Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for hurricane:

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
56717 Test for a map-3 ColdWar Drawn 0 1000
56718 cold war...-9 ColdWar Drawn 0 1000
56751 LAQ vs GJY(GF) ClassicVS Won 6 1006
56795 Cold War-240 ColdWar Won 6 1012
56834 GJY VS LAQ (FG) ClassicVS Won 7 1019
56719 cold war...-10 ColdWarRedux Won 6 1025
56845 (FT)-23 ClassicVS Won 7 1032
56732 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-14 ClassicGvI Survived -4 1028
56985 cold war...-11 ColdWar Won 8 1036
56589 Ready when ready gunboat HeptarchyIV Survived 0 1036
56729 WSTSL-612 WWII Won 43 1079
56994 war!-3 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1079
57124 Classic France vs. Austria-55 ClassicFvA Won 13 1092
57125 Classic England vs. Turkey -30 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1092
57132 war!--------------------- Hundred Drawn 0 1092
56619 6-insulin-6 YoungstownWWII Drawn 38 1130
57216 1v1 - American Secession War-110 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1128
57215 1v1 - American Secession War-109 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1125
57140 WTA W II WWII Won 180 1305
55996 Grow and Conquer Imperial2 Drawn 32 1337
57108 Family squabble TreatyOfVerdun Survived -22 1315
57220 Classic England vs. Turkey -31 ClassicEvT Survived -4 1311
57240 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-32 ClassicGvI Defeated -5 1306
56904 98Fog Circuit II - Smyrna! (#02) Classic1898Fog -1 1305
56958 1939-5 Europe1939 -44 1261
57348 1v1 - France vs Austria-8 ClassicFvA Won 7 1268
57362 FA-44 ClassicFvA Defeated -1 1267
57366 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-36 ClassicGvI Defeated -4 1263
57367 1v1 - France vs Austria-10 ClassicFvA Won 7 1270
57370 Classic France vs. Austria-61 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 1267
57369 Classic England Vs Turkey -5 ClassicEvT Won 9 1276
57364 England VS Turkey-30 ClassicEvT Survived -11 1265
57430 1v1 - Cold War-40 ColdWar Defeated -5 1260
57436 Cold War-249 ColdWar Won 7 1267
57435 Cold War-248 ColdWar Won 3 1270
57458 Random countries (FE) ClassicVS Won 2 1272
57459 AF-27 ClassicFvA Defeated -1 1271
57457 Cold War-250 ColdWar Won 5 1276
57271 1898Fog-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -34 1242
57464 Random countries (GF) ClassicVS Won 4 1246
57463 Random countries (TA) ClassicVS Won 8 1254
57545 Random countries (ER) ClassicVS Defeated -1 1253
57548 Random countries (RF) ClassicVS Won 10 1263
57546 Cold War-251 ColdWar Defeated -4 1259
57250 Youngstown-redux YoungstownRedux Defeated -31 1228
57626 1v1 - Cold War-42 ColdWar Defeated -4 1224
57028 Public Communication AberrationV Drawn 88 1312
57081 1900 Gunboat Baron1900 -26 1286
57799 :)-4 ColdWar Defeated 0 1286
57112 Wactical Tarfare Gunboat SpiceIslands -6 1280
56783 Choose a World to Know a World-2 KnownWorld_901 -50 1230
57584 a-22 Europe1600 -20 1210
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio -27 1183
59496 国防重击 ClassicIER Won 11 1194
59495 wjhtsl ColdWarRedux Won 0 1194
59511 吃屎啦 AtlanticColonies Won 42 1236
59761 王的加冕 AtlanticColonies Won 43 1279
59815 Atlantic Colonies Gunboat-3 AtlanticColonies Survived -11 1268
59919 wjhtsl-3 ColdWar Won 5 1273
59490 Queen of the Britons HeptarchyIV -47 1226
59544 romo 8th Classic Drawn 48 1274
59355 Das Gunboat-56 WWII Survived 26 1300
59816 Speed Europa Gunboat SpeedEuropa Defeated -21 1279
59787 Scottish Diplomacy Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived -31 1248
59570 Koala brothers MateAgainstMate Drawn 30 1278
59641 120 Modern2 Defeated -28 1250
59903 220-2 Mars Defeated 11 1261
60098 Civil War Reenactment -2 Empire1on1 Won 5 1266
60015 Gunboat1900 Baron1900 Drawn 45 1311
59991 UK war AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -33 1278
60121 Hell -3 WWII Drawn 0 1278
60105 Happy Cooperation AncMed Defeated -39 1239
59446 Medieval Madness WesternWorld_901 Survived 0 1239
60078 ClassicGunboat-5 Classic Won 198 1437
59869 1600 Gunboat Europe1600 Defeated 0 1437
60000 Classic Gunboat Series: Economic ClassicEconomic Survived -27 1410
59976 Classic7Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 23 1433
59817 Western World Gunboat WesternWorld_901 Defeated -25 1408
60005 classic gunboat-42 Classic Drawn 13 1421
60060 atlantic colonies gunboat-4 AtlanticColonies Won 56 1477
60231 sssbb-2 PunicWars Drawn 0 1477
60047 ClassicGunboat-4 Classic Survived -26 1451
59932 GunboatAnkaraCrescent ClassicAnkaraCrescent Defeated -24 1427
60104 Atlantic Gunboat-39 AtlanticColonies -9 1418
60145 The great war-5 YoungstownWWII Resigned -35 1383
60061 Ancient Mediterranean gunboat AncMed -39 1344
59924 Successful Napoleon? ClassicFog Defeated -28 1316
60107 Atlantic Colonies Gunboat-5 AtlanticColonies -21 1295
60123 ClassicGunboat-6 Classic -29 1266
59524 I thought hurricane season was over Pirates -31 1235
60132 Playing through all the variants #17: UK Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK -28 1207
60097 1900 for fun Baron1900 -28 1179
60077 Edwardian-3 Edwardian3 Defeated -27 1152
60100 Actually this time! Me quedo WWII -3 1149
59623 Massive game KnownWorld_901 -25 1124
60144 Colonial Diplomacy Gunboat1 Colonial -30 1094
59660 He who controls the spice...-2 SpiceIslands -19 1075
60031 Unorthodox Opening Classic -11 1064
60033 Classic - 7 Islands-3 ClassicSevenIslands -22 1042
60086 Chaos is a Ladder - The Black Plague MongolianEmpire -30 1012
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe 0 1012
60030 Murica FY Empire4 -16 996
60191 Our cute cutthroat YoungstownRedux -22 974
60135 FoggyGunboat-2 ClassicFog -19 955
59719 Das Gunboat-60 WWII -15 940
60039 Scramble for Europe Classic -20 920
60113 AbberationVGunboat AberrationV -11 909
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 -13 896
60014 Daily Known world 901 KnownWorld_901 -15 881
60085 Imperial Diplomacy II-2 Imperial2 -16 865
59952 Island Hopping-4 EastIndies -18 847
59853 The new era A_Modern_Europe -21 826
59834 Colonial 1885 gunboat-14 Colonial1885 -7 819
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 -28 791