Finished: 02 PM Sun 16 Jun UTC
South China Sea-3
1 day /phase
Unrated - Spring, 2010, Finished
South China Sea, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: Fake Al (1673 D).
South China Sea Variant Test.

Game drawn

< Return

Chat archive


10 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: (vlgambini): Hi Fake Al! I played in two test games of the first iteration of South China Sea. I've been wondering what happened to it ... and here it is! I'm looking forward to trying the new version.

BTW, last year China introduced a new, tenth dash in its line.
10 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: (TheSwissGuy): hi
10 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: Fake Al (Gamedirector): Welcome back! Be sure to check out the new rules. There are some big changes. Hopefully this version looks better than the last one!
10 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: Fake Al (Gamedirector): Welcome back! Be sure to check out the new rules. There are some big changes. Hopefully this version looks better than the last one!
12 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: For some reason, Fleet Manila is unable to move to Palawan Channel, even though there is a clear coastline there. Hope this gets patched.
12 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
12 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: Fake Al (Gamedirector): Check that it's fixed now
12 May 24 UTC Spring, 2000: GameMaster: Qu1nn has taken over Malaysia replacing "TheSwissGuy". Reconsider your alliances.
13 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: Thank you for softening the yellow type color in Chinese messages. Much improved!
13 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2000: Fake Al (Gamedirector): Of course anything else, please let me know.
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: How did Indonesia do that?
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: It looks like Indonesia discovered a bug in the map ... we need an intervention. :D
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: Erm, what? :(
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: What??? I wasn’t even trying to do that. Though I honestly forget if I entered that order weirdly or it was a bug in where the ship went.
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: OH
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: That’s extra weird
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: On my end it says the fleets in the Java Sea (where I wanted it)
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: So it’s only a map error that shows it in Tonkin. The connections and possible moves all have it still in the Java Sea.
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: So should we just proceed as if that fleet were in Java Sea?
16 May 24 UTC Autumn, 2001: @Fake Al - can you help?