A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
Victory Conditions into variant "The Battle of the Sexes"
Which could be the most popular one? Let's see many ideas
Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
The special rule which regulate the game: there are 2 Teams of 3 Countries each, called Buddies between each other inside the same Team;
Buddies can only fight and conquer lands to the enemy Team members, while between same Team players any military action is resolved as they were the same army (so supports against buddies are cancelled like were against own units), and a buddy unit entering another buddy land cannot conquer it (but can hold it to defend for example)
Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
My default Victory Condition idea is the method I call "Impredictable Diplomatic":
It is based on the idea the same Team buddies cannot fight each other but can willingly miss open collaboration, or even secretly make some little naughty deal with enemies, leading to possible odd events like the example:
-One day Ultramages and Paladins agree to join forces to destroy their common enemy neighbour the Witches, and agree they can abandon Testosteronics by letting them lonely fighting any aggression from Amazons and Matrons... -
After all, the fact Team Buddies are just 3 and not 2, just allows many opportunities of impredictable diplomatic events! :D
Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
The technical points allowing "Impredictable Diplomatic" Victory conditions would be:
1) The game ends when the last SC of the last Country of a Team is conquered, of course by anyone of the enemy Team
2) The winning Team can be at that point still of three Buddies, but also of only Two survived or even of one only; the single Victory that makes a player the only winner would be the number of SCs: the buddy owning the most, is the final winner of the game
Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
Another idea about Victory Conditions is the one of Oli (I will call "Straight Military") :
When a Country is conquered its last SC and then defeated, the game ends immediately and the victory is for the opposing Team

My question is: but all the 3 players to be winners at same time is technically possible?

I think this method would make all Team buddies very protective each others, just to avoid the common defeat, and encourage straight collaboration with little or no intrigues... But what would happen if a player leaves games and the Country into Civil Disorder? The Buddies would be in great difficulty about trying to defend a non playing country from neighbours quicker attack... :|
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Aug 12 UTC
It's technically not possible to have more than 1 winner. We can make a draw with many players, but the software can't handle 2 or more players winning the same game.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
The draw can be programmed to be automatic, or always have to be agreed by every player?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Aug 12 UTC
The draw can be automatic. But it does distribute the points even between all remaining players, so the other team need to be destroyed completely (for real or automated) and all remaining players get the same share of the pot.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
Good, then it can work that way!
But about the classical problem of a player leaving its country into CD? He would condemn own Team buddies to nearly sure defeat...

8 replies
myLAAN (1109 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
Replacement needed - Modern Dip II Team Game
5 replies
PhoenixBD (871 D)
02 Aug 12 UTC
New Haven game!
Just started up a new game on the Haven map, come join and spread the word.
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Jul 12 UTC
Variant theories from the latest DipWorld...
Anybody read the latest DiplomacyWorld?
It has a nice article about "What Not to Put in a Variant Design".
14 replies
Anon (?? D)
29 Jul 12 UTC
gameID=9226, its 10:30am EST time, about 4:30pm GMT, enjoy
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
23 Jul 12 UTC
New game
I would like to start a game with the best players on this website.
Drano, Guaroz, Ambassador, RoxArt, Devonian, bozo, etc.
Let's get a good game going and spend some of our points.
43 replies
idealist (1107 D)
26 Jul 12 UTC
anyone up for a 1v1 live or something?
i dont want to make it until someone responds...let me know
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idealist (1107 D)
25 Jul 12 UTC
1v1 games
0 replies
Holon221 (898 D)
25 Jul 12 UTC
Submitting a diplomacy variant
just wondering if on this sight I can submit some of my own diplomacy variants?
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amisond (1280 D)
24 Jul 12 UTC
New Variants
Why is it that as soon as a new variant is released people instantly start playing anonymous gunboats...
3 replies
amisond (1280 D)
17 Jul 12 UTC
Lab test game.
Players needed for the first test game of Celtic Britain on lab:
17 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jul 12 UTC
high stakes poker - lets go - gameID=9148
join some high stakes! gameID=9148
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
25 May 12 UTC
Bankroll Diplomacy
A spin off of Bourse Diplomacy where the investments made by investors effect how successful the in game nations are.
See below for rules:
364 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Jul 12 UTC
New Game Type
A little while back, someone mentioned a game type with a king, assassins, knights, and traitors who all had different victory conditions. Does anyone know the game type im referring to in more detail, and if so, would anyone be interested in trying it out?
0 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
29 Jun 12 UTC
Quick Question
So I'm in my, like, 4 game of colonial dip, and I am wondering why the trans- Siberian railway is present but unused. I'm hoping someone can explain this
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idealist (1107 D)
22 Jul 12 UTC
a couple of new 1v1 games
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kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
20 Jul 12 UTC
New player needed:
5 replies
Here's your chance to post all kinds of anon fun. gameid=9100
I guess a body has to be there too.
0 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Spain to North africa
How is this move supposed to be made? There's no option to go by land even though they appear connected. I convoyed with a fleet waiting in western mediteranean and it failed. Is this some sort of glitch?
7 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Jul 12 UTC
New feature (still in Beta...)
You can now make anon posts in the forum...
26 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
join some high stakes guys! :) gameID=9111
gogoogooo join!
21 replies
A game where I am allowed to Meta-Game? O.o
Competition between you and your friends sure is fun, but sometimes its great to team up with them and conquer the world together. Well, if your looking for a game where you can do that then look no further. Sometime next week a game will be starting where you and one friend can team up to conquer the world. It will be a WWIV variant with two day phases. All that is required is that you message the creator, me, what country you are teaming up with.
60 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
Replacment needed for Sengoku
gameID=8755 5 SC position in a strong alliance, please join if you can!
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
gameID=9093 - high stakes karibik, join fast! :)
ole, hope this anon works
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kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
15 May 12 UTC
Bourse Diplomacy:
see below:
626 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 12 UTC
Sitter Required.
I'll be going on Holiday on Saturday morning for two weeks, so I'll need sitters for several games I'm in. They are all full press. Please PM me for more details.
1 reply
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
16 Jul 12 UTC
looking through the Variants
I have just realised that we have a lack of games of games that cater for 10+ players...
23 replies
Messages in a Gunboat
I am playing in a gunboat game right now, but the little envelope has appeared on the screen signifying I have a message. However even when I click the envelope I can not see said message. Anyone have any idea, what is going on or how I can see the message?
2 replies
Gary123 (1297 D)
15 Jul 12 UTC
Team Game Replacement Players
Replacement player for the UK and Amazon needed. If someone will be nice enough, the UK isn't in a bad position. This is a team game, and you'd have to respect that, I guess.

Also is there already a thread advertising countries in civil disorder needing to be replaced? If not, should there be a forum thread just for advertising inactive countries?
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
Replacement Needed
Replacement Spain needed in gameID=8953. Not a bad position at all.
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