Finished: 10 PM Thu 28 Nov 24 UTC
Duel -5
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1912, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Morandini (1397 D)

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19 Nov 24 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi there... i think this is the 1st time i play this variant...
19 Nov 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: I’ve played it a few times. I play a lot of the two player maps.
20 Nov 24 UTC Autumn, 1902: I do like the 2 players map... but use to play F x A or E x T
G x R was my 1st time

I might be wrong, but for my initial view, Russia has some initial advantage
Do hope i can use it... hehehe
20 Nov 24 UTC Autumn, 1902: Oh, I think Russia has fairly large advantage. But I still like giving it a try.
27 Nov 24 UTC Hi there. You played really well... tough position to start with G in this game
28 Nov 24 UTC Good game. It was very close and very hard fought.