Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Viking (1427 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
50097 Jack and Jason ColdWar Survived -7 993
50189 Iron Century KnownWorld_901 Defeated -22 971
50373 1885 Press Colonial1885 Defeated -21 950
51231 Colonial 1885-7 Colonial1885 Defeated -23 927
51856 nmii KnownWorld_901 Drawn 165 1092
51855 moooool Imperial2 Drawn 33 1125
52838 Celtic Britain 2.0 CelticBritain Survived -10 1115
52928 Colonial forever Colonial1885 Drawn 22 1137
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -21 1116
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated -8 1108
54150 Calc A_Modern_Europe Defeated -10 1098
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Defeated 22 1120
54739 Imperial Diplomacy Returns Imperial2 Drawn 53 1173
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -6 1167
56275 The Concert Deraveled Edwardian3 Won 64 1231
55537 Imperial Zenith and Nadir Imperial2 Drawn 42 1273
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -11 1262
56668 Boats and Feathers-2 GreatLakes Drawn 54 1316
56669 For Honor And Tea Sengoku5 Defeated -18 1298
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 199 1497
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -16 1481
58095 Nothing to hide in Europe Classic Won 130 1611
58254 Greek!-2 GreekDip Defeated -31 1580
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Defeated -39 1541
56975 Eternal Griping Imperial2 Drawn 42 1583
58203 m m m mo Colonial1885 Drawn 26 1609
58503 Austrian Succession Gunboat-2 AustrianSuccession Defeated -35 1574
58726 Viking Gunboat-12 Viking Drawn 22 1596
58307 Win Condition 48 Colonial1885 Drawn 20 1616
58686 Don't die of dysentery ManifestDestiny Drawn 13 1629
56279 Splinter in a moshpit Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1629
59641 120 Modern2 Defeated 0 1629
59378 Colonial 1885-8 Colonial1885 Defeated -54 1575
59990 Pan-Hellenic showdown AgeOfPericles Defeated -41 1534
60030 Murica FY Empire4 Defeated -30 1504
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -33 1471
59982 Murder the Gods and Topple Their Thrones Imperial2 Defeated -33 1438
57451 Gumby the gloomy guillotine Europa_Renovatio Defeated -3 1435
61348 Improved Classic! ClassicPilot Drawn 31 1466
61350 Caribbean Gunboat -4 Karibik Defeated -28 1438
61667 98-fowgb-26: Toulouse Classic1898Fog Survived -11 1427