A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Rancher (1128 D)
18 Jan 12 UTC
New Delhi game
Colonial standard full press, gotta give your name, no anon hiding
1 reply
GOD (1883 D Mod (B))
18 Jan 12 UTC
Graphic error ?
Since today the graphic is really weird on my phone (galaxy s2)...on other sites eg there arent these problems only here...did Oli made a update ?
2 replies
Özil (782 D)
18 Jan 12 UTC
Please join this game !!
Please join this game ! It is a funny variant !
1 reply
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
18 Jan 12 UTC
Replacement France
Need a replacement France. Game hasn't started yet - good position!

0 replies
GOD (1883 D Mod (B))
17 Jan 12 UTC
Total unbreakable stalemate
In the east there is a total stalemate...if not one player CDs there will no side break through...
12 replies
General Cool (978 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Cool Variant
I have found a variant that looks like it could be a lot of fun if me or someone else could make it for this site (If Oli lets me of course...)
12 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
17 Jan 12 UTC
FIGHT to the DEATH! DO NOT bend over AND TAKE IT!
SIGN up HERE: gameID=5077
5 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Dec 11 UTC
Developers, I beg you!!
Dear v-Dip developers,
I strongly approve both the institution of the reliability rating system in this site and the current restrictions to “unreliable” players, but I’m going to ask you to evaluate a possible improvement:
33 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 12 UTC
I just have to start the thread
Praise Tebow!
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butterhead (1272 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
Bronco's = 4th favorite team and Steelers=32nd favorite so... =)
Raro (1449 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
There are few, if not any things that I love more than watching the Steelers lose. Great game! I hope the Pats meet the same fate.
SacredDigits (978 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
The Steelers are one of my least favorite teams, and I always root for an underdog, so I'm pretty happy about this.

Raro (1449 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
I thought it was a fair resolution since Tebow should've gotten the facemask call on his last drive in regulation
butterhead (1272 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
and now 2 of my top 4 teams are still in the playoffs(my third favorite got knocked out by the Saints, my Second favorite beat the Bengals)... so it's turning out good... Texans-49's for the Super Bowl!
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
Raro (1449 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
I don't think cheating is allowed in the playoffs. Besides, Tebow is divinely inspired.
SacredDigits (978 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 12 UTC
Good God, I pity you, butterhead. No one should suffer to be a Lions and a Texans fan. I'm kind of glad that my Oilers are dead. They tortured me so. I believe that Renfro's catch in the endzone that caused the '80s experiment with replay is my earliest memory of life. I was about two and a half.

And now it seems Wade is going to Tampa. Why won't that Son of a Bum realize that he just wasn't meant to be a head coach? Being a great Defensive Coordinator is an OK thing to be.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 12 UTC,26886/
butterhead (1272 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
gopher- I am not a "Lion's fan" really, I just like them better than most other teams and therefore cheer for them when my team does bad... I am a true blue Dallas fan, always have, always will, followed by my Texans.
SacredDigits (978 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
I actually have the curse of being a joint Bills and Lions fan. It's guaranteed heartbreak every year, usually twice.

Early in the season, a Buffalo psychiatrist ran an ad that said, "You know the Bills will let you down eventually. Schedule a December appointment today."

And I also like the Texans.

Sorry about my Bills delivering your Oilers one of their worst moments, gopher.
G-Man (2516 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
Just when it looked like Roethlisberger time, we got Tebow time once again -- wow! And Demarius Thomas, what a beast!!

I'm a Vikings fan, so you know I'll be on the couch right next to yours Sacred Digits. It's funny, like the Bills, we've got some of the greatest and worst NFL records, but we're still looking to end our run as bridesmaid. One of these years...
I hate Tebow. Since I hate the Gators.
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC

This was the best game of the season :P
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Yes, but I did get to see the Oilers do it to the Bills , what 2 weeks earlier?

Roethlisberger time? There weren't any inebriated potential rape victims on the field.

Unless we tear down the Metrodome and start playing January playoff games out doors as we were meant to, I don't think that the Vikes have to be worried about blowing any more Super Bowls. Levy and Grant are basically the same guy.

The Minnesota sob story for football is the one no one ever seems to tell.....Bernie Bierman hanging on about 4 years too long and blocking Bud Wilkinson, who never should have been forced to go to Oklahoma.
G-Man (2516 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Yeah, Vikings were dominating at Metropolitan Stadium. What a way to squander a huge advantage. But don't give up on the Vikings just yet. I don't think we've fallen as far as our record would indicate, and in today's NFL, it's possible to turn things around quickly. If we've got our QB of the future in Ponder (looking decent) and we continue to make shrewd moves with our (high) draft picks and free agent acquisitions, we can get back in the hunt.

Regarding the Viking story, so true. And also, how close we were in the Conference with Atlanta in the 90's, when the 15-1 all time point-scoring leaders (up to that point) went down on a slew of injuries and the perfect kicker missing his only kick of the year in OT.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Unfortunately the rules have changed and you don't have reciprocity any more. Back in the Grant Era, the NFL made no stipulations as to what had to be provided. They simply stated that you had to provide what you used. The Vikings therefore provided no electricity for heaters. It was kind of sad listening to the Vikings bitch about there not being electric heaters under the turf at TCF.....even after the U gang pressed undergrads to work as slaves cleaning the snow for them and everything.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
10 Jan 12 UTC
But look at the Dirty Birds this way, they spared you yet another humiliation in a warm weather Super Bowl and this one immortalized on The Simpsons.
SacredDigits (978 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Man, I remember getting a free ticket from the Vikes for that game that was rescheduled to Ford Field. They basically bribed people to be Viking fans for one day, and weren't above pleading. I had no issues with it, I like the Vikings alright, they're by far the most tolerable of the Lions' division rivals.

Which, with the bridesmaid thing, kind of reminds me of my uncle Lester. We often joked that you could tell what era each of my uncles grew up in because they all latched on to the big popular sports team du jour (I grew up in an area that was on the verge of like four fanbases). A couple were big Yankees fans, and another was a fan of the Dolphins because he was a teenager during their undefeated season. But my uncle Lester was not only a Vikings fan, but, as we later discovered, actually became one during a time when the Vikes were not very good. Why? Because he was sick of his brothers wholeheartedly bandwagoning and just picked a random team that wasn't fact, he picked Minnesota in general and supported the Twins too, who also weren't very good at that time.

So I've always had some respect for the Vikings just because of the fact that he was my favorite uncle and his logic was pretty sound. He was also the only one that didn't stop being a fan during lean years (while the others wouldn't switch to other teams, they wouldn't wear gear or anything during the bad times).
G-Man (2516 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
If we didn't have all the injuries in the Atlanta Conference, I think we could have beaten the Broncos that year.

I'm actually from Massachusetts. I generally root for Mass teams, but when I got into football, the Vikings had the #1 scoring defense a few years in a row and were very exciting trying to get their offense to match their defense, so I picked them over the Patriots as my NFL team.
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC

gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Or get smooshed next week by a team with a real Defense.
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
nah, broncos defense is fine, its the offense of the pats thats so impressive
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Jan 12 UTC you at least recognize that the Immaculate Reception earned the Steelers a trip to Miami to get crushed by the undefeated Dolphins? There are few things that irritate me more than listening to Pittsburghers getting all weepy over how the Immaculate Reception was somehow God ordaining their string of Super Bowls. It genuinely disgusts me the number of supposed Steelers fans who will literally argue with me that the Immaculate Reception happened during the first Super Bowl run.

The Steelers only happened because some idiots tried to start a rival league right after the Dolphins undefeated season and being idiots who did not actually know anything about football they opened their wallets to buy "recognizable" names gutting a Dolphins' team that was a team. The youth of the up and coming Steelers saved them from such raiding as the Cowboys, Redskins, Vikings, Raiders and Dolphins were the marque teams full of known stars and took the brunt of the poaching.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Jan 12 UTC
The Broncos are not the Ravens or the Texans.
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
but all 3 will get crushed under the might of Brady and the Pats!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Jan 12 UTC
We'll see.....the Ravens have flattened pretty much every good team that they have played this year. The Pats have not beat a genuinely good team this year. Denver is the only playoff team that they have beaten this year. The Ravens are 6-0 against playoff teams. The Ravens have a pretty amazing secondary, as a unit. And I'm not sure that the Pats can match up against the Texans linebacking corp.
SacredDigits (978 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC you at least recognize that the Immaculate Reception earned the Steelers a trip to Miami to get crushed by the undefeated Dolphins?

Er, I don't care for the Steelers, so, uh. Yeah. And that rival league was interesting...I mean, sure, they took Kiick and Csonka and Griese, and that screwed up the balance of power, but having one of your few successful franchises in Hawaii? And the whole Toronto Northmen/Memphis Southmen thing. It was a pretty interesting bunch of stuff. And Kiick was pretty much done by then anyway.
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
doesn't matter, were on a 9 game win streak and haven't lost a game in 10 weeks, every other team has lost at least one game over this period.


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fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
game progresses in 1112 days
major bug occuring in multiple games, if not every game
4 replies
HeidelbergKid (990 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
Colonial Diplomacy!
Low-risk game of Colonial Diplomacy available! Five slots still open! Join now:
0 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Make history: Largest pot ever

We're missing one player. Would someone take over for 32 D? (Pot is currently 1083 D).
1 reply
Rasathor (967 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Fresh account up for grabs
Hi everyone. So a friend of mine tried to get me into vdip a few weeks ago, but unfortunately though I'm not going to be able to keep playing for personal reasons. I am in 1 Haven game, they have already had a couple of player disappear so I'm really just trying to do my best to not leave them in the lurch. I am in a pretty good position, equal third out of 19 in terms of supply centres.
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
The South America Series!
Looking for 7 players who want to play A South American Series with me! What the South American Series is:
30 replies
1066 variant description
I just barely hung on till the end as England in my very first game of 1066, based on the fact that
a) I didn't know what the norwegian army units looked like
b) I didn't understand whatsoever from the description that Hadriens wall actually has a moveable norwegian unit on it.
29 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
I challenge you!
To a duel:

Just 1 D bid, I'm in it for the fun more than the points.
1 reply
Raro (1449 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
Player needed!

Balkan player needed for crowded map. Just started!
1st phase in 12 hours
1 reply
BuZzEvilly (1001 D)
11 Jan 12 UTC
Join game LIVE!
6 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
i just came up with this variant: you play as 1 country with 2 players, either switching turns (autumn and fall i guess, otherwise someone could get only retreats and builds for example, on the other side, now the builds are for one dude...) or both players have to save and ready the same orders, being able to see the ones of the other and maybe a simple agree button to prevent mistakes... is this possible and/or a good idea?
10 replies
airborne (970 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Abstration III Test?
Would anyone be interested to sign up for a test run of Abstraction III on the vDip lab?
2 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Anybody want to make a map?
So as I have stated before, I do not have time to make maps myself, so, a simple map for anybody willing...
11 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
What Happened?
Recent Crash. Why?
19 replies
shockwave8 (986 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
Advertising for a WWIV game- massive pot of 1050 D (if it starts, of course).

17 replies
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
New Colonial

Retrying after the last game failed to start. 1 day phase, WTA, 30 buy in.
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Need A Sitter
Contact me on my Web Dip account for information. I have six games running here, and I shouldn't be gone much more than a week.
6 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
New setting idea (see below)
You know how recently a turn limit was added to game (as in a game ends after x years). What if there was an elimination limit?
As in after x players were eliminated the game ends. Thoughts? While this wouldn't work on smaller maps, for the larger maps this could add an interesting pin on the play.
10 replies
mispelledlazer (872 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
need a replacement for Paraguay
need a replacement for paraguay in this game
1 reply
Who wants to play a dip game via webcam?
Just an idea.
12 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Diplomacy Talk
None of my friends play diplomacy, and I have noone to have mindless diplomacy related chatter with. So maybe u guyz will be my friendz?
What do you think is the most important home SC for each of the 7 classic nations? this would be based on location, efficiency, and other things
35 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Greek dip variant spelling problems
Who can I contact about the spelling errors of the Greek Variant?

2 replies
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