A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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TBroadley (1202 D)
28 Jul 11 UTC
After months of internet connectivity issues, I'm making my return (hopefully) to VDip. Could anyone give me a quick rundown of what's happened since I left (roughly when Classic VS was introduced)?
1 reply
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
28 Jul 11 UTC
A surprisingly strong FvA Opening:
Dear President Eden;

I believe I may have stumbled upon a very powerful FvA opening for Austria. I invite you to a series of games investigating the new opening.
4 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
26 Jul 11 UTC
Oli, we need a cancel

A player asked for a pause during the 1st year and then disappeared. We all agreed to cancel, but are left with the one person who left. A little help?
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G-Man (2516 D)
24 Jul 11 UTC
Favorite Variant?
What is your favorite variant (in which you've played at least one game to completion) and why? How do special rules, if any, impact the variant and your like or dislike of other variants?

If the game is not available here, please give a link if possible.
34 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
26 Jul 11 UTC
New WWIV games: players needed
There's two WWIV games out there that need players over the next 3-4 days: a 20 point bid for moderately experienced players (gameID=2858) and a 5 point big game (don't know the number, but search and you'll find it) for those that want a cheap game. Sign up people!
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butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jul 11 UTC
5 more needed for a FOW, ANON, Public Press only, PPSC game.
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red squirrel (1613 D)
26 Jul 11 UTC
New Seven Island Game

Please join
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
24 Jul 11 UTC
France v Austria, S 1901 Mar - Pie.
I am convinced that this is actually a very strong opening; I have not devised a winning defense for Austria yet...
22 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Players needed for Build Anywhere game

Join up!
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
25 Jul 11 UTC
Wanted: New Venice!
still in a good position, just recently CDed this turn, hoping to find a new one soon so the game dynamic isnt messed up
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SacredDigits (978 D)
23 Jul 11 UTC
Strange fog of war question
Alright, we all know phpdiplomacy code doesn't color a few Mediterranean islands, ever Crete and Sardinia. I note that in the beginning of Fog of War they're also greyed out, what sea moves (if any) color them in?
6 replies
tricky (1005 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Drawn game

Dear all,
The above game has been drawn. How come? I didn't ask for it to be drawn, nor do I believe did Chilie. How diid it happen?
7 replies
AdamNTM (965 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Meta-gaming, or Telepathy?
I'm a little baffled, in a game of anonymous gunboat Modern Diplomacy II (, how Egypt and Ukraine were able to coordinate an attack on Russia (me) in Georgia. Either an extremely lucky guess, telepathy, or cheating (violating the spirit of the game, insofar that it's ANONYMOUS and GUNBOAT). Can anyone help me understand this further?
33 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
automatical disbanding!
Hi Oli, could may implement a function, that if in a retreat phase on a unit the only possibility to do is disbanding this is just set automatically?
that would prevent many games to just take longer because of people pissed and not putting the destroy order....
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Jul 11 UTC
I agree, but only if it's the last unit of the player.
If it's not, the player could count on that phase's time lenght to stay away from the PC, for any personal reason. If the disband is the only one retreat on the board, the retreat phase would be processed immediately and he could lose the whole following diplomacy phase (unless it's a gunboat, then not a big issue).
Also, I believe (can anyone confirm?) that players are put in CD ("left") if they don't log in for 2 consecutive phases. Now, what if this automatic disband is the only one retreat on the board, and the following build phase lasts 5 minutes because there's only one player that has to build - and he's online - and he immediately finalize his build? The 2 consecutive phases would last 6 minutes? How many players would go CD?...
Daiichi (1339 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Guaroz, as far as i know, you go only in CD if you don't log in for 2 consecutive phases *in which you have to input orders* you are put into CD. So in the case mentioned, people would not go into CD because they have not had to input any order.

In any case, i disagree of the original measure, since as it said, not everyone uses that time to piss off other players, but also to go on a weekend trip or to have messages going.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Jul 11 UTC
1) I believed it was as you said. But once in a Chaos game, on the old, I decided to not log in in autumn 1901 for diplomatic purposes (and, of course, the "hold" order was good). They didn't dislodge me. I think the retreat phase was short because when I logged into the site i found these 3 messages on my home page's Notices: "you left the chaos game (or something)" "game progressed to Builds" same time, and " X took over your country" a hour later. I hadn't got to put orders in, in the retreat phase...
2) Right. Unless it's the player's last unit.
Daiichi (1339 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
not only the player last unit, but also that that player can not build anymore units. ie: that the player is definitively and with no way around out of the game
LoveDove (1368 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Except there are too many "ifs" now to make it a rule. I sometimes wish there was another function beyond points, like reputation points. When a game ends, everyone votes on the players involved and can either give them a thumbs up or thumbs down. Then when you make new games, you pick not only the bet but also the minimum reputation allowed. Someone with a negative rep or low rep might not be able to join your game. Surely someone who refuses to disband, etc would get a bad rep quickly... But it's just a dream and I am sure a programming nightmare to even consider. I wouldn't know; I can barely enter my orders, let alone manipulate code!
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
My problem with your idea, LoveDove, is what if someone is an absolute cutthroat diplomat, playing the game correctly and well, finalizes quickly, agrees to pauses, doesn't cuss or make poor statements about people, but everyone else in the game is pissed because he established himself so effectively to their detriment? Might they not dock him points simply for being really good?
Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
yeah with the reputation thing, what would stop people who got stabbed by another player from giving the stabber a bad review?
LoveDove (1368 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Yes, they could. but those are the kind of people this system would expose. I can appreciate a good player, even if he hammers or stabs me. Not everyone can do that, but we as a group have already identified some players (won't go there...) that would do such a thing.

There are flaws to every system, especially my nascent suggestion. As with things like the pause function, it depends on having quality peers.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Jul 11 UTC
I agree with LoveDove that there would probably be too many "ifs". This would make the rule too complex and rarely used and then it wouldn't be worth the effort of a try. I agree with Sacred & Shep for the rest. If we had only quality peers, there would be no need of tools like "reputation vote" or "majority pause". But since we haven't, those tools wouldn't work properly.
BTW this "nascent suggestion" was proposed about a year ago (IDK whether on this site or another one) and was rejected. People threw stones on the Thread Opener for many reasons like the ones Sacred & Shep said.
LoveDove (1368 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Ah, interesting. I was not a member of either one year ago, so news to me. Thanks.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Jul 11 UTC
Gilgatex had a cool system. He called it reliability-rating. It showed your commitment to your games. With a low reliability-rating you couldn't join that many games at once. The better the rating, the more games you could join.
But for compatibility reasons i avoid such "non-variant" related changes. If I change to much on the code I might not be able to upate this site.
LoveDove (1368 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
That makes sense. Too much complexity, especially as a hobby!
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
yep that would be something that webdip had to implement in the core...
I thinkt the reliability rating is a good thing by looking at nmr's and cd's.... at least something... :)
or a filter on the game where besides the points you can state only player with X or less cds are able to join...
RoxArt (1732 D)
23 Jul 11 UTC
further i meant stuff like this: there is no point in this retreat phase for turkey as both units have to be destroyed anyways....

14 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Fog of War Game

starting in less than 24 hours. please join this interesting variant!
1 reply
killer135 (656 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
Testing league
Hello. This was lost in the original oli.rhoen.dip, The Testing League. Just looking for 6 active players to regularly play sets of 3 games
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trip (1253 D)
20 Jul 11 UTC
Grecian Gunboat
pm for password
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Daiichi (1339 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
This game should have been unpaused like 2 weeks ago. It was posted in the forum around 5 or 6 days ago, and you said something like that you'll unpause it by the end of this week. Just to remind you to unpause
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airborne (970 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
I hate to be critial but...
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Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Cheap Balkan Test
anon, 5 point bet
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Colouring error in large map of Mate vs Mate

Eyre appears to be connected on colour to...Bass Strait, as evidenced by its turning green when Tasmania took Bass Strait.
It looks fine in small map though.
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acmac10 (923 D)
21 Jul 11 UTC
Crowded Game
10 point bet, 1 day phase, need 6 more people.

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Brutus (965 D)
21 Jul 11 UTC
7 Island game?
Would anyone like to play a 10 min phase 7 island game?
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trip (1253 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Congrats papabearbrodie, and good game all.
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GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
20 Jul 11 UTC
anybody interested in a livegame here ?
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tricky (1005 D)
20 Jul 11 UTC
Could you please look at the following game. It seems to have been paused for about a week. Is there anything we can do about getting it moving please?

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--- (716 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
Is there any way to withdraw from a game without NMRing for two years?
How can you do something like that? I lost interest in this website for quite a while, but I imagine that caused quite a few of my fellow players trouble. If something like that were to happen again, is there any way to avoid that?
1 reply
red squirrel (1613 D)
19 Jul 11 UTC
1897 game. Join up!

Low pot WTA. I just want to try this out. Anyone else interested?
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Rancher (1109 D)
16 Jul 11 UTC
Is Rancher back?
I don't know ...
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Pimlico (1097 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Can a mod help please
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