Finished: 08 AM Wed 24 Jul 24 UTC
5 minutes /phase
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by marze1992 (1250 D)

< Return

Chat archive


24 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1901: hei!
24 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1901: hello!
24 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: gl, hf
24 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1902: What it means?
24 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1903: good luck have fun
24 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1905: why did my support from west med fail...?
24 Jul 24 UTC Think this will be a win for you
24 Jul 24 UTC I don't know... what's the winning condition? i don't remeber the number of supply centres
24 Jul 24 UTC gg
24 Jul 24 UTC ah ok was 18
24 Jul 24 UTC gg
24 Jul 24 UTC do you want to play another one? If you want an change map