux Survived -14 986
24594 FunFog ClassicFog Survived -7 979
24350 Little Italy Rinascimento Defeated 0 979
24933 Everything Happens in South America SouthAmerica4 -18 961
24962 1600 Rumble Europe1600 Survived -21 940
26465 NMS war chaos Empire4 Survived 122 1062
27032 Greece-3 GreekDip Defeated -14 1048
27141 7 Islands Classic ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -3 1045
27361 The Century of Lights Enlightenment Defeated -15 1030
27478 A Game of Empires Colonial Defeated -18 1012
27624 Italian Wars Rinascimento Defeated 0 1012
27798 Sorry Austria Imperial2 Defeated -13 999
27887 Rapid Double-Fisted Nine-Mead Faceplanter KnownWorld_901 Defeated -17 982
29588 Schism-2 FirstCrusade Defeated -16 966
29743 Guns, Germs, and Steel-2 Imperial2 Survived -6 960
31104 L'Age de Raison Enlightenment Defeated -11 949
31099 aaphenk Mars Survived 0 949
31679 Spinning Viking Blood Eagle Freefall-2 Viking Defeated -13 936
32227 The Great Conspiracy CelticBritain Defeated -18 918
33136 Clash of the Holy Rollers Germany1648 Defeated -15 903
34466 Half-Twist Double-Edged Bayonet Violator Napoleonic Defeated -15 888
35327 Upside Down Crucifix Triple Cranial-Shift Takedown Crusades1201 Defeated -13 875
36214 The Devil's Favourite EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 44 919
33788 Divided States Gunboat Divided_States Defeated -21 898
36987 Europe is Not Enough ClassicOctopus Defeated -12 886
37577 Ridgy-Didge Ratbag Smackdown Walkabout MateAgainstMate Drawn 55 941
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -21 920
38968 Decompressive Bilateral Backseat Orchidectomy Habelya Defeated -15 905
39928 Under Siege Imperium Defeated -3 902
40212 What If... ? AberrationV Defeated -11 891
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated 5 896
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated -5 891
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Defeated -4 887
45941 America-18 Empire1on1 Survived -5 882
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated -13 869
46053 2030 World Cup Balkans1860 Survived 0 869
46539 The Big One WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 140 1009
47989 New Order Modern2 Defeated -8 1001
49090 Dystopian Post-Truth Knockdown-Dragout WhoControlsAmerica Defeated -8 993
49586 Screaming Jugular Bloodaxe Gusher MongolianEmpire Defeated -9 984
51266 Dragon-Slayer -2 FantasyWorld Drawn 203 1187
52125 1 Bourbon, 1 Habsburg & 1 Beer AustrianSuccession Defeated -14 1173
53078 Youngstown? More like Quiet Town YoungstownRedux Defeated -27 1146
53044 WW1 all over Imperial2 Defeated 0 1146
53517 Ergh AmericanConflict Defeated -19 1127
53764 A Saint Helena Kind of Feeling EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -9 1118
54385 Absolute Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK Survived -2 1116
54819 Double Gut-Punch Powerbomb Chokeslam KnownWorld_901 Defeated -7 1109
55945 Diplomatic Revolution AustrianSuccession Drawn 51 1160
56210 Samoan Molly-Go-Round Dropslam Head Drag World10 Defeated -10 1150
57966 It’s No Game EastIndies Drawn 162 1312
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -19 1293