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01 AM Wed 04 Dec 24 UTC
1 day
Autumn, 1963
Cold War
Public messaging only
, WTA, noProcess:Sat,Sun
excused NMR / regain after
turn(s) / extend always
Game won by
< Return
Order history (last 20 turns):
Autumn, 1963
Spring, 1963
Autumn, 1962
Spring, 1962
Autumn, 1961
Spring, 1961
Autumn, 1960
Spring, 1960
Autumn, 1963
The fleet at North Sea hold.
The army at Vladivostok hold.
The army at Ukraine move to East Germany.
The fleet at Yellow Sea move to West Pacific.
The fleet at Philippines move to Indonesia.
The fleet at Sea of Japan move to Japan.
The fleet at Colombia (North Coast) move to Caribbean Sea.
The army at Paris move to West Germany.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea move to West Atlantic.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Albania.
The fleet at Panama move to East Pacific.
The army at Pakistan move to Iran.
The army at Leningrad support hold to Moscow.
The army at Moscow support hold to Leningrad.
The fleet at East Atlantic support move to West Atlantic from Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at South China Sea support move to Indonesia from Philippines.
The fleet at Los Angeles move to East Pacific.
The fleet at Arctic Ocean move to Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at East Mediterranean move to Istanbul.
The fleet at West Atlantic move to Caribbean Sea.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Greece move to Albania.
The army at Urals move to Moscow.
The army at Yugoslavia move to East Germany.
The fleet at Indonesia support hold to West Pacific.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at West Pacific support hold to Indonesia.
The fleet at Japan support hold to West Pacific.
The army at Caucasus support move to Moscow from Urals.
The fleet at Indonesia retreat to Australia.
The fleet at West Atlantic retreat to New York.
Spring, 1963
The army at Vladivostok hold.
The fleet at London move to North Sea.
The army at Greece move to Ukraine.
The fleet at Yellow Sea move to Philippines.
The fleet at East Atlantic move to West Atlantic.
The fleet at Shanghai move to Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Colombia (North Coast) move to Caribbean Sea.
The army at Paris move to West Germany.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to East Mediterranean.
The fleet at Panama move to East Pacific.
The army at India move to Pakistan.
The army at Moscow support hold to Leningrad.
The army at Leningrad support hold to Moscow.
The fleet at South China Sea support move to Philippines from Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Sea of Japan support move to Yellow Sea from Shanghai.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea support move to West Atlantic from East Atlantic.
The fleet at Indonesia move to South China Sea.
The fleet at Los Angeles move to East Pacific.
The fleet at Arctic Ocean move to Norwegian Sea.
The army at Istanbul move to Greece.
The fleet at Bering Sea move to Japan.
The fleet at West Atlantic move to Caribbean Sea.
The army at Yugoslavia move to West Germany.
The army at Urals move to Moscow.
The fleet at West Pacific support move to Japan from Bering Sea.
The fleet at East Mediterranean support move to Greece from Istanbul.
The army at Caucasus support move to Moscow from Urals.
Autumn, 1962
The army at Greece hold.
The army at Moscow hold.
The army at Vladivostok hold.
The army at India hold.
The army at Paris hold.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Indonesia.
The fleet at Sea of Japan move to Japan.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea move to East Atlantic.
The fleet at Caribbean Sea move to Colombia (North Coast).
The fleet at North Sea move to Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at Panama move to East Pacific.
The fleet at Ionian Sea support hold to Greece.
The fleet at London support move to East Atlantic from Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at Yellow Sea support move to Japan from Sea of Japan.
Build army at Leningrad.
Build fleet at Shanghai.
The fleet at New York move to Florida.
The fleet at Indonesia move to South China Sea.
The fleet at Los Angeles move to East Pacific.
The army at Istanbul move to Greece.
The fleet at Bering Sea move to Japan.
The army at Brazil move to Urals via convoy.
The army at Italy move to Yugoslavia.
The fleet at West Pacific support move to Japan from Bering Sea.
The fleet at East Mediterranean support move to Greece from Istanbul.
The army at Caucasus support move to Urals from Brazil.
The fleet at Arctic Ocean convoy to Urals from Brazil.
The fleet at West Atlantic convoy to Urals from Brazil.
Destroy the unit at Florida.
Spring, 1962
The army at Vladivostok hold.
The fleet at Sea of Japan move to Japan.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Indonesia.
The fleet at Caribbean Sea move to West Atlantic.
The army at Bangladesh move to India.
The fleet at Panama move to East Pacific.
The fleet at Tunis move to Ionian Sea.
The army at West Germany move to Paris.
The army at Albania move to Greece.
The army at Moscow move to Ukraine.
The fleet at Shanghai move to Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Leningrad (North Coast) move to Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at London support move to Norwegian Sea from Leningrad.
The fleet at North Sea support move to Paris from West Germany.
The army at Brazil hold.
The fleet at Australia move to West Pacific.
The fleet at Indonesia move to South China Sea.
The fleet at Los Angeles move to East Pacific.
The fleet at West Atlantic move to Arctic Ocean.
The army at Istanbul move to Ukraine.
The fleet at Bering Sea move to Japan.
The fleet at Egypt move to East Mediterranean.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea move to West Atlantic.
The army at Paris move to West Germany.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Iran move to Caucasus.
The fleet at New York support move to West Atlantic from Norwegian Sea.
The army at Paris retreat to Italy.
Autumn, 1961
The army at South East Asia move to Bangladesh.
The army at North Korea move to Vladivostok.
The fleet at Caribbean Sea move to West Atlantic.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Indonesia.
The fleet at Sea of Japan move to Japan.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea move to London.
The army at Albania move to Greece.
The fleet at Panama move to East Pacific.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tunis.
The army at East Germany move to West Germany.
The fleet at North Sea support move to West Germany from East Germany.
Build army at Moscow.
Build fleet at Leningrad (North Coast).
Build fleet at Shanghai.
The fleet at Indonesia hold.
The fleet at Los Angeles move to East Pacific.
The army at Istanbul move to Greece.
The fleet at Bering Sea move to Japan.
The fleet at East Mediterranean move to Egypt.
The fleet at Arctic Ocean move to Norwegian Sea.
The army at West Germany move to East Germany.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Quebec move to Brazil via convoy.
The army at Urals move to Iran.
The fleet at West Atlantic convoy to Brazil from Quebec.
The army at West Germany retreat to Paris.
Build fleet at New York.
Build fleet at Australia.
Spring, 1961
The army at Albania move to Greece.
The fleet at Leningrad (North Coast) move to Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at Vladivostok move to Sea of Japan.
The fleet at Shanghai move to South China Sea.
The fleet at Havana move to Caribbean Sea.
The army at Seoul move to North Korea.
The army at Saigon move to South East Asia.
The fleet at Panama move to East Pacific.
The fleet at Sweden move to North Sea.
The army at East Germany move to West Germany.
The fleet at Ionian Sea support move to Greece from Albania.
The fleet at Australia move to Indonesia.
The fleet at Los Angeles move to East Pacific.
The fleet at New York move to West Atlantic.
The fleet at Japan move to Bering Sea.
The army at Istanbul move to Greece.
The army at Toronto move to Quebec.
The army at Alaska move to Urals via convoy.
The army at West Germany move to East Germany.
The fleet at East Mediterranean support move to Greece from Istanbul.
The fleet at Arctic Ocean convoy to Urals from Alaska.
Autumn, 1960
The army at North Korea move to Seoul.
The fleet at Caribbean Sea move to Panama.
The fleet at Albania move to Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Baltic Sea move to Sweden.
The army at East Germany move to West Germany.
The army at North Vietnam move to Saigon.
Build army at Albania.
Build fleet at Vladivostok.
Build fleet at Havana.
Build fleet at Shanghai.
Build fleet at Leningrad (North Coast).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea move to Arctic Ocean.
The fleet at Istanbul move to East Mediterranean.
The fleet at West Pacific move to Japan.
The army at West Germany move to East Germany.
The army at West Canada move to Alaska.
The army at Quebec move to Toronto.
Build army at Istanbul.
Build fleet at Los Angeles.
Build fleet at New York.
Build fleet at Australia.
Spring, 1960
The army at Vladivostok move to North Korea.
The fleet at Havana move to Caribbean Sea.
The fleet at Albania move to Greece.
The fleet at Leningrad (South Coast) move to Baltic Sea.
The army at Moscow move to East Germany.
The army at Shanghai move to North Vietnam.
The fleet at Australia move to West Pacific.
The army at New York move to Quebec.
The army at Los Angeles move to West Canada.
The army at Paris move to West Germany.
The fleet at London move to Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at Istanbul move to Greece.