Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Rebel (760 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
54806 Mars-6 Mars Defeated -31 969
54792 Bad Players Only ManifestDestiny Drawn 14 983
54741 Conquest is cool and stuff Enlightenment Defeated -38 945
55010 Troy is dead AncMed Drawn 10 955
55547 staaab ClassicFvA Survived -7 948
55559 ice ColdWar Survived -7 941
55022 Survival Gunboat Imperium Defeated -27 914
55081 We must purify Pure Won 0 914
55430 Old Timer Renaissance1453 Survived 0 914
55516 Let’s YoungstownWWII Resigned 0 914
55534 Why?-2 AtlanticColonies Resigned 0 914
55444 Only Cool People Allowed AgeOfPericles Resigned 0 914
55420 The Great Successor AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 914
55611 Wyoming ClassicFGA Survived 0 914
55533 Conquest or Death EmpiresCoalitions Defeated 0 914
55429 WWII-26 WWII Defeated 0 914
55733 N Qualifier Canton Defeated -27 887
55610 Florida ClassicFGA -7 880
56012 Atlantic Gunboat-16 AtlanticColonies Survived 0 880
56276 Chonk? ClassicFGA Survived -14 866
56167 Scylla BalkanWarsVI Defeated -19 847
56074 Viking Gunboat-9 Viking -24 823
56008 Colonial 1885 Gunboat -3 Colonial1885 -31 792
56101 Treason AberrationV Defeated 0 792
56122 Well, rip us Divided_States Defeated 0 792
55924 Die Hard XXXVIII A_Modern_Europe -20 772
57536 Asia Diplomacy Gaming Canton Defeated 0 772
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States 0 772
59450 German Tribes Imperium Defeated -12 760