Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for kciND98 (666 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
53785 Northern War (RE) ClassicVS Defeated -1 999
53783 1v1 - American Secession War-40 Empire1on1 Defeated 0 999
53789 France vs Austria-36 ClassicFvA Survived -7 992
53804 1v1 American Secession War-6 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 991
53788 England Vs Turkey-27 ClassicEvT Survived -2 989
53817 Germany VS Italy-34 ClassicGvI Defeated -2 987
53818 1v1 - American Secession War-41 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 986
53826 England Vs Turkey-29 ClassicEvT Survived -2 984
53867 1v1 - American Secession War-44 Empire1on1 Defeated 0 984
53825 England Vs Turkey-28 ClassicEvT Survived -9 975
53871 1v1 - American Secession War-46 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 974
53754 98FOW-GB-WTA #03 Classic1898Fog Survived -21 953
54038 England vs Turkey: first to 19 ClassicEvT Defeated -2 951
54049 Eddie v. Nick 3 ColdWar Defeated -4 947
53756 98FOW-GB-PPSC #02 Classic1898Fog Defeated -4 943
54060 Nick v Eddie ColdWar Won 8 951
53758 Trojan Warscape GreekDip Defeated -6 945
53844 Fast Colonies AtlanticColonies Survived -8 937
53830 Atlantic Gunboat-7 AtlanticColonies Won 96 1033
53828 Dumb Enlightenment Enlightenment Defeated -31 1002
53795 Olden Diplomacy Europe1600 Defeated -22 980
53819 America-29 Empire4 Defeated -12 968
53707 Home of the Brave V Empire4 Defeated -12 956
53889 African Gunboat-8 Africa Defeated -23 933
54341 Cweamyy Empire1on1 Defeated -4 929
54055 mooeoeo FirstCrusade Defeated -18 911
54194 Atlantic Gunboat-8 AtlanticColonies Defeated -5 906
53999 Hyde and sick ClassicFog Defeated -21 885
54056 Moa wer WWII Drawn 33 918
54196 Canton Gunboat-2 Canton Drawn 37 955
54197 Colonial Gunboat -3 Colonial Defeated -16 939
54223 Cool people only Colonial1885 Survived -39 900
54368 Atlantic Gunboat-9 AtlanticColonies Survived -6 894
54309 Warrisome America Empire4 Drawn 143 1037
54172 Europe10 GB #04: Oslo! Modern2 Defeated -17 1020
54388 Caribbean Gunboat-7 Karibik Defeated -32 988
54385 Absolute Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -2 986
54033 mooook Colonial1885 Defeated -5 981
54370 Youngstown Gunboat -10 YoungstownRedux Defeated -5 976
54371 1885 Gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Defeated -3 973
53699 Imperial Gunboat-8 Imperial2 Defeated -6 967
54932 Good 'ol diplo Classic -16 951
54302 Conquer the Bush Africa -18 933
54340 Mongols MongolianEmpire Defeated 12 945
54377 For Opium! 3.0 Imperial2 Defeated -26 919
54920 Skald! Viking -26 893
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio Defeated 3 896
54150 Calc A_Modern_Europe Defeated 1 897
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -1 896
54857 Shake the World World -36 860
59173 Atlantic Colonies-16 AtlanticColonies Drawn 0 860
59229 South America Game-2 ColdWarRedux Drawn 7 867
59051 The end [of the game] is near! Classic Survived -12 855
59053 Old world battle royale Colonial1885 Survived -25 830
59105 Let’s try something new Karibik Defeated -20 810
59099 Shogun Rematch Sengoku5 Drawn 160 970
59220 Atlantic Gunboat-31 AtlanticColonies Survived -7 963
59031 The first world war. GobbleEarth Drawn 24 987
59359 Aոother classic game Classic Drawn 25 1012
59491 Balkanized BalkanWarsVI Drawn 74 1086
59211 二战-2 YoungstownRedux Defeated -34 1052
59314 Classic 7 Islands ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 60 1112
59476 Atlantic Gunboat-33 AtlanticColonies Survived -9 1103
59246 Austrian Succession-2 AustrianSuccession Defeated -27 1076
59332 Original Flavor Classic Defeated -29 1047
59432 1900 Game Baron1900 Drawn 35 1082
59437 Banana Wars SouthAmerica8 Defeated -11 1071
59449 First Fog of War game ClassicFog Defeated -24 1047
59707 Atlantic Gunboat-35 AtlanticColonies Survived -8 1039
59410 Machiavelli was an amateur! In the right way Rinascimento Defeated 0 1039
59483 Das Gunboat-58 WWII Defeated -19 1020
59408 Machiavelli was an amateur! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1020
59378 Colonial 1885-8 Colonial1885 -29 991
59810 BETTER CLASSIC (1900) Baron1900 Defeated -26 965
59446 Medieval Madness WesternWorld_901 Defeated -28 937
59715 Go West AmericanConflict -15 922
59428 New order-2 Imperial2 Defeated -11 911
59976 Classic7Islands ClassicSevenIslands -15 896
59404 Her Majesty -2 Classic Defeated -22 874
59613 Austrian Succession Gunboat, plz ready your orders AustrianSuccession -17 857
59705 1885 Gunboat-20 Colonial1885 -35 822
59642 120-2 Modern2 Defeated -12 810
59524 I thought hurricane season was over Pirates Defeated 6 816
59792 Home of the Brave IX Empire4 -16 800
59479 now for real Imperial2 -11 789
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 789
60030 Murica FY Empire4 -11 778
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 -10 768
59549 Reality is a dangerous game to play Modern2 -14 754
59448 Quiet Euro A_Modern_Europe -29 725
59731 Worldwide Gunboat World10 -36 689
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 -23 666