Finished: 03 AM Thu 05 Sep UTC
Nwanku K
1 day /phase
Pot: 40 D - Spring, 2027, Finished
Africa, Public messaging only, Anon, WTA, noProcess:Sat
0 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game drawn

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Chat archive


17 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: Good luck!
17 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: And have fun!
17 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: Good luck, everyone. Know that Mali is actively seeking allies and will be a steadfast supporter of those who act with honor and integrity. Though the first year will no doubt be spent securing neutral centers, we will watch the global press carefully as the growing nations of Africa edge closer to conflict.
17 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: Good luck everyone, Madagascar only seeks for the welfare of the African people. We will be actively seeking for allies in the endeavour to together make Africa great again
17 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: P.S are the dark brown split centres a country playing as well or just neutrals?
17 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: The centres in Zimbabwe,Tunisia, etc.
18 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2012: Just neutrals.
18 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2012: Hopefully we can agree on a peaceful split of south-east Africa so neither of us gets bounced and misses the build. I would like dar es salam
18 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2012: also South Africa I would encourage you to take the atlantic ocean islands over pursuing any agression against madagascar in the indian ocean
18 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2012: Was going for it and then I panicked. Please do not take this as a sign of agression.
19 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2013: @Morocco: The people of Mali are satisfied with the current border between our nations and are willing to leave all supplies north of the Timbuktu center to you in return for lasting peace between our nations.
20 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 2013: @mali: that sounds reasonable :)
21 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2013: @Nigeria. I'm not moving north.
22 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2013: So much for peace, eh
22 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2013: Madagascar start isn’t best, I am cornered off the continent
25 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2014: @Nigeria: Given the (rather predictable) Moroccan treachery, you are welcome to annex my territories at your earliest convenience. Please plan accordingly and let me know if there is anything specific I can do to assist in this endeavor.
25 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2014: @Nigeria: We were alarmed by reports of an upcoming attack by Mali and reacted preemptive. We should join forces and secure peace on the african continent. We have no ill intentions.
30 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2015: Dear people of Africa! Enough bloodshed! I propose the formation of an African Council of the 5 largest nations to lead us to peace and prosperity.
30 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2015: I had be down for it
30 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 2015: lol, this dude beat up almost all the neighbors, and now he's writing about the peace council. Man, if there's going to be advice, it's definitely without you.
