A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
29 Jul 12 UTC
gameID=9226, its 10:30am EST time, about 4:30pm GMT, enjoy
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
23 Jul 12 UTC
New game
I would like to start a game with the best players on this website.
Drano, Guaroz, Ambassador, RoxArt, Devonian, bozo, etc.
Let's get a good game going and spend some of our points.
43 replies
idealist (1107 D)
26 Jul 12 UTC
anyone up for a 1v1 live or something?
i dont want to make it until someone responds...let me know
2 replies
idealist (1107 D)
25 Jul 12 UTC
1v1 games
0 replies
Holon221 (898 D)
25 Jul 12 UTC
Submitting a diplomacy variant
just wondering if on this sight I can submit some of my own diplomacy variants?
2 replies
amisond (1280 D)
24 Jul 12 UTC
New Variants
Why is it that as soon as a new variant is released people instantly start playing anonymous gunboats...
3 replies
amisond (1280 D)
17 Jul 12 UTC
Lab test game.
Players needed for the first test game of Celtic Britain on lab:
17 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jul 12 UTC
high stakes poker - lets go - gameID=9148
join some high stakes! gameID=9148
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
25 May 12 UTC
Bankroll Diplomacy
A spin off of Bourse Diplomacy where the investments made by investors effect how successful the in game nations are.
See below for rules:
364 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Jul 12 UTC
New Game Type
A little while back, someone mentioned a game type with a king, assassins, knights, and traitors who all had different victory conditions. Does anyone know the game type im referring to in more detail, and if so, would anyone be interested in trying it out?
0 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
29 Jun 12 UTC
Quick Question
So I'm in my, like, 4 game of colonial dip, and I am wondering why the trans- Siberian railway is present but unused. I'm hoping someone can explain this
18 replies
idealist (1107 D)
22 Jul 12 UTC
a couple of new 1v1 games
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
20 Jul 12 UTC
New player needed:
5 replies
Here's your chance to post all kinds of anon fun. gameid=9100
I guess a body has to be there too.
0 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Spain to North africa
How is this move supposed to be made? There's no option to go by land even though they appear connected. I convoyed with a fleet waiting in western mediteranean and it failed. Is this some sort of glitch?
7 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Jul 12 UTC
New feature (still in Beta...)
You can now make anon posts in the forum...
26 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
join some high stakes guys! :) gameID=9111
gogoogooo join!
21 replies
A game where I am allowed to Meta-Game? O.o
Competition between you and your friends sure is fun, but sometimes its great to team up with them and conquer the world together. Well, if your looking for a game where you can do that then look no further. Sometime next week a game will be starting where you and one friend can team up to conquer the world. It will be a WWIV variant with two day phases. All that is required is that you message the creator, me, what country you are teaming up with.
60 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
Replacment needed for Sengoku
gameID=8755 5 SC position in a strong alliance, please join if you can!
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
gameID=9093 - high stakes karibik, join fast! :)
ole, hope this anon works
7 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 May 12 UTC
Bourse Diplomacy:
see below:
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Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 12 UTC

There are lots of good points in your last posts to me, but there's also some fault you can now see more easily.
Let me give some note on your quotes, then I'll try to recap it all in a longer speech.

"If I buy Pounds for example, you and amisond will get higher on the ranking list of net values.
So what do think? What currency should we buy next turn? Or should I save my money like last turn, hoping that some of the facts we've already pointed out will suddenly vanish, so I could by a currency without somebody else profits?
I don't think the values will drop the next turns. Waiting isn't a good option if we want to be on an upper rank at the end of the game.
I HAVE to buy something. And I'm sure that either you or Devo or Amby or drano or all of you will make more profit than me or any other player who buys something next turn."

* Yes tobi, these points are all logic. But you seem to forget that what is right to do doesn't depend only on "static" numbers (and static numbers say "don't buy Lire" most of all) but it mainly depends on what the others do (what numbers will move and how?). Bourse is a game of Diplomacy. Trying to know/understand/guess what the other will do, it's essential. And there are tactics and strategies. Let me do this comparison:
- when you buy a currency you move/attack a SC. (and you may see who hold/sell as those who hold/support hold )
- if you find one (or more) ally who buys the same currency you're buying, you've found a support move for your move (tactical diplomacy)
- if you bought more than what was sold, you have a gain (and we could say you took a SC and had a tactical victory)
So the question is: when you play regular Diplomacy do you always take any SC you can? Do you always take any SC just because it's easy to take? No, you know SCs are good and you need 18 to win, but you also know that would not be the right strategy. That's why England never tried Belgium and Germany never tried Holland and/or Sweden. Not because those SCs were worthless, but because there were strategical reasons. An ally is worth more than a SC. Or, even without an alliance, you may feel that grabbing a SC from a enemy of your enemy might disvantage you. So a good battle is not always a good step towards the final victory.
IF you HAVE to buy something and what you have to buy, depends on 3 things: a sight at the Board (at the static numbers), a ear to rumors (what numbers will move), what is my strategy / does it need a change.
- - -
"First of all you haven't answered my question. You always say "don't buy Lire". OK, In your opinion I shouldn't buy Lire. Why? Because Devo will profit. OK, let's find a currency where nobody will make more profit than me. Oh, there is no currency cause I'm not the "king of a currency". Do you mean I shouldn't buy anything? Or if I was the king of a currency, should I buy only this currency? I'm confused .... ;-)

*I know you're confused. "let's find a currency where nobody will make more profit than me." well.... gman314 found it!
- - -
" Don't see a reason to read my table in another way. You only pointed out who profits most."

*It's not (or not only) WHO profits the most. It's mainly WHICH CURRENCY is most dangerous.
- - -
"This is a nice example that the Net Worth doesn't say who's the winner at the moment."

*Current VPs say it even less. Since the TOTAL Net Worth rises each turn (we're now at 313,000$ that is +90,000$ since last turn) RELATIVE Net Worth looks the best.

"3. As gman pointed out not the Net Worth is important but your Available Worth."

*Agreed, AW is a thing you should always look at. But I don't believe it's as important as RNW, IE: even if D33 had his 10.390,48 NW (= only 3.24% RNW now) all avaliable as cash Dollars, I couldn't see him as a threat.
- - -
"On the other hand you can't compare the raise of Crowns with a hypothetical raise of Lire. After the Crown raised the value was several times greater than before ($0,22 -> $3,8). If everybody of us buys 500 Lire the value would raise $0,50. The value won't even doubles ..."
*"buys 500 Lire the value would raise $0,50"
Sorry. Messed up something in my brain. Players could buy more than 500 Lire, but the value still won't be around 17 times greater after everybody buys Lire like what has happened to with Crowns."

*Yes of course you can't. My example was like "Do you remember what I did with an avaliable 2%RNW when EVERYBODY were buying tons of Crowns? Well, imagine what can do Devonian now with his 3.3%RNW avaliable in cash Dollars (+ something more if he sells 500 Crowns) if he finds a Currency that everybody's buying. So since it looked to me that you were playing the trumpet of "Guys, let's all buy Lire!" , and in fact you bought, I was really scared Devo had found what to buy.
- - -
*Italy doesn't look to be eliminated"
"Austria, Russia, Germany and England as well. You could say that e.g. Germany had not a great chance of winning because it's in the middle, but everybody who played a few diplomacy-games can tell you that nearly everything is possible if a player is a good diplomat. We can't read any message between the players (apart from public chat)."

*Ok, agreed. So why focus only on Lira? Because it's cheap! It's an easy SC to grab, no matter the strategical consequences! :-)

_ _ _ _ _ _

Ok, let me organize my thoughts into a complete final speech. But first, let's have a break, have a coffee and read a stat of what just happened.


Here you find, for each player, current Net Worth and current Relative Net Worth. In parenthesis, you find the variation from the previous turn: + is more/better and - is less/worse. I've added the VPs also, for what they might mean now (the only time they have a meaning is right after the end of the game).
Players are ranked Rk according to their RNT, but since this is a "what is just happened?" table, they are sorted according their variation of RNT since last turn.



Drunk your coffee? :-)
Well, now it should be clear what just happened and what I meant.
Let's see.
You spent all your AW (7650$) buying 4000Lire and some Mark & POUNDs.
The same did Devo, spending his AW (8700$) all in 5000 Pounds.
Both your attacks were well supported: Pound +13800, Lira +10800.
You -0.36%, he+1.82%.
You dropped 1 Rk, he jumped 3 and now he's 2nd, very close to me (not one of my best efforts this turn, uh?).

Similar tactics, similar values, very different outcomes.
What the hell happened?

In brief, you used a wrong strategy.
Devo found allies (mainly gman, who won a SC that matched a good strategy, and now he's the new King of Pound) for his move.
Also you found allies (mainly amisond). But the battle you fought was for Devo! You didn't get the throne of Lira, and just helped him sell his next set of 500Lire for 1.285$. You gained some money (you took an easy SC) but is was strategically wrong (that SC belonged to an enemy of your enemy? to an ally? not easy to make a comparison, but it was strategically wrong)

You may say "but amisond did well this turn and he bought only Lire like me!" Yes, but Devo & gman returned the favour buying where amisond was the King. So, a random recap:

- amisond (+2,12%) took an easy gain with Lire + someone bought his Pounds (a lot)
- Devonian (+1,82%) took a gain with Pounds + someone bought his Lire (a lot)
- gman314 (+1,15%) Fantastic job, my congrats! He was nothing and traded his 3rd place into kingdom of Dollar (7080$ just spent) for the throne of Pound!
- Diplomat33 (+0,42%) He smelled something in the air for Lire and Pounds and bought some of both. Not fantastic, maybe shy, only Pounds was better,... but a sure little gain. Correct.
- tobi1(-0,36%) a good gain with lira and a small one with Pound were not enough to balance the losses on Crown, Rouble and... Mark. Mark was more sold than bought. Unlucky guess or bad diplomacy? a SC lost.
- Amby (-1,18%) A small gain on Lira absolutely didn't balance the loss on everything else. Devo thank him. At least you bought some Pound...The only good news for him is that he made up some cash Dollars, increasing his AW that, as we agreed, has its importance.


I'm sorry I didn't have before now the idea fo comparing tactics and strategy of a BourseGame with tactics and strategy of a DiplomacyGame.

Now you should have clear that what I meant was just this:
Imagine a Noob in his first game. He was told only that he has to get 18 SCs starting from 3. So he grabs any SC looks easy enough to take. Maybe he allies with another noob who was told the same and they support each other making disasters...

We're all noobs here, tobi1. David Bowie & Patsy Kensit (oh! I loved her) would say we're Absolute Beginners, because nobody can teach us.

Looks like we've just discovered that Bourse is not only a matter of tactics.
It needs strategy.
Strategy, tactics, diplomacy, moves, supports, alliances and...stabs.
It's a Diplomacy game. Just with some hundreds thousands SCs called money.... that are basically divided by 100, rounded and weighed in the end. :-)

Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 12 UTC
*typo, RNT should be read RNW = Relative Net Worth
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
07 Jun 12 UTC
I'm wondering how much time it takes to write such a big post? ;-)
fasces349 (1007 D)
07 Jun 12 UTC
Guaroz, Amisond bought no lire and has no lire, his gains were solely from pounds, and he had the biggest gains on the turn...
gman314 (1016 D)
07 Jun 12 UTC
Actually, Amisond bought 5000 Lire. Kaner made that correction after I pointed out the $0.50 discrepancy between what the Lire should have been and what is was listed as.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
07 Jun 12 UTC
@Guaroz and everybody else who wants to read this

Let's try to find a good answer:

Maybe I'll start the same as you did … ;-)

"There are lots of good points in your last posts to me, but there's also some fault …" Well, in my view you haven't written that much fault …

But I've got some problems with your comparison of Bourse and Diplomacy. Let me list some points:

- complexity of Bourse is much more greater than complexity of Diplomacy:
You've compared taking an SC with buying a currency and having a gain. In Diplomacy it is very easy. You're planning to take a SC. The SC can be neutral or it can belong to another player. If it is neutral you're getting a new unit next year. But if it belongs to another player, the other player will make a loss. He have to destroy a unit next year, while you are getting a new one. Perhaps I don't get your thought but in my eyes here is the key difference. In Bourse the player who loses the SC is the player who holds or sells the currency. But compared with a third player who doesn't do anything he still gains something. This could be more than your gain. In Diplomacy the player who loses the SC loses more than a third players losing nothing. This is different in Bourse.
You can't attack another player directly and everything you do supports other players, too. The question is which player do you want to support. Your ally. So last turn unfortunately there wasn't an ally for me. My bad. I have to put more effort into this. But in this situation I've decided let's try to get some support, get some allies, even if they don't know that they are my allies. I tried to convince other players by telling them buying Lire was the best. And I was hoping that I get this support...
- now I've started to write that this wouldn't be possible in Diplomacy, because there you know which player you support with your moves, but the players playing Bourse know this, too. So I deleted this again -
The last turn showed us that I was partly wrong. Only a few players gave me their support while I was supporting them, too, but there was a big alliance, too. They surprised the players who weren't insiders with there inventions into the Pound. They've made a really good game by doing this. Especially gman managed to get the biggest part of the support by finding the way "nobody will make more profit than him". Devo follows him and then … two people who weren't in this alliance: You (4200 Pounds) and amisond (4500 Pounds). Then I wondered how could it be that you've got this great support and were on last place on your RNW-ranking. If there were only Pounds and Dollars and no other currency, than you would be on 4th place on your ranking (after gman, Devo and amisond). But you are last. Not because you weren't part of this alliance but because you didn't invest any money into Lire, the second currency which raises much. amisond, who seems to have no real ally at the moment like me, gets the third largest support for Pounds and the second largest support for Lire. He made everything perfect last turn. Devo, who gets the largest support for Lire and the second largest for his Pounds, is only second ranked. Why? Because he has a large stock of the SC Crown which was pushed down by the evil enemies who sold Crowns to weak … themselves?
Wow! I think I'm just getting the decisive point of Bourse. If there weren't any VP and only Net Worth or RNW is important than you shouldn't sell any stock if there isn't any currency where you'll get more in the following turn … stop … we know this, don't we. It's very simple. Only sell if you'll make profit in the end. Mhm, why are we all selling Crowns? For every 100 Crowns we sell every block of 100 Crowns remaining in our stock will be less worth. If I'd be the only player and I'd have 5000 Crowns and sell 500 Crowns, I will have a lost of $0,05 * 5000 = $250. If I want to raise my Net Worth I have to invest this money into a currency where I'll get more than $250 (in my Net Worth). If there is a currency where I'll get more $250 for the turn, I should buy it. But I will have a disadvantage compared with a player who don't have to sell another Currency with a loss to buy this new great currency.
That's our problem: amisond had only 500 Crowns while Devo had 4401. Both of them sell 500 Crowns but amisond losses nothing and Devo losses $0,34 * 3901 = $1326,34. In addition amisond was able to sell some of his Pounds and still made profit there. Well, he made less profit than he would have made if he held his Pounds (in fact he losses: 4500 * $0,05 (for dropping the value as an effect of his sale) + 500 * ($3,42 + $0,05) = $3985. Let's see if this was a good decision and if he gets more investing this 500 Pounds * $2,04 = $1020 into Lire. Well, this doesn't matter. I'd like to go to bed. You could calculate this by your own.

I planned to list some points against your comparison and now I've got this … :-/
No matter, what I want to point out is, that amisond played a good game without a real ally, impossible for Diplomacy.

You could comment the thoughts (which aren't finished at the moment), if you want to do so, but I will think about this topic tomorrow. Hopefully I haven't written too much rubbish or too much language mistakes cause of bad concentration.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Jun 12 UTC
"two people who weren't in this alliance: You (4200 Pounds) and amisond (4500 Pounds). Then I wondered how could it be that you've got this great support and were on last place on your RNW-ranking."

WAIT! I'm lost. I bought NOTHING this turn, so nothing balanced my losses. That's why I'm the last in RNW-Ranking. No alliances, no supports given or received. Nonono. Sorry, it's late here. I gained Net Worth because of Pound rising that made me gain (+2495) $ in NW. But since the TOTAL NW rose more than proportionally than my NW (+61455) my share dropped (-2,36%). Recap:
- last turn I got a NW = 42,579,09 that was 16.40% of Total NW = 259,636$
- Now I gained +2495 that bring my NW to 45,075 that is only 14.04% of current Total NW = 321,091$
so 14.04 - 16.40 = -2.36% lost.

So why you call out lire now? If I bought Lire I might have earned some dollar, maybe lost -2.2% or -2.1% or -2.0% and for each decimal I save Devonian gains, IDK, 7 decimals or so. It's too late make this count, but I feel like if I bought only 500 or 1,000 Lire, Devo would have outranked me.
So, things like "because you didn't invest any money into Lire" make me think that you either didn't read any of my messages since the start or you don't have a pocket calculator or you should think a bit deeper into it.

Should I go on reading your post, or maybe you want to change something?

Yeah comparison with game was not that beautiful. But my goal was not find a nice comparison, it was to make you understand that what you earned with Lire now it's a Pyrric victory, because you lost both in RNW and in Ranking. You gained an anti-strategic point.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Re-reading the rules you propose (that look OK), a little doubt come to me about what Rule10 says about bourse press:

iii) players of Bourse can provide press; provided that they PM it to the GM. otherwise they must remain silent (see point iv.)
iv) the GM must publish player's press at the same time (in a thread) as they publish seasonal results
vii) Players of Bourse must nominate a pseudonym, known only to the GM, that they will use during the course of the Bourse. This pseudonymn must be appended to the PM they send to the GM when they make their orders.
viii) The GM will only publish results using player's pseudonyms - only announcing the players' true identity at the end of the game.

So how does it work exactly? Do I send a PM to the GM like:

[this is for player XY]
Hi XY, why don't we buy Piastres this turn? We'll make money!

...and the GM turns it to XY?

My doubt is what it means then "the GM must publish player's press at the same time (in a thread)"

Could you please clarify? or provide an example?
ty. :)
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
We need to make a decision about how we choose to play Bourse on vDip.
do we:
a) allow full contact and press between traders
b) partial press between players (sending their remarks to the GM who then publishes them for all to read, under a pseudonym)
c) allow no press at all.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Mm they all look good, being them basically:
a) Full press
b) Public only
c) Gunboat

Well, although I love gunboats, I feel like a gunboat Bourse would be rather sad, but playable.
And I don't like Public very much, but there are people who love it!
So why don't we code all 3?
So your set was for b) partial press?
But if "the GM must publish player's press at the same time (in a thread)", then it would be less communicative than a Public, because I can't make questions about the current turn to my fellow investors, since the reply would come only the next turn. Did I get it right?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
regarding option b) you are correct, players can in this version discuss the turn just past, or what they expect the next season to contain, but they cannot discuss the turn currently being played.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Ok, thanks. So b) would be a quasi-Gunboat, since you can't influence your opponents' moves in the short term.
I'm cool with whatever, as long as it makes it an enjoyable game. But wasn't the original idea to keep Bourse relatively 'pure' between players and investors vs Bankroll which had much greater interaction?
amisond (1280 D)
08 Jun 12 UTC
I prefer full press. In my opinion it creates a much more interesting game.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
@Amby - yes the original idea is to seperate investors from players.
@amisond - yup, that seems to be the general opinion so far.

@all. I'd like to air an additional option call it a++)

a++) Full Press, + investors can talk to players, + players can talk to investors.

Obviously any rule change will only take place for the next game of Bourse, but I'm interested in what the vDip community feels about this.
Devonian (1887 D)
08 Jun 12 UTC
How is option a++ different from option a?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
option a) is investors cannot contact players or speak about ongoing strategy but press between investors is ok.
a++) is investors can talk and speak to players & visa versa, actively attempting to influence strategy.
Devonian (1887 D)
08 Jun 12 UTC
Ok. So we are playing option a right now, right?
I am finding it enjoyable as it is, but think option a++ would be interesting also.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Can i still join?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Damn sorr...that was meant for banktoll diplomacy...nevermind :))
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jun 12 UTC
In my opinion all options are containing some interesting aspects. So why not play different versions at different times. My Diplomacy games are also mixed, some full press and some gunboats (on vdip mainly gunboats cause it's easier to communicate in your native language).
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jun 12 UTC

"... or you don't have a pocket calculator or ..."

Used my calculator and found out a very interesting and very surprising fact:

"So why you call out lire now? If I bought Lire I might have earned some dollar, maybe lost -2.2% or -2.1% or -2.0% and for each decimal I save Devonian gains, IDK, 7 decimals or so. It's too late make this count, but I feel like if I bought only 500 or 1,000 Lire, Devo would have outranked me."

You are wrong. You'd have a bigger gain than Devo if you had invest into Lire.

Here are my calculations:

Your gain for the first 100 Lire you'd had bought:

100 Lire * ($2,57 + $0,01) = $258
Your 100 Lire multiplied by by the current value plus your raise of the value.
Your gain for the next 100 Lire will be even more great because you have to calculate:
100 Lire * ($2,57 + $0,02) + 100 Lire * $0,01 = $260 or in a compact way:
200 Lire * ($2,57 + $0,02) = $518 (= $258 + $260)
With buying 200 Lire you'd have made a gain for Lire of $518
Let's write it in for of a function:
f(x) = x * (2,57 + x / 10000)
or in a nicer way:
f(x) = x^2 / 10000 + 2,57x
You don't have to be a mathematician that we've got a parable. So for each 100 Lire you'd have bought your gain would be even greater: $258, $260, $262 …

Devo's additional gain for every 100 Lire you had bought:

6941 Lire * $0,01 = $69,41
Devo has a stock of total 6941 Lire. For each 100 Lire you had bought the value of Lire raises $0,01, so you have to add this additional gain ($69,41) to his total gain from Lire ($17838,37 - isn't important at the moment) he had without any of your investments.
Let's write a function, too:
f(x) = 6941 * x/10000 = 0,6941x
Only linear so even if Devo would have that much Lire that you don't get more additional gain than Devo for the first 100 Lire, it'd be still possible that you'd get more additional gain than Devo for the first 2000 Lire …

Very surprising, very interesting, isn't it?

Now I'll go on thinking of the best strategy for Bourse. Perhaps I'll write another post today, perhaps tomorrow or sunday.

P.S.: Guaroz, I didn't take your case because I want to criticize your strategy. I don't know if anybody of us thought about this aspect before (in fact we are only two who list their thoughts in the forum). I simply take your case, because it was very striking when I tried to connect your RNW - ranking with the purchases made last turn (see last big post).
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Oh, forgot an important thing:

"Should I go on reading your post, or maybe you want to change something?"
Yes, you should go on reading my post and I don't want to change anything ...

tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jun 12 UTC
Damn! Finally I found the mistake of my calculations:
"100 Lire * ($2,57 + $0,01) = $258"
$2,57 is wrong. This can't be added because it's paid by buying Lire. That's why this was that surprising. But we've still got a parable ... (more later)
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jun 12 UTC
We should rename the Frank to the Pesata
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jun 12 UTC
But I'm not that wrong. Guaroz would have paid $1,49 for each Lire so we've got a difference of $1,08 which should replace the $2,57.
So still a gain of $109 for the first 100 Lire compared with Devo's gain of $69,41 for every 100 Lire you'd have bought.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jun 12 UTC
After I managed to correct my mistakes I've started to think about this:

Why is Guaroz wrong? Or is he write? Aren't his arguments plausible, that in case of the Lire (I mainly analyzed the Lire for the last turn) Devo profits more from your purchase than you as long as you aren't the king of Lire after your purchase?
Well, he's not wrong at all. I made a small table with excel (we have to force Oli to implement excel … much less work for me and others who love statistics ;-) ). I've thought of an simple example:

There's one currency, let's call it C. This currency is worth 1. There is one player (the king of C) who have a stock of C5000. There are other players as well, I've named them with numbers 1,2,3… . These players haven't any C but have enough $ to buy C500.

So here is my table (or my attempt to copy my table):

player n………raise of value..…gain of king……...gain per player……gain of numbered

0………………0………..........…..0……………X (division with 0)…...….0

What do we see? In fact we see that if a numbered player spends C500 he'll only gain $25 while king will gain $250. If two numbered players spend each C500 they'll gain each $50 while king will gain $500. There won't be any change for more players.
But I have added another column "gain per player". So if it is clear, that the numbered players together will gain more than the king we get an interesting situation (in the table we get this with the 10th player):
If it's clear that there are so many players the sum of their gains is at least as big as the gain of the king, then it'll be the best for the next player to buy this currency, too. In my table this is player 11. If player 11 buys C500 he'll gain $275 while king gains only another $250. Every other numbered player will also gain $275 so ever player can say: "Without my C500, I'd gain $275 less while king would gain only $250 less. So my purchase was a good purchase."
Unfortunately this is wrong: King gains 10 times more than every numbered player.

So Guaroz is right and I'm right, too.
Guaroz is right. If everybody use the argument that you gain more than the king, then we'll get such a situation I described a few lines above. In fact you have to be the new king to gain more.
But I'm not wrong, too, if I say after the turn. If you had bought Lire, you would have gained more than Devo for this purchase. But I only could say this after the turn … :-/

But what is the best way of playing. A Purchase is only good if you'll the king of a currency. A sale weakens the king's Net Worth mostly instead of strengthens it. Holding doesn't weak or strength the king but doesn't weak or strength you, too.

What is the best strategy?
- be the king if the value raises
- don't have any stock of a currency when its value drops

That's what we know since the begin of the game … and it's often impossible …
Maybe you have to be in the middle between the king and nothing. Don't buy so nobody with a bigger stock profits more and don't sell so nobody with a smaller stock profits more.
If we will all act like this, Bourse will become really awesome … ;-)
Or you have to get allies. But you have to convince your allies that you should profit most (being the king or being the one who can sell everything) or you have to get allies who are weaker than you so it doesn't matter if your allies will profit more than you. At least you have to profit more than players with a bigger Net Worth. So you have to have the bigger stock of a rising currency and the smaller stock of a dropping currency … every turn.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 12 UTC

Battlelines are drawn up, as the market drops down... all except the Mark.


Autumn 1904 currency values:

Austrian Crowns: $2.20
English Pounds: $3.03
French Francs: $0.23
German Marks: $2.87
Italian Lire: $2.4
Russian Roubles: $1.9

The total amount of each currency sold/bought is:
Austrian Crowns: 2299 sold, 1000 bought = -1200, down 0.12
English Pounds: 3999 sold, 0 bought = -3900, down 0.39
French Francs: 950 sold, 0 bought = -950, down 0.09
German Marks: 500 sold, 9700 bought = +9200, up 0.92
Italian Lire: 1999 sold, 216 bought = -1783, down 0.17
Russian Roubles: 1098 sold, 899 bought = -200, down 0.02

Players' Net Worth & current Victory Points:
Devonian: $41042.2, vp = 866.58
Diplomat33: $10314.4, vp = 200.86
L Podolski: $19825.71, vp = 468.86
Guaroz: $47421.26, vp = 1242.28
gman314: $42316.59, vp = 880.06
tobi1: $40617, vp = 1144
drano019: $26900.5, vp = 847
hiprox: $28649.46, vp = 652.84
Ambassador: $42628.5, vp = 971
amisond: $29473, vp = 692


Who holds what & what was bought and sold in Autumn 1904?

Devonian: Crowns 3401(-500), Pounds 4600(-500), Francs 0, Marks 0, Lire 6442(-499), Roubles 0, US$4161.2

Diplomat33: Crowns 500, Pounds 1500(-500), Francs 500(-500), Marks 500(+500), Lire 681, Roubles 0, US$1485

L Podolski: Crowns 2000, Pounds 1000, Francs 1000, Marks 3000, Lire 1481, Roubles 0, US$1.13

Guaroz: Crowns 6002(-499), Pounds 3700(-500), Francs 0, Marks 5000(+4200), Lire 0, Roubles 4502(-499), US$102.06

gman314: Crowns 2500(-500), Pounds 6501(-499), Francs 0, Marks 3000(+500), Lire 2000(-500), Roubles 500(+299), US$2758.56

tobi1: Crowns 3200(-300), Pounds 2500(-500), Francs 0, Marks 3700(+700), Lire 4000, Roubles 3000(+500), US$83

drano019: Crowns 1000, Pounds 3000, Francs 0, Marks 650, Lire 200, Roubles 6950, US$60

hiprox: Crowns 1000(+1000), Pounds 3150(-500), Francs 535, Marks 4735(-500), Lire 616(+216), Roubles 901(+99), US$2.16

Amby: Crowns 3100(-500), Pounds 350(-500), Francs 0(-450), Marks 7000(+2500), Lire 4000(-500), Roubles 1300(-500), US$2588

amisond: Crowns 0, Pounds 4000(-500), Francs 0, Marks 1300(+1300), Lire 4500(-500), Roubles 1300(+100), US$352


II won't be able to PM people their stock this season, due to me being out of town.


oops I'm a few hours late ...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Jun 12 UTC
Tobi1, first of all thank you. Your posts are very interesting.

"P.S.: Guaroz, I didn't take your case because I want to criticize your strategy."
*You MUST criticize my strategy. We're all alumni here, no teachers. We're absolute beginners. So, if we want to learn Bourse, we must criticize each other's thoughts.

"Or you have to get allies."
*Well... absolutely YES! getting allies is the whole point of a diplomacy game, isn't it?

"But you have to convince your allies that you should profit most... "
*Well, I never did it. I've always said things like "I'm buying some thousands" to my allies. Sometime I've won (Crown), sometime I've "lost" (drano019 beated me on Rouble in Sp1903), but I've always earned well.
That's also why I'm against an upper limit for boughts.... it would take the thrill out the game! because you'd know beforehand whether you can win or not the race for a currency's throne.
However, your conclusions on strategy are very interesting and look correct. Obviousely, they're rather generic and since there's a great multiplicity of cases and circumstances (look at the map!), I feel like they could be applied only to a RELATIVE majority of cases, having hence to decide from turn to turn what the best strategy could be.

- - - - -
PS. I was wrong: "for each decimal I save Devonian gains, IDK, 7 decimals or so. It's too late make this count, but I feel like if I bought only 500 or 1,000 Lire, Devo would have outranked me."
I just made that count and after some hundreds the 2 gains look to rise in a paralell way. I should not type drunk & late at night, LOL! Devo wouldn't have outranked me. But as you said "But I only could say this after the turn … :-/" Haaaaa.... YES! :-)))
The only sure thing is that 10,800 Lire bought were a big help for Devo to jump from 5th to 2nd. And this happened in spite of him selling Lire. So yes who bought Lire earned, obviousely, money and earned percentage points (RNW) towards me, who didn't buy Lire. But they lost RNW and dropped ranks towards Devo, so did they have a real gain?

PPS. Devo dropped to 4th now. This makes me think that the smart thought gman314 had (and that you called later: AW) has its huge importance. The RNW, although including Dollars, doesn't seem to correctly estimate the potential of the King(s) of Dollar. It's too static. Any suggestion?

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626 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
17 Jul 12 UTC
Sitter Required.
I'll be going on Holiday on Saturday morning for two weeks, so I'll need sitters for several games I'm in. They are all full press. Please PM me for more details.
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Jul 12 UTC
looking through the Variants
I have just realised that we have a lack of games of games that cater for 10+ players...
23 replies
Messages in a Gunboat
I am playing in a gunboat game right now, but the little envelope has appeared on the screen signifying I have a message. However even when I click the envelope I can not see said message. Anyone have any idea, what is going on or how I can see the message?
2 replies
Gary123 (1297 D)
15 Jul 12 UTC
Team Game Replacement Players
Replacement player for the UK and Amazon needed. If someone will be nice enough, the UK isn't in a bad position. This is a team game, and you'd have to respect that, I guess.

Also is there already a thread advertising countries in civil disorder needing to be replaced? If not, should there be a forum thread just for advertising inactive countries?
2 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
Replacement Needed
Replacement Spain needed in gameID=8953. Not a bad position at all.
2 replies
georgekatkins (1107 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
Jdip or RP files for Germany 1648
Does anybody have the files needed to implement "Germany 1648" for jDip or RP? Also heard there were jDip or RP files for "Ambition & Empire", but can't find them, either. Thanks for any help you can give me!
0 replies
Lord Ravager (988 D)
11 Jul 12 UTC
Creating Teams into variant maps
Until now every Variant maps considers each player independent and able to fight any other automatically.
But could be interesting to develop a way to create forced alliance teams, just like a country split into groups unable to fight each others (being the same nation...) but able to be controlled by different players?
Into the game they could then choose if cohoperating or acting separately, but never being able to steal SCs each others nor dislodging armies and so on...
12 replies
amisond (1280 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
Variants Page Dead
I managed to kill the variants page here and on the lab, sorry.
5 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 Jul 12 UTC
Vicky the Viking
"Those playing Vicky the Viking just cancel and join the second game. Such an early NMR really ruins the game"
This was from Kaug some days ago on the thread:
6 replies
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