Finished: 04 AM Fri 12 Apr 24 UTC
Private Elf Diplomacy
2 days, 2 hours /phase
Unrated - Spring, 5, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anon, Unranked
2 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend always
Game drawn

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03 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 1: first
03 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 1: fyi, there are two types of troops. Infantry and boats. Boats can ferry troops across water. The rest is pretty self explanitory
03 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 1: I am a fleet BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
03 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 1: Sir this is a wendy's
04 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 1: Friends, allies, and lovers. The humble people of Rome will move to Ven, Etruria and Tyrrhenean Sea. May you all have success in settling the barbarian territories and bringing enlightenment, peace, and advancement to the dark lands around you
04 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 1: Lovers, other lovers, enemy-to-lover, and other lovers: Rome will move to Vindobona, Massila, and Sicilia. May your armies move swiftly and unopposed!
04 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 1: I appreciated your openness. Carthage will be moving to Saguntum and Sar!
06 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 2: May I interest any of you in hegemony?
06 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 2: This certainly intrigues me
09 Apr 24 UTC Spring, 4: Praise Até.
10 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 4: GameMaster: Rome voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
10 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 4: Draw? Boooo. This complex combat is how everyone is gonna learn how shit works before we go into another game smh my mh
10 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 4: I'm kind of ok with stopping this one and starting one where Katton... err, Persia gets a chance to play properly. And I'm not just saying that because I'm afraid I'll get my ass kicked soon.
10 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 4: I'm fine with a do over with a fresh board and a new body added to the mix
10 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 4: I'm fine with a do over with a fresh board and a new body added to the mix
10 Apr 24 UTC Autumn, 4: I'm fine with a do over with a fresh board and a new body added to the mix
10 Apr 24 UTC kek
10 Apr 24 UTC Um… I might have jus hit the “draw” button to see what it did.
10 Apr 24 UTC (I saw y'all had drawn so I assumed you wanted to)