Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Shannon (931 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
60237 FoggyGunboat -3 Classic1898Fog Survived -34 966
60355 HOT SUMMER Classic Defeated -22 944
60492 FoggyGunboat-7 Classic1898Fog Defeated -23 921
60343 Greek City States-2 GreekDip Survived 58 979
60834 game-46 ClassicIER Won 39 1018
60674 Misc. Gunboat-3 SouthAmerica8 Defeated -11 1007
60932 Ikizukuri Sengoku5 Survived -6 1001
60882 Gunbots Classic Defeated -32 969
61114 Let's go! But where? Don't ask! Sengoku6 Defeated -6 963
61131 Classic Game-8 Classic -14 949
60840 Africa-21 Africa Defeated -18 931