A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
04 Oct 11 UTC
How to Deal
I hate people. See Inside
3 replies
Karl Detroit (1167 D)
04 Oct 11 UTC
Frankland Vs Juggernaut
... doesn't apply in the New game/Advanced settings dropdown menu, or does it?
4 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
04 Oct 11 UTC
CHALLANGE-BenGuin Invitational: Napoleon Total War
0 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
04 Oct 11 UTC
Oli, please unpause
Please unpause my game
seems like my opponent has gone from the game
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Oct 11 UTC
New feature "Hide Arrows"
Each map now has a "hide arrows" button.
It removes all the arrows from the map.
You might need to reload the game-panel a few times to load the new code into your browsercache.
10 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
02 Oct 11 UTC
Wait, have I misunderstood something all this time?
Can unit A support hold unit B while unit B is attacking a foe? I'm playing against somebody who plays well and they've done this a few times now. Have I been missing opportunities?
8 replies
To Oli
Can you change my name from 'Otto Van Bismark' to 'Otto von Bismarck'?
4 replies
airborne (970 D)
02 Oct 11 UTC
Hussite Wars Playtest 1
0 replies
Join my game please
its who controls america and its called politics
1 reply
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
17 Sep 11 UTC
Orders not loading
Orders are not loading in gameID=3423. Is this correctable, Oli?
2 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
28 Sep 11 UTC
WWIV gunboat
21 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
Re: Medieval Diplomacy 1.14
Hey airborne, how's development of Medieval Diplomacy 1.14 coming? I would love to play this next.
6 replies
Otto Von Bismarck (996 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
as a diplomat
For all you players out there who aren't fluent in English writing, please study grammar. It will benefit you in your daily life whenever you practice speaking english with others as well as help you become a better player in diplomacy. Everything is on the internet.
Poor grammar reflects shallowness of thinking.
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EvW (1771 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Lol. But it doesn't need a thread.
I guess the way I said it appears negative, but in truth, I am just encouraging players to improve so that we can have more satisfying outcomes for each game. Also it is difficult to know what that player is saying, which makes a poor game.
steephie22 (933 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
it's pretty easy to understand me while i suck hard in English grammar...
and probably vocab, but no one dares to correct me when i spell something wrong or do something wrong with the grammar, even not when i ask them to...
but anyway, if i didn't have school i wouldn't learn English to play this game a little bit better...
My point is, regardless of the content of a message, that if everyone keeps to grammar rules, the environment of one game can already be of high quality.

just promoting quality i guess lol, and promoting for players to improve
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
So why is it fair that they have to learn English Grammar to play? Why don't we all have to learn French, or Spanish, or some other language in order to play? It isn't fair to ask someone who doesn't speak English as a first language to learn something when we aren't willing to learn anything ourselves about their language or grammar to further understand them...
SacredDigits (978 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
There's at least two errors in the first post, hilariously enough.
Raro (1449 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Otto Von Bismarck (996 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
@Butterhead, I'm just encouraging quality gameplay. Your question is not on topic, but I'll answer it anyways. If French was the international language, then surely people all over the world would be studying French! Everyone would be able to speak French to a certain extent. With a little bit of studying, grammar wouldn't be a problem. Everything is on the internet. lol. Someone who is able to speak a language to a certain extent, should be able to study its grammar. Actually, your comment is just kind of weird lol. I read it again just now. Doesn't make any sense haha.

Oh, I think I see them, too. Silly me..
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
What I am getting at, is that you can't say lack of Grammar reflects shallowness of thinking, because it doesn't, it shows that someone isn't fluent in English... Which is perfectly acceptable... and English may be the "international language" but there are people who don't speak a lick of English!!! and there are still countries(A hell of a lot of them actually) who may speak some English, but their first language is not English... therefore, you can't expect them to have excellent grammar in the English language.
Oh, so your saying that it doesn't reflect shallowness of thinking. The person may not have shallow thinking, but language is the expression of one's mind. Ultimately, to not know the language spoken thoroughly reflects shallowness of thinking, although it may not be true. Writing is writing, and it shouldn't be seen on a subjective manner. The standards I speak of are quite high. But as long as you know what that person means, you know that you he isn't a shallow thinker. But I'm sure you would agree that the words spoken would reflect a shallowness of thinking.
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
What I would agree to is that being lazy and ignoring the use of proper grammar would reflect a shallowness of thinking. There is a difference between the lack of using, and lack of knowing...
I wouldn't agree to that. Everyone is shallow then, lol. Your not basing it (shallowness of thinking) on the text, but rather the person, which I think is wrong.
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Yes, everyone is shallow at some times... I am no exception, and nor are you. and you are basing it on the person as well, because if they do not KNOW the grammar, then they cannot show it... you will probably say my argument is foolish or something of that caliber, but I see no use furthering this conversation anymore. the truth of the matter is, you cannot expect people to use proper grammar if they don't know it due to a cultural difference...
Raro (1449 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Proper grammar as in written form. I think grammar is pretty universal. People with the worst slangs can write properly. I think. Formally that is. I'm talking informally. I think you agree with me, cuz if you don't your an idiot lol.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
"Oh, so your saying that it doesn't reflect shallowness of thinking"
Is there a verb missing here? Perhaps should there be an "is" between "saying" and "that"?
Please help me, I am not english.
However, I agree with butterhead. His saying is also my saying.
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
"I think you agree with me, cuz if you don't your an idiot"
Oh so many errors in that statement:
A) Opinions are opinions, you can't say someone is an idiot for not agreeing with your opinions.
B) It's because, not cuz.
C)your should be you're
D) Don't you dare come on the forums, complain about people not using proper grammar, and at the same exact time not even use it yourself, and then call someone else an idiot for disagreeing with you.
Your an idiot as well. And no, a verb isn't missing. your is you're.
If someone were to say or write, "Me know them rights about it.", and it is fact that he has an iq over 100, he might not be a shallow thinker in reality, but by what we see and hear, it can be concluded that this writing or saying reflects a shallowness of thinking.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
I also agree with butterhead. English is not my mother language and I don't consider to be shallow or poor player because of it. Maybe to original English speakers grammar is easy thing or usual, but my first language have completely different kind of grammar (very complicated and completely different from English) so it is no only about is about the way of thinking.

People who know to write in Latin alphabet could easily learn Greek alphabet or even Cyrillic (because of their similarity) but to learn Carthaginian or Chinese alphabet he need to go very deep.
i was promoting better gameplay and was encouraging players to improve as a diplomacy player. What we are talking about isn't really about the topic. lol. so this isn't related to the topic. i'm not a grammar-absolutist
If someone were to say or write, "Me know them rights about it." "in you language", and it is fact that he has an iq over 100, he might not be a shallow thinker in reality, but by what we see and hear, it can be concluded that this writing or saying reflects a shallowness of thinking.
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
@Otto- you're not making any since to me here... you are saying that our conversation is not related, but it is... I am stating a point that people may not have the ability to just "learn better grammar" because it is so different from their culture. so it is directly related.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Dear Otto
I only wanted to present other side of the medal, It is not an easy thing to keep "thinking in foreign language". My IQ was 140 on my last test and I made sometime even greater mistakes in my massages that that in your example. :)
oh. well. they can study it, and then they become better at it. study grammar in particular. good point though. i guess i was referring to people who have the ability. it's just disappointing to see these messed up sentences that are hard to understand, and im pretty sure they would see how screwed up their own sentences are after observing some normal sentences by other players.
Your beginning point wasn't what you said, but nice progression. I do agree to what you are saying. Like I said, I want players to improve, and improvement of grammar would help in improving their own and everyone's gameplay. People do have the ability. Just takes effort though. its not easy. Wouldn't you agree that grammar kind of does affect who you choose as an ally?
lol then your agreeing with my point... yea it's hard to think in another language as fluently as your main
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
No, I am just being good diplomat ;)
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
@Otto- I do not use grammar to choose an ally, unless it is impossible to read, which I have only had one person before like that... and my first point was actually the same thing as my last, just not phrased nearly as well.
your first statement had something to do with fairness.. lol. point taken though
Daiichi (1339 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
@butter, i also do totaly agree with you.

@otto, if in-game u don't understand smt, ask for a clarification. IMO lack of grammar does not make a sentence imposible to understand, nor spelling mistakes (to a certain extent) do. slangs and short forms (like IMO itself, ASAP, CD, NMR, and that lot) are waay more dificult to understand than a phrase with poor grammar.
Also, if u ask for a extra effort for non-native players, you should do an equal or greater effort yourself and offer a easier language to those players, as well as english tuitions, etc, etc

What i see here is a player asking for something out of self-interest. Adn funny thing! as butter pointed out, what he asks for, he himself does not even do it.
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
yes, my first statement was that it wasn't fair for us as English Speakers to just expect people with different languages and cultures to know and learn Fluent English grammar just to make our lives easier. anyways, glad we could reach an agreement.

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56 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
25 Sep 11 UTC
21 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Sep 11 UTC
Newbie-stop active now too...
You can now create/join only 1 game for 3 phases played (does have nothing to do with the reliable-rating). And a very new player can join 2 games without any phases played.
14 replies
--- (716 D)
28 Sep 11 UTC
Join this game!
A diplomacy game encompassing the entire world!
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
27 Sep 11 UTC
Need A Greece
...Otherwise we will Draw...
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 Sep 11 UTC
Reliability rating now live...
With the ongoing discussions about CDs and people holding back their orders I decided to implement a reliability-rating.
37 replies
Raro (1449 D)
26 Sep 11 UTC
Bug in greypress game
Oli, please take a look at gameID=3574

This game has just started, but orders are not loading for myself and other players. Also, players are reporting trouble utilizing the 'greypress' feature.
Thank you.
2 replies
master (1008 D)
26 Sep 11 UTC
Support 3 - the last one :-)
Army 1 supports Army 2 holding
Army 2 attacks an enemy army and stays on place
Army 2 ist attacked by an enemy army with one support
what happens?
3 replies
master (1008 D)
26 Sep 11 UTC
Support again
Army 1 supports Army 2 to attack Enemy Army A
Army A attacks Army 1.What happens?
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
26 Sep 11 UTC
an observation on Economic Dip.
see below.
3 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
22 Sep 11 UTC
Economic Diplomacy

WTA 30 D
1 reply
master (1008 D)
25 Sep 11 UTC
Army 1 supports Army 2
Army 2 supports Army 3
What happens with the support for Army 3 if Army 2 ist attacked by 1 enemy Army?
4 replies
vanisher (919 D)
25 Sep 11 UTC
about open games
A game has two left players and I'd like to replace one but no the other.
The system has a criterion to decide which player I'd be replacing if pressed "join" button?
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 Sep 11 UTC
Pregame chat now for all games...
I've added a pregame-chat now for all games (and it works for anon-games too).
8 replies
joepo12 (679 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Classic Map - Fog of War: Players needed
0 replies
joepo12 (679 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Live game
Please join gameID=3557.
0 replies
GinoKay (953 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Players needed - Sengoku
Greetings all! I've just found VDip and love it because of alll the variants! I'm looking to get a ame of Sengoku (Diplomacy on the island of Japan) going and, if you're interested, please go to
0 replies
Sea Urchin (1161 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Fun Live Game
Here's a fun live game for four people gameID=3553 The password is four.
2 replies
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