Finished: 07 PM Thu 08 Feb 24 UTC
Where are the nukes
2 days, 2 hours /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1967, Finished
Cold War, Public messaging only, Anon, WTA, Hidden draw votes
1 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Jean_Henri_BERNARD (1922 D)

< Return

Chat archive


19 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1960: Good Luck dear opponent
01 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1965: Sorry, I played slowly the last turns due to some lack of time. But it should be better now.
05 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1966: What a game..
06 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1966: That's funny because even though I have such an advantage in terms of points, I feel like your position is much better.
06 Feb 24 UTC Ah you again ;)
Thank you for the game.