A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Two questions:
6 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
24 Apr 13 UTC
Minor Feature Request on New Games Page
Would it be possible to show the number of players needed next to each game on the New Games page?
5 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
24 Apr 13 UTC
Need a sitter

I´m on a vacation next week, so I´ll need a sitter then.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent
Time to start a new game in celebration of the diplomacy variant. To keep it simple, we'll ignore all the conventions that have occurred since 1991 with exception to the London 2009 convention, so I do especially like that one.
I'll start the game off with an army in Prague
45 replies
Word Chain
This was something orginally made popular on WebDip. Let's try it out here. The rules are simple; each person posts a new word and the words posted before s/he, in order. For example, if I posted "Salutations", the next person to post would post "Salutations <insert word>" and so on.
70 replies
zultar (1241 D)
22 Apr 13 UTC
Political thread for blankflag: Please post so blankflag will move here
As per blankflag's request, I'm asking people to step up their political debates here. Blankflag said that he will consider the move if this forum is more lively. Please, please, be more thoughtful and considerate. Please post more political debate.
In exchange, we can take back MeepMeep.
12 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
28 Nov 12 UTC
Nuclear Diplomacy: what are your thoughts?
Continue reading...
132 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
21 Apr 13 UTC
Chapatis banned
11 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
24 days left til I get married
Somebody, give me ideas to live out my manhood before I get married...that is all.
24 replies
Damian (1025 D Mod)
20 Apr 13 UTC
A WTA Challenge (Beginning May 1st)
Alright You liverwort loving cockatrices, I'm looking for a challenge. A WTA classic game for those brave enough to face this rugged seasoned professional.

So how about it, are ya lily livers up to it?
Only the best and brightest need apply. So if you think you have the balls for it, sit down and we'll wrangle out the timeframe and conditions.
3 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
01 Apr 13 UTC
Diplomacy Etiquette
If someone makes a game and states in the title that it's "for noobs" why are people with 400 and 500 D, who have played that variant multiple times joining? Not going to name any names, but it happened recently and I don't understand it. Do these people just say "Well, this look like an easy way for me to get more points." Is there anything that can be done to stop it from happening? Maybe if there was a script that can tell if you've played that variant more than once in the past?
55 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
18 Apr 13 UTC
1066 V3 final suggestions
Last call for improvements. See post below.
11 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
18 Apr 13 UTC
Feature clarification request: Special NMR-CD-phase-extend
“This special rule sends a country into civil disorder (CD) if it does not enter an order (NMR) and extend the phase so a replacement can be found. This works on all phases of a turn (diplomacy, retreat, build). Be careful, this might lead to locked games, if players leave and no replacement is found.”
10 replies
plantimus (1460 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
HOF System
I like the new system but is anyone else seeing problems? I've got a game listed that I never played..
4 replies
Philcore (968 D)
17 Apr 13 UTC
Question about reliability rating
Are some games excluded? I finished a 1v1 game and there were 23 phase changes, but right now the only phases I'm getting "credit" for are in my standard game.

Also, how many phases before I'm no longer a rookie?
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
16 Apr 13 UTC
Feature: weekday games oppinions needed....
Hi all. I want to introduce a new games-setting but I'm unsure about the implementation.
We have the most CDs over the weekend, because people do not log in that regularly on the weekend.
24 replies
Ripping off Butterhead's Idea
So Butterhead decided to launch an anniversary game to mark 3 years as a Diplo-dican. I realized that my second anniversary was on March 17, so I've decided to do the same. It's classic WTA, but with a 66% win condition (23SCs), 36 hr turns but early finalizing is encouraged, especially for retreats and build/destroy phases, and 90%+RR and at least 100 phases under your belt to play.
25 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
14 Mar 13 UTC
Fast WWIV game,
I would like to play a rather fast WWIV game, preferably with a 12-hour Phase but it could be more, like 16 hours for example, if players prefer.
Who would please be interested in playing such a game ?
39 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
Fog of War orders page
See below
8 replies
Synapse (814 D)
16 Apr 13 UTC
New cover picture
Which variant is the new cover picture for vdip?
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cypeg (2619 D)
15 Apr 13 UTC
Oli, can you make a WW4 fog of war variant?
Just an idea!
7 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
15 Apr 13 UTC
Boston terrorist attack
BOSTON, Massachusetts USA Patriots Day bombings at the annual multi-nation Marathon finish line killed 2, 50 + some critical, some amputations
MULTIPLE Large US Cities on high alert
2 replies
Halt (2077 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Tournaments. Tournaments everywhere.
Seems like there's a tournament craze starting, or is it just me?
2 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
biggest fog of war game!
need 6 others to join this gunboat, WTA game. ends in autumn 1910 (person with most SCs wins)
18 replies
Gen. Lee (997 D)
11 Apr 13 UTC
Webdiplomacy vs. Vdiplomacy
Tournament - discuss.
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Firehawk (1231 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
If we are going to do this, could we maybe have a few different tiers? I'd like to participate but am only #60 in the HoF so I wouldn't be in the top class or anything.
Rancher (1275 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
almost all of us would have to play for both sides, so I will abstain
yaaks (1157 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
ooooh i would like to play (not really in the teir you guys are in, but if a spot opens up...)
yaaks (1157 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Also, what site would it be played on? Who gets home turf?
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
It will be on both sites as far as I know, webdip for classic games and Vdip for variant games
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Classic and variant games can both be played here. I for one have extreme interest and can't get on web dip. I say we do it here
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Apr 13 UTC
I doubt this is necessary, but I can vouch for Jimbozig being top calibre. I have no idea why he isn't on the HoF - he should be.
Halt (2077 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
I'd be interested in playing for VDip, although not sure if my skill is an accurate reflection of what "top caliber" is for Vdip.
It might have been a slight exaggeration, but I was just trying to say that while there are highly qualified players on both sites, WebDip's "Top tier" is much, much larger than VDip's "Top tier" just due to size alone.

And if we really went for the best of WebDip, I don't know many VDip people who could hold their own against TheWizard, MadMarx, uclabb,Dejan0707, Babak, Jacob, slyster, Ivo_Ivanov, djbent, etc etc.
a question here then: is it an assertion that WebDip players are better than VDip players in general? Or is that empirically proven?

And some time ago it had come to my knowledge that the ghost-rating system over there is quite flawed ... or has it improved now?
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Here is how I would run the tourney.

Each team has 18 players. There will be 20 games played in total: All games are anon, so you don't know who your allying with in game.

Each solo provides 2 D. In the result of a draw, whichever team had more players in the wins. So if there was a 3-way draw, 2 players from webdip, 1 from vdip, the webdip team would score 2 D.

If it was a 2-way draw, 1 from each, both teams would score 1 point.

there are 20 games, 10 played on webdip, 10 played on vdip.

Variants with odd number of players will get played twice, so that for each variant a same number of webdippers and vdippers join.

Webdip variants (The variants featured on webdip. These 10 games would be played on webdiplomacy.):
2 classic full press
2 classic public press
2 classic gunboat
2 world ix games
2 live ancient med games (I want to emphasize the live)

Vdip variants (The most popular vdip variants):
1 Classic Germany vs Italy game (most popular classic 1v1 set up)
2 Classic Fog of War games (most popular non classic 1v1 set up)
1 Modern Diplomacy game (2nd most popular)
2 world war 4 games (3rd most)
1 Fall of the american empire game (4th most)
1 Greek Diplomacy game (5th most)
1 Duo (6th)
1 Rinascimento (7th)

After the 20 games, which ever team won the most games wins.

To make sure its the best of the best. Sign ups will initially only open to those in the top 250 Ghost Ratings and anyone in the HOF on this site. In the very likely chance not all spots fill, well open up to players in a lower field.

18 players are required to be on the team, simply because with any less we would be unable to fill a WW4 game. So other then the fact that each member is required to play in a WW4 game. The players can play in any number of variants. If you really want to you could have 1 person play in every game. Its up to the players of each team to decide who should go to which variant.

Thoughts to these rather simple rules?
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Players in the HOF of have stated interest in joining some sort of tourney:
1. God
2. Captainmeme
3. Drano19
4. Kaug
5. Shep315
6. firehawk

"I have no idea why Jimbozig isn't on the HoF - he should be."
he use to be, back in January 2013 he had a HoF rating of 1214. However he conceded quite a few 1v1 games near the end of the vdip cup, which caused his rating to plummet, pushing him off the list.
Halt (2077 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
@fasces: I'm HOF 70 something right now (losing a few games, so I foresee my rank plummeting) and as of April, I ranked 217 in the list, and 167 for the PPSC category.
Halt (2077 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Also, a Rinascimento? That maps balance is ridiculously off. Even if it is popular, the drawing of countries would be luck based and could potentially give 1 side an advantage. Not exactly the best way to measure who's better as any result from that map could be challenged stating a reason of map design imbalance.

Isn't there some other map we could use?
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
12 Apr 13 UTC
i like both your proposals very much :)
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
well that sucks, I get pushed aside to scrap so quickly...
Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
"conceded a bunch of 1 v1 games"??

Can I ask what you're referring to? I am not sure losing and conceding is the same thing, friend.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
" I don't know many VDip people who could hold their own against TheWizard, MadMarx, uclabb,Dejan0707, Babak, Jacob, slyster, Ivo_Ivanov, djbent, etc etc."

But how would you know, finger? Have you played against the best on both sites?
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
12 Apr 13 UTC
Actually, a concede is counted as a defeat, thats a matter of fact...
Jasbrum (961 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
@ sandgoose, I voted against your reinstatement on Webdip, but support your credentials to play in the tourney for VDip... didn't you say you had accessed the other side anyway? ;)
Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
He implied I gave up, where in reality I played my best and lost.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Apr 13 UTC
There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of interest in this over on WebDip... :(
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Yes but I can't reveal my webdip identity as it has no credentials and is still low on the GR side since I joined at the end of last month. I could hold my own in the higher skill games, most times I play for fun, but when it comes down to it, my diplomacy style depends on the type of game and tourney. If the games stayed on Vdip I would be more than glad to be part of this tourney. All variants are available here.

And Cap, the option is a mini tourney here on vdip with the same types of games.

Low interest on webdip is likely due to the sheer number of games. Even I know that's a lot to commit to.

jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
12 Apr 13 UTC
@captainmeme, we have a lot larger player base over there and naturally more trolls, so it takes our serious members longer to notice actual diplomacy related posts. Give it a few days and I think you'll see some interest. Though I do agree with Sandgoose, that is a pretty large commitment. Maybe just start with 2 classic gameson webdip, and 2 variant games with press over here. Our players are either gunboat or full press. Not many will be interested in playing both types.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Speak for yourself jmo. All the best players are good at both types.
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
12 Apr 13 UTC
I didn't say they aren't good, I said they aren't interested. :)
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Current sign ups thus far:
Team Vdip
1. God
2. Captainmeme
3. Drano19
4. Kaug
5. Shep315
6. firehawk
7. Halt

Team Webdip:
1. Gen. Lee (24th highest GR, and given that he made this thread I would assume he is interested in playing.

If Risc is a bad idea (cause it probably is), then Europe 1939 is the next map on the list of popularity.

"Can I ask what you're referring to? I am not sure losing and conceding is the same thing, friend."
My apologies, quite a few people in the last two rounds conceded most of their games due to time constraints, I couldn't remember if you were one of them. Sorry for assuming you were.

"Maybe just start with 2 classic gameson webdip, and 2 variant games with press over here."
2 classic, 2 classic gunboat, 2 Moderndip (1 gunboat and 1 regular) and 2 Fall of the American Empire (1 gunboat, 1 regular)

It would require no more then 5 players on each side, and includes both gunboat and regular games. If each team had 10 players, each player would only need to play 3 or 4 games.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
Fasces, what am I? Freaking invisible?
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
To quote what I said earlier:
"To make sure its the best of the best. Sign ups will initially only open to those in the top 250 Ghost Ratings and anyone in the HOF on this site. In the very likely chance not all spots fill, well open up to players in a lower field."
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
12 Apr 13 UTC
My GR back on webdip was 43, I think I'm damn right qualified.

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Philcore (968 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
philcore's first game
Who will grace me with their presence in my first ever vdip game?
Anon, full press, build anywhere 10 pts. Message me for password
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Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Apr 13 UTC
Question about HoF
Early this evening I played a game of Dutch Revolt with a few others and we drew before anyone was eliminated. My HoF rating went up 2, but if you click the gameID on my HoF page, it says no ones rating changed. Is there something wrong with the page, or should my rating have not changed? (I'm now #16 for reference)
7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Utter Chaos : EOG thread
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
13 Apr 13 UTC
Are you experienced?
Do you have what it takes to play against the greats over at web diplomacy at their own variants? Feel ready for the strong diplomacy and sweet words followed by a Stab in the back? Well, now is your chance to practice! Join the sandgoose classic!
6 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
04 Apr 13 UTC
Mobile Diplomacy Application
I know how there are plenty of apps out there, what are the odds a diplomacy app could be made? Thoughts?
11 replies
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