Finished: 05 AM Tue 03 Sep 24 UTC
1 day, 1 hours /phase
Pot: 40 D - Autumn, 1990, Finished
Mate Against Mate, No messaging, Anon, WTA, Hidden draw votes, ChooseYourCountry, noProcess:Sun
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 3 turn(s)
Game won by smilingknight (1957 D)

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10 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1973: Info: This is a choose your country game.
09 Aug 24 UTC Autumn, 1984: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Tasmania replacing "Flameandraven". Reconsider your alliances.
03 Sep 24 UTC gg everyone. Indonesia is such a interesting country to play with in the map
03 Sep 24 UTC gg as well! I made an almost astounding lack of progress this game.
03 Sep 24 UTC Sorry for stabbing Western Australia, I realized that I could solo win if I stabbed successfully.
03 Sep 24 UTC I got ganged right off the bat
03 Sep 24 UTC good game all - sorry victoria