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02 AM Sun 03 Nov 24 UTC
Murder the Gods and Topple Their Thrones
2 days
Autumn, 1875
Imperial Diplomacy II
, WTA, Hidden draw votes
excused NMR / regain after
turn(s) / extend the first
Game drawn
< Return
Order history (last 20 turns):
Autumn, 1875
Spring, 1875
Autumn, 1874
Spring, 1874
Autumn, 1873
Spring, 1873
Autumn, 1872
Spring, 1872
Autumn, 1871
Spring, 1871
Autumn, 1870
Spring, 1870
Autumn, 1869
Spring, 1869
Autumn, 1868
Spring, 1868
Autumn, 1867
Spring, 1867
Autumn, 1866
Spring, 1866
Autumn, 1875
The fleet at Gibraltar {GB} hold.
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The army at Valencia {VLC} hold.
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Somalia {SOM} hold.
The fleet at Canary move to Azores {AZO}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at Tiris {TIR} move to Canary.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Western Mediterranean {W.MED}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The fleet at Toledo {TLD} support hold to Bay of Biscay.
The fleet at Bordeaux {BOR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support hold to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} support move to Horn of Africa from Aden {ADE}.
The fleet at Straits of Gibraltar {SGB} support move to Canary from Tiris {TIR}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} support move to Canary from Tiris {TIR}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support move to Azores {AZO} from Canary.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic support hold to Sargasso.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Drake support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support hold to Sargasso.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at North East Trades support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} support hold to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Chilean Basin support hold to South Pacific.
The fleet at South Pacific support hold to Society Islands {SCT}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of California support hold to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The army at Guatemala {GTM} support hold to Merida {MER}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Sargasso.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Calabozo {CLB}.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support hold to Gulf of California.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Honduras {HON} support hold to Guatemala {GTM}.
The fleet at Sargasso support hold to Canary.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support hold to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Barrier move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Finland {FIN} (North Coast) move to St Petersburg {STP} (North Coast).
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} move to Gulf of Manaar.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} support hold to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Chesapeake support hold to Eastern Seaboard {ESE}.
The fleet at London {LON} support hold to North Atlantic.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to Azores {AZO}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to East Indian.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Azores {AZO} support hold to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at East Indian support move to Gulf of Manaar from Andaman Islands {AMN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Middle Atlantic from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support move to St Petersburg {STP} from Finland {FIN}.
The fleet at Ceylon {CEY} support move to Gulf of Manaar from Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Antarctic Indian support move to South East Trades from Barrier.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} hold.
The fleet at Bangalore {BAN} move to Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} move to Horn of Africa.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Arabian.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Inner Mongolia {IMG} move to Manchuria {MNC}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The army at Canton {CAN} move to Wuhan {WUH}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} support hold to Gulf of Manaar.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support hold to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Syria {SYR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support hold to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} support hold to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} support hold to Oman {OMA}.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support move to Malaysia {MLS} from Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at Karachi {KRC} support move to Arabian from Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Oman {OMA} support move to Arabian from Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support move to East Indian from South East Trades.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support move to Andaman Sea from Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support move to Andaman Islands {AMN} from Andaman Sea.
The fleet at West Indian hold.
The army at Yukon {YUK} hold.
The army at Kenya {KEN} hold.
The army at Merida {MER} hold.
The army at Okrana {OKN} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Goodhope move to Antarctic Atlantic.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel move to Goodhope.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} move to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} move to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Sargasso.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} move to New Orleans {NOL}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Cuba {CUB}.
The fleet at North East Monsoon support hold to Horn of Africa.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The fleet at Horn of Africa support hold to Arabian.
The army at Congo {CNG} support hold to Kenya {KEN}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} support hold to Kenya {KEN}.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Antarctic Atlantic from Goodhope.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} support move to Mazatlan {MAZ} from Chihuahua {CHI}.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} support move to Sargasso from Bahamas {BHA}.
The army at Sonora {SON} support move to Mazatlan {MAZ} from Chihuahua {CHI}.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Coral move to Tasman.
The fleet at Bismark move to Coral.
The fleet at New South Wales {NSW} move to South Australia.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at South East Trades move to East Indian.
The fleet at South West Pacific support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Counter Current support hold to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific support hold to New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to West Coast.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at West Coast support hold to Counter Current.
The fleet at Sunda support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to East Indian from South East Trades.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Timor support move to South East Trades from Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} support move to South East Trades from Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Prussia {PRS} move to Baltic Sea.
The army at Stuttgart {STU} move to Metz {MET}.
The army at Ruhr {RH} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Bordeaux {BOR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} support move to Baltic Sea from Prussia {PRS}.
Spring, 1875
The fleet at Bordeaux {BOR} hold.
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} hold.
The army at Valencia {VLC} hold.
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Somalia {SOM} hold.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (East Coast) move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Canary move to Azores {AZO}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at Tiris {TIR} move to Canary.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The fleet at Algeria {ALG} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The fleet at Toledo {TLD} support hold to Bay of Biscay.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support hold to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Gibraltar {GB} support move to Morocco {MRC} from Algeria {ALG}.
The fleet at Straits of Gibraltar {SGB} support move to Canary from Tiris {TIR}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Tawarek {TWR}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support move to Azores {AZO} from Canary.
The fleet at Recife {REC} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to Cape Verde Islands {VRD}.
The fleet at Drake support hold to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support hold to Sargasso.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} support hold to South Pacific.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} support hold to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Chilean Basin support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at South Pacific support hold to Society Islands {SCT}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of California support hold to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The army at Guatemala {GTM} support hold to Merida {MER}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Calabozo {CLB}.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support hold to Gulf of California.
The army at Honduras {HON} support hold to Guatemala {GTM}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support hold to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Brazil Current support move to Middle Atlantic from Recife {REC}.
The fleet at North East Trades support move to Middle Atlantic from Recife {REC}.
The fleet at Sargasso support move to Cape Verde Islands {VRD} from Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Richmond {RCM} move to Eastern Seaboard {ESE}.
The fleet at Nova Scotia {NVS} move to Chesapeake.
The fleet at Barrier move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} move to Holland {HOL}.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Finland {FIN} (North Coast) move to St Petersburg {STP} (North Coast).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} move to Canary.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar move to Bay of Bengal.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} move to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at London {LON} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to Azores {AZO}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at East Indian support hold to Sumatra {SUM}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Seattle {SEA}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to East Indian.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to South East Trades from Barrier.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Azores {AZO} support move to Canary from Cape Verde Islands {VRD}.
The fleet at Antarctic Indian support move to South East Trades from Barrier.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar retreat to Ceylon {CEY}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} disband.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} disband.
The fleet at Baghdad {BAG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Karachi {KRC} move to Arabian.
The fleet at Hadramaut {HDR} (North Coast) move to Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to East Indian.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Tibet {TIB}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} move to Inner Mongolia {IMG}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal move to Gulf of Manaar.
The army at Burma {BRM} move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Tonkin {TNK} move to Canton {CAN}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} move to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Syria {SYR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support hold to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} support hold to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} support move to Red Sea {RED} from Cairo {CAI}.
The fleet at Oman {OMA} support move to Persian Gulf from Hadramaut {HDR}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to South East Trades from Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} support move to Gulf of Manaar from Bay of Bengal.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Afganistan {AFG}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support move to Andaman Sea from Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at South Atlantic hold.
The fleet at West Indian hold.
The army at Yukon {YUK} hold.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} hold.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} hold.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} hold.
The army at Merida {MER} hold.
The army at Sonora {SON} hold.
The army at Okrana {OKN} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} move to Goodhope.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Red Sea {RED}.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico move to Tampa.
The army at Kenya {KEN} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at North East Monsoon support hold to Arabian.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to Sonora {SON}.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} support hold to Sonora {SON}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel support move to Goodhope from Cape Town {CTN}.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} support move to Eastern Seaboard {ESE} from Richmond {RCM}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} support move to Kenya {KEN} from Congo {CNG}.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The fleet at Bismark move to Coral.
The fleet at Philippine move to Bismark.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at New South Wales {NSW} move to Barrier.
The fleet at Northern Territories {NTR} move to Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Sunda support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at South West Pacific support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Counter Current support hold to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to West Coast.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at West Coast support hold to Counter Current.
The fleet at Timor support move to South East Trades from Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to Sumatra {SUM} from South East Trades.
The fleet at Prussia {PRS} move to Baltic Sea.
The army at Bavaria {BAV} move to Stuttgart {STU}.
The army at Ruhr {RH} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} support move to Baltic Sea from Prussia {PRS}.
Autumn, 1874
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The army at Valencia {VLC} hold.
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Somalia {SOM} hold.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (East Coast) move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} move to Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Canary.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tubruq {TBQ}.
The fleet at Tunis {TUN} move to Algeria {ALG}.
The fleet at Straits of Gibraltar {SGB} move to Bay of Biscay.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} support hold to Tiris {TIR}.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} support hold to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support hold to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support hold to Tiris {TIR}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Toledo {TLD} support move to Bay of Biscay from Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
The fleet at Bordeaux {BOR} support move to Bay of Biscay from Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
The fleet at Tiris {TIR} support move to Canary from Morocco {MRC}.
Build fleet at Gibraltar {GB}.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} hold.
The fleet at North East Trades move to Sargasso.
The army at Honduras {HON} move to Guatemala {GTM}.
The army at Lima {LMA} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} move to Calabozo {CLB}.
The army at Panama {PAN} move to Honduras {HON}.
The fleet at Sargasso move to Eastern Seaboard {ESE}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Drake support hold to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} support hold to South Pacific.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} support hold to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Chilean Basin support hold to Drake.
The fleet at South Pacific support hold to Society Islands {SCT}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of California support hold to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support hold to Sonora {SON}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic support move to Sargasso from North East Trades.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support move to Sargasso from North East Trades.
The army at Oman {OMA} hold.
The fleet at London {LON} move to North Atlantic.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to Eastern Seaboard {ESE}.
The fleet at South Australia move to Barrier.
The fleet at East Indian move to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Finland {FIN} (North Coast) move to St Petersburg {STP} (North Coast).
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Antarctic Indian move to Goodhope.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Seattle {SEA}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support hold to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support hold to Canary.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at Azores {AZO} support hold to Bay of Biscay.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support move to Sierra Leone {SIE} from Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support move to Middle Atlantic from Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} support move to Middle Atlantic from Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support move to Andaman Sea from East Indian.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support move to North Atlantic from London {LON}.
The fleet at South East Trades disband.
The army at Oman {OMA} disband.
The fleet at Java {JVA} disband.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay disband.
Build fleet at Nova Scotia {NVS}.
Build fleet at Richmond {RCM}.
The fleet at Bangalore {BAN} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Oman {OMA}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Lucknow {LCK}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Java {JVA}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} move to Arabian.
The army at Evenki {EVE} move to Irkutsk {IRK}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} move to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} move to Tonkin {TNK}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} move to Aden {ADE}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support hold to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support hold to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Syria {SYR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support hold to Syria {SYR}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Burma {BRM} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Hadramaut {HDR} (North Coast) support move to Oman {OMA} from Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Lucknow {LCK}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support move to Madras {MDS} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Lucknow {LCK}.
Build fleet at Singapore {SP}.
Build fleet at Aden {ADE}.
Build fleet at Baghdad {BAG}.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at South Atlantic hold.
The army at Yukon {YUK} hold.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} hold.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} hold.
The army at Sonora {SON} hold.
The army at Okrana {OKN} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel move to Goodhope.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Red Sea {RED}.
The army at Coahula {COA} move to Mexico City {MXC}.
The army at Austin {AUS} move to Chihuahua {CHI}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Bahamas {BHA}.
The fleet at Merida {MER} move to Gulf of Mexico.
The army at Kenya {KEN} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} move to Merida {MER}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The fleet at West Indian support hold to South East Trades.
The fleet at North East Monsoon support hold to Arabian.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to Sonora {SON}.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The fleet at Canary support hold to Cape Verde Islands {VRD}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Congo {CNG} support move to Kenya {KEN} from Mozambique {MOZ}.
The fleet at Canary disband.
Build fleet at Cape Town {CTN}.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The fleet at Philippine move to Bismark.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Philippine.
The fleet at Luzon Sea {LUZON} move to Sunda.
The fleet at Barrier move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Tasman move to New South Wales {NSW}.
The fleet at Coral move to New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at South West Pacific support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support hold to Timor.
The fleet at Counter Current support hold to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific support hold to Barrier.
The fleet at Northern Territories {NTR} support hold to Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to West Coast.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at West Coast support hold to Counter Current.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Timor support move to Java {JVA} from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} support move to South East Trades from Barrier.
Build fleet at Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Prussia {PRS} move to Baltic Sea.
The army at Silesia {SIL} move to Bavaria {BAV}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Bordeaux {BOR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} support move to Baltic Sea from Prussia {PRS}.
Build army at Ruhr {RH}.
Spring, 1874
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} hold.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} hold.
The army at Somalia {SOM} hold.
The fleet at Gibraltar {GB} move to Toledo {TLD}.
The fleet at Toledo {TLD} move to Bordeaux {BOR}.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (East Coast) move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Canary.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Tripoli {TRP} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tunis {TUN}.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} move to Piedmont {PIE}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} move to Marseilles {MRS}.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} support hold to Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} support hold to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support hold to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support hold to Tiris {TIR}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Tiris {TIR} support move to Canary from Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Valencia {VLC} support move to Toledo {TLD} from Gibraltar {GB}.
The fleet at Straits of Gibraltar {SGB} support move to Canary from Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ} move to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Falkland Islands {FLK} move to Drake.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} move to Sargasso.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} support hold to South Pacific.
The fleet at South Pacific support hold to Society Islands {SCT}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin support hold to South Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of California support hold to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The army at Honduras {HON} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support hold to Sonora {SON}.
The army at Panama {PAN} support hold to Honduras {HON}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at North East Trades support move to Sargasso from Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic support move to Sargasso from Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} support move to Brazil Current from Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The fleet at Chilean Basin support move to Drake from Falkland Islands {FLK}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support move to Sargasso from Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The army at Madras {MDS} hold.
The army at Oman {OMA} hold.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} move to Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} move to Seattle {SEA}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Finland {FIN} (North Coast) move to St Petersburg {STP} (North Coast).
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Middle Atlantic.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Antarctic Atlantic move to Antarctic Indian.
The fleet at London {LON} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to Bay of Biscay.
The fleet at Barrier support hold to Perth {PRT}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Perth {PRT} support hold to Barrier.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Java {JVA} support hold to South East Trades.
The fleet at East Indian support hold to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support hold to Canary.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at South East Trades support hold to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support hold to South East Trades.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support hold to Canary.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Oman {OMA}.
The fleet at Azores {AZO} support hold to Canary.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Skagerrak {SKG}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support move to Helgoland Bight {HLG} from Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support move to Denmark {DEN} from Skagerrak {SKG}.
The fleet at Barrier retreat to South Australia.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} disband.
The army at Madras {MDS} disband.
The fleet at Baghdad {BAG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Hadramaut {HDR} (North Coast) move to Oman {OMA}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Hong Kong {HK} move to South China Sea.
The fleet at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Yakutsk {YAK} move to Evenki {EVE}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Afganistan {AFG}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} move to Syria {SYR}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal move to Gulf of Manaar.
The army at Burma {BRM} move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Aden {ADE} move to Mecca {MEC}.
The army at Assam {ASM} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support hold to Lucknow {LCK}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support move to Bay of Bengal from Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf support move to Oman {OMA} from Hadramaut {HDR}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to Timor from Queensland {QUE}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Timor from Queensland {QUE}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support move to Syria {SYR} from Mecca {MEC}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support move to Madras {MDS} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Syria {SYR} from Mecca {MEC}.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel hold.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} hold.
The fleet at Merida {MER} hold.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} hold.
The army at Sonora {SON} hold.
The army at Okrana {OKN} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} move to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Goodhope move to West Indian.
The fleet at West Indian move to North East Monsoon.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Red Sea {RED}.
The army at Austin {AUS} move to Coahula {COA}.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} move to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} move to Austin {AUS}.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Cuba {CUB}.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} move to Sargasso.
The army at Kenya {KEN} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} support hold to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The fleet at Canary support move to Sargasso from Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} support move to Kenya {KEN} from Congo {CNG}.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The fleet at Okinawa {OKI} move to Philippine.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Philippine move to Luzon Sea {LUZON}.
The fleet at New South Wales {NSW} move to Barrier.
The fleet at Westerlies move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} move to Timor.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Timor move to Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at South West Pacific support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Counter Current support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Coral support hold to South West Pacific.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to West Coast.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at West Coast support hold to Counter Current.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Timor from Queensland {QUE}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific support move to Barrier from New South Wales {NSW}.
The fleet at Tasman support move to Barrier from New South Wales {NSW}.
The fleet at Northern Territories {NTR} support move to Perth {PRT} from Timor.
The fleet at Prussia {PRS} move to Baltic Sea.
The army at Silesia {SIL} move to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support move to North Sea {NORTH} from Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} support move to Baltic Sea from Prussia {PRS}.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} disband.
Autumn, 1873
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The army at Valencia {VLC} hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Toledo {TLD} move to Bay of Biscay.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (East Coast) move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Gulf of Lyon {LYON} move to Western Mediterranean {W.MED}.
The fleet at Algeria {ALG} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The army at Rome {ROM} move to Tripoli {TRP} via convoy.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support hold to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Somalia {SOM} support hold to Gall Land {GAL}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Straits of Gibraltar {SGB} support hold to Canary.
The fleet at Canary support move to Bay of Biscay from Toledo {TLD}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Taganet {TGN} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} convoy to Tripoli {TRP} from Rome {ROM}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea convoy to Tripoli {TRP} from Rome {ROM}.
The fleet at Canary disband.
Build fleet at Gibraltar {GB}.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Coast of Argentina move to Falkland Islands {FLK}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Brazil Current move to South Georgia Islands {SGR}.
The fleet at Drake move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to South Pacific.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} support hold to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of California support hold to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The army at Honduras {HON} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Sargasso.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support hold to Sonora {SON}.
The army at Panama {PAN} support hold to Honduras {HON}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support hold to Virgin Islands {VRG}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} support move to South Pacific from Chilean Basin.
The fleet at North East Trades support move to Middle Atlantic from Recife {REC}.
Build fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
Build fleet at Recife {REC}.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} hold.
The army at Oman {OMA} hold.
The fleet at Java {JVA} hold.
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} hold.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} move to Skagerrak {SKG}.
The fleet at Tasman move to Barrier.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Finland {FIN} (North Coast) move to St Petersburg {STP} (North Coast).
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Bombay {BOM}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at South Australia move to Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at London {LON} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to Bay of Biscay.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at East Indian support hold to Sumatra {SUM}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Seattle {SEA}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support hold to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Oman {OMA}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Antarctic Atlantic support hold to Drake.
The fleet at Northern Territories {NTR} support move to Perth {PRT} from South Australia.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Madras {MDS} support move to Bombay {BOM} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support move to Tiris {TIR} from Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support move to Canary from Sargasso.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support move to Canary from Sargasso.
The fleet at Azores {AZO} support move to Canary from Sargasso.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support move to Skagerrak {SKG} from Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at Northern Territories {NTR} disband.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} disband.
Destroy the unit at South Australia.
Destroy the unit at British Columbia {BCL}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Oman {OMA}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The fleet at Fuchan {FUC} move to Hong Kong {HK}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} move to Yakutsk {YAK}.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Mecca {MEC}.
The fleet at Bengal {BEN} move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Mecca {MEC} move to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support hold to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support hold to Tabrize {TBR}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Burma {BRM} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support hold to Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Hadramaut {HDR} (North Coast) support move to Oman {OMA} from Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to Sumatra {SUM} from Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support move to Andaman Sea from Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} support move to Bay of Bengal from Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Bay of Bengal.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Bay of Bengal.
The army at Assam {ASM} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Tibet {TIB}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Aden {ADE} from Mecca {MEC}.
Build fleet at Baghdad {BAG}.
Do not use build order.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} hold.
The fleet at Merida {MER} hold.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Transvaal {TRN} move to Goodhope.
The fleet at Goodhope move to West Indian.
The army at Alberta {ALB} move to Yukon {YUK}.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel move to Horn of Africa.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Red Sea {RED}.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico move to Tampa.
The army at New Orleans {NOL} move to Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Sargasso move to Canary.
The army at Kenya {KEN} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Okrana {OKN} move to Congo {CNG}.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Sonora {SON} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} support move to Kenya {KEN} from Congo {CNG}.
Build fleet at Cape Town {CTN}.
The fleet at Philippine hold.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at New South Wales {NSW} move to South Australia.
The fleet at Bering Sea move to Westerlies.
The fleet at North Pacific move to Counter Current.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} move to Tasman.
The fleet at Timor move to Northern Territories {NTR}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} move to Timor.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Coral support hold to Queensland {QUE}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to West Coast.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support hold to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at West Coast support hold to Gulf of California.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea support move to South West Pacific from Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Timor from New Guinea {NGU}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific support move to Tasman from New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} support move to Northern Territories {NTR} from Timor.
Build fleet at Edo {EDO}.
Build fleet at Okinawa {OKI}.
The fleet at Guatemala {GTM} (East Coast) move to Honduras {HON} (East Coast).
Destroy the unit at Guatemala {GTM}.
The fleet at Prussia {PRS} move to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Berlin {BER}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support move to North Sea {NORTH} from Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} support move to Baltic Sea from Prussia {PRS}.
The army at Aden {ADE} hold.
The army at Aden {ADE} disband.
Spring, 1873
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} hold.
The fleet at Ionian Sea hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Gibraltar {GB} move to Toledo {TLD}.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (East Coast) move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Tunis {TUN} move to Algeria {ALG}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Valencia {VLC} move to Rome {ROM} via convoy.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The army at Toledo {TLD} move to Valencia {VLC}.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Canary.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} move to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support move to Somalia {SOM} from Abyssinia {ABY}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from El Jouf {ELJ}.
The fleet at Straits of Gibraltar {SGB} support move to Canary from Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at Gulf of Lyon {LYON} convoy to Rome {ROM} from Valencia {VLC}.
The fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ} move to Coast of Argentina.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} move to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to South Pacific.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to South Pacific.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} support hold to North East Trades.
The fleet at North East Trades support hold to Virgin Islands {VRG}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Drake.
The fleet at Drake support hold to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of California support hold to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The army at Honduras {HON} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Sargasso.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support hold to Gulf of California.
The army at Panama {PAN} support hold to Honduras {HON}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support hold to Virgin Islands {VRG}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Dublin {DUB} move to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} move to Coral.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} move to Oman {OMA}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to Tasman.
The fleet at Barrier move to Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} move to Timor.
The fleet at East Indian move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Finland {FIN} (North Coast) move to St Petersburg {STP} (North Coast).
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to Cape Verde Islands {VRD}.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay move to Canary.
The army at Perth {PRT} move to South Australia.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to Azores {AZO}.
The fleet at South Atlantic move to Antarctic Atlantic.
The fleet at London {LON} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} support hold to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} support hold to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to Andaman Sea from East Indian.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} retreat to Northern Territories {NTR}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} retreat to Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal retreat to Gulf of Manaar.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} hold.
The fleet at Baghdad {BAG} move to Hadramaut {HDR} (North Coast).
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Arabian.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Delhi {DEL}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Shanghai {SHA} move to Fuchan {FUC}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} move to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} move to Armenia {ARM}.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Mecca {MEC}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} move to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Tabrize {TBR}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support hold to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Burma {BRM} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Assam {ASM} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Andaman Sea from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Delhi {DEL}.
The fleet at Bengal {BEN} support move to Bay of Bengal from Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support move to Andaman Sea from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support move to Bombay {BOM} from Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} support move to Bay of Bengal from Andaman Sea.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Hadramaut {HDR} from Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Transvaal {TRN} move to Malagasy Channel.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} move to Goodhope.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} move to Alberta {ALB}.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel move to Horn of Africa.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Cuba {CUB}.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} move to New Orleans {NOL}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} move to Merida {MER}.
The army at Kenya {KEN} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} move to Sonora {SON}.
The army at Cameroon {CMN} move to Okrana {OKN}.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} move to Mozambique {MOZ}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support move to Sonora {SON} from Chihuahua {CHI}.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico support move to Merida {MER} from Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The fleet at Sargasso support move to Cape Verde Islands {VRD} from Middle Atlantic.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} support move to Merida {MER} from Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support move to Canary from Morocco {MRC}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} disband.
The fleet at Okinawa {OKI} move to Philippine.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} move to Alaska {ALK}.
The fleet at Bismark move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Tasman move to New South Wales {NSW}.
The fleet at Sunda move to Sarawak {SRW}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska move to North Pacific.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Timor move to Queensland {QUE}.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} move to Timor.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to West Coast.
The fleet at West Coast support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Bering Sea support move to Alaska {ALK} from Anchorage {ANC}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} support move to Antarctic Pacific from South West Pacific.
The fleet at Coral support move to Queensland {QUE} from Timor.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support move to Kirbati Sea from Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Guatemala {GTM} (East Coast) move to Merida {MER}.
The fleet at Prussia {PRS} move to Baltic Sea.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support move to North Sea {NORTH} from Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} support move to Baltic Sea from Prussia {PRS}.
The army at Aden {ADE} support move to Hadramaut {HDR} from Baghdad {BAG}.
Autumn, 1872
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} hold.
The fleet at Ionian Sea hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Lyon {LYON} move to Western Mediterranean {W.MED}.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Tunis {TUN}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} move to Sudan {SUD}.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Toledo {TLD} move to Valencia {VLC}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The army at Gibraltar {GB} move to Toledo {TLD}.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Canary.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The army at Darfur {DAR} move to Abyssinia {ABY}.
The army at Tiris {TIR} move to Taganet {TGN}.
The fleet at Valencia {VLC} move to Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
The army at Angora {ANG} support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Gall Land {GAL} support hold to Kenya {KEN}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} support move to Taganet {TGN} from Tiris {TIR}.
Build fleet at Cairo {CAI} (East Coast).
Build fleet at Gibraltar {GB}.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} move to North East Trades.
The fleet at Recife {REC} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Gulf of California.
The army at Bogota {BGT} move to Lima {LMA}.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama move to Eastern Pacific.
The army at Honduras {HON} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The army at Panama {PAN} support hold to Honduras {HON}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support hold to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The fleet at Brazil Current support move to Middle Atlantic from Recife {REC}.
The fleet at Drake support move to Chilean Basin from Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support move to North East Trades from Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Mazatlan {MAZ} support move to Gulf of California from Eastern Pacific.
Build fleet at Society Islands {SCT}.
Build fleet at Paramaribo {PRM}.
Build fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The army at Perth {PRT} hold.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} move to Coral.
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Tasman move to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Antarctic Indian move to Barrier.
The fleet at Java {JVA} move to Timor.
The fleet at East Indian move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Taganet {TGN} move to El Jouf {ELJ}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} move to Coral.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Barents Sea move to Finland {FIN} (North Coast).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} move to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay move to Canary.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} move to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} move to Baltic Sea.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} support hold to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support move to Finland {FIN} from Barents Sea.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Middle Atlantic from Gulf of Guinea.
The fleet at Grain Coast {GCS} support move to Ivory Coast {IVC} from Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support move to Finland {FIN} from Barents Sea.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support move to Andaman Sea from Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Middle Atlantic from Gulf of Guinea.
The army at Taganet {TGN} retreat to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} disband.
Build army at Monrovia {MNV}.
Build fleet at Dublin {DUB}.
Build fleet at London {LON}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} hold.
The fleet at Baghdad {BAG} move to Persian Gulf.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Delhi {DEL}.
The fleet at Peking {PEK} move to Shanghai {SHA}.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} move to Alaska {ALK} via convoy.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} move to Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Bengal {BEN} move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Tabrize {TBR}.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} move to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The army at Assam {ASM} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} move to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support hold to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support hold to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Burma {BRM} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Assam {ASM}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support move to Bay of Bengal from Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Delhi {DEL}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support move to Bombay {BOM} from Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} support move to Bay of Bengal from Bengal {BEN}.
Build fleet at Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Cameroon {CMN} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The army at Chicago {CHI} move to Nebraska {NEB}.
The fleet at Goodhope move to Malagasy Channel.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel move to Horn of Africa.
The army at New Orleans {NOL} move to Austin {AUS}.
The fleet at Atlanta {ATL} move to Tampa.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The army at Kansas {KAN} move to Oklahoma {OKL}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} move to Merida {MER}.
The army at Kenya {KEN} move to Gall Land {GAL}.
The army at Coahula {COA} move to Mexico City {MXC}.
The army at Sonora {SON} move to Chihuahua {CHI}.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} move to Congo {CNG}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} support hold to Sargasso.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} support move to Chihuahua {CHI} from Sonora {SON}.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico support move to Austin {AUS} from New Orleans {NOL}.
The fleet at Sargasso support move to Canary from Bay of Biscay.
Build fleet at Cape Town {CTN}.
Build fleet at Transvaal {TRN}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support move to Canary from Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} retreat to Denkyera {DMK}.
Destroy the unit at Denkyera {DMK}.
The fleet at Coral move to Tasman.
The fleet at Mindanao {MND} move to Sunda.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} move to Coral.
The fleet at Timor move to Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} move to Timor.
The fleet at West Coast move to San Francisco {SFR}.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support hold to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} support move to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
The fleet at Bismark support move to Coral from Fiji {FIJ}.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent support move to Coral from Fiji {FIJ}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska support move to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
The fleet at South West Pacific support move to New Zealand {NZE} from Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support move to San Francisco {SFR} from West Coast.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Bering Sea convoy to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
Build fleet at Okinawa {OKI}.
The fleet at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} move to New Mexico {NME}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Guatemala {GTM} (East Coast) move to Merida {MER}.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} retreat to Coahula {COA}.
The fleet at Austin {AUS} retreat to Coahula {COA}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} move to Berlin {BER}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} move to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} move to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Finland {FIN} move to Norway {NOR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at Helgoland Bight {HLG} support move to North Sea {NORTH} from Holland {HOL}.
The army at Finland {FIN} disband.
Build fleet at Prussia {PRS}.
The army at Aden {ADE} support hold to Mecca {MEC}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} support hold to Aden {ADE}.
Destroy the unit at Mecca {MEC}.
Spring, 1872
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The army at Constantinople {CON} move to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Corsica {CRS} move to Gulf of Lyon {LYON}.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Western Mediterranean {W.MED}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to El Jouf {ELJ}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} move to Aswan {ASW}.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The army at Valencia {VLC} move to Toledo {TLD}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Tubruq {TBQ}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} move to Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Canary.
The fleet at Angora {ANG} (South Coast) move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Darfur {DAR} move to Gall Land {GAL}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The fleet at Gulf of Lyon {LYON} move to Valencia {VLC}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support move to Angora {ANG} from Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Gibraltar {GB} support move to Toledo {TLD} from Valencia {VLC}.
The army at Baku {BKU} support move to Angora {ANG} from Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Tiris {TIR} support move to El Jouf {ELJ} from Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} move to Caledonia {CLD}.
The fleet at Drake move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} move to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Kirbati Sea.
The army at Lima {LMA} move to Honduras {HON} via convoy.
The fleet at North East Trades move to Virgin Islands {VRG}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} move to Calabozo {CLB}.
The fleet at Gulf of California move to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Recife {REC}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support move to Calabozo {CLB} from Barcelone {BRC}.
The army at Panama {PAN} support move to Honduras {HON} from Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support move to Virgin Islands {VRG} from North East Trades.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama convoy to Honduras {HON} from Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} move to Timor.
The fleet at Coral move to South West Pacific.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Antarctic Indian move to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Baltic Sea move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Barents Sea move to Finland {FIN} (North Coast).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Monrovia {MNV} move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} move to Livonia {LIV}.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Timor.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal move to Bengal {BEN}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Toledo {TLD} move to Bay of Biscay.
The army at Perth {PRT} move to Northern Territories {NTR}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Arabian.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to Canary.
The fleet at South Atlantic move to Middle Atlantic.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} support hold to Nejaaz {NEJ}.
The fleet at East Indian support hold to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} support hold to Hadramaut {HDR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Bombay {BOM}.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sumatra {SUM}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} support move to South West Pacific from Coral.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support move to Grain Coast {GCS} from Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Baltic Sea.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Coral retreat to Tasman.
The fleet at Andaman Sea disband.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} disband.
The fleet at Peking {PEK} hold.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} hold.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Baghdad {BAG} move to Hadramaut {HDR} (North Coast).
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Delhi {DEL}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Bengal {BEN} move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Tabrize {TBR}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} move to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} move to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Nejaaz {NEJ}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Burma {BRM} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Singapore {SP}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support move to Gujarat {GUJ} from Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Andaman Sea from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Tabrize {TBR}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support move to Gujarat {GUJ} from Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support move to Andaman Sea from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} support move to Andaman Sea from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Delhi {DEL}.
The army at Assam {ASM} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Tibet {TIB}.
The army at Chicago {CHI} hold.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} move to Goodhope.
The fleet at Transvaal {TRN} move to Malagasy Channel.
The army at New Orleans {NOL} move to Austin {AUS}.
The fleet at Atlanta {ATL} move to New Orleans {NOL}.
The army at Kansas {KAN} move to New Mexico {NME}.
The army at Angola {AGL} move to Congo {CNG}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Gulf of Mexico.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} move to Kansas {KAN}.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Kenya {KEN}.
The army at Austin {AUS} move to Coahula {COA}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} move to Sonora {SON}.
The army at Okrana {OKN} move to Cameroon {CMN}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} move to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Botswana {BOT} move to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} support hold to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The fleet at Sargasso support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to Seattle {SEA}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support move to New Mexico {NME} from Kansas {KAN}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} support move to Gulf of Mexico from Tampa.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to Cape Verde Islands {VRD}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} support hold to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} support hold to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} disband.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} disband.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Bismark.
The fleet at West Pacific move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Bismark move to Coral.
The fleet at Mindanao {MND} move to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} move to Timor.
The fleet at Alaska {ALK} (South Coast) move to Gulf of Alaska.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at Timor move to Northern Territories {NTR}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska move to West Bay {W.BAY}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} move to West Coast.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} support move to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
The fleet at South West Pacific support move to New Zealand {NZE} from Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} support move to Coral from Bismark.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} support move to Timor from Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support move to Equatorial CounterCurrent from West Pacific.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Singapore {SP}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Coral from Bismark.
The fleet at Bering Sea convoy to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico move to Austin {AUS}.
The fleet at Calabozo {CLB} move to Caledonia {CLD}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Honduras {HON} (East Coast) move to Guatemala {GTM} (East Coast).
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} support move to Austin {AUS} from Gulf of Mexico.
The fleet at Calabozo {CLB} disband.
The army at Silesia {SIL} move to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Livonia {LIV} move to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Finland {FIN} move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support move to North Sea {NORTH} from Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} support move to Berlin {BER} from Silesia {SIL}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} retreat to Helgoland Bight {HLG}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} move to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} support move to Aden {ADE} from Nejaaz {NEJ}.
Autumn, 1871
The fleet at Ionian Sea hold.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Angora {ANG} (South Coast) hold.
The army at Darfur {DAR} hold.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR}.
The army at Tripoli {TRP} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} move to Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
The army at Morocco {MRC} move to Gibraltar {GB}.
The fleet at Algeria {ALG} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Fezz {FZZ}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Gulf of Lyon {LYON} move to Western Mediterranean {W.MED}.
The army at Cyprus {CYP} support hold to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} support hold to Cairo {CAI}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} support move to Fezz {FZZ} from Tubruq {TBQ}.
The army at Valencia {VLC} support move to Gibraltar {GB} from Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} support move to Paris {PAR} from Metz {MET}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support move to Nantes {NAN} from Rouen {ROU}.
Build army at Constantinople {CON}.
Build fleet at Corsica {CRS}.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Coast of Argentina move to Drake.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Caledonia {CLD} move to Barcelone {BRC}.
The fleet at Gulf of California move to Honduras {HON} (West Coast).
The army at Bogota {BGT} move to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin support hold to Society Islands {SCT}.
The fleet at Society Islands {SCT} support hold to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support hold to Gulf of Panama.
The fleet at Brazil Current support move to Drake from Coast of Argentina.
The army at Lima {LMA} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Barcelone {BRC}.
The fleet at North East Trades support move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} from Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama support move to Panama {PAN} from Bogota {BGT}.
Build fleet at Recife {REC}.
Build fleet at Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Monrovia {MNV} hold.
The fleet at Queensland {QUE} move to Timor.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea move to Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at Coral move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at West Indian move to Antarctic Indian.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Barents Sea move to Finland {FIN} (North Coast).
The fleet at Denkyera {DMK} move to Gulf of Guinea.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} move to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The army at Madras {MDS} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Gibraltar {GB} move to Straits of Gibraltar {SGB}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Northern Territories {NTR} move to Perth {PRT}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} support hold to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at East Indian support hold to Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} support hold to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} support hold to Monrovia {MNV}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at South East Trades support hold to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support move to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} from Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sumatra {SUM}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from El Jouf {ELJ}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support move to Norway {NOR} from Norwegian Sea.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Gulf of Guinea from Denkyera {DMK}.
The fleet at Gibraltar {GB} retreat to Toledo {TLD}.
The army at Paris {PAR} disband.
The army at Nantes {NAN} disband.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} disband.
Destroy the unit at Gujarat {GUJ}.
The fleet at Peking {PEK} hold.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} hold.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Burma {BRM} move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} move to Bay of Bengal.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support hold to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} support hold to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to South East Trades from Timor.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Bengal {BEN} support move to Bay of Bengal from Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) support move to Andaman Sea from Malaysia {MLS}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Syria {SYR}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support move to Rangoon {RNG} from Burma {BRM}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Assam {ASM} support move to Rangoon {RNG} from Burma {BRM}.
Build fleet at Baghdad {BAG}.
Build fleet at Singapore {SP}.
Do not use build order.
The army at Botswana {BOT} hold.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} move to Angola {AGL}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Gulf of Mexico.
The army at Alberta {ALB} move to Nebraska {NEB}.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} move to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} move to Austin {AUS}.
The army at Angola {AGL} move to Okrana {OKN}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} move to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} move to Oregon {ORG}.
The fleet at Atlanta {ATL} support hold to New Orleans {NOL}.
The army at Kansas {KAN} support hold to New Mexico {NME}.
The fleet at Sargasso support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at New Orleans {NOL} support move to Austin {AUS} from Oklahoma {OKL}.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} support move to Western Carribean {W.CAR} from Cuba {CUB}.
The army at Congo {CNG} support move to Okrana {OKN} from Angola {AGL}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} support move to Austin {AUS} from Oklahoma {OKL}.
Build army at San Francisco {SFR}.
Build army at Chicago {CHI}.
Build fleet at Transvaal {TRN}.
Build fleet at Cape Town {CTN}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} move to Monrovia {MNV}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Okrana {OKN} move to Cameroon {CMN}.
The army at Ivory Coast {IVC} move to Denkyera {DMK}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} support move to Monrovia {MNV} from Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea support move to Cameroon {CMN} from Okrana {OKN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} retreat to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea retreat to Middle Atlantic.
Destroy the unit at Denkyera {DMK}.
Destroy the unit at Cameroon {CMN}.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to West Pacific.
The fleet at Philippine move to Bismark.
The fleet at Kuril move to Bering Sea.
The fleet at Luzon {LUZ} move to Mindanao {MND}.
The fleet at Bismark move to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Alaska {ALK} (South Coast) move to Vancouver {VNC}.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Timor move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} move to Timor.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska move to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} support move to South West Pacific from Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Timor from Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support move to Victoria {VCT} from Gulf of Alaska.
Build army at Anchorage {ANC}.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} hold.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (South Coast) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico hold.
The fleet at Calabozo {CLB} hold.
The fleet at Honduras {HON} (East Coast) hold.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (South Coast) disband.
The army at Austin {AUS} disband.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} move to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} move to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Metz {MET} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Finland {FIN} move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Perm {PRM}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support move to North Sea {NORTH} from Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Finland {FIN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} retreat to Livonia {LIV}.
Build army at Silesia {SIL}.
Do not use build order.
The army at Aswan {ASW} move to Sudan {SUD}.
The army at Mecca {MEC} move to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Aden {ADE} from Mecca {MEC}.
Destroy the unit at Sudan {SUD}.
Spring, 1871
The army at Cyprus {CYP} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Venice {VEN} move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The army at Sofia {SOF} move to Tripoli {TRP} via convoy.
The army at Angora {ANG} move to Cairo {CAI} via convoy.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Western Mediterranean {W.MED}.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} move to Valencia {VLC}.
The army at Piedmont {PIE} move to Marseilles {MRS}.
The fleet at Tunis {TUN} move to Algeria {ALG}.
The fleet at Constantinople {CON} move to Angora {ANG} (South Coast).
The army at Fezz {FZZ} move to Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Algeria {ALG} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Corsica {CRS} move to Gulf of Lyon {LYON}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Morocco {MRC} support move to Tawarek {TWR} from Algeria {ALG}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support move to Valencia {VLC} from Marseilles {MRS}.
The army at Tubruq {TBQ} support move to Cairo {CAI} from Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea convoy to Tripoli {TRP} from Sofia {SOF}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} convoy to Cairo {CAI} from Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} convoy to Tripoli {TRP} from Sofia {SOF}.
The fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ} move to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Oliveira {OLI} move to Coast of Argentina.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Society Islands {SCT}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} move to North East Trades.
The army at Paramaribo {PRM} move to Caledonia {CLD}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama move to Gulf of California.
The fleet at Cayenne {CYN} move to Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} move to Gulf of Panama.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Barcelone {BRC}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support move to Gulf of Panama from Galapagos {GLP}.
The fleet at Tasman move to Coral.
The fleet at West Indian move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Arabian move to East Indian.
The fleet at East Indian move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Alaska {ALK} move to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Barents Sea move to Finland {FIN} (North Coast).
The fleet at Ivory Coast {IVC} move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Madras {MDS} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar move to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at Valencia {VLC} move to Gibraltar {GB}.
The army at Queensland {QUE} move to Northern Territories {NTR}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to El Jouf {ELJ}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} support hold to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Seattle {SEA} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Timor support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at British Columbia {BCL} support move to Vancouver {VNC} from Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Nejaaz {NEJ}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} support move to Coral from Tasman.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support move to Denmark {DEN} from Skagerrak {SKG}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support move to Vancouver {VNC} from Alaska {ALK}.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} support move to Coral from Tasman.
The fleet at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Monrovia {MNV} from Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Skagerrak {SKG}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to Andaman Sea from East Indian.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support move to Bay of Bengal from Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Skagerrak {SKG}.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Okrana {OKN} from Angola {AGL}.
The fleet at Timor retreat to Queensland {QUE}.
The fleet at Ivory Coast {IVC} retreat to Denkyera {DMK}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} disband.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} hold.
The fleet at Manchuria {MNC} move to Peking {PEK}.
The fleet at Sunda move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to Bay of Bengal.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast).
The army at Assam {ASM} move to Burma {BRM}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} move to Assam {ASM}.
The army at Baghdad {BAG} move to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} move to Alaska {ALK}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Kashgar {KSH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support hold to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support hold to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sunda.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Timor from Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support move to Syria {SYR} from Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support move to Rangoon {RNG} from Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} disband.
The fleet at Andaman Sea disband.
The army at Alberta {ALB} hold.
The army at Botswana {BOT} hold.
The army at Chicago {CHI} move to Kansas {KAN}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} move to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Gulf of Mexico.
The fleet at Cuba {CUB} move to Haiti {HAI}.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Cuba {CUB}.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} move to Congo {CNG}.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} move to Austin {AUS}.
The fleet at Atlanta {ATL} support hold to New Orleans {NOL}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} support hold to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to New Mexico {NME}.
The army at New Orleans {NOL} support move to Austin {AUS} from Oklahoma {OKL}.
The fleet at Sargasso support move to Haiti {HAI} from Cuba {CUB}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} support move to Austin {AUS} from Oklahoma {OKL}.
The army at Angola {AGL} support move to Congo {CNG} from Rhodesia {RHO}.
The army at Okrana {OKN} hold.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support move to Sierra Leone {SIE} from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea support move to Ivory Coast {IVC} from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} retreat to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} hold.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Okinawa {OKI} move to Philippine.
The fleet at Sapporo {SAP} move to Kuril.
The fleet at Philippine move to Luzon {LUZ}.
The fleet at Bismark move to Coral.
The fleet at Anchorage {ANC} move to Alaska {ALK} (South Coast).
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} move to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to Fiji {FIJ}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} move to Timor.
The fleet at North Pacific move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} move to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at South West Pacific support move to Fiji {FIJ} from Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} support move to Timor from Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska support move to Alaska {ALK} from Anchorage {ANC}.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sunda.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Timor from Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (South Coast) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico move to New Orleans {NOL}.
The fleet at Calabozo {CLB} move to Bogota {BGT} (North Coast).
The army at Haiti {HAI} move to Cuba {CUB}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} move to Honduras {HON} (East Coast).
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} support hold to Austin {AUS}.
The army at Austin {AUS} support move to New Orleans {NOL} from Gulf of Mexico.
The army at Haiti {HAI} disband.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Perm {PRM} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Finland {FIN} move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} support hold to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Finland {FIN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Finland {FIN}.
The army at Metz {MET} support move to Paris {PAR} from Rouen {ROU}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} move to Syria {SYR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Mecca {MEC}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Mecca {MEC} from Syria {SYR}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} retreat to Aswan {ASW}.
Autumn, 1870
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR}.
The army at Constantinople {CON} move to Cyprus {CYP} via convoy.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The army at Venice {VEN} move to Piedmont {PIE}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} move to Tunis {TUN}.
The fleet at Angora {ANG} (North Coast) move to Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Fezz {FZZ}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} move to Valencia {VLC}.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} move to Tubruq {TBQ} via convoy.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Corsica {CRS}.
The fleet at Black Sea support hold to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} support move to Paris {PAR} from Rouen {ROU}.
The army at Algeria {ALG} support move to Morocco {MRC} from Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea convoy to Tubruq {TBQ} from Bosnia {BOS}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} convoy to Cyprus {CYP} from Constantinople {CON}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} convoy to Tubruq {TBQ} from Bosnia {BOS}.
Build army at Angora {ANG}.
Build army at Sofia {SOF}.
Build fleet at Venice {VEN}.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Drake move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Recife {REC} move to North East Trades.
The army at Caledonia {CLD} move to Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Gulf of Panama.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} move to Cayenne {CYN}.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific support move to Pacific Basin from Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} support move to Gulf of Panama from Pacific Basin.
Build fleet at Oliveira {OLI}.
Build fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The fleet at Ivory Coast {IVC} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to Timor.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to Tasman.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} move to Coral.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} move to Bismark.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Taganet {TGN} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} move to Coral.
The fleet at Tiris {TIR} move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Barents Sea move to Finland {FIN} (North Coast).
The fleet at Baltic Sea move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Madras {MDS} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Valencia {VLC} move to Marseilles {MRS}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} move to Seattle {SEA}.
The army at Detroit {DET} move to Ontario {ONT}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} support hold to Victoria {VCT}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Hadramaut {HDR} support hold to Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at West Indian support hold to South East Trades.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} support hold to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The fleet at East Indian support hold to Sumatra {SUM}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} support hold to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The fleet at South East Trades support hold to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support hold to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support hold to South East Trades.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to East Indian.
The fleet at North Atlantic support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to Timor from Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Baltic Sea.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Arabian support move to Karachi {KRC} from Gujarat {GUJ}.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} support move to Timor from Perth {PRT}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Middle Atlantic support move to Sierra Leone {SIE} from Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf support move to Karachi {KRC} from Gujarat {GUJ}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Baltic Sea.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Angola {AGL} from Damaraland {DML}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} retreat to British Columbia {BCL}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} retreat to Baltic Sea.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} retreat to Alaska {ALK}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} disband.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} disband.
Destroy the unit at Ontario {ONT}.
The fleet at Manchuria {MNC} hold.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Sunda.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} move to Alaska {ALK} via convoy.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast).
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Afganistan {AFG}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Alaska {ALK} move to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support hold to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Andaman Sea.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Lucknow {LCK}.
The army at Assam {ASM} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support hold to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Afganistan {AFG}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Borneo {BOR}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Afganistan {AFG}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Bangalore {BAN}.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The army at Yukon {YUK} hold.
The army at Austin {AUS} move to New Orleans {NOL}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Cuba {CUB}.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} move to Alberta {ALB}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} move to Bahamas {BHA}.
The fleet at Sargasso move to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Botswana {BOT} move to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The army at Kansas {KAN} move to Oklahoma {OKL}.
The army at Utah {UTA} move to New Mexico {NME}.
The army at Damaraland {DML} move to Angola {AGL}.
The army at Cape Town {CTN} move to Botswana {BOT}.
The army at Mozambique {MOZ} support move to Rhodesia {RHO} from Botswana {BOT}.
The fleet at Tampa support move to Cuba {CUB} from Bahamas {BHA}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support move to New Mexico {NME} from Utah {UTA}.
The army at Austin {AUS} disband.
Build army at Chicago {CHI}.
Build army at New Orleans {NOL}.
Build fleet at Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} move to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Tiris {TIR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Monrovia {MNV} move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Cameroon {CMN} move to Gulf of Guinea.
The army at Angola {AGL} support hold to Rhodesia {RHO}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} support hold to Angola {AGL}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Kirbati Sea support move to South West Pacific from Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} retreat to Monrovia {MNV}.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} retreat to Congo {CNG}.
The army at Angola {AGL} retreat to Okrana {OKN}.
Destroy the unit at Society Islands {SCT}.
Destroy the unit at Congo {CNG}.
Destroy the unit at Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at North East Trades move to Sargasso.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support move to Sargasso from North East Trades.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Bengal {BEN}.
Destroy the unit at North East Trades.
Destroy the unit at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
Destroy the unit at Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at Bering Sea move to Anchorage {ANC}.
The fleet at West Pacific move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Marshal Islands {MHL} move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Timor move to Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} move to Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Coral move to New Guinea {NGU}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} move to Victoria {VCT}.
The fleet at Philippine support hold to Bismark.
The fleet at Bismark support move to New Guinea {NGU} from Coral.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Irian Java {IJA} from Timor.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska support move to Vancouver {VNC} from Alaska {ALK}.
The fleet at North Pacific support move to Anchorage {ANC} from Bering Sea.
Build fleet at Sapporo {SAP}.
Build fleet at Okinawa {OKI}.
Build fleet at Kagoshima {KG}.
Build fleet at Edo {EDO}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (South Coast) hold.
The army at Coahula {COA} move to Austin {AUS}.
The fleet at Gulf of Mexico move to New Orleans {NOL}.
The fleet at Calabozo {CLB} move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} move to Cuba {CUB}.
The army at Chihuahua {CHI} support move to Austin {AUS} from Coahula {COA}.
The army at Haiti {HAI} support move to Virgin Islands {VRG} from Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} move to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Perm {PRM} move to St Petersburg {STP}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Prussia {PRS}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} support hold to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support move to Perm {PRM} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Metz {MET} support move to Paris {PAR} from Rouen {ROU}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Finland {FIN} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} move to Cairo {CAI}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Aswan {ASW}.
The army at Baghdad {BAG} move to Hadramaut {HDR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Cairo {CAI} move to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Somalia {SOM} move to Abyssinia {ABY}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Hadramaut {HDR} from Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Baghdad {BAG} disband.
Destroy the unit at Aswan {ASW}.
Destroy the unit at Abyssinia {ABY}.
Spring, 1870
The army at Constantinople {CON} hold.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} hold.
The fleet at Croatia {CRT} move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The army at Piedmont {PIE} move to Marseilles {MRS}.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The army at Vienna {VIE} move to Venice {VEN}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} move to Baku {BKU} via convoy.
The army at Galicia {GLC} move to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Sofia {SOF} move to Tubruq {TBQ} via convoy.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} move to Bordeaux {BOR}.
The army at Tripoli {TRP} move to Algeria {ALG}.
The fleet at Sicily {SIC} move to Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR}.
The fleet at Angora {ANG} (North Coast) support move to Baku {BKU} from Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Sevastopol {SEV} from Galicia {GLC}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea convoy to Tubruq {TBQ} from Sofia {SOF}.
The fleet at Black Sea convoy to Baku {BKU} from Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} convoy to Tubruq {TBQ} from Sofia {SOF}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} hold.
The fleet at Brazil Current move to Drake.
The fleet at Drake move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Eastern Pacific.
The army at Amazon {AMA} move to Caledonia {CLD}.
The fleet at Quito {QTO} move to Pacific Basin.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Pramaiba {PRA}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to Recife {REC}.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} support move to Eastern Pacific from Pacific Basin.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} hold.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to Timor.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} move to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Aden {ADE} move to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Goodhope move to West Indian.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to Fiji {FIJ}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} move to Seattle {SEA}.
The fleet at Timor move to Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Coral move to Bismark.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Tiris {TIR} move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska move to North Pacific.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at North Passage move to Barents Sea.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Ivory Coast {IVC}.
The fleet at Antarctic Indian move to South East Trades.
The army at Madras {MDS} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Sumatra {SUM}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} move to Seattle {SEA}.
The army at Ohio {OHI} move to Detroit {DET}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay move to North Atlantic.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Gulf of Manaar.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support hold to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Valencia {VLC} support hold to Marseilles {MRS}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Irian Java {IJA} from Timor.
The fleet at East Indian support move to Sumatra {SUM} from South East Trades.
The army at Taganet {TGN} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from El Jouf {ELJ}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf support move to Hadramaut {HDR} from Aden {ADE}.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at South Atlantic convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Coral retreat to New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska disband.
The fleet at Manchuria {MNC} hold.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Kashgar {KSH}.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Tibet {TIB} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Borneo {BOR}.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} move to Alaska {ALK} via convoy.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Tabrize {TBR}.
The fleet at Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast) move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} move to Assam {ASM}.
The army at Evenki {EVE} move to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} move to Armenia {ARM}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} move to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} move to Khiva {KHV}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Alaska {ALK} move to Vancouver {VNC}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support hold to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at South China Sea support move to Gulf of Siam from Cochin {CCH}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Kashgar {KSH}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} support move to Rajputana {RAJ} from Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Timor from Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Singapore {SP}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} support move to Rangoon {RNG} from Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support move to Mandlah {MDH} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The fleet at Tampa hold.
The army at Utah {UTA} hold.
The army at Transvaal {TRN} move to Mozambique {MOZ}.
The army at Chicago {CHI} move to Nebraska {NEB}.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} move to Kansas {KAN}.
The army at Alberta {ALB} move to Yukon {YUK}.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} move to Cape Town {CTN} via convoy.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} support hold to Sargasso.
The army at Damaraland {DML} support hold to Botswana {BOT}.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} support hold to Oregon {ORG}.
The army at Botswana {BOT} support move to Mozambique {MOZ} from Transvaal {TRN}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Sargasso convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Okrana {OKN} move to Cameroon {CMN}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The army at Angola {AGL} support hold to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} support hold to Angola {AGL}.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} disband.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at North East Trades support move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} from Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Bengal {BEN}.
The fleet at Okinawa {OKI} move to Philippine.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Bismark.
The fleet at Kuril move to West Pacific.
The fleet at Sunda move to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} move to Timor.
The fleet at North Pacific move to Gulf of Alaska.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} move to North Pacific.
The fleet at Bismark move to Coral.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent support move to Coral from Bismark.
The fleet at Marshal Islands {MHL} support move to Bismark from Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support move to Borneo {BOR} from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support move to Gulf of Alaska from North Pacific.
The fleet at Bering Sea convoy to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} move to Coahula {COA}.
The army at Mazatlan {MAZ} move to Chihuahua {CHI}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama move to Panama {PAN} (South Coast).
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} move to Gulf of Mexico.
The army at Cuba {CUB} move to Haiti {HAI}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) move to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support move to Haiti {HAI} from Cuba {CUB}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} retreat to Calabozo {CLB}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} move to Prussia {PRS}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} move to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Metz {MET} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Finland {FIN} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Holland {HOL} support move to Kiel {KIE} from Berlin {BER}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support move to Baku {BKU} from Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support move to Denmark {DEN} from Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} support move to Paris {PAR} from Metz {MET}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Abyssinia {ABY}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} move to Hadramaut {HDR}.
The army at Baghdad {BAG} move to Nejaaz {NEJ}.
The army at Somalia {SOM} move to Abyssinia {ABY}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} support hold to Cairo {CAI}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} support hold to Aswan {ASW}.
Autumn, 1869
The army at Bosnia {BOS} hold.
The fleet at Sicily {SIC} hold.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Venice {VEN} move to Piedmont {PIE}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Crete {CRE}.
The army at Tripoli {TRP} move to Fezz {FZZ}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} move to Vienna {VIE}.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} move to Galicia {GLC}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The fleet at Constantinople {CON} move to Angora {ANG} (North Coast).
The army at Sofia {SOF} move to Baku {BKU} via convoy.
The army at Tunis {TUN} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} support move to Crete {CRE} from Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Black Sea convoy to Baku {BKU} from Sofia {SOF}.
Build army at Constantinople {CON}.
Build fleet at Croatia {CRT}.
The fleet at Brazil Current hold.
The fleet at Drake hold.
The fleet at Pacific Basin hold.
The army at Lima {LMA} hold.
The fleet at Recife {REC} hold.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} hold.
The army at Amazon {AMA} hold.
The fleet at Quito {QTO} hold.
The army at Bogota {BGT} hold.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} hold.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} hold.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Bombay {BOM} move to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Goodhope move to South Atlantic.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to Fiji {FIJ}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Aswan {ASW}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Victoria {VCT} move to Seattle {SEA}.
The fleet at Timor move to Irian Java {IJA}.
The army at Tiris {TIR} move to Taganet {TGN}.
The fleet at Coral move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Canary move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska move to North Pacific.
The fleet at Hudson move to North Passage.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea move to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Antarctic Indian move to South East Trades.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Sumatra {SUM}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} move to Seattle {SEA}.
The army at Washington DC {WDC} move to Ohio {OHI}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at South Atlantic move to Okrana {OKN}.
The army at Aden {ADE} support hold to Nejaaz {NEJ}.
The fleet at Norwegian Sea support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support hold to Delhi {DEL}.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Gulf of Manaar.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Mandlah {MDH}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support hold to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Valencia {VLC} support hold to Marseilles {MRS}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support hold to East Indian.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Irian Java {IJA} from Timor.
The fleet at East Indian support move to Sumatra {SUM} from South East Trades.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support move to Rajputana {RAJ} from Gujarat {GUJ}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Nantes {NAN} support move to Paris {PAR} from Bordeaux {BOR}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea support move to Okrana {OKN} from South Atlantic.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} support move to Taganet {TGN} from Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Baltic Sea.
The fleet at Skagerrak {SKG} support move to Denmark {DEN} from North Sea {NORTH}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} retreat to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} disband.
Build army at Vancouver {VNC}.
Build fleet at Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Manchuria {MNC} hold.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} hold.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at East China Sea move to South China Sea.
The army at Vladivostok {VLA} move to Kamchatka {KAM}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to East Indian.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Tabrize {TBR}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Bangkok {BNK} (West Coast).
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The army at Evenki {EVE} move to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} move to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} move to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} move to Yuthia {YUT}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} move to Delhi {DEL}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} move to Khiva {KHV}.
The army at Assam {ASM} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} move to Alaska {ALK} via convoy.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} support hold to Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Assam {ASM}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to Borneo {BOR} from Sarawak {SRW}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Kashgar {KSH}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} support move to Delhi {DEL} from Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Kashgar {KSH}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Assam {ASM}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Kashgar {KSH}.
Build army at Sinkiang {SNK}.
The army at Transvaal {TRN} hold.
The fleet at Tampa hold.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} hold.
The army at Botswana {BOT} hold.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} hold.
The army at Damaraland {DML} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The army at Tennessee {TNN} move to Chicago {CHI}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} move to Utah {UTA}.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} move to Alberta {ALB}.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} move to Cape Town {CTN} via convoy.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Sargasso convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
Build army at Austin {AUS}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Kirbati Sea hold.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} move to Tiris {TIR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} move to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Angola {AGL} support hold to Okrana {OKN}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} support hold to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Okrana {OKN} support hold to Angola {AGL}.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} support hold to Angola {AGL}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The army at Taganet {TGN} disband.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} hold.
The fleet at Cayenne {CYN} move to North East Trades.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to East Indian from Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} support move to North East Trades from Cayenne {CYN}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Bengal {BEN}.
Destroy the unit at Calabozo {CLB}.
Destroy the unit at Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Bismark.
The fleet at Kuril move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to Fiji {FIJ}.
The fleet at West Pacific move to Marshal Islands {MHL}.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} move to Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Bismark move to Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Sunda support hold to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at North Pacific support hold to West Bay {W.BAY}.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support hold to North Pacific.
The fleet at West Bay {W.BAY} support hold to North Pacific.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Irian Java {IJA} from Bismark.
The fleet at Bering Sea convoy to Alaska {ALK} from Kamchatka {KAM}.
Build fleet at Okinawa {OKI}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama hold.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} hold.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} move to Mazatlan {MAZ}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} move to Cuba {CUB}.
The army at Cuba {CUB} move to Haiti {HAI}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) move to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
Build army at Mexico City {MXC}.
The army at Bavaria {BAV} move to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Denmark {DEN} move to Norway {NOR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Silesia {SIL} move to Prussia {PRS}.
The army at Paris {PAR} move to Nantes {NAN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Holland {HOL} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support move to Baku {BKU} from Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support move to Norway {NOR} from Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} support move to Nantes {NAN} from Paris {PAR}.
The army at Finland {FIN} support move to Norway {NOR} from Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Paris {PAR} retreat to Metz {MET}.
The army at Denmark {DEN} disband.
Build fleet at Holland {HOL}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} hold.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Armenia {ARM} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} move to Somalia {SOM}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} support hold to Cairo {CAI}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} support hold to Aswan {ASW}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} disband.
Spring, 1869
The army at Venice {VEN} hold.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} hold.
The army at Marseilles {MRS} hold.
The fleet at Croatia {CRT} move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The fleet at Sevastopol {SEV} move to Black Sea.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Greece {GR} move to Aegean Sea {AEG}.
The army at Budapest {BUD} move to Galicia {GLC}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} move to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tubruq {TBQ}.
The fleet at Constantinople {CON} move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Sofia {SOF} move to Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} move to Sofia {SOF}.
The army at Tunis {TUN} support hold to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Tripoli {TRP} support move to Tubruq {TBQ} from Ionian Sea.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Sevastopol {SEV} from Galicia {GLC}.
The fleet at Sicily {SIC} support move to Ionian Sea from Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ} move to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Brazil Current move to Drake.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} move to North East Trades.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} move to Gulf of Panama.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Amazon {AMA} support hold to Lima {LMA}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Barcelone {BRC}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support move to Brazil Current from Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The fleet at Quito {QTO} support move to Pacific Basin from Chilean Basin.
The army at Aden {ADE} hold.
The army at Anchorage {ANC} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Washington DC {WDC} hold.
The fleet at Edinburgh {EDI} move to Norwegian Sea.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The fleet at Madagascar {MAD} move to Goodhope.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} move to South West Pacific.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} move to Rouen {ROU}.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Cairo {CAI} (East Coast).
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} move to New Guinea {NGU}.
The fleet at Ceylon {CEY} move to East Indian.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} move to Victoria {VCT}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Bengal {BEN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Tiris {TIR} move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Coral move to Fiji {FIJ}.
The army at Quebec {QBC} move to Nantes {NAN} via convoy.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} move to Baltic Sea.
The fleet at West Indian move to Antarctic Indian.
The army at Madras {MDS} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The fleet at Gulf of Lyon {LYON} move to Valencia {VLC}.
The army at El Jouf {ELJ} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at East Indian move to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} move to Finland {FIN} (North Coast).
The fleet at Goodhope move to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support hold to Timor.
The fleet at Timor support hold to South East Trades.
The fleet at Canary support hold to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska support hold to Anchorage {ANC}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Bombay {BOM} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific support move to South West Pacific from New Zealand {NZE}.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} support move to Hyderabad {HYD} from Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Arabian support move to East Indian from Ceylon {CEY}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} support move to Rajputana {RAJ} from Gujarat {GUJ}.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic support move to North East Trades from Sargasso.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support move to Andaman Islands {AMN} from East Indian.
The fleet at South East Trades support move to East Indian from Ceylon {CEY}.
The fleet at Bay of Biscay support move to Nantes {NAN} from Quebec {QBC}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support move to Finland {FIN} from Norway {NOR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Hudson convoy to Nantes {NAN} from Quebec {QBC}.
The fleet at North Atlantic convoy to Nantes {NAN} from Quebec {QBC}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} retreat to Skagerrak {SKG}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} disband.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Port Arthur {PA} move to Manchuria {MNC}.
The fleet at Shanghai {SHA} move to East China Sea.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} move to Vladivostok {VLA}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Delhi {DEL}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Evenki {EVE} move to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} move to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Lucknow {LCK}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} move to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} move to Khiva {KHV}.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Vladivostok {VLA} move to Kamchatka {KAM}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Assam {ASM} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} support move to Gulf of Siam from South China Sea.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support move to Karachi {KRC} from Kashgar {KSH}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Tehran {TEH}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Andaman Sea from Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support move to Lucknow {LCK} from Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Tennessee {TNN} hold.
The army at Botswana {BOT} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} hold.
The army at Cape Town {CTN} move to Transvaal {TRN}.
The fleet at New Orleans {NOL} move to Tampa.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Sargasso.
The fleet at Sargasso move to North East Trades.
The army at Austin {AUS} move to Oklahoma {OKL}.
The army at Damaraland {DML} support hold to Botswana {BOT}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} support move to Sargasso from Bahamas {BHA}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Mandingoes {MDO} move to Taganet {TGN}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} move to Sarawak {SRW}.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to Fiji {FIJ}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Cameroon {CMN} move to Okrana {OKN}.
The army at Angola {AGL} support hold to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The army at Rhodesia {RHO} support hold to Angola {AGL}.
The fleet at South West Pacific retreat to Kirbati Sea.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} move to East Indian.
The fleet at Cayenne {CYN} move to North East Trades.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} support move to North East Trades from Cayenne {CYN}.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} support move to East Indian from Sumatra {SUM}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} retreat to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Kuril move to Bering Sea.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} move to Kuril.
The fleet at Bismark move to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to West Pacific.
The fleet at Counter Current move to North Pacific.
The fleet at Philippine move to Bismark.
The fleet at North Pacific move to West Bay {W.BAY}.
The fleet at Sunda support hold to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support hold to Sunda.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Bismark from Philippine.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} support move to North Pacific from Counter Current.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama hold.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} hold.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} hold.
The army at Cuba {CUB} hold.
The fleet at Pacific Basin hold.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) hold.
The fleet at Pacific Basin disband.
The army at Holland {HOL} hold.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Bavaria {BAV}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support hold to Paris {PAR}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Silesia {SIL}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Paris {PAR} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Baltic Sea.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support move to Bavaria {BAV} from Berlin {BER}.
The army at Finland {FIN} support move to Sweden {SWE} from Baltic Sea.
The army at Nantes {NAN} disband.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Armenia {ARM} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} move to Cairo {CAI}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} support hold to Aswan {ASW}.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} support hold to Sudan {SUD}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} support move to Cairo {CAI} from Fezz {FZZ}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Armenia {ARM}.
Autumn, 1868
The army at Wallacia {WLC} hold.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} hold.
The army at Rumania {RMN} hold.
The fleet at Rome {ROM} (East Coast) move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Greece {GR}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} move to Budapest {BUD}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} move to Galicia {GLC}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tubruq {TBQ}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} move to Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Piedmont {PIE} move to Marseilles {MRS}.
The fleet at Sicily {SIC} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Tunis {TUN} support hold to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Tripoli {TRP} support move to Tubruq {TBQ} from Ionian Sea.
The army at Sofia {SOF} support move to Constantinople {CON} from Aegean Sea {AEG}.
Build army at Venice {VEN}.
Build fleet at Sevastopol {SEV}.
Build fleet at Croatia {CRT}.
The fleet at Drake move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Quito {QTO}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Galapagos {GLP}.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Recife {REC}.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to North East Trades.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Amazon {AMA} support hold to Barcelone {BRC}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Barcelone {BRC}.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to North East Trades.
Build fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Gujarat {GUJ} move to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Barrier move to Antarctic Pacific.
The army at Mandlah {MDH} move to Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel move to Madagascar {MAD}.
The fleet at Tasman move to New Zealand {NZE}.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Aden {ADE}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} move to Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at East Indian move to Ceylon {CEY}.
The army at Alaska {ALK} move to Anchorage {ANC}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Tiris {TIR} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} move to Canary.
The fleet at Victoria {VCT} move to Gulf of Alaska.
The army at Ontario {ONT} move to Quebec {QBC}.
The fleet at Chesapeake move to Hudson.
The fleet at South Atlantic move to Gulf of Guinea.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Madras {MDS} via convoy.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Gulf of Lyon {LYON}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to El Jouf {ELJ}.
The fleet at North East Monsoon move to East Indian.
The fleet at Canary move to Bay of Biscay.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to Nantes {NAN}.
The fleet at Goodhope move to Transvaal {TRN}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support hold to Timor.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at Washington DC {WDC} support hold to Tennessee {TNN}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at Bordeaux {BOR} support move to Nantes {NAN} from North Atlantic.
The fleet at Timor support move to Irian Java {IJA} from New Guinea {NGU}.
The fleet at Coral support move to New Zealand {NZE} from Tasman.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic support move to Gulf of Guinea from South Atlantic.
The fleet at West Indian support move to Madagascar {MAD} from Malagasy Channel.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support move to East Indian from North East Monsoon.
The fleet at Arabian convoy to Madras {MDS} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf convoy to Madras {MDS} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} retreat to South East Trades.
The army at Bengal {BEN} retreat to Lucknow {LCK}.
Build army at Aden {ADE}.
Build army at Bombay {BOM}.
Build fleet at Edinburgh {EDI}.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Kashgar {KSH}.
The fleet at Port Arthur {PA} move to Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Shanghai {SHA} move to Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Cambodia {CMB} move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Kasala {KSL} move to Bokhara {BKH}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Yuthia {YUT} move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} move to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The army at Yunnan {YUN} move to Assam {ASM}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} support hold to Vladivostok {VLA}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} support hold to Tehran {TEH}.
The fleet at South China Sea support hold to Philippine.
The army at Evenki {EVE} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Vladivostok {VLA} support hold to Irkutsk {IRK}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} support move to Kashmir {KAS} from Kashgar {KSH}.
The fleet at Celebes {CEL} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Tabrize {TBR} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support move to Bengal {BEN} from Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support move to Rangoon {RNG} from Yuthia {YUT}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support move to Bokhara {BKH} from Kasala {KSL}.
Build fleet at Cochin {CCH}.
The army at Tennessee {TNN} hold.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The fleet at Cayenne {CYN} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The fleet at Tampa move to Bahamas {BHA}.
The army at Cape Town {CTN} move to Botswana {BOT}.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} move to Cape Town {CTN} via convoy.
The army at Damaraland {DML} support move to Botswana {BOT} from Cape Town {CTN}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Sargasso convoy to Cape Town {CTN} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Cayenne {CYN} disband.
Build army at Cape Town {CTN}.
Build fleet at New Orleans {NOL}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} hold.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Middle Atlantic.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The army at Angola {AGL} support move to Rhodesia {RHO} from Congo {CNG}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Mandingoes {MDO} from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} retreat to South West Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea retreat to Cameroon {CMN}.
Build army at Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea hold.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} hold.
The fleet at Madagascar {MAD} hold.
The fleet at Transvaal {TRN} hold.
The army at Botswana {BOT} hold.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} hold.
The fleet at Andaman Islands {AMN} hold.
The fleet at North East Trades move to Cayenne {CYN}.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} support move to Cayenne {CYN} from North East Trades.
The army at Botswana {BOT} retreat to Mozambique {MOZ}.
The fleet at Madagascar {MAD} disband.
Destroy the unit at Andaman Sea.
Destroy the unit at Mozambique {MOZ}.
Destroy the unit at Transvaal {TRN}.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} hold.
The fleet at Kuril hold.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} hold.
The fleet at Bismark hold.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} hold.
The fleet at Sunda hold.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} hold.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} hold.
The fleet at Counter Current hold.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} hold.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} hold.
The fleet at Philippine hold.
The fleet at North Pacific hold.
The army at Okinawa {OKI} hold.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} disband.
Destroy the unit at Okinawa {OKI}.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} hold.
The fleet at South Pacific hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama hold.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} hold.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} hold.
The army at Cuba {CUB} hold.
The fleet at Pacific Basin hold.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) hold.
Destroy the unit at South Pacific.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} move to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Metz {MET} move to Paris {PAR}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} move to Finland {FIN}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Rouen {ROU} support hold to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Holland {HOL} support hold to Rouen {ROU}.
The army at Nantes {NAN} support move to Paris {PAR} from Metz {MET}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support move to Denmark {DEN} from Kiel {KIE}.
Build army at Berlin {BER}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} move to Fezz {FZZ}.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Aswan {ASW}.
The army at Nejaaz {NEJ} move to Aden {ADE}.
The army at Angora {ANG} move to Armenia {ARM}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} move to Sudan {SUD}.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (North Coast) support hold to Tubruq {TBQ}.
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} support move to Tripoli {TRP} from Fezz {FZZ}.
Destroy the unit at Tubruq {TBQ}.
Destroy the unit at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
Destroy the unit at Cairo {CAI}.
Spring, 1868
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The fleet at Venice {VEN} move to Rome {ROM} (East Coast).
The army at Croatia {CRT} move to Tripoli {TRP} via convoy.
The fleet at Greece {GR} move to Aegean Sea {AEG}.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} move to Sofia {SOF}.
The army at Serbia {SR} move to Bosnia {BOS}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} support hold to Galicia {GLC}.
The fleet at Sicily {SIC} support hold to Ionian Sea.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Tunis {TUN} support move to Tripoli {TRP} from Croatia {CRT}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Sofia {SOF} from Bosnia {BOS}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} convoy to Tripoli {TRP} from Croatia {CRT}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea convoy to Tripoli {TRP} from Croatia {CRT}.
The fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ} move to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Brazil Current move to Drake.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Galapagos {GLP}.
The army at Lima {LMA} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Amazon {AMA} support hold to Lima {LMA}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Calabozo {CLB}.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to Recife {REC}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support move to Brazil Current from Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The fleet at Victoria {VCT} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Washington DC {WDC} hold.
The army at Bombay {BOM} move to Gujarat {GUJ}.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to Barrier.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} move to Karachi {KRC}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to Tasman.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Syria {SYR} (South Coast).
The fleet at Maldives {MLD} move to East Indian.
The army at Nantes {NAN} move to Bordeaux {BOR}.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} move to Vancouver {VNC}.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Tiris {TIR} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Quebec {QBC} move to Ontario {ONT}.
The fleet at Hudson move to Chesapeake.
The fleet at Seychelles {SEY} move to West Indian.
The army at Baghdad {BAG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Fezz {FZZ}.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support hold to Timor.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} support hold to Ionian Sea.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The fleet at Canary support hold to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Goodhope support hold to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel support move to West Indian from Seychelles {SEY}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
The fleet at Arabian support move to Karachi {KRC} from Rajputana {RAJ}.
The fleet at Timor support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from South East Trades.
The fleet at Coral support move to Tasman from Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar support move to East Indian from Maldives {MLD}.
The fleet at North East Monsoon support move to East Indian from Maldives {MLD}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support move to Chesapeake from Hudson.
The fleet at South Atlantic convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} retreat to Mandlah {MDH}.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Tibet {TIB}.
The army at Chungking {CHK} move to Sinkiang {SNK}.
The fleet at Port Arthur {PA} move to Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Shanghai {SHA} move to Yellow Sea.
The fleet at Cambodia {CMB} move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Tashkent {TSH} move to Kasala {KSL}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Andaman Sea.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} move to Khiva {KHV}.
The army at Siam {SIA} move to Yuthia {YUT}.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} move to South China Sea.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Tabrize {TBR}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} move to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The army at Krasnoyarsk {KRA} move to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Tonkin {TNK} move to Yunnan {YUN}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} support hold to Vladivostok {VLA}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support hold to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Evenki {EVE} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Vladivostok {VLA} support hold to Irkutsk {IRK}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to Andaman Sea from Malaysia {MLS}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Omsk {OMS} support move to Orenburg {ORN} from Krasnoyarsk {KRA}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support move to Rajputana {RAJ} from Kashmir {KAS}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} retreat to Celebes {CEL}.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The fleet at New Orleans {NOL} move to Tampa.
The army at Chicago {CHI} move to Tennessee {TNN}.
The fleet at North East Trades move to Cayenne {CYN}.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} move to Damaraland {DML} via convoy.
The army at Tennessee {TNN} move to Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Cape Town {CTN} support move to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Sargasso convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} hold.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} hold.
The fleet at New Zealand {NZE} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Mandingoes {MDO}.
The army at Okrana {OKN} move to Angola {AGL}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Middle Atlantic.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The army at Congo {CNG} support move to Angola {AGL} from Okrana {OKN}.
The fleet at Madagascar {MAD} hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to East Indian.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} move to North East Trades.
The fleet at Transvaal {TRN} move to Cape Town {CTN}.
The army at Angola {AGL} move to Botswana {BOT}.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} move to Paramaribo {PRM} via convoy.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal move to Andaman Islands {AMN}.
The fleet at Sumatra {SUM} support move to East Indian from Andaman Sea.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} convoy to Paramaribo {PRM} from Calabozo {CLB}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} retreat to Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} hold.
The fleet at Kuril hold.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} hold.
The fleet at Bismark hold.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} hold.
The fleet at Sunda hold.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} hold.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} hold.
The fleet at Counter Current hold.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} hold.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} hold.
The fleet at Philippine hold.
The fleet at North Pacific hold.
The army at Okinawa {OKI} hold.
The army at Mexico City {MXC} hold.
The army at Cuba {CUB} hold.
The fleet at South Pacific move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama move to Galapagos {GLP}.
The fleet at Haiti {HAI} move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Galapagos {GLP}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) support hold to Western Carribean {W.CAR}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} support move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} from Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Paris {PAR} move to Nantes {NAN}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Holland {HOL} move to Rouen {ROU}.
The army at Stuttgart {STU} move to Metz {MET}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} move to Holland {HOL}.
The army at Livonia {LIV} move to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} hold.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Cairo {CAI} (North Coast).
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Nejaaz {NEJ}.
The army at Angora {ANG} move to Syria {SYR}.
The fleet at Constantinople {CON} move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} support hold to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} support move to Cairo {CAI} from Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} support move to Ionian Sea from Crete {CRE}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} retreat to Tubruq {TBQ}.
Autumn, 1867
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The fleet at Venice {VEN} move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Greece {GR} move to Aegean Sea {AEG}.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} move to Sofia {SOF}.
The army at Serbia {SR} move to Bosnia {BOS}.
The army at Tunis {TUN} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} support hold to Rumania {RMN}.
The army at Croatia {CRT} support move to Bosnia {BOS} from Serbia {SR}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Sofia {SOF} from Bosnia {BOS}.
The fleet at Sicily {SIC} support move to Ionian Sea from Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
Build fleet at Venice {VEN}.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The army at Mitu {MIT} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Gulf of Panama.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Drake.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to North East Trades.
The army at Amazon {AMA} support hold to Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to Recife {REC}.
The army at Lima {LMA} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Mitu {MIT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Mitu {MIT}.
Build fleet at Rio de Janeiro {RDJ}.
The fleet at Victoria {VCT} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Rajputana {RAJ} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Malagasy Channel.
The fleet at Drake move to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at South East Trades move to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Cairo {CAI} (East Coast).
The army at Quebec {QBC} move to Nantes {NAN} via convoy.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} move to Delhi {DEL}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} move to Lucknow {LCK}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} move to Coral.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} move to Middle Atlantic.
The army at Ontario {ONT} move to Quebec {QBC}.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} move to Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at Barrier move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Corsica {CRS} move to Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR}.
The army at Ohio {OHI} move to Washington DC {WDC}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The fleet at North East Monsoon move to West Indian.
The fleet at Persian Gulf move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at Antarctic Atlantic move to Goodhope.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support hold to Timor.
The fleet at Maldives {MLD} support hold to Arabian.
The army at British Columbia {BCL} support hold to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Alaska {ALK} support hold to British Columbia {BCL}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support hold to San Francisco {SFR}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at Arabian support move to Karachi {KRC} from Rajputana {RAJ}.
The fleet at Timor support move to Java {JVA} from South East Trades.
The army at Tiris {TIR} support move to Sierra Leone {SIE} from Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Cape Town {CTN} from Damaraland {DML}.
The fleet at Seychelles {SEY} support move to Malagasy Channel from Horn of Africa.
The army at Baghdad {BAG} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Persian Gulf.
The fleet at Canary support move to Middle Atlantic from Cape Verde Islands {VRD}.
The fleet at Hudson convoy to Nantes {NAN} from Quebec {QBC}.
The fleet at North Atlantic convoy to Nantes {NAN} from Quebec {QBC}.
Build army at Bombay {BOM}.
Build fleet at Perth {PRT}.
The army at Kirghiz {KIR} move to Tashkent {TSH}.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Kashgar {KSH}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The army at Cambodia {CMB} move to Siam {SIA}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Siam {SIA} move to Tonkin {TNK}.
The army at Kamchatka {KAM} move to Vladivostok {VLA}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} support hold to Krasnoyarsk {KRA}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Evenki {EVE} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support hold to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support hold to Malaysia {MLS}.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} support hold to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Tehran {TEH}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at Singapore {SP} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Gulf of Siam.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} support move to Gulf of Siam from South China Sea.
The army at Krasnoyarsk {KRA} support move to Tashkent {TSH} from Kirghiz {KIR}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Tehran {TEH}.
Build army at Chungking {CHK}.
Build army at Sinkiang {SNK}.
Build fleet at Cambodia {CMB}.
Build fleet at Shanghai {SHA}.
Build fleet at Port Arthur {PA}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} hold.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} hold.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The army at Tennessee {TNN} hold.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Sargasso.
The army at Damaraland {DML} move to Cape Town {CTN}.
The fleet at Sargasso move to North East Trades.
Build army at Chicago {CHI}.
Build fleet at New Orleans {NOL}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Cameroon {CMN} move to Okrana {OKN}.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to New Zealand {NZE}.
The army at Congo {CNG} move to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support hold to Monrovia {MNV}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea support move to Okrana {OKN} from Cameroon {CMN}.
Build army at Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel hold.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} hold.
The fleet at Java {JVA} hold.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea move to Rangoon {RNG}.
The fleet at East Indian move to Sumatra {SUM}.
The fleet at North East Trades move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The army at Angola {AGL} move to Rhodesia {RHO}.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar move to Bay of Bengal.
The fleet at West Indian support hold to Malagasy Channel.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} support move to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} from North East Trades.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel retreat to Madagascar {MAD}.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} retreat to Transvaal {TRN}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} disband.
Destroy the unit at West Indian.
The fleet at Kuril hold.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} hold.
The fleet at Bismark hold.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} hold.
The fleet at Sunda hold.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} hold.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} hold.
The fleet at Counter Current hold.
The fleet at Hawaii {HAW} hold.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} hold.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} hold.
The fleet at Philippine hold.
The fleet at North Pacific hold.
The army at Okinawa {OKI} hold.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} disband.
Build fleet at Kagoshima {KG}.
The army at Coahula {COA} move to Mexico City {MXC}.
The fleet at South Pacific move to Chilean Basin.
The army at Cuba {CUB} move to Bogota {BGT} via convoy.
The army at Bogota {BGT} move to Lima {LMA}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama support move to Lima {LMA} from Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} support move to North East Trades from Sargasso.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Pacific Basin support move to Lima {LMA} from Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) support move to Bogota {BGT} from Cuba {CUB}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} convoy to Bogota {BGT} from Cuba {CUB}.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} retreat to Haiti {HAI}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} disband.
The army at Moscow {MOS} move to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} move to Baku {BKU}.
The army at Livonia {LIV} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Silesia {SIL}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Stuttgart {STU} support hold to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support move to Moscow {MOS} from Livonia {LIV}.
Build army at Paris {PAR}.
The fleet at Black Sea move to Baku {BKU} (West Coast).
The army at Kasala {KSL} move to Tashkent {TSH}.
Destroy the unit at Kasala {KSL}.
Destroy the unit at Black Sea.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tunis {TUN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Aswan {ASW} move to Cairo {CAI}.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} move to Sofia {SOF} (South Coast).
The army at Sudan {SUD} move to Aswan {ASW}.
The army at Cairo {CAI} move to Syria {SYR}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} move to Sudan {SUD}.
The army at Angora {ANG} support move to Syria {SYR} from Cairo {CAI}.
The fleet at Constantinople {CON} support move to Sofia {SOF} from Aegean Sea {AEG}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} support move to Tunis {TUN} from Ionian Sea.
The fleet at Ionian Sea retreat to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
Destroy the unit at Aegean Sea {AEG}.
Spring, 1867
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The fleet at Venice {VEN} move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The army at Croatia {CRT} move to Venice {VEN}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Greece {GR}.
The fleet at Greece {GR} move to Bosnia {BOS} (East Coast).
The army at Bosnia {BOS} move to Sofia {SOF}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} move to Tubruq {TBQ}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Tunis {TUN} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} support hold to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} support hold to Rumania {RMN}.
The army at Sevastopol {SEV} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Serbia {SR} support move to Bosnia {BOS} from Greece {GR}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Sofia {SOF} from Bosnia {BOS}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea support move to Tubruq {TBQ} from Tripoli {TRP}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Ionian Sea retreat to Sicily {SIC}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} disband.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The army at Mitu {MIT} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Gulf of Panama.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Brazil Current.
The army at Amazon {AMA} support hold to Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to Recife {REC}.
The fleet at Brazil Current support move to Drake from Falkland Islands {FLK}.
The army at Lima {LMA} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Mitu {MIT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Mitu {MIT}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin retreat to Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} hold.
The army at Quebec {QBC} hold.
The army at Alaska {ALK} hold.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} hold.
The fleet at Victoria {VCT} hold.
The army at Ontario {ONT} hold.
The fleet at Corsica {CRS} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Oregon {ORG} hold.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} hold.
The army at Delhi {DEL} move to Rajputana {RAJ}.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} move to Horn of Africa.
The fleet at Falkland Islands {FLK} move to Drake.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to South East Trades.
The fleet at Bombay {BOM} move to Arabian.
The fleet at Arabian move to Maldives {MLD}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} move to British Columbia {BCL}.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to Hudson.
The army at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Antarctic Pacific move to Barrier.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Washington DC {WDC} move to Ohio {OHI}.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to North East Monsoon.
The fleet at Morocco {MRC} move to Canary.
The fleet at Canary move to North Atlantic.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} move to Antarctic Atlantic.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support hold to Timor.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Tiris {TIR} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} support hold to Equatorial CounterCurrent.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support hold to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Timor support move to South East Trades from Perth {PRT}.
The fleet at Seychelles {SEY} support move to North East Monsoon from Horn of Africa.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} support move to Arabian from Bombay {BOM}.
The fleet at Persian Gulf support move to Baghdad {BAG} from Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at South Atlantic convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} disband.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Kirghiz {KIR}.
The fleet at Hong Kong {HK} move to South China Sea.
The army at Chungking {CHK} move to Sinkiang {SNK}.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} move to Afganistan {AFG}.
The army at Kirghiz {KIR} move to Bokhara {BKH}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} move to Orenburg {ORN}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} move to Singapore {SP}.
The army at Yakutsk {YAK} move to Evenki {EVE}.
The army at Tehran {TEH} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The army at Evenki {EVE} move to Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} move to Kashmir {KAS}.
The army at Kashgar {KSH} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Vladivostok {VLA} move to Kamchatka {KAM}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Cambodia {CMB} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Siam {SIA} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} support move to Evenki {EVE} from Yakutsk {YAK}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} support move to Afganistan {AFG} from Bokhara {BKH}.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} support move to Gulf of Siam from South China Sea.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support move to Malaysia {MLS} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Krasnoyarsk {KRA} support move to Orenburg {ORN} from Omsk {OMS}.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The army at Atlanta {ATL} move to Damaraland {DML} via convoy.
The army at New Orleans {NOL} move to Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Alberta {ALB} move to Nebraska {NEB}.
The army at Chicago {CHI} move to Tennessee {TNN}.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} support hold to Sargasso.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The fleet at Sargasso convoy to Damaraland {DML} from Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Cameroon {CMN} via convoy.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to South West Pacific.
The army at Okrana {OKN} move to Congo {CNG}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support hold to Monrovia {MNV}.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} support hold to Sierra Leone {SIE}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea convoy to Cameroon {CMN} from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea hold.
The fleet at South East Trades hold.
The fleet at East Indian hold.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel hold.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} hold.
The fleet at Cape Town {CTN} hold.
The fleet at West Indian hold.
The fleet at Java {JVA} hold.
The fleet at North East Trades hold.
The army at Angola {AGL} hold.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar hold.
The fleet at South East Trades disband.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} disband.
The fleet at Bismark hold.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} hold.
The army at Okinawa {OKI} hold.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} move to Kuril.
The fleet at Sapporo {SAP} move to Edo {EDO}.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Luzon Sea {LUZON} move to Sunda.
The fleet at North Pacific move to Counter Current.
The fleet at West Pacific move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Sunda move to Java Sea {JAVA}.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Philippine.
The fleet at Westerlies move to North Pacific.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sunda.
The fleet at Sarawak {SRW} support move to Java Sea {JAVA} from Sunda.
The army at Coahula {COA} hold.
The army at Cuba {CUB} hold.
The fleet at South Pacific move to Chilean Basin.
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} move to Calabozo {CLB}.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support hold to Panama {PAN}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama support move to Pacific Basin from Galapagos {GLP}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} move to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} move to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Berlin {BER} support hold to Stuttgart {STU}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Stuttgart {STU} support hold to Berlin {BER}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support move to Moscow {MOS} from St Petersburg {STP}.
The fleet at Black Sea move to Georgia {GRG} (West Coast).
The army at Orenburg {ORN} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Black Sea.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Orenburg {ORN} retreat to Kasala {KSL}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Syria {SYR} move to Cairo {CAI}.
The army at Baku {BKU} move to Angora {ANG}.
The fleet at Constantinople {CON} move to Sofia {SOF} (South Coast).
The fleet at Tubruq {TBQ} move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Sudan {SUD} support hold to Abyssinia {ABY}.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} support hold to Sudan {SUD}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} support move to Cairo {CAI} from Syria {SYR}.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} support move to Ionian Sea from Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} support move to Sofia {SOF} from Constantinople {CON}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} support move to Tripoli {TRP} from Tubruq {TBQ}.
Autumn, 1866
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The army at Budapest {BUD} move to Galicia {GLC}.
The army at Galicia {GLC} move to Sevastopol {SEV}.
The fleet at Croatia {CRT} move to Adriatic Sea {ADR}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} move to Greece {GR}.
The army at Greece {GR} move to Bosnia {BOS}.
The fleet at Ionian Sea move to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Bosnia {BOS} move to Serbia {SR}.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} support hold to Rumania {RMN}.
The army at Tunis {TUN} support move to Tripoli {TRP} from Ionian Sea.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Sevastopol {SEV} from Galicia {GLC}.
Build army at Croatia {CRT}.
Build fleet at Venice {VEN}.
Do not use build order.
The army at Mitu {MIT} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Quito {QTO} move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to South Georgia Islands {SGR}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Brazil Current.
The army at Amazon {AMA} support hold to Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to North East Trades.
The army at Lima {LMA} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Mitu {MIT}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Mitu {MIT}.
The fleet at Chilean Basin support move to Pacific Basin from Quito {QTO}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} hold.
The army at Queensland {QUE} hold.
The army at Oregon {ORG} hold.
The army at Washington DC {WDC} hold.
The fleet at Red Sea {RED} move to Cairo {CAI} (East Coast).
The army at Ontario {ONT} move to Quebec {QBC}.
The army at Northwest Territories {NWT} move to Yukon {YUK}.
The fleet at Coral move to Timor.
The army at Morocco {MRC} move to Tiris {TIR}.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska move to Victoria {VCT}.
The army at Saskatchewan {SSK} move to Ontario {ONT}.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} move to North Atlantic.
The fleet at Middle Atlantic move to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Canary move to Middle Atlantic.
The fleet at North East Monsoon move to Seychelles {SEY}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Bangalore {BAN}.
The fleet at South West Pacific move to Antarctic Pacific.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} move to Corsica {CRS}.
The army at Tawarek {TWR} move to Fezz {FZZ}.
The fleet at Algeria {ALG} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at North Atlantic move to Canary.
The fleet at North Sea {NORTH} support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Arabian.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} support hold to Arabian.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} support move to Timor from Coral.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support move to Irian Java {IJA} from Bismark.
The army at Alaska {ALK} support move to Yukon {YUK} from Northwest Territories {NWT}.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support move to Middle Atlantic from Canary.
The army at Afganistan {AFG} support move to Khiva {KHV} from Bokhara {BKH}.
The fleet at Horn of Africa support move to Seychelles {SEY} from North East Monsoon.
The fleet at Persian Gulf support move to Bangalore {BAN} from Karachi {KRC}.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} support move to South Atlantic from Middle Atlantic.
Build army at Delhi {DEL}.
Build fleet at Falkland Islands {FLK}.
Build fleet at Aden {ADE}.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Hong Kong {HK} move to South China Sea.
The army at Kirghiz {KIR} move to Bokhara {BKH}.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Kirghiz {KIR}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} move to Khiva {KHV}.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Krasnoyarsk {KRA} move to Omsk {OMS}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam move to Malaysia {MLS}.
The army at Khiva {KHV} move to Tehran {TEH}.
The army at Assam {ASM} move to Tibet {TIB}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} move to Krasnoyarsk {KRA}.
The army at Tibet {TIB} move to Kashgar {KSH}.
The army at Manchuria {MNC} move to Vladivostok {VLA}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bengal {BEN}.
The army at Cambodia {CMB} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Yakutsk {YAK} support hold to Evenki {EVE}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Siam {SIA} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} support move to Gulf of Siam from South China Sea.
The army at Evenki {EVE} support move to Omsk {OMS} from Krasnoyarsk {KRA}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support move to Malaysia {MLS} from Gulf of Siam.
Build army at Chungking {CHK}.
Build army at Sinkiang {SNK}.
Build army at Irkutsk {IRK}.
Build fleet at Hong Kong {HK}.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at New Mexico {NME} hold.
The army at San Francisco {SFR} hold.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Eastern Seaboard {ESE}.
The fleet at Tampa move to Bahamas {BHA}.
The army at Tennessee {TNN} move to Atlanta {ATL}.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} move to New Orleans {NOL}.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} move to Chicago {CHI}.
The fleet at Sargasso support move to Middle Atlantic from Canary.
The army at Alberta {ALB} support move to Yukon {YUK} from Northwest Territories {NWT}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Borneo {BOR} hold.
The army at Monrovia {MNV} move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea move to Grain Coast {GCS}.
The army at Okrana {OKN} move to Angola {AGL}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support hold to Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} support hold to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
Build army at Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea hold.
The fleet at South East Trades hold.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} hold.
The fleet at East Indian hold.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel hold.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} hold.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} hold.
The fleet at South Atlantic hold.
The fleet at West Indian hold.
The fleet at Timor hold.
The fleet at North East Trades hold.
The army at Angola {AGL} hold.
The army at Calabozo {CLB} hold.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar hold.
The fleet at Maldives {MLD} hold.
The fleet at Timor retreat to Java {JVA}.
The fleet at South Atlantic retreat to Cape Town {CTN}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} retreat to Singapore {SP}.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} disband.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} disband.
Destroy the unit at Maldives {MLD}.
Destroy the unit at Singapore {SP}.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} hold.
The fleet at West Pacific hold.
The army at Okinawa {OKI} hold.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Bismark.
The fleet at Philippine move to Luzon Sea {LUZON}.
The fleet at Bismark move to Irian Java {IJA}.
The fleet at Mindanao {MND} move to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} move to Sarawak {SRW}.
The fleet at Luzon Sea {LUZON} move to Sunda.
The fleet at Kuril move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Westerlies move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at North Pacific support move to Hawaii {HAW} from West Pacific.
Build fleet at Sapporo {SAP}.
Build fleet at Edo {EDO}.
The army at Coahula {COA} hold.
The army at Merida {MER} hold.
The army at Cuba {CUB} hold.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Lima {LMA}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Eastern Carribean {E.CAR} move to Calabozo {CLB}.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama support move to Lima {LMA} from Pacific Basin.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support move to Lima {LMA} from Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Pacific Basin retreat to South Pacific.
Destroy the unit at Merida {MER}.
The army at Livonia {LIV} move to St Petersburg {STP}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} move to Perm {PRM}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Prussia {PRS}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support hold to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} support hold to Warsaw {WRS}.
The army at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Stuttgart {STU} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Holland {HOL}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} support move to Perm {PRM} from St Petersburg {STP}.
Build army at Berlin {BER}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} move to Orenburg {ORN}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Sevastopol {SEV} move to Georgia {GRG} (West Coast).
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Perm {PRM} support hold to Omsk {OMS}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Omsk {OMS} support move to Orenburg {ORN} from Georgia {GRG}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Sevastopol {SEV} retreat to Black Sea.
The army at Omsk {OMS} retreat to Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Perm {PRM} disband.
The army at Georgia {GRG} disband.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (North Coast) move to Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Aswan {ASW} move to Cairo {CAI}.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} move to Crete {CRE}.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} move to Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Angora {ANG} move to Syria {SYR}.
The fleet at Black Sea move to Constantinople {CON}.
The fleet at Bangalore {BAN} move to Baghdad {BAG}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} move to Ionian Sea.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Darfur {DAR} move to Abyssinia {ABY}.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} support move to Crete {CRE} from Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED}.
The army at Sofia {SOF} support move to Constantinople {CON} from Black Sea.
The army at Sudan {SUD} support move to Abyssinia {ABY} from Darfur {DAR}.
The army at Baku {BKU} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Orenburg {ORN}.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} support move to Cairo {CAI} from Aswan {ASW}.
The fleet at Tripoli {TRP} retreat to Tubruq {TBQ}.
Destroy the unit at Sofia {SOF}.
Destroy the unit at Baghdad {BAG}.
Destroy the unit at Georgia {GRG}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} hold.
The fleet at Counter Current move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The army at Yukon {YUK} retreat to British Columbia {BCL}.
Destroy the unit at Counter Current.
Destroy the unit at British Columbia {BCL}.
Spring, 1866
The army at Piedmont {PIE} hold.
The army at Venice {VEN} move to Budapest {BUD}.
The army at Budapest {BUD} move to Galicia {GLC}.
The fleet at Crete {CRE} move to Ionian Sea.
The army at Serbia {SR} move to Bosnia {BOS}.
The army at Sicily {SIC} move to Tunis {TUN} via convoy.
The army at Wallacia {WLC} support hold to Rumania {RMN}.
The fleet at Croatia {CRT} support move to Bosnia {BOS} from Serbia {SR}.
The fleet at Adriatic Sea {ADR} support move to Ionian Sea from Crete {CRE}.
The army at Greece {GR} support move to Bosnia {BOS} from Serbia {SR}.
The army at Rumania {RMN} support move to Bosnia {BOS} from Serbia {SR}.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea {TYR} convoy to Tunis {TUN} from Sicily {SIC}.
The army at Lima {LMA} move to Bogota {BGT}.
The army at Amazon {AMA} move to Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Chilean Basin move to Pacific Basin.
The fleet at Pacific Basin move to Gulf of Panama.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Brazil Current support hold to Recife {REC}.
The fleet at Recife {REC} support hold to Brazil Current.
The fleet at Pramaiba {PRA} support hold to Cayenne {CYN}.
The army at Barcelone {BRC} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Lima {LMA}.
The army at Mitu {MIT} support move to Bogota {BGT} from Lima {LMA}.
The fleet at Pacific Basin retreat to Quito {QTO}.
The army at Washington DC {WDC} hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam hold.
The fleet at Perth {PRT} move to South East Trades.
The fleet at London {LON} move to North Sea {NORTH}.
The fleet at Aden {ADE} move to Red Sea {RED}.
The fleet at Timor move to New Guinea {NGU}.
The army at Ruperts Land {RPT} move to Ontario {ONT}.
The army at Northwest Territories {NWT} move to Yukon {YUK}.
The army at Vancouver {VNC} move to Alaska {ALK}.
The army at Gibraltar {GB} move to Morocco {MRC}.
The fleet at Victoria {VCT} move to Gulf of Alaska.
The army at Saskatchewan {SSK} move to Northwest Territories {NWT}.
The fleet at Sargasso move to Middle Atlantic.
The army at Kashmir {KAS} move to Karachi {KRC}.
The army at Northern Territories {NTR} move to Queensland {QUE}.
The army at Karachi {KRC} move to Afganistan {AFG}.
The army at Morocco {MRC} move to Tawarek {TWR}.
The fleet at Horn of Africa move to Seychelles {SEY}.
The fleet at Oman {OMA} move to Persian Gulf.
The fleet at South Georgia Islands {SGR} move to South Atlantic.
The fleet at Bombay {BOM} support hold to Arabian.
The fleet at Arabian support hold to North East Monsoon.
The army at Lucknow {LCK} support hold to Hyderabad {HYD}.
The army at Hyderabad {HYD} support hold to Madras {MDS}.
The fleet at Fiji {FIJ} support hold to Coral.
The fleet at Denmark {DEN} support hold to Norway {NOR}.
The fleet at Madras {MDS} support hold to Arabian.
The fleet at South West Pacific support hold to Coral.
The fleet at Norway {NOR} support hold to Sweden {SWE}.
The fleet at Sweden {SWE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The fleet at Coral support move to New Guinea {NGU} from Timor.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands {VRD} support move to Middle Atlantic from Sargasso.
The fleet at Eastern Seaboard {ESE} support move to Sargasso from Bahamas {BHA}.
The fleet at Canary support move to Middle Atlantic from Sargasso.
The fleet at North East Monsoon support move to Seychelles {SEY} from Horn of Africa.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean {W.MED} support move to Tunis {TUN} from Sicily {SIC}.
The army at Oregon {ORG} support move to San Francisco {SFR} from Utah {UTA}.
The fleet at Algeria {ALG} support move to Tunis {TUN} from Sicily {SIC}.
The fleet at North Atlantic support move to North Sea {NORTH} from London {LON}.
The fleet at Gulf of Siam disband.
The army at Manchuria {MNC} hold.
The fleet at Hong Kong {HK} move to South China Sea.
The army at Sinkiang {SNK} move to Kirghiz {KIR}.
The army at Chungking {CHK} move to Sinkiang {SNK}.
The army at Kirghiz {KIR} move to Bokhara {BKH}.
The fleet at South China Sea move to Sunda.
The army at Mongolia {MON} move to Krasnoyarsk {KRA}.
The fleet at Cambodia {CMB} move to Gulf of Siam.
The army at Annam {ANN} move to Cambodia {CMB}.
The army at Vladivostok {VLA} move to Yakutsk {YAK}.
The army at Bokhara {BKH} move to Khiva {KHV}.
The army at Irkutsk {IRK} move to Evenki {EVE}.
The army at Burma {BRM} move to Assam {ASM}.
The army at Inner Mongolia {IMG} move to Irkutsk {IRK}.
The army at Yunnan {YUN} move to Tibet {TIB}.
The army at Rangoon {RNG} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The army at Bengal {BEN} support hold to Rangoon {RNG}.
The army at Siam {SIA} support hold to Bangkok {BNK}.
The fleet at Cochin {CCH} support move to Gulf of Siam from Cambodia {CMB}.
The army at Bangkok {BNK} support move to Malaysia {MLS} from Gulf of Siam.
The army at Austin {AUS} hold.
The army at Oklahoma {OKL} hold.
The army at Nebraska {NEB} hold.
The fleet at Atlanta {ATL} move to Bahamas {BHA}.
The fleet at New Orleans {NOL} move to Tampa.
The army at Chicago {CHI} move to Tennessee {TNN}.
The fleet at Bahamas {BHA} move to Sargasso.
The army at Utah {UTA} move to San Francisco {SFR}.
The army at New Mexico {NME} support move to San Francisco {SFR} from Utah {UTA}.
The army at Alberta {ALB} support move to Northwest Territories {NWT} from Yukon {YUK}.
The army at Society Islands {SCT} hold.
The fleet at Virgin Islands {VRG} hold.
The army at Okrana {OKN} hold.
The army at Grain Coast {GCS} move to Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at Celebes Sea {CELEBES} move to Borneo {BOR}.
The fleet at Equatorial CounterCurrent move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea support hold to Okrana {OKN}.
The army at Sierra Leone {SIE} support move to Monrovia {MNV} from Grain Coast {GCS}.
The fleet at Malaysia {MLS} hold.
The army at Abyssinia {ABY} hold.
The fleet at Maldives {MLD} hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Manaar move to East Indian.
The fleet at Cayenne {CYN} move to Paramaribo {PRM}.
The fleet at West Indian move to Seychelles {SEY}.
The fleet at Java {JVA} move to Timor.
The army at Angola {AGL} move to Okrana {OKN}.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal move to Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at Monrovia {MNV} move to Middle Atlantic.
(fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} support hold to Irian Java {IJA}.
(fail) (dislodged)
The army at Calabozo {CLB} support hold to Barcelone {BRC}.
The fleet at Java Sea {JAVA} support move to Timor from Java {JVA}.
The fleet at Andaman Sea support move to East Indian from Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at South East Trades support move to East Indian from Gulf of Manaar.
The fleet at Malagasy Channel support move to Seychelles {SEY} from West Indian.
The fleet at South Atlantic support move to Middle Atlantic from Monrovia {MNV}.
The fleet at North East Trades support move to Paramaribo {PRM} from Cayenne {CYN}.
The fleet at Irian Java {IJA} support move to Timor from Java {JVA}.
The fleet at New Guinea {NGU} disband.
The fleet at Monrovia {MNV} disband.
The army at Okinawa {OKI} hold.
The fleet at Kagoshima {KG} move to Izu Trench {IZU}.
The fleet at Edo {EDO} move to Kagoshima {KG}.
The fleet at Formosa {FM} move to Philippine.
The fleet at Izu Trench {IZU} move to Bismark.
The fleet at Mindanao {MND} move to Sunda.
The fleet at Anchorage {ANC} move to North Pacific.
The fleet at West Pacific move to Hawaii {HAW}.
The fleet at Bismark move to Celebes Sea {CELEBES}.
The fleet at Luzon {LUZ} move to Luzon Sea {LUZON}.
The fleet at Sea of Japan move to Kuril.
The fleet at Kuril move to Westerlies.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} hold.
The army at Cuba {CUB} hold.
The army at Mazatlan {MAZ} move to Coahula {COA}.
The fleet at Eastern Pacific move to Pacific Basin.
The army at Guatemala {GTM} move to Merida {MER}.
The fleet at Western Carribean {W.CAR} support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Panama {PAN} (North Coast) support hold to Bogota {BGT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama support move to Pacific Basin from Eastern Pacific.
The fleet at Galapagos {GLP} support move to Pacific Basin from Eastern Pacific.
The army at Bogota {BGT} support move to Barcelone {BRC} from Calabozo {CLB}.
The fleet at Paramaribo {PRM} retreat to Eastern Carribean {E.CAR}.
The army at Prussia {PRS} move to Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Livonia {LIV} move to Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Silesia {SIL} move to Bavaria {BAV}.
The army at Metz {MET} move to Stuttgart {STU}.
The army at Berlin {BER} move to Bavaria {BAV}.
The fleet at Baltic Sea support hold to Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT}.
The fleet at Gulf of Bothnia {GoBOT} support hold to Baltic Sea.
The army at Holland {HOL} support hold to Kiel {KIE}.
The army at Kiel {KIE} support hold to Denmark {DEN}.
The army at St Petersburg {STP} support move to Moscow {MOS} from Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Warsaw {WRS} support move to Moscow {MOS} from Livonia {LIV}.
The army at Moscow {MOS} move to Georgia {GRG}.
The fleet at Sevastopol {SEV} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Perm {PRM} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The army at Omsk {OMS} support move to Georgia {GRG} from Moscow {MOS}.
The fleet at Cairo {CAI} (North Coast) hold.
The army at Aswan {ASW} hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean {E.MED} hold.
The fleet at Aegean Sea {AEG} hold.
The army at Sofia {SOF} hold.
The army at Orenburg {ORN} hold.
The army at Sudan {SUD} hold.
The army at Angora {ANG} hold.
The army at Georgia {GRG} hold.
The army at Baku {BKU} hold.
The fleet at Black Sea hold.
The army at Fezz {FZZ} hold.
The fleet at Bangalore {BAN} hold.
The fleet at Tunis {TUN} hold.
The army at Darfur {DAR} hold.
The fleet at Tunis {TUN} retreat to Tripoli {TRP}.
The army at Georgia {GRG} disband.
The army at Yukon {YUK} hold.
The fleet at Counter Current move to Hawaii {HAW}.