Finished: 09 AM Wed 24 Jul 24 UTC
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Krzysztof1410 (1417 D)

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24 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1901: (marze1992): hello!
24 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1901: (Krzysztof1410): hi!
24 Jul 24 UTC Austria imo has much better starting position than France on this map in 1v1
24 Jul 24 UTC GG wp
24 Jul 24 UTC GG yes i think so, but i ve meesed up some orders, I didn't played in a while
24 Jul 24 UTC what do you think is the most balanced 1v1 map?
24 Jul 24 UTC I think that american civil war
24 Jul 24 UTC But union is still a little bit better
24 Jul 24 UTC Confederacy, sorry
24 Jul 24 UTC ah ok, i've never played... later, in a couple of hours, I will try it if you want to join.
24 Jul 24 UTC I won't be online :/ But maybe someone else will join :)
24 Jul 24 UTC Ok, cy, thanks for the advices!