Finished: 07:35 AM UTC
Misc. Gunboat-3
1 day /phase
Pot: 80 D - Autumn, 1846, Finished
South American Supremacy, No messaging, Anon, WTA
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by Slow (1891 D)

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Fri 20 Sep UTC Autumn, 1844: GameMaster: Peru voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
Fri 01 PM UTC GG. Brazil and Chile, well played, Peru, good alliance. Paraguay... why?? I helped keep you alive and then you attacked me so that you'd get rolled up by Brazil.
Fri 01 PM UTC Gg to all.well done Brazil. Good alliance from the beginning Peru !
Fri 02 PM UTC GG everyone. Couldn't really do more than stay alive with a few SCs in this game. :)
Fri 04 PM UTC GG to all. Nice alliance you manage to build early in the game Peru and Bolivia. And God knows it is difficult in gunboat. @Peru I think you should have tried earlier to stop your offensive on Venezuela so that he could have help you.
Fri 05 PM UTC GG all. Not sure if I would've been much help either way, Colombia had my number right from the start. The three-unit seats on this map seem tough in gunboat.
08:20 PM UTC Sorry i said venezuela but meant colombia, the green one
10:54 PM UTC Yea but by the time I was actually in Venezuela if I backed out then is just be fighting a war on two fronts. I took a gamble and lost.
10:55 PM UTC If only Bolivia had attacked Peru I may have had a better standing but either way, Brazil would have won.