Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Remember Who You Are (2084 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
20689 Overpowerment Viking Defeated -20 980
21293 Pobjeda!-2 Germany1648 Defeated -39 941
20945 Empires of the World GobbleEarth Won 633 1574
21292 Outbreak Rinascimento Drawn 0 1574
21963 Guns, Germs, and Steel 2 Imperial2 Defeated -46 1528
21235 Gunboat - Sealanes WWIVsealanes -41 1487
24969 The Leagues Europe1600 Defeated -42 1445
25804 Exodus - Bonded by Blood WWII Survived -40 1405
28859 Be quiet! Imperial2 Drawn 52 1457
30250 Fall of the American Empire II Empire4 Drawn 30 1487
31076 Known World Gunboat-3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 98 1585
32144 Wog of Far ClassicFog Won 95 1680
32885 Vikings-4 Viking Won 158 1838
33159 A Storm of Swords AberrationV Defeated -67 1771
33380 Napoleonic Dynamite Napoleonic Drawn 25 1796
34494 Silent madness Edwardian Won 103 1899
35456 Onaj Koji Jest PunicWars Won 14 1913
35605 Exodus - Strike of the Beast AtlanticColonies Survived -42 1871
35859 Fight for Fantasyland FantasyWorld Defeated -57 1814
36404 No Man Is An Island SpiceIslands Defeated -49 1765
39561 Jahvini orlovi nad Engleskom AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 0 1765
39621 “Jedno znam: slijep sam bio, a sada vidim.&r WWII Won 30 1795
40892 Greek-3 GreekDip Defeated -40 1755
41123 Hugh Jassoll's Gunboat-2 ManifestDestiny Survived -3 1752
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Defeated -22 1730
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated -50 1680
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio -45 1635
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes -30 1605
47000 For the Empire Imperial2 Drawn 33 1638
47008 Easy,......... Classic1913 Won 66 1704
46359 WWWoww WWIV Drawn 196 1900
51266 Dragon-Slayer -2 FantasyWorld Defeated -41 1859
53309 Way To Pobjeda! AncMed Won 116 1975
53390 Unrelenting Torch & Pitchfork Barrage Classic1898Fog Defeated -35 1940
53365 Way To IzDAja! ClassicIER Drawn 0 1940
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio -55 1885
57748 Mučenici Istine AncMed Won 23 1908
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio -69 1839
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio -96 1743
60142 Austria is Good??? Baron1900 Won 127 1870
59226 901 Gunboat-3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 37 1907
60449 Abedi P. Africa Won 113 2020
60932 Ikizukuri Sengoku5 Won 74 2094
57451 Gumby the gloomy guillotine Europa_Renovatio Defeated -10 2084