A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Two questions:
6 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
24 Apr 13 UTC
Minor Feature Request on New Games Page
Would it be possible to show the number of players needed next to each game on the New Games page?
5 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter

I´m on a vacation next week, so I´ll need a sitter then.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent
Time to start a new game in celebration of the diplomacy variant. To keep it simple, we'll ignore all the conventions that have occurred since 1991 with exception to the London 2009 convention, so I do especially like that one.
I'll start the game off with an army in Prague
45 replies
Word Chain
This was something orginally made popular on WebDip. Let's try it out here. The rules are simple; each person posts a new word and the words posted before s/he, in order. For example, if I posted "Salutations", the next person to post would post "Salutations <insert word>" and so on.
70 replies
zultar (1241 D)
22 Apr 13 UTC
Political thread for blankflag: Please post so blankflag will move here
As per blankflag's request, I'm asking people to step up their political debates here. Blankflag said that he will consider the move if this forum is more lively. Please, please, be more thoughtful and considerate. Please post more political debate.
In exchange, we can take back MeepMeep.
12 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
Nuclear Diplomacy: what are your thoughts?
Continue reading...
132 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
21 Apr 13 UTC
Chapatis banned
11 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
24 days left til I get married
Somebody, give me ideas to live out my manhood before I get married...that is all.
24 replies
Damian (1025 D Mod)
20 Apr 13 UTC
A WTA Challenge (Beginning May 1st)
Alright You liverwort loving cockatrices, I'm looking for a challenge. A WTA classic game for those brave enough to face this rugged seasoned professional.

So how about it, are ya lily livers up to it?
Only the best and brightest need apply. So if you think you have the balls for it, sit down and we'll wrangle out the timeframe and conditions.
3 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Diplomacy Etiquette
If someone makes a game and states in the title that it's "for noobs" why are people with 400 and 500 D, who have played that variant multiple times joining? Not going to name any names, but it happened recently and I don't understand it. Do these people just say "Well, this look like an easy way for me to get more points." Is there anything that can be done to stop it from happening? Maybe if there was a script that can tell if you've played that variant more than once in the past?
55 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
18 Apr 13 UTC
1066 V3 final suggestions
Last call for improvements. See post below.
11 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
18 Apr 13 UTC
Feature clarification request: Special NMR-CD-phase-extend
“This special rule sends a country into civil disorder (CD) if it does not enter an order (NMR) and extend the phase so a replacement can be found. This works on all phases of a turn (diplomacy, retreat, build). Be careful, this might lead to locked games, if players leave and no replacement is found.”
10 replies
plantimus (1460 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
HOF System
I like the new system but is anyone else seeing problems? I've got a game listed that I never played..
4 replies
Philcore (968 D)
17 Apr 13 UTC
Question about reliability rating
Are some games excluded? I finished a 1v1 game and there were 23 phase changes, but right now the only phases I'm getting "credit" for are in my standard game.

Also, how many phases before I'm no longer a rookie?
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
16 Apr 13 UTC
Feature: weekday games oppinions needed....
Hi all. I want to introduce a new games-setting but I'm unsure about the implementation.
We have the most CDs over the weekend, because people do not log in that regularly on the weekend.
24 replies
Ripping off Butterhead's Idea
So Butterhead decided to launch an anniversary game to mark 3 years as a Diplo-dican. I realized that my second anniversary was on March 17, so I've decided to do the same. It's classic WTA, but with a 66% win condition (23SCs), 36 hr turns but early finalizing is encouraged, especially for retreats and build/destroy phases, and 90%+RR and at least 100 phases under your belt to play.
25 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
14 Mar 13 UTC
Fast WWIV game,
I would like to play a rather fast WWIV game, preferably with a 12-hour Phase but it could be more, like 16 hours for example, if players prefer.
Who would please be interested in playing such a game ?
39 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
Fog of War orders page
See below
8 replies
Synapse (814 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
New cover picture
Which variant is the new cover picture for vdip?
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cypeg (2619 D)
15 Apr 13 UTC
Oli, can you make a WW4 fog of war variant?
Just an idea!
7 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
15 Apr 13 UTC
Boston terrorist attack
BOSTON, Massachusetts USA Patriots Day bombings at the annual multi-nation Marathon finish line killed 2, 50 + some critical, some amputations
MULTIPLE Large US Cities on high alert
2 replies
Halt (2077 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Tournaments. Tournaments everywhere.
Seems like there's a tournament craze starting, or is it just me?
2 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
biggest fog of war game!
need 6 others to join this gunboat, WTA game. ends in autumn 1910 (person with most SCs wins)
18 replies
Gen. Lee (997 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Webdiplomacy vs. Vdiplomacy
Tournament - discuss.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
I can't verify that, your account was removed from the peak GR list once it was banned. (at least I think it was given that control f for sandg shows nothing)
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
my god...did you check through the monthly reports? I broke top 100 that of I know for sure, you should just trust me on's not like I can play on webdip, I'm dying for tourneys on this site, I don't get enough.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
"he use to be, back in January 2013 he had a HoF rating of 1214. However he conceded quite a few 1v1 games near the end of the vdip cup, which caused his rating to plummet, pushing him off the list. "

Surely a loss of a lot of 1v1s shouldn't push him out of a tournament in which we're playing proper Diplomacy? I know Jimbozig's one of the best players on the Classic map on this website, and I highly recommend him being put on the squad.
ashleygirl (1285 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
^ I agree. There are quite a few players in the HoF who haven't been to the site in almost a year or longer. There has to be exceptions for quality players such Jimbozig.
ashleygirl (1285 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
If we leave out some of our best players simply because they are not in the HoF and lose this thing, we will NEVER hear the end of it from those egomaniacs on webdip.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
I have had a bad run of gunboats recently. I mostly play GB, and a few losses have brought me very far down the list over the past couple of months.

I also play on webdip under a different name, so I do have lots of experience on the classic map.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Nice to see that time hasn't made you all softy and stuff ;)

What is your name on the webdip? We might played together there sometime.
ashleygirl (1285 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
I also like GB's and have been getting my arse handed to me in the last couple I have played. I blame it on noobs and the variants. It helps me sleep at night :-).
Devonian (1887 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
I would be interested in this tournament, but I have a question. I apologize in advance if it has already been asked and answered.

Who plays in the games? Does every player play all 20 games, or will there be a team coach that picks the players for each game?
Devonian (1887 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
I should have been more specific:

Out of all the players that are selected to represent vdip, who will play in the games? Does every player play all 20 games, or will there be a team coach that picks the players for each game?
Halt (2077 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Perhaps doing a recomputation of Jimbozig's games could be done by not counting the 1v1s like what fasces did for goldfinger at webdip could serve as additional verification (if still needed)? (Does anyone know an easy way to do that aside from manual counting btw?)

And given community support for Jimbozig (and some of those being HoF players too) would allow us to reasonably conclude Jimbozig is a good player despite not knowing him personally.

Besides, alot of our top players haven't enlisted yet. (Ruffhaus and the like). If I'm not mistaken captainmeme is the highest ranking so far. Hof Wise
ashleygirl (1285 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
How does th GR system work on webdip? Is it based solely on win,draw,survive and defeat? Does it take into account who you play against? Could you take over a CD on webdip with 17 SC's, win the game and move up in the GR?
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Here, everything is explained in detail
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
I would be interested, depending heavily on the parameters - time has been awfully hard to come by. I've played about the same number of games on both sites, though being ranked 15 here and 265 there, I would be playing for this side. Unfortunately, this tournament won't likely say much about who's better - the sample will be to small, and too many of the best players will pass - though it might be the only way to get RUFFHAUS and Retillion on the same side ;) - Ultimately, the losing side will have many valid excuses for why the results aren't truly indicative.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Doctor +1

Of course if we were to be teammates he might have to un-mute me.

I suppose if I am to be consistent with my various rantings on game play here as it relates to the general improvement of VDiplomacy as an online Dip community, that I should step forward and help defend it's reputation. If the tournament could be won. it might draw interest from better players.

With that said I remain unclear as to how a two team tournament would work. I've seen some suggestions, but it looks like we would have to focus specifically on 1v1 games, or play all games gunboat, and then who would enforce player anonymity? If the tournament were to have the desired aspect of competition, it seems that the temptation to break rules would be increased. How would this be monitored?

I am a sucker for tournaments, so I have some interest, but I'd like to see more specifics about what exactly is involved.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
I would be interested in playing for the Vdip side. When i discovered Vdip, I slowly started to move away from playing on webdip (only one game in the last who knows how long) because i enjoyed it here more. I am 17 in the HoF ranking so I think I qualify :D
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
"If the tournament were to have the desired aspect of competition, it seems that the temptation to break rules would be increased."

I guess the chat could be monitored by mods on either side. As another idea, how about a diplomacy points reward for the player who did the best individually? This may encourage players to go for a solo rather than a draw with their other team members.

That's player Captainmeme talking rather than Mod Captainmeme, by the way. Not sure if the Mods would want to give out 'prize money', so I'm not speaking on their behalf when I say this.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
I might be interested to play for vdiplomacy :)

I first played on webdip - only 3 games - then discovered vdip and have only been playing here so far.

The tournament will of course not declare which site holds the best players but if we make an honourable performance - or even win ! -, we could get some interest from strong players from webdip or even from elsewhere.

Before signing in, I would like to please clarify a few things :

1° What is the Phase lenght ?

2° I never play Gunboats and I am not interested at all in trying it.

3° I am not at all interested in team games but, if I have understood correctly, all games will be anon and individually played. Is that correct ?

4° I do not wish to play too many games simultaneously but that shouldn't be a problem since fasces349 wrote on Friday :

"18 players are required to be on the team, simply because with any less we would be unable to fill a WW4 game. So other then the fact that each member is required to play in a WW4 game. The players can play in any number of variants. If you really want to you could have 1 person play in every game. Its up to the players of each team to decide who should go to which variant."

5° I would certainly enjoy to play in the "World War IV" and "Known World 901" variants.

6° I know that I am a rather new player and that I haven't played many games but I think that each of my games was a correct performance : in my 7 finished games, I achieved 3 solos : 1 "Known World 901", 1 "Africa" and 1 "Imperial Diplomacy II". I hope that these results are good enough to qualify me as member of the vdip team.

7° @ Dr. recommended : yes, that would be an occasion for me to play again with RUFFHAUS 8. I think that he is a great player but sadly, for some reason, he and I had difficulties in communicating together. Maybe could that be the occasion for a reconciliation ?
I would hope so, given that any game will be better for having two of our better players involved :)
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Just a thought, do we want to include Play Diplomacy and/or other big name online sites. It would be kinda cool if we had a battle of the sites.

Team vdip signups
1. God
2. Captainmeme
3. Drano19
4. Kaug
5. Shep315
6. firehawk
7. Halt
8. Jimbozig (or would you rather play for Webdiplomacy? I know who you are on webdip, wont say cause you might not want it public. Your GR is high enough that you would qualify to play for either team webdip or team vdip.)
9. Spartan22
10. Retillion
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
It wouldn't hurt to put the idea out there for including other sites.
bagatur (1800 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
I fell in love with Diplomacy at first sight, a little more than an year ago. After two face-to-face crowded variants and lots of web games, I find myself moderate experienced and skilled. I haven't played a lot of games here, but I would like to participate on vdip's side, unless better players show up.
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
I posted the discussion on playdiplomacy here:
Retillion (2304 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
@ fasces349 :

Please, I haven't signed up yet ! Indeed, I have written :

"I might be interested" ... "BEFORE signing in, I would like to please clarify a few things"

Please : what is Phase length ? Have you please noted that I do not want to play Gunboats nor team games ?

-> I would very much like to play but I need first to be sure what I am signing for.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
Is Phase length 24 hours ?
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
phase length would probably be 36 hours, since that is the standard length for tournaments

They wont be team games, but anon games were half of your opponents will be from vdip and the other half from webdip.

You don't have the play gunboats so long as enough people are on your team (which it looks like this is the case.)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
Fasces - you missed RUUFHAUS off the list - he expressed interest a little earlier.

If we're going to bring in other sites we could also try to get Stabberfou and DiplomaticCorp involved. They're the other big ones I've heard of - not sure about any others...
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
@Captainmeme "so I have some interest, but I'd like to see more specifics about what exactly is involved."
He answered as a maybe, I missed that Retillion did as well.

"Stabberfou and DiplomaticCorp"
I haven't heard of either of those. I'll post on their forums as well.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
@ fasces349 :

36-hour Phases are OK for me. I gladly sign in as long as :
- I don't play Gunboat games.
- I can refuse to enter a specific game because either I have too many games in progress, either I don't want to play the specific variant of that game.

By the way, please, how many games would there be ? Which variants would be played ? Would it be possible to play the "Known World 901" variant ? I think that MANY players LOVE it and that it could be a very interesting variant to discover from players from webdip.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
+1 for Known World

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Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
philcore's first game
Who will grace me with their presence in my first ever vdip game?
Anon, full press, build anywhere 10 pts. Message me for password
22 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
Question about HoF
Early this evening I played a game of Dutch Revolt with a few others and we drew before anyone was eliminated. My HoF rating went up 2, but if you click the gameID on my HoF page, it says no ones rating changed. Is there something wrong with the page, or should my rating have not changed? (I'm now #16 for reference)
7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Utter Chaos : EOG thread
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Are you experienced?
Do you have what it takes to play against the greats over at web diplomacy at their own variants? Feel ready for the strong diplomacy and sweet words followed by a Stab in the back? Well, now is your chance to practice! Join the sandgoose classic!
6 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
04 Apr 13 UTC
Mobile Diplomacy Application
I know how there are plenty of apps out there, what are the odds a diplomacy app could be made? Thoughts?
11 replies
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