Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 04 AM Mon 20 Apr 20 UTC
Private Waiting on cbrooks
1 day /phase
Pot: 35 D - Autumn, 1911, Finished
Zeus 5, WTA
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
shaunm 1108 -> 1119 Drawn (12 SC) 57% 67% 11
Seb 973 -> 986 Drawn (11 SC) 48% 67% 13
FairDinkle 1000 -> 1013 Drawn (9 SC) 50% 67% 13
skylar 1000 -> 1013 Drawn (7 SC) 50% 67% 13
Cbrooks 973 -> 986 Drawn (2 SC) 48% 67% 13
brewski 1000 -> 967 Defeated 50% 0% -33
graciebee 944 -> 914 Defeated 46% 0% -30

shaunm (Drawn / 12SCs / 1108->1119) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Seb (Drawn / 11 SC ) 58% 50% -8% 0% 65.95 0
FairDinkle (Drawn / 9 SC ) 56% 50% -6% 0% 65.95 0
skylar (Drawn / 7 SC ) 56% 50% -6% 0% 65.95 0
Cbrooks (Drawn / 2 SC ) 58% 50% -8% 0% 65.95 0
brewski (Defeated) 56% 100% 44% 20% 65.95 5.78
graciebee (Defeated) 59% 100% 41% 20% 65.95 5.36

Seb (Drawn / 11SCs / 973->986) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
shaunm (Drawn / 12 SC ) 42% 50% 8% 0% 65.95 0
FairDinkle (Drawn / 9 SC ) 48% 50% 2% 0% 65.95 0
skylar (Drawn / 7 SC ) 48% 50% 2% 0% 65.95 0
Cbrooks (Drawn / 2 SC ) 50% 50% 0% 0% 65.95 0
brewski (Defeated) 48% 100% 52% 20% 65.95 6.8
graciebee (Defeated) 52% 100% 48% 20% 65.95 6.38

FairDinkle (Drawn / 9SCs / 1000->1013) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
shaunm (Drawn / 12 SC ) 44% 50% 6% 0% 65.95 0
Seb (Drawn / 11 SC ) 52% 50% -2% 0% 65.95 0
skylar (Drawn / 7 SC ) 50% 50% 0% 0% 65.95 0
Cbrooks (Drawn / 2 SC ) 52% 50% -2% 0% 65.95 0
brewski (Defeated) 50% 100% 50% 20% 65.95 6.6
graciebee (Defeated) 53% 100% 47% 20% 65.95 6.17

skylar (Drawn / 7SCs / 1000->1013) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
shaunm (Drawn / 12 SC ) 44% 50% 6% 0% 65.95 0
Seb (Drawn / 11 SC ) 52% 50% -2% 0% 65.95 0
FairDinkle (Drawn / 9 SC ) 50% 50% 0% 0% 65.95 0
Cbrooks (Drawn / 2 SC ) 52% 50% -2% 0% 65.95 0
brewski (Defeated) 50% 100% 50% 20% 65.95 6.6
graciebee (Defeated) 53% 100% 47% 20% 65.95 6.17

Cbrooks (Drawn / 2SCs / 973->986) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
shaunm (Drawn / 12 SC ) 42% 50% 8% 0% 65.95 0
Seb (Drawn / 11 SC ) 50% 50% 0% 0% 65.95 0
FairDinkle (Drawn / 9 SC ) 48% 50% 2% 0% 65.95 0
skylar (Drawn / 7 SC ) 48% 50% 2% 0% 65.95 0
brewski (Defeated) 48% 100% 52% 20% 65.95 6.8
graciebee (Defeated) 52% 100% 48% 20% 65.95 6.38

brewski (Defeated / 0SCs / 1000->967) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
shaunm (Drawn / 12 SC ) 44% 0% -44% 20% 65.95 -5.78
Seb (Drawn / 11 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 20% 65.95 -6.8
FairDinkle (Drawn / 9 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 20% 65.95 -6.6
skylar (Drawn / 7 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 20% 65.95 -6.6
Cbrooks (Drawn / 2 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 20% 65.95 -6.8
graciebee (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 65.95 0

graciebee (Defeated / 0SCs / 944->914) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
shaunm (Drawn / 12 SC ) 41% 0% -41% 20% 65.95 -5.36
Seb (Drawn / 11 SC ) 48% 0% -48% 20% 65.95 -6.38
FairDinkle (Drawn / 9 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 20% 65.95 -6.17
skylar (Drawn / 7 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 20% 65.95 -6.17
Cbrooks (Drawn / 2 SC ) 48% 0% -48% 20% 65.95 -6.38
brewski (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 65.95 0
