Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for actium (1321 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
51396 The Great War-4 Classic Defeated -11 989
52050 Cold War-207 ColdWar Survived -6 983
51490 sacas el ele Enlightenment Defeated -19 964
51632 Youngstown Non-Gunboat YoungstownRedux Survived -3 961
51910 Das Gunboat-12 WWII Survived -7 954
51642 Not All Who Wander Are Lost Colonial1885 Defeated 0 954
51700 moooo Africa Defeated -15 939
52118 2020-2 War2020 Defeated -18 921
52286 Fog of Hastings TenSixtySix_V3 Defeated -17 904
52204 Palapa Oath SpiceIslands Defeated -16 888
51995 One of my TURNS SouthAmerica8 Survived 0 888
52262 Martian Gunships Mars Defeated -12 876
51957 Hundred 1 Hundred Drawn 6 882
52490 There Can Be Only One Duo Survived -3 879
52080 Talk Talk Classic Defeated -3 876
52039 Antipopes, Ottomans and Indulgences Rinascimento 0 876
51684 War Beneath the Sun Sengoku5 Defeated -6 870
52201 Smog of Europe Classic1898Fog Defeated -9 861
52578 Live: American Secession War Empire1on1 Defeated -1 860
52071 Youngstown Gunboat -4 YoungstownRedux Survived -39 821
51960 Somebody open a window (gunboat) ClassicCrowded Defeated 0 821
52266 Btown Africa Africa Defeated 1 822
52303 Where is Rome? FirstCrusade Defeated -14 808
52323 oopto Europe1939 Defeated 0 808
52252 Jock vs Jock Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated 1 809
52300 Heptarchy Gunboat HeptarchyIV Survived -26 783
52353 Not Colonial 1885 Imperial2 Defeated 15 798
52178 Known World Gunboat-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -15 783
52187 World at War 1937 - Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 -1 782
52352 Stop Britain! (or not, idk) Colonial1885 Defeated 0 782
52302 An Abukir Experience ClassicEgypt Defeated -19 763
52244 R m8ies Pirates Defeated 7 770
52520 World War One - Here We Come Baron1900 Defeated -18 752
52707 Land of Aus MateAgainstMate Drawn 32 784
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Defeated 19 803
53020 War in the balkans (please join) Balkans1860 Survived 0 803
53179 Celtics vs Vikings DarkAges Drawn 63 866
52670 ¡Viva la Yijada! AberrationV Defeated -2 864
52669 Alt History Iceberg AberrationV Defeated 0 864
53100 Modern Gunboat-8 Modern2 Defeated 0 864
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 864
51906 Global WWIVsealanes Defeated 10 874
53145 Youngstown Redux-2 YoungstownRedux Defeated 8 882
52284 Kings and Generals Imperial2 Defeated 5 887
53058 Mare Internum AncMed Survived 0 887
52978 Youngstown Gunboat -7 YoungstownRedux Survived 0 887
52714 The Great Game-7 Imperial2 Defeated 4 891
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe Defeated 10 901
53078 Youngstown? More like Quiet Town YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 901
53105 Summer Game GreatLakes Defeated 5 906
53367 Post Pennsic 49 ClassicFGA -12 894
53044 WW1 all over Imperial2 Survived 0 894
52957 Epic world diplomacy Imperial2 Defeated 26 920
53237 Sizzurp Viking Survived 31 951
53307 MD2 Club-2 Modern2 -10 941
53187 UwU-3 Classic Defeated 0 941
53250 Tipples and Nits-2 DarkAges Defeated 0 941
52968 The Pragmatic Sanction AustrianSuccession Defeated -8 933
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated 14 947
53194 Colonial Chaos IIIII Colonial1885 -17 930
53308 world gunboat World10 Defeated 2 932
53452 Youngstown State Penguins YoungstownWWII Drawn 42 974
53758 Trojan Warscape GreekDip Survived 0 974
53673 SPooKy ImpERialiSM!! Classic Survived 0 974
53417 Modern Dip-2 Modern2 Defeated 0 974
53704 Gunboat-21 Europe1600 Defeated 0 974
53581 Furrow sem ide Viking Survived 2 976
53701 Gunboat 20h: Africaaaaa Africa Defeated 0 976
53397 Kingdom of Heaven 3 FirstCrusade Survived 0 976
54018 98FOW-GB-WTA #06: Moscow! Classic1898Fog Won 133 1109
53456 Most Peaceful Australian Conversation MateAgainstMate Defeated 0 1109
54140 98FOW-GB-WTA #14: Munich! Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1109
53545 369 Africa Survived 35 1144
53691 We didn’t start the ???? Classic -4 1140
53655 Popes, Pawns and Powers Rinascimento Defeated 0 1140
52719 How much of the world can you know? KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1140
54308 98FOW-GB-WTA #24: Constantinople! Classic1898Fog -16 1124
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1124
53766 workday diplomats Classic Defeated 0 1124
54101 Anonymous classic Classic Defeated 0 1124
54223 Cool people only Colonial1885 Survived 0 1124
54736 practice -13 SouthAmerica4 Survived 0 1124
54385 Absolute Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK Survived 0 1124
54550 nb Classic Defeated 0 1124
54371 1885 Gunboat-14 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1124
54850 Balkans -2 Balkans1860 Defeated 0 1124
54535 Gunboat 1479 ClassicSevenIslands Survived 15 1139
54951 English Escapade AnarchyInTheUK Survived 30 1169
54340 Mongols MongolianEmpire Defeated 0 1169
54757 Europe10 GB #07: Amsterdam! Modern2 Survived 30 1199
54696 Seven Kings, Two Caesars, and a Doge Enlightenment Defeated -23 1176
55404 ao>gudfuiSGAUI;oh ClassicFGA Won 48 1224
54493 A 1900 game Baron1900 Won 271 1495
54224 Train to Damascus Classic Defeated -41 1454
55144 German Wunderkind ClassicCataclysm Survived 8 1462
55423 Austrian Adventurism AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 1462
55713 Finkelboat-27 TenSixtySix Survived 0 1462
55527 Slinkygame 1 Europe1600 Survived 4 1466
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 -42 1424
55544 JoinPeople! MateAgainstMate Survived 0 1424
55802 This is as REAL as it GETS Classic Defeated 0 1424
55570 pick your country-2 Classic Defeated 0 1424
55543 Far East (History Games 3) SpiceIslands Survived 0 1424
55186 Who wants to be Emperor? HeptarchyIV Drawn 17 1441
55854 Unpopular 3 MachiavelliTTR Survived 0 1441
55529 War beneath the Sun-3 Sengoku5 Drawn 16 1457
54857 Shake the World World Defeated 0 1457
55995 ready when ready -2 FirstCrusade Defeated 0 1457
56135 Modern Gunboat 2.0 Modern2 Defeated 0 1457
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1457
56557 Fog in the Trenches ClassicFog -25 1432
57908 who cares DarkAges -47 1385
58034 The most peaceful continent Classic Defeated 0 1385
57956 For Opium! V5.0 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1385
57860 Pls join WWII Defeated 0 1385
58307 Win Condition 48 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1385
58244 Al Brought Explosives SouthSahara Drawn 17 1402
58898 Youngstown Gunboat -16 YoungstownRedux -42 1360
58768 No whispers in Europe Classic Defeated 0 1360
59098 Playing through all the variants #13: Africa Africa Survived 0 1360
59743 The Six Sapateers Classic -32 1328
59355 Das Gunboat-56 WWII Survived 0 1328
59570 Koala brothers MateAgainstMate Drawn 38 1366
59403 Her Majesty Classic -45 1321
59479 now for real Imperial2 Defeated 0 1321
58613 Day Day Up Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1321