Finished: 10 AM Sun 16 Jun 24 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 15 D - Autumn, 846, Finished
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Bochucl (1754 D)

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09 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 843: Wow, this is shockingly balanced!
09 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 843: Indeed! Solo distribution has a p-value of 0.93639.
10 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 843: I never thought a three player variant could be good.
15 Jun 24 UTC Good game!
15 Jun 24 UTC Well, this was a fun little game. Congrats, GG!
15 Jun 24 UTC Gg. Fun indeed