Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Dave782 (920 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
41653 Around the world! Classic Drawn 23 1023
42298 There Will Be Blood-2 Modern2 Survived -38 985
43518 Pea Soup ClassicFog Defeated -33 952
44309 Just for Fun FA ClassicFvA Survived -5 947
44399 World War II for 5 WWII Drawn 0 947
44663 Gettin Foggy with it Classic1898Fog Drawn 13 960
45653 MEDley Schmedley AncMed Defeated -27 933
48279 Funeral Home Basement Duo Defeated -3 930
50880 WWII II WWII Won 83 1013
50834 Gunboat-13 Classic -15 998
49314 EU4 Roleplay Europa_Renovatio -33 965
53643 Why does Greg make us cry? WWII Defeated -18 947
54162 Kosta, Is that you? Classic1898Fog Defeated -27 920
56396 Kosta, where are you? Classic Drawn 0 920