Finished: 10 PM Tue 13 Aug 24 UTC
test colonial
2 days /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1876, Finished
Colonial Diplomacy, Anon, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by shigad (1000 D)

< Return

Chat archive


11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Test message - let me know if you can see this
- Dragon
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Yes
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: yup
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Anyone played the map before?
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: What power is everyone hoping for?
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: nope, am hoping for a fun power and that's it lol
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: All these messages appear anonymous to me. Anyway I'm hoping for England, Russia, or Netherlands.
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: that's the point of the anonymous setting yeah !
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: I'm wanting to be a fleet gamer for sure
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Yay I got England
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Boo I got France
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Aghhhh playing britan is hard, I literally have to juggle 6 neighbors
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Sigh I got Holland
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: colonial britain on world maps has you deal with almost every country
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: Have you played on world maps? this is my first variant map.
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: the world maps are a boatload of fun but are naturally extremely unbalanced
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: my biggest knock of them is that as the number of players scales, you see an increase in NMRs which really is a bummer for maps that are as dynamic as the world ones (esp w colonial powers)
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: and so a britain NMR can sink their own game, multiple other people’s games, and give one person an insane advantage (USA kicking britain out of north america year 1/2 kind of early lets them solo CSA and kinda just steamroll)
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: wait are you talking about the map where each player has a different win condition?
11 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1870: i meant Imperial Diplomacy II
