A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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zurn (1178 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
Public messages hidden from non-players
I noticed public messages in games are hidden from non-players, even for finished games. Does anyone know if this was a deliberate decision on vDip? On webDip these are visible to non-players, which is interesting for looking at the player dynamic or end of game commentary.
2 replies
hellenic_riot (1000 D)
02 May 17 UTC
Banned From Web Diplomacy?
Hello new friends! I was banned from Web Diplomacy.

48 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
1 reply
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
See below.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
replacement on mars needed – all chances still intact!
this game just really started: gameID=31572
one of the players left after a successful first turn, so anyone who takes over will have all chances and options still available – including 3 builds to place right away.
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
18 Jul 17 UTC
Replacement needed
Details below
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BobRoss (1752 D)
17 Jul 17 UTC
vpoints plummeted?
I just noticed my vpoints dropped from 1570 to 963 out of the blue? Is a new ranking system in place at vdip?
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Anon (?? D)
17 Jul 17 UTC
Take over the third Reich!!!
World War II with Germany in a really great position...
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lazynomad (1043 D)
15 Jul 17 UTC
Wings: Air Force rules variant for Diplomacy
This diplomacy variant introduces rules for using air force units (wings).
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 17 UTC
Damn I'm a sucker for punishment - yup commedy cube
Yes, I'm back on the team. <Gulp>
3 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
06 Jun 17 UTC
Question for Mods
Are you guys still checking the "Mods" tab? Just curious if those queries are still being responded to.
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Namejeff (1049 D)
07 Jul 17 UTC
I am advertising a fog game called fog 9
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Flame (1073 D)
03 Jul 17 UTC
Napoleonic variaant. RELEASED!
Napoleonic variant from FireHawk is fixed and avaliable for playing here:
10 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Jul 17 UTC
New game: Prince of Gunboat
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Technostar (1302 D)
29 Jun 17 UTC
Replacements needed for games.
Due to unforeseen circumstances this summer, I am in need of a replacement in 3 of the games I am playing. They are all anonymous Gunboat/Public Press games and are decent positions. PM me if interested and I will leave relevant information in my notes.
1 reply
BobRoss (1752 D)
18 Jun 17 UTC
Rank Titles?

I am curious about the system of rank titles that is in place at vdip.
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Freido28 (953 D)
19 Jun 17 UTC
Noob question...
What does IAMap mean in the variant types?
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 May 17 UTC
Quote Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this scrawled on the wall of a Guatemalan insane asylum deep in the jungle primeval. We start with a quote, and you then post the one quote that pops into your mind after you read that quote. The first word is FIRST.

“The key to Springfield has always been Elm Street. The Greeks knew it. The Carthaginians knew it. Now you know it.”
63 replies
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
08 Jun 17 UTC
WWII conference room decoration suggestions
I am going to decorate my conference room with a WWII theme. I have a couple of recruiting/propaganda posters and am thinking of putting a big map of the war or a number of individual maps of various theaters basically in their respective areas on a wall. Any suggestions or recommendations on what to buy and where to buy it?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Jun 17 UTC
AAA Cercasi italiano
Hi all, I am looking for 2 Italian speaking players for an anonymous greypress classic map. The bet is very low (5) . Anybody? Contact me in private, and I'll share the password!
2 replies
Damian (1025 D Mod)
10 Jun 17 UTC
Site Rules
Greeting vDippers.
It has come to my attention that quite a few players are unaware of the site rules. If you're a new player, or a vet and you haven't read over the site rules I'd urge you to do so.
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michael_b (952 D)
07 Jun 17 UTC
Big Game
Hello Everyone, I just started a 35 player game and need it to fill up before it expires. It is non-anon also.

Please Join:
1 reply
New game looking for players
Small six player game.
Anarchy in the UK
With respect for Manchester
3 replies
cy4 (910 D)
01 Jun 17 UTC
African Jeff
Okay so we are playing the Africa map and we need 2 more players to join ASAP so we can get started. I have friends in the game already, just so you know but we won't be biased. The password is "jeff".
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
29 May 17 UTC
Sitter needed
I need a sitter to take over five games, all with decent positions. Something has come up that requires all my attention. PM for info. Thanks.
4 replies
CCR (1957 D)
18 May 17 UTC
1200 (Crusades)
There are two versions, named by Tommy Larsson as "1.2" and "1.4":
In both, the lagoon of Venice is a supply center over a Water province.
4 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
22 May 17 UTC
Question Regarding CDs
I've noticed that when I click the profiles of people who CD in games, it sometimes still shows 0 CDs on their record. Any reason for it not showing up? Seems to semi-absolve people of CDs?
2 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
17 May 17 UTC
The HQDominator Controversy Response
Check the first reply for the response
14 replies
New thread ideas
Help me come up with a new thread guys. post your suggestions for possible threads below:
12 replies
JECE (1534 D)
28 Dec 15 UTC
1600 and 1900

These Diplomacy variants look beautiful and I have wanted to play them for years. Is anybody here working on bringing them to vDip?
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JECE (1534 D)
24 Feb 16 UTC
kaner406: Sorry, didn't realize that you weren't on the mod team anymore. Do you know if the Mods tab is similar to the forum in that you can always go back and see old threads?
JECE (1534 D)
24 Feb 16 UTC
27, not 28. ;-)
But thanks for butting in! I would have retired from Diplomacy (at least for a long while) after the webDiplomacy 2012 World Cup Finals Public Press game finally ended, but chose to stay on a bit to try out this beautiful variant.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
24 Feb 16 UTC
@teacon7 then go, join a bigger variant!! :P
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
24 Feb 16 UTC
@Retillion concerning no.3

There is a very good reason for rounding down and adding one rather than rounding down. It makes two way draws -"the beginning of all evil, Satan himself", as I call them- impossible.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
25 Feb 16 UTC
Please keep this discussion civil.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
25 Feb 16 UTC
I'm sure Oli will get to this soon - However, in the meantime, it should be noted that you can manually set the victory condition to a certain number of SCs when you are creating a new game by scrolling down to 'Alternate winning conditions' under 'Advanced options' and altering the number in the 'Target SCs' box.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
25 Feb 16 UTC
JECE, the VDip version set victory conditions at 28, not 27. The variant page is silent on victory conditions. Not sure what point you are attempting to make here. Perhaps Oliver had additional information from the Real Politik files, or maybe there's a math error somewhere in the process.

The meat of the argument is whether or not the total supply centers is an even number or an odd number. As mentioned three posts above, the odd number total prevents the 'two-way' draw play from taking place. I actually like the dynamic and drama offered by the two-way prospect, but we seldom see it, and are much more likely too see arranged two way draws because of the points based set up we have here. For that reason I support the odd number total.
JECE (1534 D)
25 Feb 16 UTC
RUFFHAUS 8: It seems like you neither understand my point nor Retillion's point. The previous page of this thread lays everything out quite nicely if you're curious to find out what we were discussing.
JECE (1534 D)
29 Feb 16 UTC
Any developments on getting this fixed? Several games are inching closer to a win.
mouse (1776 D)
01 Mar 16 UTC
If it does get fixed up, I doubt that it'd effect games currently in progress.
Anon (?? D)
02 Mar 16 UTC
new game
*1600 - less SCs (23<28)
less SCs for Solo
Trautmen (1082 D)
02 Mar 16 UTC
1 day, no press, anon, PPSC
JECE (1534 D)
23 Mar 16 UTC
JECE (1534 D)
01 Apr 16 UTC
Just noticed that we have 'Silisia' instead of Silesia.
Flame (1073 D)
12 Apr 16 UTC
So, what is the final decision on the number of points to win.
28 or 27?
Oliver ordered it manually or it's a script error?
JECE (1534 D)
13 Apr 16 UTC
For when Oli gets back to us, the arguments for 27 vs. 28 SC's are laid out on Page 3 of this thread.
Flame (1073 D)
14 Apr 16 UTC
JECE I've read it all but didn't find the final decision.
thorfi (1178 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC
That's because Oli is the final decision maker, being the person who runs this site.

1600 is currently set at 28 SCs to win, for whatever reason, regardless of the arguments in either direction. Anyone who doesn't like that can start games with a different win condition easily enough.
thorfi (1178 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC
(Err, and Oli is busy and doesn't do much with the site at the moment, is the last bit of the first paragraph that should be there.)
Flame (1073 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC
According to script variant.php:
= round((18.0/34.0)*supplyCenterCount)
So script rusult is 28

WinConditions may be change manually in variant cache directory data.php
mouse (1776 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC that's my type of code :D

When you have to deal with something new (say, maps that aren't Classic), don't bother re-writing the general algorithm to make sense for everything [say, = floor(supplyCentreCount/2)+1 or similar ], just adapt the existing code to work with new data. Works fine 'til anyone bothers doing any QA at all :p
Flame (1073 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC
So how you suggest to solve the "28-problem"?
mouse (1776 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC
Given the algorithm in use matches neither of those that has been discussed, I don't see it changing my opinion from what has already been expressed. Especially when it appears to be designed to produce the result I'd be supporting, and is merely poorly implemented.
Erm. . . You spelled it wrong. It is supposed to be the HAPSBURG Empire.
mouse (1776 D)
16 Apr 16 UTC
JECE (1534 D)
28 Oct 16 UTC
So no news on fixing the victory condition for 1600?

How is 1900 doing?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
28 Oct 16 UTC
There's no reason to change the 1600 victory conditions. I understand exactly what JECE and Retillion are lobbying for. They are looking for ways to dumb down the game so that they can manipulate two-way draws. The 1600 variant offers the game without this possibility, which engages more possibility of two great powers clashing in the end game. It also offers more opportunity for a third power to make itself necessary and relevant in the end game. As was mentioned above, if you want a 27 center victory condition, create a game that sets that. Leave the default alone. It works exactly as it was intended.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
05 Nov 16 UTC
My problem with 1600 is the strength of Denmark. Of all the solos so far, Denmark has half of them. I soloed as England in a gunboat game, but that was fortunate, as I had decided at the start purely to focus on attacking Denmark, having seen the stats. I know players can work together to account for unbalanced powers, but the strong advantage of one country makes me unlikely to play it again.
JECE (1534 D)
07 Nov 16 UTC
1. Personal attacks are uncalled for. I have no intention of playing another game of on-line Diplomacy for a long time.
2. "Leave the default alone. It works exactly as it was intended." Utter nonsense. The default should always reflect the wishes of the designer. The game does not work as intended because the default victory condition fails to reflect the intentions of the designer.

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