A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Holon221 (898 D)
25 Jul 12 UTC
Submitting a diplomacy variant
just wondering if on this sight I can submit some of my own diplomacy variants?
2 replies
amisond (1280 D)
24 Jul 12 UTC
New Variants
Why is it that as soon as a new variant is released people instantly start playing anonymous gunboats...
3 replies
amisond (1280 D)
17 Jul 12 UTC
Lab test game.
Players needed for the first test game of Celtic Britain on lab:
17 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jul 12 UTC
high stakes poker - lets go - gameID=9148
join some high stakes! gameID=9148
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
25 May 12 UTC
Bankroll Diplomacy
A spin off of Bourse Diplomacy where the investments made by investors effect how successful the in game nations are.
See below for rules:
364 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Jul 12 UTC
New Game Type
A little while back, someone mentioned a game type with a king, assassins, knights, and traitors who all had different victory conditions. Does anyone know the game type im referring to in more detail, and if so, would anyone be interested in trying it out?
0 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
29 Jun 12 UTC
Quick Question
So I'm in my, like, 4 game of colonial dip, and I am wondering why the trans- Siberian railway is present but unused. I'm hoping someone can explain this
18 replies
idealist (1107 D)
22 Jul 12 UTC
a couple of new 1v1 games
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
20 Jul 12 UTC
New player needed:
5 replies
Here's your chance to post all kinds of anon fun. gameid=9100
I guess a body has to be there too.
0 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Spain to North africa
How is this move supposed to be made? There's no option to go by land even though they appear connected. I convoyed with a fleet waiting in western mediteranean and it failed. Is this some sort of glitch?
7 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Jul 12 UTC
New feature (still in Beta...)
You can now make anon posts in the forum...
26 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
join some high stakes guys! :) gameID=9111
gogoogooo join!
21 replies
A game where I am allowed to Meta-Game? O.o
Competition between you and your friends sure is fun, but sometimes its great to team up with them and conquer the world together. Well, if your looking for a game where you can do that then look no further. Sometime next week a game will be starting where you and one friend can team up to conquer the world. It will be a WWIV variant with two day phases. All that is required is that you message the creator, me, what country you are teaming up with.
60 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
Replacment needed for Sengoku
gameID=8755 5 SC position in a strong alliance, please join if you can!
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
gameID=9093 - high stakes karibik, join fast! :)
ole, hope this anon works
7 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 May 12 UTC
Bourse Diplomacy:
see below:
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 May 12 UTC

A human error in occurred - Ambassador BOUGHT 300 Francs.

The adjusted values for the Franc is below:


Spring 1902 currency values:

Austrian Crowns: $3.8
English Pounds: $0.88
French Francs: $0.88
German Marks: $0.88
Italian Lire: $1.68
Russian Roubles: $1.75
Turkish Piastres: $0.59

The total amount of each currency sold/bought is:
Austrian Crowns: 0 sold, 35800 bought = +35800 , up 3.58
English Pounds: 3400 sold, 100 bought = -3300 , down 0.33
French Francs: 1900 sold, 2900 bought = +1000 , up 0.10
German Marks: 2100 sold, 200 bought = -1900 , down 0.19
Italian Lire: 4500 sold, 0 bought = -4500 , down 0.45
Russian Roubles: 0 sold, 12095 bought = +1200 , up 1.20
Turkish Piastres: 3999 sold, 500 bought = -3400 , down 0.34


Who holds what & what was bought and sold in Spring 1902?

Devonian: Crowns 5900(+5900), Pounds 0, Francs 0, Marks 0, Lire 8500(-500), Roubles 0, Piastres 0, US$7

Diplomat33: Crowns 1000(+1000), Pounds 0, Francs 1000(+1000), Marks 0, Lire 0 , Roubles 0, Piastres 3000(-500), US$2595

L Podolski: Crowns 2000(+1600), Pounds 500(-500), Francs 2500(+1400), Marks 1700, Lire 900(-500), Roubles 1000(+700), Piastres 100(-500), US$971

Guaroz: Crowns 8500(+8500), Pounds 1151(-500), Francs 0(-400), Marks 1500(-500), Lire 1500(-500), Roubles 2500(+2500), Piastres 101(-500), US$866.62

gman314: Crowns 5000(+5000), Pounds 1300(-500), Francs 752(-499), Marks 100(-500), Lire 1600(-500), Roubles 2000(+1400), Piastres 751(-499), US$1228.22

tobi1: Crowns 5500(+5300), Pounds 2000(-500), Francs 600(-500), Marks 700(+200), Lire 500(-500), Roubles 2000(+1900), Piastres 400(-500), US$135

drano019: Crowns 2000(2000), Pounds 1500(-500), Francs 400(-500),Marks 1150(-500), Lire 1200(-500), Roubles 2150(+2000), Piastres 400(-500), US$1726

hiprox: Crowns 1000(+500), Pounds 600(-400), Francs 835(-100), Marks 900(-100), Lire 1518(-500), Roubles 2120(+645), Piastres 1000(+500), US$804.31

Amby: Crowns 5600(+5000), Pounds 650(-500), Francs 1450(+300), Marks 850(-500), Lire 650(-500), Roubles 3800(+2450), Piastres 0(-500), US$1

amisond: Crowns 2000(+1000), Pounds 1100(+100), Francs 1200(+200), Marks 1000, Lire 500(-500), Roubles 1500(+500), Piastres 500(-500), US$758

Devonian (1887 D)
27 May 12 UTC
@ Ambassador, unfortunately that is true. I will sell Lira until it is all gone, or until it appears Italy will survive. And, at some point, the value of the Lira will be less than what I paid for it. There are still 16,868 Lira held. Which, if they were all sold, would bring the value down to zero.

The same is going to happen to Crowns and Rubles. There are a whopping 38,500 Crowns, and 17070 Rubles. (It is interesting that a complete selloff of Crowns and Lira exactly wipes out their value, but not for the Rubles. )

So, right now, the big holders of these currencies are doing the best, on paper. I wonder what will happen as these sell off. I already fell from my top spot, to second, and will likely fall farther.
Devonian (1887 D)
27 May 12 UTC
Just to compare all the currencies:

Crowns:16868 Held - $1.68 value
Pounds: 8801 Held - $.88 value
Francs: 8737 Held - $.88 value
Marks: 7900 Held - $.88 value
Lire: 16868 Held - $1.68 value
Roubles: 17070 Held - $1.75 value
Piastres: 6252 Held - $.59 value
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
27 May 12 UTC
Damn! English isn't my native language and I just recognized, that I switched the words currency and value most time ...
I hope you understand me despite my mistakes. :-)
@devonian - the crown's with 3.8, not 1.68 like you mentioned. That said I expect everyone will dump crowns bringing it quickly inline with something like 1.68 before too long.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 May 12 UTC
tobi1: Crowns 5500(+5300), Pounds 2000(-500), Francs 600(-500), Marks 1700(+200), Lire 500(-500), Roubles 2000(+1900), Piastres 400(-500), US$135

(another mistake, tobi1 has more marks than I reported - otherwise no change.
Devonian (1887 D)
27 May 12 UTC
Thanks for the correction. I copied the Lire totals. Crowns held are 38,500 and $3.80 value. I just thought the relationship interesting.
Devonian (1887 D)
27 May 12 UTC
@ Kaner, That explains why the Mark's holdings vs value was off a bit more than the others.
gman314 (1016 D)
28 May 12 UTC
This game is so strange because the traders react to not only the players' moves, but also to their own moves. So, if someone predicts that a currency will fall briefly but that they'll want to buy it back next turn, there's no reason not to sell 500 units of that currency so that they can buy it back cheaper. I didn't realize until now, but this is actually a good reason for some sort of purchases cap. That way, the players wouldn't be able to simply make more money by selling on such a currency.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
28 May 12 UTC
What size cap would you suggest?
gman314 (1016 D)
28 May 12 UTC
I don't know. I'd have to play more of the game. I'll keep the idea in mind and see if I can come up with some sort of cap. That play is exactly what I just did on the pounds and marks just now, so I should have a good idea of what kind of cap would be best if I keep doing it.
Based on the selling cap I don't think a buying cap is necessary. If we keep going as is we'll all eventually have cash coming out of our ears. Then when a country goes to the wall the real winners in the financiers game will be the one with the least thousand <insert name of currency here>. if buying caps are introduced the variance when a country goes belly up won't be as much and to be honest we'd all be so close the game would probably be dull. Intrpsychic a buying cap would only work if you introduce another variable eg my earlier suggestion for a dividend multiple to be paid on investments depending on your Victory Points status.
Intrpsychic = stupid iPhone keyboard's interpretation of me trying to type "Introducing"
Devonian (1887 D)
28 May 12 UTC
I like your idea of a dividend. I didn't notice it in an earlier posting. I was thinking about the same idea, except I was going to call it interest. (Since we are trading currencies not stocks)

I was thinking that paying $0.01 for per SC for each unit of currency held. As the countries grow or shrink, the dividend/interest earned would change. It would be beneficial to own currency in countries with more SC's.

An alternative would be to pay $.10 for each SC increase for each unit of currency held. This would give an incentive to buy countries that are growing or have an immediate potential of growing.

Oli (977 D Mod (P))
28 May 12 UTC
I've doubled the pot of this game...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
28 May 12 UTC
gman, can you please explain better those?
"This game is so strange because the traders react to not only the players' moves, but also to their own moves."
**Yes. If players react only to the players move, the whole bourse would be kinda predictable and the game would be boring no? So I'd say 'this game is so funny because the traders react to not only the players' moves, but also to their own moves.'

"So, if someone predicts that a currency will fall briefly..."
**Sometimes it's easy to predict, just look at the map. Other times if someone can predict this then he's a good diplomat. It means that he was able to make other people tell him what they were doing or to make up agreements and alliances to coordinate moves.

" ...but that they'll want to buy it back next turn, there's no reason not to sell 500 units of that currency so that they can buy it back cheaper."
**Yes. And...? There would be anything wrong with this?

"I didn't realize until now, but this is actually a good reason for some sort of purchases cap. That way, the players wouldn't be able to simply make more money by selling on such a currency. "
**Here we are. I don't understand what would be the good reason, sorry. Can you please explain it?

Make more money is the point of each bourse in the world. If traders aren't able to do it, why should they play? If Guaroz puts all his money in a nice factory in Mirandola and an earthquake comes like yesterday did, he'll lose all its money. Same way, if now everybody gang up against Austria, my Crowns will suddenly be worthless. There's no gain without a risk. This is the point of commerce.
I agree with Amby when he says "we'd all be so close the game would probably be dull" because an investor must have basically 2 skills:
1) Diplomacy = to Understand whether a currency is going to rise or fall (or hold). And sometime this is easily predictable just looking at the map, without any diplomacy.
2) When it will rise, to Guess how much he has to buy (because when it will fall, selling is limited and he doesn't have so much to guess: he sells 500) to be within a reasonable risk.

If you cut out the #2, the only really discretionary thing a player got, you kill the game, IMHO.

kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
28 May 12 UTC
Just a friendly reminder to all traders that you have less than 13 hours in which to place your orders for trade.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC

The market slows down but the Pound bucks the trend. Miss Order slaps the Italian admiral, and Tunis remains free for another year.


Autumn 1902 currency values:

Austrian Crowns: $3.35
English Pounds: $1.96
French Francs: $0.90
German Marks: $1.15
Italian Lire: $1.38
Russian Roubles: $1.48
Turkish Piastres: $0.68

The total amount of each currency sold/bought is:
Austrian Crowns: 4500 sold, 0 bought = -4500 , down .45
English Pounds: 0 sold, 10849 bought = +10800 , up 1.08
French Francs: 1899 sold, 2000 bought = +200 , up 0.02
German Marks: 1000 sold, 3700 bought = +2700 , up 0.27
Italian Lire: 3500 sold, 500 bought = -3000 , down 0.30
Russian Roubles: 2799 sold, 0 bought = -2700 , down 0.27
Turkish Piastres: 2900 sold, 3850 bought = +900 , up 0.09

Players' Net Worth & current Victory Points:
Devonian: $33355, vp = 734
Diplomat33: $9605, vp = 170
L Podolski: $14675, vp = 439
Guaroz: $41308.09, vp = 742
gman314: $28936.54, vp = 558.28
tobi1: $31062, vp = 600
drano019: $20649.5, vp = 391
hiprox: $15572.75, vp = 415.62
Ambassador: $30380, vp = 818.5
amisond: $17331, vp = 360


Who holds what & what was bought and sold in Autumn 1902?

Devonian: Crowns 5400(-500), Pounds 1100, Francs 1000(+1000), Marks 1000(+1000), Lire 8000(-500), Roubles 0, Piastres 0, US$ 19

Diplomat33: Crowns 500(-500), Pounds 500(+500), Francs 1000, Marks 0, Lire 0, Roubles 0, Piastres 2500(-500), US$4350

L Podolski: Crowns 2000, Pounds 500, Francs 2500, Marks 1700, Lire 900, Roubles 1000, Piastres 100, US$971

Guaroz: Crowns 8000(-500), Pounds 2800(+1649), Francs 0, Marks 1000(+500), Lire 1000(-500), Roubles 2000(-500), Piastres 0(-101), US$ 3530.09

gman314: Crowns 4500(-500), Pounds 2500(+1200), Francs 253(-499), Marks 1000(+900), Lire 1100(-500), Roubles 1701(-299), Piastres 252(-499), US$ 3377

tobi1: Crowns 5000(-500), Pounds 3500(+1500), Francs 100(-500), Marks 2000(+300), Lire 0(-500), Roubles 1500(-500), Piastres 0(-400), US$2842

drano019:Crowns 1500(-500), Pounds 3500(+2000), Francs 0(-400), Marks 650(-500), Lire 700(-500), Roubles 1650(-500), Piastres 0(-400), US$4609

hiprox: Crowns 500(-500), Pounds 1100(+500), Francs 1350(+500), Marks 1400(+400), Lire 2018(+500), Roubles 1620(-500), Piastres 500(-500), US$3394.31

Amby: Crowns 5100(-500), Pounds 1150(+500), Francs 1950(+500), Marks 1350(+500), Lire 150(-500), Roubles 3300(-500), Piastres 3850(+3850), US$24.5

amisond: Crowns 1500(-500), Pounds 3000(+1900), Francs 700(-500), Marks 500(-500), Lire 0(-500), Roubles 1500, Piastres 0(-500), US$3001


I'll also be PM everyone soon as to their current stocks in holding.


hiporox (988 D)
29 May 12 UTC
I sold 500 Lires, not bought 500
hiporox (988 D)
29 May 12 UTC
I also bought 500 Marks, not 400
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC
-----------adjusted Lire
Austrian Crowns: $3.35
English Pounds: $1.96
French Francs: $0.90
German Marks: $1.15
Italian Lire: $1.28
Russian Roubles: $1.48
Turkish Piastres: $0.68

hiprox: Crowns 500(-500), Pounds 1100(+500), Francs 1350(+500), Marks 1400(+500), Lire 1018(-500), Roubles 1620(-500), Piastres 500(-500), US$3394.31

Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 May 12 UTC
I sold 500 Marks, not bought 500.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 May 12 UTC
Did Podolsky really traded nothing or did he just NMRed?
I was away from Internet access for the past four days so I told Kaner to hold all my currencies.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 May 12 UTC
-----------adjusted Mark
Austrian Crowns: $3.35
English Pounds: $1.96
French Francs: $0.90
German Marks: $1.05
Italian Lire: $1.28
Russian Roubles: $1.48
Turkish Piastres: $0.68

Guaroz: Crowns 8000(-500), Pounds 2800(+1649), Francs 0, Marks 1000(-500), Lire 1000(-500), Roubles 2000(-500), Piastres 0(-101), US$ 3530.09
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
29 May 12 UTC
you started without me :'(
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
29 May 12 UTC
opps wrong one
gman314 (1016 D)
29 May 12 UTC
Wow. I'm surprised that Ambassador's buying Piastres!
butterhead (1272 D)
29 May 12 UTC
He probably assumed I'd help Turkey against the Lepanto...
Got it in one butter. Was hoping you and KA would sort your differences out to stop A&I's steamroller. Instead you guys seem to think it's more fun poking each other in the eye ;-)

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626 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 12 UTC
Sitter Required.
I'll be going on Holiday on Saturday morning for two weeks, so I'll need sitters for several games I'm in. They are all full press. Please PM me for more details.
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Jul 12 UTC
looking through the Variants
I have just realised that we have a lack of games of games that cater for 10+ players...
23 replies
Messages in a Gunboat
I am playing in a gunboat game right now, but the little envelope has appeared on the screen signifying I have a message. However even when I click the envelope I can not see said message. Anyone have any idea, what is going on or how I can see the message?
2 replies
Gary123 (1297 D)
15 Jul 12 UTC
Team Game Replacement Players
Replacement player for the UK and Amazon needed. If someone will be nice enough, the UK isn't in a bad position. This is a team game, and you'd have to respect that, I guess.

Also is there already a thread advertising countries in civil disorder needing to be replaced? If not, should there be a forum thread just for advertising inactive countries?
2 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
Replacement Needed
Replacement Spain needed in gameID=8953. Not a bad position at all.
2 replies
georgekatkins (1107 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
Jdip or RP files for Germany 1648
Does anybody have the files needed to implement "Germany 1648" for jDip or RP? Also heard there were jDip or RP files for "Ambition & Empire", but can't find them, either. Thanks for any help you can give me!
0 replies
Lord Ravager (988 D)
11 Jul 12 UTC
Creating Teams into variant maps
Until now every Variant maps considers each player independent and able to fight any other automatically.
But could be interesting to develop a way to create forced alliance teams, just like a country split into groups unable to fight each others (being the same nation...) but able to be controlled by different players?
Into the game they could then choose if cohoperating or acting separately, but never being able to steal SCs each others nor dislodging armies and so on...
12 replies
amisond (1280 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
Variants Page Dead
I managed to kill the variants page here and on the lab, sorry.
5 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 Jul 12 UTC
Vicky the Viking
"Those playing Vicky the Viking just cancel and join the second game. Such an early NMR really ruins the game"
This was from Kaug some days ago on the thread:
6 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
orders in WW4
See below

12 replies
Tyran (1335 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
I need two partners for a world team game. gameID=8986
I need two partners. One would be playing Egypt. The other Kenya possibly.
5 replies
Tyran (1335 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
Live game anyone?
Anyone wanna play?
0 replies
Tyran (1335 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Live game anyone?
Anyone up for a live game? Any amount of players even a 1v1
4 replies
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