A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
20 Nov 12 UTC
Thanks for the pause folks.
Back in business again.
0 replies
T2Paradis (1182 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
Two more players needed!
The game Flames of War needs two more players! Long phases for relaxed game play. No defined alliances; you may ally as you choose. It's the second world war in Europe the way you would choose to fight it! Who will take up the challenge?
1 reply
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
Draws in Rinascimento
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
As far as I know, this is the only variant on the website with a specific pot distribution system after a win, for example:
winning as Pisa is will be rewarded more than winning as Naples while surviving with 5 SCs as the French will be rewarded more than surviving with 5 SCs as Venezia.

This feature is briefly explained in the "New pot distribution system" variant description paragraph, and it applies only to games ending in a solo.
The standard equal split of the pot applies to games ending in a draw.

Rinascimento games often ended in a draw 80% of times: 34 games out of 43.

I don't feel like drawing as Venezia, Napoli or the Papal States is worth the same as drawing with Siena, Pisa, the French or Ferrara. Drawing as a major power is easier than drawing as a minor city state.

Shouldn't the pot distribution system (or something similar) be applied to draws too?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Nov 12 UTC
This original pot distribution is a highly fragile kind of code. It sucked away 1 month of my life, and I better not touch this code again... :-)
I agree. There needs to be some sort of incentive for people playing as Ferrara, Siena, etc, to band together in the beginning and fight off the larger powers.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
19 Nov 12 UTC
The easiest way to do this imo (Oli tell me if I'm right), is to have an option for a mod/GM to assign the points arbitrarily after a draw and make such a draw type an SRG Rinascimento game.

Also having the ability for a mod/GM to assign an arbitrary ratio of points in a draw/solo after a game is finished could open up the possibility for other SRG's where different pot distributions are desired than normal.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
lol, Oli, 1 month?
That must be troublesome!

Actually I'm not thinking to change the pot-distribution code, I'm thinking that it would be more fair to the variant if the code will be applied to draws too.
I imagine this kind of change wouldn't force you to edit the code.

In any case, the opinion of some Rinascimento players is required.
My opinion might not be in majority.
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
Thinking a bit more on this, it could backfire. If Venice is to earn significantly less in a draw due to the fact that France and Ferrara are still alive, wouldn't that *increase* its incentive to knock them out before the draw? In this case, players would immediately eliminate the smallest players because then the ones who disproportionately benefit per SC will be gone.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
19 Nov 12 UTC
Another reason to make it GM administered SRG option.. not everyone might want it and thus it could be applied when desired and not in all cases.
Rancher (1109 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
I am thinking similar to goldfinger on this one ... I think we might actually get a negative effect that ends up hurting Siena, Pisa, Ferarra etc ... I guess it seems to me that no matter what the variant is, a draw is a draw is a draw
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
"Shouldn't the pot distribution system (or something similar) be applied to draws too? "

Yes, and for more variants than this one. The Draw result should always be weighted heavier, and evenly distributed, but there should also be a reward from specific achievements, high center counts, near misses on solos, etc.
Don't reward someone for a near miss on a solo. You solo or you don't. Period. I agree with Rancher. A draw is a draw
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
I disagree in extending this system to other variants.
Rinascimento has its own peculiarities. It’s strongly different from the others, by concept.
In all the other variants, every player has been given almost the same chances.

@goldfinger, Rancher
Or it may not backfire, as you suggested, giving more incentive to the minor powers for an early formation of small city-state leagues. This effect is subjective. I don’t think it can be predicted in large numbers.
Yes, a draw is a draw. This statement is a good argument in any variant… but Rinascimento.

A draw as the French is not a draw as Naples.

For some of the aforementioned factions… yet surviving is a remarkable outcome (current stats tell this), while any player who enter orders and sends messages using the brain can be included in a draw as Venezia.

11 replies
RiverSong (986 D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
Hobbits Game Again Pretty Please?
Hobbits was cancelled - requires 19 players. The one with Wizards and Centaurs. I'm up for doing that game if we could get 19 willing players on board. Who's game? Pretty please? :)
17 replies
RiverSong (986 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Gunboat game play
I'd love to try a gunboat game. How do you play it? Are there rules somewhere, I searched. I saw a map of one of the games. What are the little bullets around the area. Are they bombs to avoid or treasures to be taken? Thanks!
41 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Nov 12 UTC
2 on 2 gameID=11047
Anybody like to try a 2 on 2 team game??
I was thinking England/Germany vs. Italy/Turkey. Play for a draw.
pass: duo
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
Unwinnable game
6 replies
T2Paradis (1182 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Flames of War!
WWII fan? Join our game "Flames of War"! Long phases for casual gamers! If you are a fan of the miniatures game feel free to chat about it in the game!
8 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
02 Nov 12 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat IV
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
35 replies
viejo (892 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Partidas en español
Para los jugadores que quieran jugar partidas en español, os dejo el enlace a un nuevo servidor basado en webdip, donde vamos ampliando la comunidad:
Os esperamos TAMBIÉN allí
3 replies
Raro (1449 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Did this game crash??
11 replies
RiverSong (986 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Noob Question: 2 fast 2 furious
I joined a game, 2 fast 2 furious, gunboat. There are 4 players. One voted cancel the other draw. Why? What should I vote? thanks.
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Nov 12 UTC
Clasic Economic searching for 2 Players!
We are searching for 2 addition players
PW: anothertry
1 reply
bo_sox48 (937 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
This thread is on webDip and is kinda cool, so……

1 reply
Ienpw_III (980 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
Adjudication question
This has never come up in any of my games before and I'm wondering: if a fleet attempts to convoy an army to a territory but is dislodged, can it retreat to that territory?

My guess would be yes, but I'd like to be sure.
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
Fog of War?
I am kind of curious to try this fog of war map...anybody want to give it a go with me?

1 reply
BigAssMofo (1003 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
need Admin help please
I type a plan up and post it on global...What can i do?
4 replies
Need A Replacement
Britain is in a good postion, but the user left.
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
Board not displaying properly
2 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Nov 12 UTC
"Finally the one continent on this planet missing his own variant got one"
umm... what about Antarctica? Did we just forget that it is TECHNICALLY a continent?
13 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
Ad about cookies at the top of the site?
Just wanted to know if anyone else is seeing this? And if it's legitimate or an ad or something like malware
2 replies
AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
23 Oct 12 UTC
Congratulations to Oli!
Here's a huge congratulations to Oli and his family. Laura-Marie is a beautiful little one!

Let's all raise a glass of your favorite poison (whiskey for me) to Oli! Huzzah!
51 replies
airborne (970 D)
12 Nov 12 UTC
Darn EU...
6 replies
dieingrace (1072 D X)
09 Nov 12 UTC
This is a post
This is a message
58 replies
General Cool (978 D)
10 Nov 12 UTC
First Africa
Join this amazing new variant!
1 reply
Orpheus (1418 D)
06 Nov 12 UTC
Join ButterHead's CHAOS game....!!
Come one, come all, for the highly anticipated - often imitated - never duplicated - highly exciting - and highly insane: GLOBAL ONLY CHAOS MATCH!!!
With your host, ButterHead.....

That's right boys and girls, it's time to join the next installment of this fabulous game! We need about 11 more brave souls to join the excitement of the Greatest Dip on Earth....!!
41 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
09 Nov 12 UTC
Europe 1939 Game
Join up! Brand new Europe 1939 game.
Need 6 more players.
10 point
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm
Anybody want to try this one out?
8 replies
Bonaparte23 (942 D)
08 Nov 12 UTC
Fog of War
Hi all, I'm new to this variant site and I would very much like to play a fog of war variant of the classic board. Preferably a public press one at that (although full press is also fine).

I don't really care about the points and time table, but how about 24h phases and 20p? Anyone interested? Sign up :)
3 replies
airborne (970 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
Successions Beta (Possible Final Version!)
-Major Map overhaul
-Large Map (finally)
-Graphically errors corrected
BUild Anywhere, 54 SCs, 27 to win
5 replies
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