Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for MiraiNikkiSan (1716 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
38269 LSG Imperial2 Survived 0 1000
39725 LSAS Diplomacy F2019 Imperial2 Survived 0 1000
40920 DA VINCI Rinascimento Defeated 0 1000
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Drawn 338 1338
41961 Covid Holiday KnownWorld_901 Drawn 44 1382
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated -35 1347
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Defeated 0 1347
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -30 1317
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Defeated -32 1285
45791 Battle of the Empires (WTA) YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 1285
46489 Battle of Stalingrad ClassicGvR Survived -10 1275
46405 Greasy Greeks GreekDip Survived -37 1238
46409 foggy 141-2 ClassicFog Won 116 1354
46128 Scotland at war. (PPSC) Weekends are free. Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated 0 1354
46578 FvA-118 ClassicFvA Survived -9 1345
46579 FvA-119 ClassicFvA Survived -9 1336
46683 Game for a game? Duo Drawn 0 1336
45386 Vikingolos Viking Drawn 5 1341
45689 MARS!!! Mars Survived 0 1341
46677 ÄËÏÖÜ AtlanticColonies Survived -17 1324
46497 Spice Up Your Life SpiceIslands Defeated 0 1324
42227 Sticks and Stones WWIVsealanes Defeated -44 1280
46839 Cold War-140 ColdWar Drawn 0 1280
46204 Don't join if you think that PPSC is OK Rinascimento Defeated 0 1280
46644 No idle chit chat SpiceIslands Defeated -41 1239
46442 Libertas quæ sera tamen-7 AtlanticColonies Defeated 0 1239
46467 We live in a diplomacy Classic Defeated 0 1239
46439 practice needed Classic1898 Won 102 1341
46626 Asiatic Canton Defeated 0 1341
46424 Gunboat Means Anonymous, not No Press. However thi Classic1880 Defeated 0 1341
46758 Ante up for a 1v1 Duo Won 1 1342
46412 Return of the Mongols MongolianEmpire Defeated -24 1318
46411 Welcome to the future Empire4 Defeated -31 1287
46418 Atlantis-4 AtlanticColonies Defeated 0 1287
46367 Das Youngstown G-Boat YoungstownRedux Survived 0 1287
46679 Fog Diplomacy Classic1898Fog Survived -6 1281
46067 Edith Puthie Habelya Defeated 0 1281
46432 Easy....,. Classic1897 Defeated -22 1259
46389 Machiavelli's Balance of Power Machiavelli Defeated 0 1259
46374 Easy........,....... Modern2 Survived 27 1286
46656 T O T O Africa Drawn 48 1334
46447 come to brazil ClassicBrazilian Defeated 0 1334
46643 PIRATES III Pirates Defeated 0 1334
46088 Rinascimento? Rinascimento Defeated 0 1334
45801 Indian Tribal Warfun GreatLakes Defeated 0 1334
46830 Tomorrow is Yesterday AmericanConflict Defeated -31 1303
46875 Stop islamization of Europe (GEFT) ClassicVS Defeated 0 1303
46693 Canton Continuity Canton Defeated 0 1303
46408 What is Known / What is Unknown KnownWorld_901 Defeated -24 1279
46470 Africa-19 Africa Defeated 0 1279
46483 The great Emu war MateAgainstMate Defeated -23 1256
47090 Octo Gunboat ClassicOctopus Drawn 20 1276
47313 Back In The USSR-3 ColdWar Won 5 1281
46371 Colonial 1885 G-Boat Colonial1885 Survived -16 1265
46906 ³ Classic1913 Survived 44 1309
46792 Zero BC/AD... before coffee/after dessert AncMed Defeated -28 1281
46971 FoW gunboat WTA ClassicFog Defeated 0 1281
46942 Edwardian Monarchies Rematch Edwardian3 Defeated 0 1281
46628 Brexited out-2 World10 Drawn 94 1375
47025 GoodBye 2020 Classic Defeated 0 1375
47408 Cold War - ξ ColdWar Survived -11 1364
47050 Gunboat-12 Classic Defeated 0 1364
46800 Colonial Gunboat 724,2 Colonial Drawn 22 1386
47183 No fun just chat Classic Defeated 0 1386
46070 In Europe we are all brothers A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1386
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States Defeated 0 1386
46919 Fashionable Fight Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated 0 1386
47361 Gunboat - 14 SC for the victory-2 Classic Survived 0 1386
46321 Das Imperial G-Boat Imperial2 Drawn 54 1440
47178 Thea 1600 Europe1600 Defeated 0 1440
46869 Modern Dip 2, All Messaging Modern2 Defeated 0 1440
46882 L’arlésienne Europe1600 Defeated 0 1440
46885 Thank linus Europe1939 Drawn 13 1453
46837 Die happy 17 WTA Classic1913 Defeated -25 1428
46745 No chat just fun 98 Classic1913 Drawn 11 1439
46490 Brujas A_Modern_Europe Defeated -28 1411
47202 Crossing the Rubicon Classic1897 Defeated 0 1411
47488 totally symmetric Migraine Defeated -36 1375
47285 North America in 2022 Empire4 Defeated 0 1375
47382 Try Try Again Classic Drawn 63 1438
47338 Euro 1939-2 Europe1939 Defeated -45 1393
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Defeated 0 1393
47775 Low Stakes South America Five Ways SouthAmerica5 Survived -19 1374
47910 Hangin’ tuff TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -8 1366
46969 X - MAS special 24% off Classic1913 Defeated 0 1366
47417 Fall of America Gunboat 2021 Empire4 Defeated 0 1366
47485 colonial dip Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1366
47675 Sic Semper Tyrannis AustrianSuccession -38 1328
47000 For the Empire Imperial2 Defeated -24 1304
46864 Why not...? Modern2 Defeated 0 1304
47390 1648-3 Germany1648 -17 1287
48184 Treaty of Verdun 1 TreatyOfVerdun -14 1273
48008 Mars needs a global government Mars -53 1220
47881 Low Bet - Deuces Wild ClassicOctopus -29 1191
46417 Water Goblins Imperial2 -44 1147
47982 The Great Wars Classic -37 1110
47843 Lets do it Modern2 -25 1085
46344 Europa Imperotia 2 Electric boogaloo! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 1060
45215 Europapa Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1060
47242 Modern Europe Diplomacy-2 A_Modern_Europe -49 1011
48168 Deception 2 Balkans1860 -28 983
48083 Gunboat Vikings! 111 Viking -13 970
48020 Fall of America gunboat Empire4 -30 940
48095 Yell into the Void ClassicFog -27 913
45393 Imperial II Imperial2 -10 903
47577 No name-10 Enlightenment -32 871
47949 Easy.....,......-3 Classic1898 -18 853
48150 The most interesting game Baron1900 -17 836
47596 Reversal of Fortune WWII -9 827
47865 Advance! Napoleonic -23 804
47929 Amadeus WTA Classic1880 -17 787
47599 (Dis)United States of Europe A_Modern_Europe -26 761
47534 Bild Zeitung YoungstownRedux -20 741
46359 WWWoww WWIV -12 729
47084 Warrington Europe1600 -16 713
48051 Africa-20 Africa -13 700
47563 Diplo en français comme autrefois KnownWorld_901 -1 699
48088 Return again Modern2 -10 689
47238 Europe en flamme Europa_Renovatio -27 662
47248 World War Joy 2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 38 700
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States 0 700
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 700
50806 EAGLE_FIGHT_220 Duo Survived -7 693
50725 Mare Nostrum-2 AncMed Defeated 1 694
50579 “Austria, you might want to die” AustrianSuccession Drawn 52 746
50767 idc CelticBritain Defeated 0 746
50831 Youngstown Gunboat-8 YoungstownRedux Survived 0 746
50889 Asian back-stabbing Canton Drawn 28 774
50745 Gunboat-14 AberrationV Defeated 0 774
50834 Gunboat-13 Classic Defeated -9 765
50930 I hate all of you BalkanWarsVI Drawn 26 791
49898 Renovatio imperii Fennicorum A_Modern_Europe Drawn 53 844
50653 For Valhalla! Viking Drawn 20 864
50582 Over by Christmas Baron1900 Survived 0 864
51100 quick Gunboat-2 Classic Survived 0 864
50400 Abberant Boat 2 AberrationV Survived 47 911
50945 Scramble for the Atlantic AtlanticColonies Survived 0 911
50651 2 day classic Classic Defeated 11 922
50373 1885 Press Colonial1885 Defeated 0 922
41200 DSA Divided_States -12 910
51123 Verdun-37 TreatyOfVerdun Survived 0 910
49907 Moo Moo Imperial2 Defeated 0 910
51052 African Gunboat-4 Africa Survived 0 910
50925 Homer's Odd I See 3 GreekDip Drawn 18 928
50524 Das Gunboat-5 WWII Defeated 0 928
50528 Not colonization Africa Drawn 122 1050
50997 a gunboat Europe1939 Drawn 34 1084
50748 Youngstown Gunboat-6 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1084
51218 U dont mess w/ the Zohan 2 (disco_disco edition) AncMed Survived 0 1084
50717 Why does Axum never win? KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1084
50057 Supremacy 1914 GobbleEarth Defeated 0 1084
50993 Classic Gunboat-34 Classic Drawn 19 1103
50823 Conquering the New World Empire4 Defeated 0 1103
50749 1885 Gunboat-5 Colonial1885 Defeated -36 1067
49955 1885-3 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1067
51076 WE’RE BACK, BABY Classic Drawn 22 1089
50677 Here we go again-3 WWII Survived 0 1089
50552 Youngstown Gunboat-7 YoungstownRedux Drawn 39 1128
49311 Diplomacy Beyond Europe Colonial1885 Survived 6 1134
51184 Gunboat-16 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1134
50633 Merowww Imperial2 Defeated 0 1134
51350 Member Berry AncMed Defeated 0 1134
51368 Si se puede pero el coche esta en fuego amigo SouthAmerica4 Survived 0 1134
50369 1885 Gunboat-4 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1134
50805 Stalemates 101 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1134
51230 Youngstown gunboat-10 YoungstownRedux Survived 2 1136
51118 France vs Germany vs Austria-3 ClassicFGA Defeated 0 1136
50705 Mongolian Beef MongolianEmpire Defeated 0 1136
51351 Mundolo GreekDip Defeated 0 1136
51125 Let's take a vacation Karibik Drawn 87 1223
50876 Mega Gunboat McNapoleone Napoleonic Defeated 0 1223
50998 gunboat-15 YoungstownRedux Survived 14 1237
50215 Knives Out Modern2 Drawn 46 1283
51307 Supremacy of South America SouthAmerica8 Defeated 0 1283
51383 Jo Jo Choo Choo CelticBritain Defeated 0 1283
51209 And The Heavens Shall Rain Fire Classic Survived 0 1283
51509 Das Gunboat-8 WWII Defeated 0 1283
51716 Classic Germany vs. Italy-13 ClassicGvI Survived -7 1276
50593 For the Empire!-2 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1276
50691 Just a gunboat Modern2 Defeated 0 1276
50919 imperial Gun boat Imperial2 Defeated 0 1276
51231 Colonial 1885-7 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1276
50492 Italian Wars-2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1276
51635 Classic Gunboat -2 Classic Defeated 0 1276
50948 Hapsburg Drama AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 1276
51449 Layered classic public press only ClassicLayered Defeated 0 1276
51428 Classic-17 Classic Defeated 0 1276
50168 Lsß A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1276
51588 7 Blind Mice Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1276
51565 asd Baron1900 Drawn 36 1312
51407 The Dastardly Duvalls_2 Pirates Defeated 0 1312
51508 Viking Gunboat-3 Viking Drawn 29 1341
50817 Gobble Up GobbleEarth Survived 0 1341
49948 X-3 World10 Drawn 77 1418
51348 Loopa WWII Drawn 21 1439
51456 1885 Gunboat-6 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1439
51205 Foggy 1898 VIII Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1439
51396 The Great War-4 Classic Defeated 0 1439
51506 Canton Gunboat Canton Defeated 0 1439
51356 Home of the Brave II Empire4 Defeated 0 1439
51165 Crusader Age Madness FirstCrusade Drawn 43 1482
51731 No Colonials Allowed Africa Survived 0 1482
51628 Youngstown Gunboat -3 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1482
51112 Erie WWII Defeated 0 1482
49570 36-4-All Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1482
51709 Youngstown WWII Gunboat YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 1482
51367 The Fate of the Hapsburg imperium AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 1482
52189 cy98(@*$HCnjdonu24l ColdWar Won 4 1486
51472 Free Weekends-2 ClassicFog Defeated 0 1486
51632 Youngstown Non-Gunboat YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1486
51666 Adolf's Wet Dream WWII Survived 4 1490
51627 1885 Gunboat-7 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1490
51642 Not All Who Wander Are Lost Colonial1885 Drawn 15 1505
51836 Friend or Enemy in the Fog ClassicFog Survived 0 1505
51824 Reyeww GreatLakes Defeated 0 1505
52118 2020-2 War2020 Defeated 0 1505
51951 World War II -5 WWII Defeated 0 1505
52130 To infinity… Classic Defeated -37 1468
51405 meri KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1468
51955 Das Gunboat-13 WWII Defeated 0 1468
52084 African Gunboat-6 Africa Survived 0 1468
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1468
51406 Free for all Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1468
52215 Archon of Greece GreekDip Survived 0 1468
52497 Finkelboat-5 Hundred Drawn 0 1468
49717 Yellowstone Honey Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1468
52242 Mewowoowo AtlanticColonies Survived 21 1489
52462 Finkelboat-3 Hundred Survived -12 1477
52071 Youngstown Gunboat -4 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1477
52133 AV*y$#@NN Nn 3'4]6y EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 22 1499
51491 Omicron vs Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1499
51941 1885 Gunboat-8 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1499
52257 Atlantic Colonies -2 AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1499
49950 Serial Imperial II Imperial2 Defeated 0 1499
51960 Somebody open a window (gunboat) ClassicCrowded Defeated 0 1499
52266 Btown Africa Africa Defeated 0 1499
52323 oopto Europe1939 Defeated 0 1499
49949 Serial Imperial I Imperial2 Defeated 0 1499
51856 nmii KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1499
52509 Reinheitsgebot Germany1648 Defeated 0 1499
52318 oioo Europe1600 Defeated 0 1499
51776 Winter Olympics MongolianEmpire Survived 0 1499
52626 Classic Fogboat-4 Classic1898Fog Survived 0 1499
52603 Fight for the Balkan Balkans1860 Defeated -31 1468
52353 Not Colonial 1885 Imperial2 Defeated -4 1464
52178 Known World Gunboat-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1464
51855 moooool Imperial2 Drawn 12 1476
52233 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 29 1505
52187 World at War 1937 - Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 0 1505
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio -37 1468
52302 An Abukir Experience ClassicEgypt Survived 0 1468
52445 Der Krieg des Kreutzes Germany1648 Drawn 47 1515
52232 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 0 1515
52500 Homer's Odd I See 7 GreekDip Defeated 0 1515
52244 R m8ies Pirates Defeated 0 1515
51997 Tallyrand and Metternich EmpiresCoalitions Defeated 0 1515
52523 Meiw Africa Defeated 0 1515
49314 EU4 Roleplay Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1515
52074 Imperial Gunboat-5 Imperial2 Drawn 43 1558
52707 Land of Aus MateAgainstMate Drawn 12 1570
52530 Dyeus Pater Zeus5 Drawn 14 1584
52838 Celtic Britain 2.0 CelticBritain Defeated 0 1584
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Drawn 112 1696
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Defeated -20 1676
52577 Hyva AberrationV Defeated 0 1676
52950 Fast Classic ClassicFog Survived 0 1676
52942 Quest for North America-2 ManifestDestiny Drawn 4 1680
52723 WTA modern gunboat Modern2 Drawn 66 1746
52995 Viking Horsefly Granular Peanuts TenSixtySix Survived 0 1746
52916 Colonial Chaos Colonial1885 Survived 0 1746
51802 Colonization-2 Imperial2 Drawn 39 1785
52889 boat of guns FantasyWorld Defeated 0 1785
51854 Rub Rub A_Modern_Europe Drawn 77 1862
53020 War in the balkans (please join) Balkans1860 Survived 0 1862
52929 CD again Colonial Drawn 27 1889
53130 4 Player 16 to win (EFTR) ClassicVS Survived 0 1889
53179 Celtics vs Vikings DarkAges Defeated 0 1889
52670 ¡Viva la Yijada! AberrationV Survived 0 1889
53098 Oh my goodness ClassicOctopus Drawn 3 1892
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 0 1892
53270 Classic France vs. Germany vs. Austria ClassicFGA Won 12 1904
53208 sengoku-4 Sengoku5 Survived 0 1904
52669 Alt History Iceberg AberrationV Defeated 0 1904
53039 Heptarchy Gunboat 4 HeptarchyIV Survived 0 1904
53138 Classic Dip Classic Drawn 12 1916
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1916
52625 Imperial Gunboat-6 Imperial2 Survived 47 1963
53100 Modern Gunboat-8 Modern2 Defeated 0 1963
52782 Known World Gunboat-5 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -65 1898
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio Drawn 73 1971
52953 fantasia-2 FantasyWorld Drawn 22 1993
51906 Global WWIVsealanes Drawn 79 2072
53363 Four Corners Gunboat (RTFE) ClassicVS Survived 0 2072
53145 Youngstown Redux-2 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 2072
52284 Kings and Generals Imperial2 Defeated 0 2072
52714 The Great Game-7 Imperial2 Drawn 25 2097
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe Drawn 41 2138
53078 Youngstown? More like Quiet Town YoungstownRedux Survived 0 2138
53264 Classic Gunboat-39 Classic Defeated 0 2138
53113 "I want that land' they all said at the same tim Europe1600 Defeated 0 2138
53105 Summer Game GreatLakes Defeated 0 2138
52919 Pasta Time Rinascimento Defeated 0 2138
53367 Post Pennsic 49 ClassicFGA Survived 0 2138
53044 WW1 all over Imperial2 Defeated 0 2138
53305 Gunboat Classic Classic Survived 0 2138
53220 Pallas Athena AgeOfPericles Survived 0 2138
52957 Epic world diplomacy Imperial2 Defeated 0 2138
53400 North American Gunboat Showdown ManifestDestiny Survived 0 2138
52703 War Beneath the Sun-2 Sengoku5 Defeated 0 2138
53307 MD2 Club-2 Modern2 Defeated 0 2138
53286 letusstart Classic Survived 0 2138
53525 Rematch-27 ClassicFGA Won 4 2142
53309 Way To Pobjeda! AncMed Survived 0 2142
52906 french rebolution Napoleonic Drawn 19 2161
53372 Mellow Africa Game Africa Defeated 0 2161
53121 Colonial Chaos III Colonial1885 Defeated 0 2161
53187 UwU-3 Classic Defeated 0 2161
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2161
52968 The Pragmatic Sanction AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 2161
53554 War in Hellas-4 GreekDip Survived 0 2161
53140 Colonial Chaos IIII Colonial1885 Defeated 0 2161
53527 Epic game of coolness #2 Enlightenment Defeated 0 2161
53088 Colonial Chaos II Colonial1885 Survived 0 2161
53394 Jupiter V Zeus5 Defeated 0 2161
53540 Gunboat 20h: Indians GreatLakes Defeated 0 2161
53480 African Gunboat-7 Africa Defeated 0 2161
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated -43 2118
53281 Etrl. A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 2118
53194 Colonial Chaos IIIII Colonial1885 Defeated 0 2118
52614 el miau A_Modern_Europe Drawn 20 2138
53308 world gunboat World10 Defeated 0 2138
53475 Maddern Gunboat II Modern2 Defeated 0 2138
53452 Youngstown State Penguins YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 2138
53903 Greek Fire Boat GreekDip Drawn 13 2151
53417 Modern Dip-2 Modern2 Survived 0 2151
53844 Fast Colonies AtlanticColonies Survived 0 2151
53701 Gunboat 20h: Africaaaaa Africa Defeated 0 2151
54022 98FOW-GB-PPSC #05: Decade! Classic1898Fog Survived 3 2154
53397 Kingdom of Heaven 3 FirstCrusade Defeated 0 2154
53654 Paulaner Helles Germany1648 Survived 0 2154
54054 98FOW-GB-WTA #07: Ankara! Classic1898Fog Survived -38 2116
54067 98FOW-GB-WTA #08: Kiel! Classic1898Fog Defeated -52 2064
53679 uk-2 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated 0 2064
53795 Olden Diplomacy Europe1600 Defeated 0 2064
54111 98FOW-GB-WTA #11: Naples! Classic1898Fog Survived -60 2004
54018 98FOW-GB-WTA #06: Moscow! Classic1898Fog Survived -24 1980
54217 England vs Turkey - going for 19-2 ClassicEvT Survived -11 1969
54051 Nothing like classic Classic Defeated 0 1969
53819 America-29 Empire4 Drawn 17 1986
54119 98FOW-GB-WTA #12: Trieste! Classic1898Fog Defeated -38 1948
54121 98FOW-GB-WTA #13: Paris! Classic1898Fog Defeated -44 1904
53601 A very classic Game Classic Drawn 3 1907
53456 Most Peaceful Australian Conversation MateAgainstMate Defeated 0 1907
53441 Austria rejects the Diet AustrianSuccession Survived 0 1907
54081 Europe10 GB #01 Modern2 Drawn 29 1936
54140 98FOW-GB-WTA #14: Munich! Classic1898Fog Drawn 24 1960
54087 98FOW-GB-WTA #09: Brest! Classic1898Fog Drawn 2 1962
54167 98FOW-GB-WTA #16: Edinburgh! Classic1898Fog Drawn 13 1975
54204 98FOW-GB-WTA #19: Warsaw! Classic1898Fog Drawn 19 1994
53641 Solving the Political Question WhoControlsAmerica Defeated 0 1994
53691 We didn’t start the ???? Classic Defeated 0 1994
53889 African Gunboat-8 Africa Defeated 0 1994
54089 The Quiet Game Classic Survived -36 1958
54166 98FOW-GB-PPSC #06: Decade 2! Classic1898Fog Survived -31 1927
53886 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -4 YoungstownWWII Defeated -41 1886
53997 Classic Gunboat (1 Day Phases, No Weekends) Classic Survived -46 1840
53655 Popes, Pawns and Powers Rinascimento Defeated 0 1840
54202 98FOW-GB-WTA #18: Venice! Classic1898Fog Defeated -44 1796
54074 Youngstown Gunboat -9 YoungstownRedux Survived -41 1755
54141 98FOW-GB-WTA #15: Smyrna! Classic1898Fog Survived -52 1703
54173 98FOW-GB-WTA #17: Budapest! Classic1898Fog Drawn 42 1745
54229 [98FOW]Decade 3: Clyde! Classic1898Fog Survived -34 1711
53999 Hyde and sick ClassicFog Drawn 21 1732
54265 Mediterranean Gunboat AncMed Drawn 6 1738
54056 Moa wer WWII Defeated 0 1738
54076 Caribbean Gunboat-6 Karibik Defeated -42 1696
54196 Canton Gunboat-2 Canton Defeated -47 1649
52719 How much of the world can you know? KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1649
54308 98FOW-GB-WTA #24: Constantinople! Classic1898Fog Won 189 1838
54226 98FOW-GB-WTA #21: Rome! Classic1898Fog Survived -61 1777
54295 98FOW-GB-WTA #23: Sevastopol! Classic1898Fog Defeated -33 1744
54227 98FOW-GB-PPSC #07: Baltic Sea! Classic1898Fog Survived -9 1735
54254 98FOW-GB-WTA #22: Berlin! Classic1898Fog Drawn 18 1753
54024 Exploding (Terri)tories AnarchyInTheUK Defeated 0 1753
54261 [98FOW]Decade 5: Ruhr! Classic1898Fog Survived -25 1728
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1728
54198 Viking Gunboat-4 Viking Survived -49 1679
54220 98FOW-GB-WTA #20: Marseilles! Classic1898Fog Survived -30 1649
53766 workday diplomats Classic Drawn 41 1690
54305 98FOW-GB-PPSC #10: Ionian Sea! Classic1898Fog Defeated -45 1645
54197 Colonial Gunboat -3 Colonial Survived -33 1612
53824 celtic britain -2 CelticBritain Drawn 40 1652
53928 Potsdam WWII Survived 0 1652
54246 [98FOW]Decade 4: Gascony! Classic1898Fog Defeated -25 1627
54101 Anonymous classic Classic Defeated 0 1627
54264 Heptarchy Gunboat-2 HeptarchyIV Drawn 11 1638
54317 Backstabs CustomStart Defeated 0 1638
54260 98FOW-GB-PPSC #08: Black Sea! Classic1898Fog Defeated -33 1605
53320 Imperatores totius Mundi Imperial2 Defeated 0 1605
54221 Europe10 GB #05: Lisbon! Modern2 Defeated -52 1553
53657 gunboat is gunboat WWII Defeated 0 1553
54147 Europe10 GB #02: Dublin! Modern2 Drawn 40 1593
54195 African Gunboat-9 Africa Defeated -48 1545
54110 1885 Gunboat-13 Colonial1885 Drawn 27 1572
54149 Europe10 GB #03: Belgrade! Modern2 Drawn 85 1657
54223 Cool people only Colonial1885 Survived 0 1657
53617 Tillers of the Poppy Fields Baron1900 Survived 0 1657
54293 Europe10 GB #06: Minsk! Modern2 Defeated -29 1628
54172 Europe10 GB #04: Oslo! Modern2 Drawn 48 1676
54319 More Coffee and more... Beskar Africa Drawn 9 1685
53422 Known World Gunboat-6 KnownWorld_901 Survived 0 1685
53637 Not sure about this. WWII -18 1667
53847 WTA Gunboat Cutthroat Habelya Defeated -44 1623
54456 Viking Gunboat-5 Viking Survived 0 1623
54397 African Gunboat-10 Africa Defeated 0 1623
54211 GB-3 Colonial1885 Defeated -44 1579
54338 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -5 YoungstownWWII Survived -31 1548
53481 Imperial Gunboat-7 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1548
54077 Imperial Gunboat-9 Imperial2 Drawn 43 1591
54736 practice -13 SouthAmerica4 Survived 0 1591
54507 Japanese game by Milan ClassicMilan Drawn 10 1601
54425 Todai-ji: We need more wood! Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1601
54524 Ancient Gunboat AncMed Survived 0 1601
54350 Europe Modern2 Defeated -53 1548
54550 nb Classic Defeated 0 1548
54534 Gunboat 1478 Classic1898 Survived 0 1548
54266 Modern Europe Gunboat A_Modern_Europe Defeated -42 1506
54370 Youngstown Gunboat -10 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1506
54815 Viking Gunboat-7 Viking Defeated 0 1506
54667 ArdzdfundusaWTA ClassicMilan Defeated 0 1506
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated -23 1483
54531 Gunboat 1475 Classic1898 Drawn 14 1497
54850 Balkans -2 Balkans1860 Drawn 61 1558
54535 Gunboat 1479 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated 0 1558
53699 Imperial Gunboat-8 Imperial2 Survived 0 1558
54330 Wholesome Crusades1201 Drawn 13 1571
54683 Gunboat 1491 Abstraction3 Defeated 0 1571
54813 African Gunboat-11 Africa Defeated 0 1571
54430 No voice to cry suffering Classic Defeated 0 1571
55212 join-9 AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1571
54865 Gunboat 1898 fow WTA Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1571
55181 ColdWarRedux Survived 0 1571
54302 Conquer the Bush Africa Survived 16 1587
54340 Mongols MongolianEmpire Defeated 0 1587
54757 Europe10 GB #07: Amsterdam! Modern2 Defeated 0 1587
54533 Gunboat 1477 Classic1880 Defeated 0 1587
55277 Das Gunboat-22 WWII Defeated 0 1587
54665 Gunboat 1488 ClassicFlorence Defeated 0 1587
54930 Just a fog of War game ClassicFog Defeated 0 1587
54377 For Opium! 3.0 Imperial2 Defeated -49 1538
54770 Caribbean Gunboat-8 Karibik Defeated 0 1538
55159 Cold war redux-3 ColdWarRedux Survived 0 1538
54920 Skald! Viking Defeated 0 1538
55392 Atlantic Gunboat-13 AtlanticColonies Defeated 0 1538
55051 Colonial -3 Colonial Defeated 0 1538
54493 A 1900 game Baron1900 Survived 0 1538
54224 Train to Damascus Classic Defeated 0 1538
54771 Imperial Gunboat-10 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1538
55144 German Wunderkind ClassicCataclysm Defeated 0 1538
55192 press ready when ready-3 AberrationV Defeated 0 1538
55437 Greek Diplomacy-8 GreekDip Drawn 4 1542
53649 Helikopter Classic Defeated 0 1542
54860 Just a Layered Gunboat ClassicLayered Defeated 0 1542
53898 1937 Gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -22 1520
55446 Ankara Crescent, Public Press Classic Defeated 0 1520
55069 Das Gunboat-21 WWII Defeated 0 1520
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1520
55244 join this!!! Empire4 Defeated 0 1520
55549 Because more is better AnarchyInTheUK Survived 7 1527
54150 Calc A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1527
55215 To the East Indies! EastIndies Drawn 0 1527
55423 Austrian Adventurism AustrianSuccession Drawn 32 1559
54530 Gunboat 1473 Classic1913 Defeated 0 1559
55324 FoW-5 ClassicFog Defeated 0 1559
55527 Slinkygame 1 Europe1600 Defeated 0 1559
54132 901 Gunboat-2 KnownWorld_901 Survived -17 1542
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1542
55342 Rinascimento Alternativo Rinascimento Defeated 0 1542
55587 Das Gunboat-25 WWII Drawn 22 1564
55139 The Big Ticket and The Answer Classic1898 Defeated 0 1564
55165 Fantasy Rulebook FantasyWorld Defeated 0 1564
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1564
55570 pick your country-2 Classic Defeated 0 1564
55850 Viking Gunboat-8 Viking Survived 0 1564
55394 1885 Gunboat-16 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1564
54584 Gunboat 1484 YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 1564
55963 Scottish Clan Wars-3 Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated 0 1564
55649 Paulaner Fest Germany1648 Defeated 0 1564
54739 Imperial Diplomacy Returns Imperial2 Defeated 0 1564
55005 Moderno Gunboat Modern2 Defeated 0 1564
56038 Das Gunboat-30 WWII Defeated 0 1564
56023 Greek States Gunboat GreekDip Survived 0 1564
55361 Colonial Ambitions. Imperial2 Defeated 0 1564
56011 Das Gunboat-29 WWII Defeated 0 1564
55674 All the Nations MongolianEmpire Defeated 0 1564
55950 Slinkygame 5 Abstraction3 Survived 0 1564
55811 Western World 901 Gunboat -2 WesternWorld_901 Survived 0 1564
54785 Gunboat 1494 AberrationV Defeated 0 1564
56074 Viking Gunboat-9 Viking Survived 0 1564
55955 Slinkygame 7 AmericanConflict Defeated 0 1564
55632 Game 2432 - WTA YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 1564
55258 Empire. Imperial2 Drawn 37 1601
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -28 1573
54857 Shake the World World Drawn 49 1622
56199 The Powderkeg of Europe Balkans1860 Defeated 0 1622
55558 Known unknowns KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1622
56105 Misc. Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Survived 0 1622
56137 Misc. Gunboat-2 Machiavelli Drawn 14 1636
55636 El classico 1913 Classic1913 Defeated 0 1636
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1636
55177 Known World Gunboat-7 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 48 1684
55453 Modern Europe Gunboat-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1684
55809 Choose a World to Know a World KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1684
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Drawn 104 1788
56652 Match Day AnarchyInTheUK Defeated 0 1788
56101 Treason AberrationV Defeated 0 1788
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1788
56417 Silent Spice of Life EastIndies Survived 0 1788
57096 please convoy me ClassicBritain Defeated 0 1788
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1788
56888 Every 1066 TenSixtySix Won 18 1806
57518 This one is better Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1806
57413 Once and future king CelticBritain Drawn 8 1814
57851 wwiii-4 Europe1939 Defeated 0 1814
58027 Britain is stuck! ClassicBritain Drawn 11 1825
58034 The most peaceful continent Classic Defeated 0 1825
57956 For Opium! V5.0 Imperial2 Survived -8 1817
58059 LastOneISwear MateAgainstMate Defeated 0 1817
57441 Dip dip najaar 2024 Classic Drawn 12 1829
58704 Angleterre-Turquie ClassicEvT Won 0 1829
58503 Austrian Succession Gunboat-2 AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 1829
58086 Aberrant Gunboat II AberrationV Drawn 13 1842
58200 Martian Adventures Mars Defeated 0 1842
58307 Win Condition 48 Colonial1885 Drawn 10 1852
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1852
59187 Classic game-6 Classic Defeated 0 1852
59522 UK Diplomacy AnarchyInTheUK Survived 0 1852
58318 Playing through all the variants #10: 1937 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 0 1852
59644 Cold War Redux Gunboat ColdWarRedux Defeated 0 1852
59379 Weird WW2 Zeus5 Defeated 0 1852
59408 Machiavelli was an amateur! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1852
59378 Colonial 1885-8 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1852
59810 BETTER CLASSIC (1900) Baron1900 Drawn 3 1855
59428 New order-2 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1855
59824 KING CRIMSON DarkAges Defeated 0 1855
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -38 1817
59706 Viking Gunboat-14 Viking Defeated 0 1817
59524 I thought hurricane season was over Pirates Defeated 0 1817
59623 Massive game KnownWorld_901 Drawn 23 1840
59700 Gobble Earth Gunboat GobbleEarth Defeated 0 1840
59226 901 Gunboat-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1840
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -48 1792
60364 Crash, Bang, Smash ‘Em Up ClassicCrowded Defeated -32 1760
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated -44 1716
59731 Worldwide Gunboat World10 Defeated 0 1716
59840 Europa Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1716
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1716
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1716