Paused (3 hours, 59 minutes left on unpause)
4 hours /phase
Unrated - Spring, 2005, Diplomacy
0 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 3 turn(s)
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: JoeyCM (1000 D) (is playing too).

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Chat archive


13 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1999: (AlexBCypress): call me the goat cuz i'm loud and will eat things that aren't food
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: call me the goat cause i will scream loudly if anyone takes my supply centers
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: Quebec c'est fantastique!
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: L
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: ok gamers
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: more like quebec c'est fanta-STINKY (got 'em)
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: That's rich coming from fake Canada
13 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 2001: hola amigos le daré comida gratis a quien no me ataque
13 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 2001: why are you spanish
13 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 2001: I need that free food
13 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 2001: la causa es lata
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: This is a Quebecois server
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: heartland u goin down boy! im gettin freaky round here! #freakomanempire
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: bro is NOT the freakoman empire
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: bro is not oliver borries
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: and when everyone's the freakoman empire, no one will be
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: California necesita retroceder
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: yoinky sploinky
13 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 2002: hola soy lubina
13 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 2004: i had a good run o7