A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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zultar (1241 D)
08 Jul 13 UTC
Best Diplomacy Website
Hey guys, I was wondering what your most preferred Diplomacy website?
I am playing in playdiplomacyonline website as well but honestly I prefer this one more since it is more tactical and does not punish you for making wrong clicks.. What do you guys think?
8 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 May 13 UTC
New feature, very early development-stage....
Interactive map.
You can use you mouse to make give orders to your armies.
43 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
06 Jul 13 UTC
Germany 1648
We have a Germany 1648 starting in 16h somebody please join we need one more player
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
06 Jul 13 UTC
WW4 gunboat starting in 24 hours - players needed
Please consider joining gameID=14993. We've got half the players, just need some more.
2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
28 Jun 13 UTC
variant test time
3 replies
NigelFarage (1238 D)
03 Jul 13 UTC
Classic-Total Domination
I've created a classic-build anywhere map, with an EOG of 34 SCs (i.e., all of the SCs in the game). To play, you have to agree to certain rules (in comments) beforehand. Password is in comments.

Game link: gameID=15041
6 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
02 Jul 13 UTC
Replacement needed
gameID=14661 as Turkey
not a very good position, but is not completely dead
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 Jan 13 UTC
Input of an alternate scoring system needed...
As the Dpoints are not an ideal way to represent a players game-strenght I'm thinking about implementing an alternate rating system (in addition to the traditional Dpoints)
Any math experts here?
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fasces349 (1007 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
I think thats one of the big problems with the current system. I think be able to beat someone who is 10 times more skilled then you on a 1v1 should award you equally with beating 10 people who are worse then you on an 11 person map.
Devonian (1887 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
I'm not sure I understand what you mean Fasces.

Do you mean that to beat someone rated 10 times better (on 1v1), should reward you as much as beating all players of inferior skill on a 11-player map? If so, I agree in princple. (Not necessarily the ratio's you suggest.) The ELO system rewards beating the 10 inferior players, 10x more than beating the highly skilled player.

Similarly, shouldn't beating a player with much greater skill (1v1) reward you more than beating a player with inferior skill?

The system I proposed addressed both these problems. It also addressed the problem of having players with only a few games have unreasonably high rankings.

I see some value in the ELO system, but it has significant drawbacks. I would like to see it alongside the system I proposed, if that would be possible.
Playdip just got a new ranking system. Someone could go over there and ask an admin nicely how it works.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
19 Jan 13 UTC
Ditto Devonian. I'd like to see his bet 5% skill points idea implemented as well.

Anyone followed up on goldfinger's suggestion? I don't have an account there so I'd be a noob asking the question and be less likely to get a serious answer.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 13 UTC
Could the current ranking system be updated? I have just drawn 4 games in short succession and I would be interested in seeing how much of an effect it has had.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 13 UTC
*Current ranks, even. That is to say, the algorithm run again so it takes into account more recent games.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Jan 13 UTC
CM, it's a draft. A preliminary algorithm...
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 13 UTC
I know, but I would like to see how the scores adjust with time. It would be handy for everyone to know how much they adjust in case this is (and also to decide whether this is) the system that gets implemented.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
20 Jan 13 UTC
Ok, it’s been a boring rainy sunday, so it’s time for an algebraic post:

I’ve kept the Elo-based structure and expanded it into a multiplayer one. I got rid of the “decomposition into duels” idea, which I think is ill-posed. This way we can avoid to enter in debatable comparisons like “IF S1='Survived' AND S2='Defeated' Rr =…” and so on. For example, a classic game is treated as a single 7 players game, not as a matchup of 21 duels.

With this algorithm each player has 1 single expected result, 1 single real result, 1 single equation in order to evaluate the net gain.

I update the formulas here:
It may look complicated at first glance, but actually it’s not.

I’ve separated the real results criteria whether the game is WTA or PPSC. I think that keeping this distinction is important, especially if we’re going to make a retrospective skill rating.

In order to keep the analogy with the system proposed by Oli, the k constant is to be set k=15 and the function f(n)=(n-1). I’ve added an optional g(players’ average skill rating) function, value around unity, in order to take into account the average skill per player inside a game: however, I’m not sure if this last g function makes sense in an Elo-based algorithm.

don’t worry, I’m not abandoning you. I still have the suspect that your formulation is better; especially when we’ll have to discuss how to handle exceptions like CD, take-over, concede and so on…
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
Nice. I'll check this asap.

One question: Does 1 equation mean if you are rated 1000 and are playing against a 500 and a 1500 player your chances are 0.5? Because that's clearly not the case.

In the meantime I did some experiments with the survives (if there is a winner) to take the SCs gained into account. Win-> 1.0 against all
Draw -> 0.5 with each draw, 1 against all other
Survived -> 0.X (where X is the SC-difference) with all survived, 1 against Defeated/Resigned
Defeated/Resigned -> 0.5 with all Defeated/Resigned.

This makes a 2-way draw worth more than a 4-way draw, and a high SC-count in survived better than a low.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
To Oli’s question:

Per hypothesis: 3 players equally rated -> each one has expected result of 0.333.

In your example: 3 players rated a500, b1000 and c1500 (that means an absolute noob, a normal person and a diplomacy genius in a 3 players game) gives as expected results:
Ea = 0.003
Eb = 0.053
Ec = 0.944
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
21 Jan 13 UTC
Oli -

Does this: Survived -> 0.X (where X is the SC-difference) with all survived, 1 against Defeated/Resigned

apply to all games? Or just PPSC games? Or how would it work? Because obviously in WTA games, a survive = defeat. IMO a survive should always equal a loss since you let someone else win, but I can see how in PPSC games you can make the argument that it's better than a loss.

A question then: PPSC Classic game. Final count: 18, 15, 1. Winner gets 1, 1 against the other two. Player with 15 gets what against the player with 1? Is it capped at <0.5? Because shouldn't a survive always be worth less than a draw?
fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
I think Decimas equation is the best suggestion so far
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
21 Jan 13 UTC
I'm noting that with the current ranking method, I don't rank in the top 150, and what I seem to lack that the top 150 have is sheer number of wins (most of which, many top 150 members have accrued by playing 1v1 games with other top 150 members which would, as I expect, inflate their rankings by sheer number of games they have played with other top 150 members). Once again, I'm not sure with the wide range of number of players we have across variants that Elo's system adapted for multiplayer would work well here to compare across play styles. Larger multiplayer games seem to inadvertently be penalized more heavily. Since I play primarily large variants and have only ever played one 1v1 game. Imo, my play preference shouldn't compromise my ranking as is apparently the case.

Also are the 'by variant type' rankings working? Is it possible to have an option to sort by all non-1v1 games for comparison (and confirmation of my suspicions)?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
I think not :-)
my suggestion solves the 1vs1 matchup oddities, but has still several problems to overcome.

The problem with the “1vs1 matchup” formulation, is that even with a survived result in a multiplayer game, you can score multiple “separated victories” or multiple “separated draws” compared to other players in the game. Even with a defeat you still can score “separated draws” compared to any other defeated player.
So it’s possible, if you had the misfortune to be defeated in a couple of WWIV games, that you’ve been overly penalised.
Devonian (1887 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC

It's not that it penalizes players of large games, it {over} emphasizes wins. For example, Grace and Retillion are ranked high with only large games.

A win is also defined as getting a draw vs another player who gets a defeat. However, between the drawing players, a draw may translate into a win or a loss depending on the relative skill of the players. So, your 44% draw rate (which implies high skill) translates into fewer wins, and lower ranking. So, I agree that this might be an issue.

Also, the logic about playing top 150 members is not entirely accurate, since one top 150 would decline an equal amount as the other increases. It would push one higher, but the other lower, which it should do. But, again, the emphasis is on winning.

fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
I like it more because it solves the difference in play balance respect to map size.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 13 UTC
I note that selecting a variant in the drop down list for ratings doesn't change anything...
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
What does the f(n) in "k * f(n) * [Ra->Ee]" mean?
or the g(WDLi) in the next function?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
I tried your formula. Another question:
Player1: Rating: 2000
Player2-4: Rating:1500
In PPSC PlayerA should take 85% of all SCs to _not_ loose any points, but the game is over after he reaches 50% (Winning condition).
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
PS: The list is useless at the moment. It does represent random values.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
You can check my Excel here:
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
constant k=15, “n” is the players number and function f(n)=(n-1)

In order to keep the analogy (total points distributed) with your previous formulation: on a player perspective a duel can move +/- 15 D, a classic can move +/- 90 D, a WWIV can move +/- 510 D.
Those point ranges are the mathematical theorical limits. Actually using common sense user ratings those limits are significantly reduced.
The function g(ratings) … forget it. I don’t think there’s the need of that further function
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
Oli… Bingo!
The biggest problem between PPSC Diplomacy and an Elo-based formulation (yours included if you try to include PPSC awards) is the Real Result contradiction: in most of cases the standard win condition is just above 50% of SC possession…. While IF a great player faces a small number of poor opponents, the great player’s Expected Result can be above 50%... so in this case the great player has no way to outperform his expected score through his Real Result.

This happens when the skill difference between the most skilled player and ALL the others players in-game is high, so, most likely, in small maps.

Yes, we could avoid PPSC for duels, but the problem remains for 3-4-5 players variants.

A negative net gain is not certainly what we expect from a solo… on the other hand, I wonder what skills a 2000-ranked player can learn playing with a bunch of 1500-ranked players: I remind that +500 D mean 12.5 TIMES more skilled.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
This reminds me on the GhostRating.
In fact a percentage of 85% does not mean he should get 85% of all SCs, but has a chance of 85% to get the SCs necessary to win (eg. 18).
Another problem is the end result.
A player rated 1500 playing 3 1800 players and getting 2nd
1st. 18SC, 2nd=13SC, 3rd=8SC 4th=0SC
The 2nd gains 3 D. Thats the same result as is he lost to a 1800 rated player 18 to 13 SC in a duel.
(I've updated the Excel)
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
PS: Sorry, did see your explanation of the f(n) too late. This would change my example a bit. (it didn't use the f(n) to change the k-value)
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
nevermind. the essence is the same. Nevertheless it's just a multiplicative factor.
We may substitute what I called "SC%", board SC % possession, with "VC%" , victory condition % possession. Maybe this would work better. I still have to think at it. We may have problems with the final "zero sum", though.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
21 Jan 13 UTC
Did you check the GR? It really looks like what you want to accomplish.

I'll talk to Alderian (host of the GR over at webdip) and zultar later this week.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC
Yes I studied it when it was mentioned at the beginning of this thread, but some passages are not clear to me. Apparently they don't use the exponential formulation. And apparently there's a contraddiction in the "V" funcion intent.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Jan 13 UTC

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734 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Jun 13 UTC
EUROPE 1939-GAME (bet set to 49)

A nice map taking place in a very interesting time. Come and join, I hope we all are good communicators!
4 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Jun 13 UTC
Country switch
Just a question on this. Say I take over a game where a player is literally a year from burning to nothing and gets the defeat, is that put on my record?!
8 replies
Synapse (814 D)
27 Jun 13 UTC
Sitter needed
From tomorrow until 11th July
4 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
27 Jun 13 UTC
Sitter Needed June 30th-July 6th
Hello all. I'm gone on a trip from June 30th- July 6th. If anyone could watch over my account I would be very grateful. I'm in 6 games, pretty solid position in each. I hate to ask for an extend in all these games, as I see it unfair to the players. The reason I'm in many games (I've known about this trip) is because I thought where I was going had internet. This is not correct!
16 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jun 13 UTC
Seeking sitter(s) for Known World 901 anon gunboats
Friday through Monday morning. Great positions! PM if interested.
1 reply
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
26 Jun 13 UTC
Aussie politics
Been quiet of late...

(More below)
22 replies
fadethru (1125 D)
26 Jun 13 UTC
World Wide Gunboat looking for 17 players. Quick turns. no meta....
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
17 Jun 13 UTC
Competitive Gunboat
Looking for some experienced players who want to play WTA gunboat game. Post if interested, will select variants based on responses.
15 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 Jun 13 UTC
Leif not a cheater as far as I know
In a now closed and locked thread Leif replied to something I said.
11 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
26 Jun 13 UTC
Go Rudd!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
19 Jun 13 UTC
Chaos anyone?
1 reply
Utom (1227 D)
25 Jun 13 UTC
High Stakes Star
Why are all the games I am playing in marked with a High Stakes Star .. even though they are all relatively low stakes including one of 3 DPoints?
4 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
24 Jun 13 UTC
How many games you playin?
The number of games Sandgoose is too damn high!
23 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Jun 13 UTC
WTA Gunboat gameID=14966
-buck the tiger's odds-
Fall of the American Empire, 35 D buy-in, 16 hour phases
experienced and reliable players- join up!
0 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
25 Jun 13 UTC
Featured Games
Can someone explain to me why every single game I'm in is starred as a featured game? Some are like, 5 point buy ins.... Is anyone else seeing this?
3 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
21 Jun 13 UTC
MODs protecting cheaters! And punishing the victim´s (ME) - revealed
76 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jun 13 UTC
Buttergoose Tournament - Urgent Announcement
A player has been banned so Iran is in CD in the Round 1 game (gameID=14592) of the tournament. in order for the tournament to progress fairly, we strongly desire a replacement for Iran. Rules to the tournament are here: thread=41653
3 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
22 Jun 13 UTC
New feature proposal: No-contest voting option
In Gumers's thread I proposed a no-contest vote option, which would essentially act as a cancel which keeps games on the record for later review. Oli and/or other devs, how feasible would it be to get such a voting option?
15 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Jun 13 UTC
Sitter wanted
On Monday I will be leaving on vacation and may not have internet access. I'm not doing particularly well in any of my games but if anyone wants to take over my spots for whatever reason, PM.
0 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
21 Jun 13 UTC
MODs protecting cheaters!
I cant believe this is actualy happening and I´ll wait for their answers and final decision before exposing the facts here!
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
21 Jun 13 UTC
5 out of 8 have joined now. We need 3 more to join. The bet is set to 100. COME ON NOW, join what surely will be a quality-game!

0 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
19 Jun 13 UTC
1st Crusade
I need a few more testers for the second test of the first crusade map.
Thanks! :)
8 replies
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