Finished: 05 PM Wed 05 Jun 24 UTC
Private GOAT CAMP 1
2 hours /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 908, Finished
Known World 901, Unranked
4 excused NMR / regain after 1 turn(s) / extend never
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: JoeyCM (1000 D) (is playing too).
You know who I am

Game drawn

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Chat archive


04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Kapperson): I think we should have rando countries. FWIW.
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Kapperson): (Folga Wooga Imoga Womp)
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JackOak): neet
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JoeyCM): You
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JoeyCM): Are
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JoeyCM): Not
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JoeyCM): My
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JoeyCM): MOM
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JonahOak): Kapperson, I swear to all of the whatever the heck that is, I have no idea what you're on about.
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Aengus Jones): bap
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JNJerpuff): :)
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (JackOak): who is dying first
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Nimmi ate Peter): lalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalal
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Aengus Jones): hello jackel
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Trevor and Trevetta): hiiiiiii
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Aengus Jones): >:)
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Trevor and Trevetta): potato
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: (Trevor and Trevetta): <(^_^)>
04 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 901: What kind of shoes do frogs wear?