A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
17 Jun 15 UTC
Live EvT Game
Live EvT Game: gameID=23446
0 replies
Strider (1604 D)
13 Jun 15 UTC
Classic Map
I'm wondering what type of skew games have here?
15 replies
xywolf (919 D)
12 Jun 15 UTC
American Empire?
I'm interested in trying out the Fall of the American Emipre IV variant, but it requires 10 players, so I was wondering if anyone was interested in trying it.
1 reply
Strider (1604 D)
13 Jun 15 UTC
Classic Map
I'm wondering what type of skew games have here?
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Help me Try a New Variant
Full Press Indians of the Great Lakes. Too many gunboat games out there for my taste.
2 replies
Jeff Kuta (998 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Live Classic France v Austria starting soon!
1 reply
rick.leeds (0 D)
06 Jun 15 UTC
Hi, just in case you missed it, the new Dip Zine 'The Velvet Glove' is out now. You can take a look here:
8 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
08 Jun 15 UTC
Replacement player needed
Looks like we need a new England in a Fog of War game. Autumn 1901.
2 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Someone to take over my games
I have a personal emergengy that might make playing almost impossible.
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Good riddance, Sepp Blatter!
Surely even Retillion cannot find a way to disagree with this news.
34 replies
renzothepro (941 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Battle For Colonial Empires
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
28 May 15 UTC
Trust (a thought experiment)
I have an interesting hypothetical situation. Bonus points to whoever sees any real world parallel.
7 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Fog-of-War players needed
Need 2 more players for Grey Press Fog-of-War standard game (Hendricks)
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
To be the supreme dictator of all africa
0 replies
Hazza4569 (981 D)
01 Jun 15 UTC
2 Player ClassicGvI
0 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Anyone interested in an Octopus game?
2 replies
Hazza4569 (981 D)
31 May 15 UTC
Droidippy Game
Does anybody use the android app droidippy? Looking for 2 more players in an invitational game 23vjvz8.
0 replies
Marlen (1056 D)
21 May 15 UTC
Rules/etiquette question
Anon full press game. I think I know who another player is. Is it cheating to attack a third player with the trust I have in this person based on their moves in the current game and past reputation?
35 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
28 May 15 UTC
Is this a valid set of moves?
Read on...
11 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 15 UTC
Existential question from GOD?...
So as a bit of joke, GOD asked in an unrelated thread "What is love?" It was meant to illicit a response allusive of a music lyric. I throw out the actual question with my added subtext of how do we label our personal experiences with collective titles. Am I the only person who questions whether the "emotions" or "feelings" I attaches basic collectively defined nouns to even resemble what the words "mean" to the collective humanity? So "What is love?" but also "What is human?"
26 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 May 15 UTC
This thread is for people to confess sins safely and anonymously.

My confession is that I usually pee in the pool. Saves time, and who wants to get out to pee? The pool deck is cold.
2 replies
Billsome (911 D)
25 May 15 UTC
Classic Chaos?
I'm trying to start a game of Classic Chaos and have posted already on a new games thread, but I felt that to ever hope of reaching enough players, it needs more publicity. I had some people sign up but they've now left so if there aren't any takers this time, I'll take the hint and give up but please if anyone's interested, I really love to give this variant a try, it looks like such fun.
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 May 15 UTC
RIP John Nash
Inventer of my 2nd favourite game in the whole world... plus being a math genius.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 May 15 UTC
New game .. please join
2 replies
Marlen (1056 D)
24 May 15 UTC
Any programmers here?
Two things. First anyone interested in collaborating on some project and secondly can someone explain to me why Golang's panic is a heaping pile of fecal matter? Details to follow
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
23 May 15 UTC
Dare to dream: The Empire of Israel
We can pull it off. Basically I propose the following attacks: USA -> Syria, Iran -> USA, USA -> Iran, USA -> Saudi Arabia. The United Islamic State -> Israel, Israel -> UIS with the creation of an empire. ... thoughts?
11 replies
PTTG (808 D)
14 May 15 UTC
Games like vDiplomacy, but also TripleA?
I'm looking for a game that has vDiplomacy's simultaneous turns, asynchronous multiplayer, and ideally a light or in-browser UI, BUT also has a much more complex game system (not to say that Diplomacy is bad because it is simple, but rather that I'd like an alternative).
7 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
Hi all, I’d like to check if there's some interest for this 20-players Tournament idea.
In case we got a few people less or many people more, I could change within a few days the structure to adapt it to the new number, but the ideal number would be 20. More to follow.
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Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
The name is because you're going to play from 2 to 7 gunboats and because its particular scoring system is (also) based on each map’s stats, working like a benchmark.

The requirements to join this are:
- R95 or better
- Phases played: 100 or more
- At least 1 GB finished in your profile, of at least 7 players, in which you played at least 10 turns (5 years)
- Possibility to log in the site AT LEAST once a day, everyday, for the next 8-10 months.
If you don't match these requirements, thanks for your attention, you can stop reading here. :)

The games will all be ANONYMOUS and Random countries.

- - - S T R U C T U R E - - -

The tournament is played over 5 Rounds. At the end of Round from 1 to 4 worst players are eliminated. In Rounds 1 & 2, each player will play two games (one of each variant) simultaneously.

R1 – 20 players – 2 Groups – Modern+FoAE – bottom 4 out
R2 – 16 players – 2 Groups – Europe1939+Africa – bottom 5 out
R3- 11 players – Crowded – bottom 4 out
R4 – 7 players – FoW – bottom 2 out
Final – 5 players – AncMed

- - - S C O R I N G . S Y S T E M - - -

The score you get at the end of a game is a sum of 3 kinds of points
1) Benchmark Points (BPs).
At the beginning of each game, I will post on global the Benchmark for that game, that is basically the average SCs of each country in the Variant's stat that day (SCs Ø).
Well, BPs is the number of SCs you hold at the end, minus benchmark.
2) Survive Points (SPs)
Each non-defeated player gets an equal share of a pot that is the number of players in that map, regardless the game ends in a solo or in a draw.
3) Victory Points (VPs)
Again, a number of points equal to the number of players is either split among the drawers or given to the winner.
At the end of each Round, I will post the calculations and the standings on the Tournament’s thread in the Forum.

- - - C A R R Y . O V E R - - -

So at the end of a Round, the eliminated players drop out the tournament.
The surviving ones will start a new Round, but their previous score won't be completely lost. They will carry over a fraction of it, this way:
Round…….CO = previous divided by
So, the 2nd Round starting score (Carry Over) is 1st Round score divided by 2. At the beginning of each Round, I will post the Carry Over (CO) of each player on the Tournament’s thread.
The 2nd Round games result will be added to the 2nd Round CO and so we get the 2nd Round final score.
Basing on the Round final score, the bottom 5 players will drop out.
Then, the 3rd Round CO will be 1/3 of the 2nd Round final score... 1/2 for the 4th Round, and right before the Final round a big cut to 1/6.

- - - SOME THOUGHTS on TOURNAMENT’s playstyle and development- - -

First of all, this is not intended to be the best possible tournament or the most accurate etc..
This is intended to be an entertaining gunboat Tournament, with some new (to this site) ideas in it.
Its Scoring System, like any other one, is not perfect and it might not meet everyone’s taste. No Scoring System can. Its purpose is not much to be scientific, but rather to be fun for most players.
So every active player got something to fight for until the very end of a game. In fact, Scoring System’s main feature is that the points you don’t score will be scored (and kept for a while because of Carry-Over) by someone else. This makes some Classical main goals be guaranteed (Win - Don’t let someone else win), emphasizes some others (Draw only when the draw is as small as possible) and makes some new secondary goals arise (Kill anyone you can: their life is worth something for you).
CO helps you not to be eliminated just for one single unlucky game. But, if you have a high one, don’t stop scoring as many points as you can: your CO will decrease quickly. Also, don’t forget that negative scores are possible. Always play for best. And the best is YOUR best possible score. A few hundredths-point difference in your score could mean the difference between qualifying and dropping out in next Rounds, because of CO.
Right before the Final, COs will have a big cut. So you can’t count much on your previous results to win the Tournament: play to win the Final. Also, voting for draw in the (anon) Final may be very dangerous, because probably the only the player that might have interest in a draw is the one with the highest CO.

---- - ----

I don't play, I will be just the Tournament Director (TD)
Ok if you’re interested and you need any clarifications, please first have a read to the complete Rulebook @

It’s structured in chapters, so you should quickly find answers for your ‘how’ and ‘what if’. Also, at the bottom of it, you find a scoring-example on a Fantasy game. After that, feel free to ask!

So… Who’s in? :)
y2kjbk (1512 D)
30 Aug 14 UTC
so in *raises hand really really high*
y2kjbk (1512 D)
30 Aug 14 UTC
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
Mmm. Mrs.Griffin!
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
30 Aug 14 UTC
Aw man, My RR ain't gonna cut it, looks interesting but I guess sitting this out would be for the better :)
I will play.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
RR of 96, pheww...I'm in ^^
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
Hey Guaroz, apologies for not responding to your PM earlier. I have finally settled down at school for the semester so I am good to join.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
30 Aug 14 UTC
Very nice done on the comprehensive rules wiki, Guaroz. I'd like to play if you'll have me.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
31 Aug 14 UTC
ROLL UP! C'mon folks, games are gunboats and daily commitment is very short. If you think this Tournament is long, well it's somewhat below the average and it's even much shorter than some other ongoing one. It's only 5 Rounds... This will end before the next Summer comes. I promise! :)

1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu

@DC. Aww mate, how has it been possible that a player like you got such a RR? I'm sorry I won't have you in. :(
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
31 Aug 14 UTC
No worries :P My fault to be honest, NMRed too much in the past few months
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
31 Aug 14 UTC
Your twisting my rubber arm Guaroz - count me in.
Sevyas (1879 D)
31 Aug 14 UTC
Sounds intresting ... and I am online every day ... count me in.
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
31 Aug 14 UTC
Count me in, too.
Only one objection: Africa? I think that's a not-very-balanced map, and I'm not sure that benchmark points are going to be enough to compensate for that.
nickbar1 (1414 D)
01 Sep 14 UTC
I like it. I'd love to play.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
01 Sep 14 UTC
ROLL UP! C'mon folks, play some popular Maps that are usually not considered for tournaments because of their imbalance. It's for free! Games are Unrated: 0 D buy-in and no personal stats ruined by bad results. Nothing to lose, nothing to gain but pure fun! :)

1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu
6. kaner406
7. Sevyas
8. diatarn_iv
9. nickbar1

@kaner. You should have expected that I would have twisted it! :)

@D4. Thanks for your good question, it gives me a chance to clarify a couple of points.
First is that this is not intended to be the best possible tournament or the most accurate etc. This means that luck might have a part in it and it will likely have some.
The goal is the fun, not a scientific research for the best gunboater. Btw, science says Variant stats are never totally reliable: please check Migraine's ones and you'll get what this means.
Of course I tried to limit luck a bit, we're not playing dice! So there's a benchmark, there's a carry-over and a double-game first turn (both things will avoid you'll be eliminated just for 1 unlucky game), etc..
But that's all. Destroying the *all* the luck was not my goal.
Second is fairness. I'm convinced that a game - in order to be fun - must be fair. Also, I'm convinced that a game is fair only if all the players play under the same rules all game long. IMHO, in a Tournament "all game long" means from sign-up to proclamation of the winner.
That's what all those rules are for, for nothing else and especially not to remove all the luck.
Into practice - and back to your objection - before the Round starts you have the same chance other competitors have to draw Morrocco or Egypt. That's why the Tournament is fair enough. Good luck! :)

- - -
On a side note, we could talk a month long whether it will actually be better drawing the best or the worst benchmarked Country of a Map. Or one in the middle. I think we can't know it for sure beforehand.
"The game is fair" means also that all competitors have the same information available. Everybody knows Maps are unbalanced, everybody knows each Country's stats and that they might be unreliable, everybody knows there's a benchmark advantaging worst Countries and disvantaging best ones (and how much), everybody knows the Score System, ..., and everybody will make their mind up on how to play. Just play. God only knows how each competitor will use information available to them. God only knows how the games will go and how competitors will react to the things happening on the path. You have to play if you want to discover it.

Second side note is that, while balance was stated as unimportant for the first 4 rounds, a more balanced map has been choosen for the Final. The reason for this choice was that you won't have a next Round to recover an unlucky result. Just another little thing limiting luck a bit.
- - -

tl;dr: Some maps have been choosen purposely because of their imbalance. Benchmark must not completely compensate that, even if it ever could. Luck might have a part in this Tournament, but some features will help you not to be eliminated just for 1 unlucky game. Have fun! :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Sep 14 UTC
ROLL UP! If you like gunboats, you can't miss the thrill of this Tournaments! 9 good gunboaters already joined it!
Decima Legio (1987 D)
03 Sep 14 UTC
player #10 is Decima Legio
rexgarum (1960 D)
03 Sep 14 UTC
Looks fun, count me in, as #11
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Sep 14 UTC
ROLL UP! Scared by big players who signed up for this? You must not get frightened, the games are yet to be played. Consider this as a chance to learn something from those players if you lose, or to brag about if you win!

1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu
6. kaner406
7. Sevyas
8. diatarn_iv
9. nickbar1
10. Decima Legio
11. rexgarum
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
03 Sep 14 UTC
Yeah winning against me is something you can tell your grandchildren about
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Sep 14 UTC
lol :D

Average total points of players who signed up so far is more than 700 D.
Everybody know that D-points mean little, anyway I don't think you'll find around many Tournaments whose starting competitors have such an high average.
brettj72 (1673 D)
03 Sep 14 UTC
I will give this a shot if you are still looking for people. I have not played a ton of gunboat games but I think my stats speak for themselves as far as my reliability goes.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Sep 14 UTC
1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu
6. kaner406
7. Sevyas
8. diatarn_iv
9. nickbar1
10. Decima Legio
11. rexgarum
12. brettj72
bozo (2302 D)
03 Sep 14 UTC
1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu
6. kaner406
7. Sevyas
8. diatarn_iv
9. nickbar1
10. Decima Legio
11. rexgarum
12. brettj72
13. bozo
raapers2 (1787 D)
04 Sep 14 UTC
Seems complicated, but I'll play.

1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu
6. kaner406
7. Sevyas
8. diatarn_iv
9. nickbar1
10. Decima Legio
11. rexgarum
12. brettj72
13. bozo
14. raapers2
Mapu (2086 D (B))
04 Sep 14 UTC
It's not so complicated if you just view it as play whatever games he tells you to join and do your best.
Sendric (2060 D)
04 Sep 14 UTC
Well, I suck at gunboat, but what the heck.

1. y2kjbc
2. Dr. Recommended
3. GOD
4. Spartan22
5. Mapu
6. kaner406
7. Sevyas
8. diatarn_iv
9. nickbar1
10. Decima Legio
11. rexgarum
12. brettj72
13. bozo
14. raapers2
15. Sendric
raapers2 (1787 D)
04 Sep 14 UTC
I meant more with the scoring system. Especially with the carry-over points. Seems like a lot of daily work for games that will last months at a time. But should be interesting.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Sep 14 UTC
It's more simple to show with a table than to explain with words. Once you'll see the first results-table, everything will be easy & crystal clear, raapers. If what I've put on the wiki wasn't enough.
Uhm... which would be the "daily work"?

- - -

The list Sendric posted is confirmed, btw.
I've checked last profiles carefully and... yes, actually both bozo and raapers played more than 100 phases! :D

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161 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 May 15 UTC
I demand an apology
I was accused of lying about my mother being on her deathbed!
That demands an apology!
10 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
19 May 15 UTC
Rules/etiquette question
Anon full press game. I think I know who another player is. Is it cheating to warn a third player about this person based on their moves in the current game and past reputation?
4 replies
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