A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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BobRoss (1752 D)
10 Jul 17 UTC
Common Courtesy?
Over the past few weeks i've noticed that there is an awfully lot of NMR's and CDs happening. Many of these take place in a later stage of the game with no extended phase in place.

16 replies
Vauban (953 D)
06 Aug 17 UTC
In-game messaging with multiple players without Global Chat
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if there is a way to send messages to multiple players without using the Global Chat. It would very practical for players that are in a 2+ people alliances as they don't need to rewrite everything again for each ally. Is there such a thing yet? If not, I hope a developper passes by and makes a note of this. Thanks!
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abadu (1227 D)
08 Jul 17 UTC
Live game nights?
More in the response:
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abadu (1227 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
I'll set it up in any case in 90 minutes (this time I'll remember), maybe we'll also get some spontaneous players.
BobRoss (1752 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
90 minutes? thought this was happening the 23rd of July?
abadu (1227 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
Yup, I'll set it up to start 3 days after creation ;)
BobRoss (1752 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
Ahh I see, excellent ;-)
Anon (?? D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
Here's the game link
abadu (1227 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
Hmm, I thought adding a letter after the link shows the post with my own name. 'Twas me.
Mercy (2131 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
I disagree with the game being PPSC.
abadu (1227 D)
20 Jul 17 UTC
Okay, I have no problem with changing that.
BobRoss (1752 D)
22 Jul 17 UTC
Will all phases be 5 minutes tomorrow? I've never played a 7-person live game and can imagine it's going to be quite tough to fit in negotiations (especially in the beginning) with several players in 5 minutes..
BobRoss (1752 D)
22 Jul 17 UTC
Have read a bit through earlier comments in this thread and i assume the answer to be 'yes' ;-) thus, nvm.
abadu (1227 D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
Looks like this wasn't met with quite the enthusiasm I was hoping for. Well, maybe at some later time then.
BobRoss (1752 D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
I'm sorry to hear it didn't go through. How many players did you have in the end? Due to unforeseen circumstances i wasn't able to make it myself, unfortunately.
abadu (1227 D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
Peaked at three players :P
BobRoss (1752 D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
Ayy, that's a bummer..
tantrumizer (1557 D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
I'd be interested in a live Gunboat game, perhaps with one of the smaller variants, like 4-player Atlanic Colonies or 5-player Chromatic. 12:00 GMT on a Sunday is a smidgin late for me, but could be done.
abadu (1227 D)
24 Jul 17 UTC
Okay, I'll keep that in mind :) I don't mind playing gunboat either, at least there wouldn't be any panic with the negotiations.
Part of it could be the short phase length for full press. The board game gives a lot more than 5 minutes for negotiations, and you need it here as well.
Mercy (2131 D)
25 Jul 17 UTC
You need less time than in the board game because you can fill in orders more easily, you do not need to move to other rooms to be able to communicate with other players in private, and during communication you always have the map in front of you.
It is true, though, that 5 min/phase can feel a bit rushed. However this not the case for 10 min/phase.
Agreed. 10 minute phases would be a good compromise.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
25 Jul 17 UTC
Since this is a site with lots of variants, I reckon the best bet would be to get the numbers first (perhaps in this forum 30 minutes before starting), then pick a variant to fit. For example, 3 players = Treaty of Verdun, 4 players = Atlantic Colonies, 5 players = Ancient Med etc...

I also agree that 10 minutes would be best for full press, 5 minutes for Gunboat.
abadu (1227 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
Yeah, I was also thinking about the game length. Say you have Classic and 10 minutes phases. Gives you a maximum of 50 min / year and with 10+ years you can have a game that lasts over 8 hours. I realize it's not likely that there'll always be a retreat phase but even if every year gets done in an average of 30 mins, that'll be 5 hours for 10 years.

That being said, I have played f2f games that have lasted for 12 hours and longer so I don't have a problem
abadu (1227 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
(that got cut off) ... I don't have a problem with long games as long as I can find a time that fits, but it's probably harder to gather people for longer games.

But yeah, maybe we should try smaller variants first since they also tend to end in fewer turns.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
That is true about the lengths. That would be too long for most people, but you're right about the smaller variants generally being quicker.
You can also have a "gentlemens' agreement" to ready up retreats and builds with no discussion, just like the board game and to pause at a certain time to be resumed at a later date and time.
abadu (1227 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
Hmm, also just figured out that if there's some level of interest for variant live games, a good idea would be to use an external polling service (like Doodle for instance) to pick the best date (and maybe also vote for a variant etc.) since this forum isn't really suitable for that.
yoak (1079 D)
06 Aug 17 UTC
Builds and retreats are often for drink refills and potty breaks. :-)
That's why I play on a tablet and have a mini fridge in my den.

57 replies
Vauban (953 D)
30 Jul 17 UTC
3 missing players for Dutch Revolt game
Hello everyone! We have started a "Dutch Revolt" yesterday, and we would need 3 more players to join in. Here is the URL:
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Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
27 Jul 17 UTC
2 Year Hiatus... But I'm back!
Whether you remember me or not...
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zurn (1178 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
Public messages hidden from non-players
I noticed public messages in games are hidden from non-players, even for finished games. Does anyone know if this was a deliberate decision on vDip? On webDip these are visible to non-players, which is interesting for looking at the player dynamic or end of game commentary.
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hellenic_riot (1000 D)
02 May 17 UTC
Banned From Web Diplomacy?
Hello new friends! I was banned from Web Diplomacy.

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Anon (?? D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
1 reply
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
26 Jul 17 UTC
See below.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jul 17 UTC
replacement on mars needed – all chances still intact!
this game just really started: gameID=31572
one of the players left after a successful first turn, so anyone who takes over will have all chances and options still available – including 3 builds to place right away.
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
18 Jul 17 UTC
Replacement needed
Details below
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BobRoss (1752 D)
17 Jul 17 UTC
vpoints plummeted?
I just noticed my vpoints dropped from 1570 to 963 out of the blue? Is a new ranking system in place at vdip?
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Anon (?? D)
17 Jul 17 UTC
Take over the third Reich!!!
World War II with Germany in a really great position...
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lazynomad (1043 D)
15 Jul 17 UTC
Wings: Air Force rules variant for Diplomacy
This diplomacy variant introduces rules for using air force units (wings).
12 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 17 UTC
Damn I'm a sucker for punishment - yup commedy cube
Yes, I'm back on the team. <Gulp>
3 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
06 Jun 17 UTC
Question for Mods
Are you guys still checking the "Mods" tab? Just curious if those queries are still being responded to.
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Namejeff (1049 D)
07 Jul 17 UTC
I am advertising a fog game called fog 9
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Flame (1073 D)
03 Jul 17 UTC
Napoleonic variaant. RELEASED!
Napoleonic variant from FireHawk is fixed and avaliable for playing here:
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Anon (?? D)
03 Jul 17 UTC
New game: Prince of Gunboat
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Technostar (1302 D)
29 Jun 17 UTC
Replacements needed for games.
Due to unforeseen circumstances this summer, I am in need of a replacement in 3 of the games I am playing. They are all anonymous Gunboat/Public Press games and are decent positions. PM me if interested and I will leave relevant information in my notes.
1 reply
BobRoss (1752 D)
18 Jun 17 UTC
Rank Titles?

I am curious about the system of rank titles that is in place at vdip.
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Freido28 (953 D)
19 Jun 17 UTC
Noob question...
What does IAMap mean in the variant types?
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 May 17 UTC
Quote Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this scrawled on the wall of a Guatemalan insane asylum deep in the jungle primeval. We start with a quote, and you then post the one quote that pops into your mind after you read that quote. The first word is FIRST.

“The key to Springfield has always been Elm Street. The Greeks knew it. The Carthaginians knew it. Now you know it.”
63 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
08 Jun 17 UTC
WWII conference room decoration suggestions
I am going to decorate my conference room with a WWII theme. I have a couple of recruiting/propaganda posters and am thinking of putting a big map of the war or a number of individual maps of various theaters basically in their respective areas on a wall. Any suggestions or recommendations on what to buy and where to buy it?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Jun 17 UTC
AAA Cercasi italiano
Hi all, I am looking for 2 Italian speaking players for an anonymous greypress classic map. The bet is very low (5) . Anybody? Contact me in private, and I'll share the password!
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Damian (1025 D Mod)
10 Jun 17 UTC
Site Rules
Greeting vDippers.
It has come to my attention that quite a few players are unaware of the site rules. If you're a new player, or a vet and you haven't read over the site rules I'd urge you to do so.
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michael_b (952 D)
07 Jun 17 UTC
Big Game
Hello Everyone, I just started a 35 player game and need it to fill up before it expires. It is non-anon also.

Please Join:
1 reply
New game looking for players
Small six player game.
Anarchy in the UK
With respect for Manchester
3 replies
cy4 (910 D)
01 Jun 17 UTC
African Jeff
Okay so we are playing the Africa map and we need 2 more players to join ASAP so we can get started. I have friends in the game already, just so you know but we won't be biased. The password is "jeff".
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
29 May 17 UTC
Sitter needed
I need a sitter to take over five games, all with decent positions. Something has come up that requires all my attention. PM for info. Thanks.
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